NobodysHome |
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"Hate Guy"?
Do tell, we're listening!
Not much to tell. There was a homeless guy who stormed around campus and he could only say one word. I forget whether it was, "Hate," or "Rare," or something else, but he'd just walk around, yelling that one word every 15-20 minutes. So you'd be walking on campus, you'd hear him yell, and you'd know that one of your campus icons was up and roaming.
As I recall, there was actually a sizeable memorial service when he passed on. People loved him and his one-word wanderings.
EDIT: And if you're going to go to an inappropriate memorial service anyway...
EDIT 2: "Rare"! He always yelled, "Rare!"

NobodysHome |
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No matter how much things change, they always stay the same.
I always described my former manager's job as, "Protecting me from the stupid."
The training requests that came into our department were a prime example: The trainers took every student question from the quarter, plus every product change listed in the documentation, and presented that to us in a spreadsheet of "things we needed to add".
There was no thought, no nuance, no, "Is this really something that requires training?"
Just, "This was in the list of product changes so add it to a class."
We said, "No," to 90% of it.
My new manager has been working hard with training to help them understand why that's unreasonable. We just got our first request spreadsheet.
It's literally the exact same spreadsheet. With this quarter's product changes and customer questions added.

NobodysHome |
7 people marked this as a favorite. |

Sometimes a bittersweet life is OK...
As you probably recall, last year I was convinced our Cranky Calico was on her last legs and wouldn't make it through April. A few blood tests, a $2000 vet bill, and a daily dose of steroids later, and she was friskier than we'd seen her in years, and seemed happier than we could remember since the kids were toddlers.
At this point, the steroids seem to be losing their magic. She's lost another 10% of her body weight over the last couple of weeks, and what's coming out of her isn't remotely close to "normal".
But this afternoon she's out on the wooden deck, stretched like only a cat can stretch to absorb every inch of sunlight she possibly can, and she looks truly content and happy.
So if we're looking at the last few days, weeks, or months of her life, at least we know we gave her a good one. And that's a lot of comfort, whatever happens. (Considering I wrote her obituary last year and she's still around, she may well surprise me again.)

Limeylongears |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

No D&D tonight - we played 'Monster of the Week' instead, where you play members of a secret society of monster hunters. We were investigating Mysterious Happenings in small-town USA; my character was a middle-aged Hasidic student of kabbalah (who wore chainmail under his regular clothes); the other members of the party were an ultra-online conspiracy theory nut and a stroppy psychic Goth with a hunting rifle. We were not very good at our jobs.

captain yesterday |
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captain yesterday wrote:That's impossible, Captain Yesterday. You have a completely normal name.Congratulations to Impus Major on joining the "too cool for his real name" crowd!
As surprising as it sounds I've been known to collect my fair share of nicknames.
That is true, but I'm still too cool for it.
Very few people actually use my real name.
I've had various nicknames since I was a baby and learning to walk.

captain yesterday |
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NobodysHome wrote:Wait, I haven't. What happened? I'm glad you're all okay! Stay safe! But what happened?Freehold DM wrote:I am okay. Friends okay so far. Panicked but okay.Thanks. *Just* saw the news before coming here, so it was a welcome post.
Mass shooting in subway station in Brooklyn. That's all I know.

lisamarlene |
5 people marked this as a favorite. |

My Texas Naturalist course topic tonight was birds, both native and migratory, and human impact on bird populations.
The topic of canaries in coal mines came up. Which reminded me of a family story.
My great grandfather Lawrence was a coal miner in Pennsylvania. He had a canary, which he treated with more care and attention than he treated his daughters.
He and the bird both died in a mine cave-in.
Our family is known for its dark humor. We have our reasons.

Orthos |

Orthos wrote:Subway shooting in Brooklyn.NobodysHome wrote:Wait, I haven't. What happened? I'm glad you're all okay! Stay safe! But what happened?Freehold DM wrote:I am okay. Friends okay so far. Panicked but okay.Thanks. *Just* saw the news before coming here, so it was a welcome post.
Holy Hastur. Glad you're safe FH.

Vanykrye |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Tuesday last week: Get an email from a client that they'll need a virtual server set up for a phone project sometime next month.
Thursday last week: Found out that it needs to be a Debian Linux box. Our company doesn't work with Linux, but Sales asked me to keep entertaining the project rather than reject it outright.
Yesterday we finally were able to have a meeting with the vendor installing the new phone system. Turns out it's two VMs, not one. And they need them by end of day tomorrow, because the implementation is supposed to happen Monday.
Can I get it done? Probably, assuming all the paperwork gets signed and approved today, but I can't do anything until then.
The thing that pisses me off is the client had the implementation timeline but instead of saying "in two weeks" when they initially emailed us, they said "next month". And now I have less than 2 days.

Vanykrye |

Freehold DM |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Going to Milwaukee this weekend. This is CY's favorite town in all of Wisconsin!!
Going to go see Stick Men. One of my favorites.
Find a portillos in Wisconsin and have a kickass time. Eat and drink in my name. Bring captain yesterday along, somehow. Kidnap him from his job if you have to.

Freehold DM |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Sometimes a bittersweet life is OK...
As you probably recall, last year I was convinced our Cranky Calico was on her last legs and wouldn't make it through April. A few blood tests, a $2000 vet bill, and a daily dose of steroids later, and she was friskier than we'd seen her in years, and seemed happier than we could remember since the kids were toddlers.
At this point, the steroids seem to be losing their magic. She's lost another 10% of her body weight over the last couple of weeks, and what's coming out of her isn't remotely close to "normal".
But this afternoon she's out on the wooden deck, stretched like only a cat can stretch to absorb every inch of sunlight she possibly can, and she looks truly content and happy.
So if we're looking at the last few days, weeks, or months of her life, at least we know we gave her a good one. And that's a lot of comfort, whatever happens. (Considering I wrote her obituary last year and she's still around, she may well surprise me again.)
Cats know. Unless it is a surprise, they know.
I don't know her, but I miss her already.

captain yesterday |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Going to Milwaukee this weekend. This is CY's favorite town in all of Wisconsin!!
Going to go see Stick Men. One of my favorites.
I like Milwaukee, it's a corrupt cess pool in the same way that Chicago is but the fumes from all the distilleries helps cover it up.
Just don't park anywhere (you will get a ticket).
Janesville is my least favorite place in Wisconsin. No redeeming qualities whatsoever.

captain yesterday |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Vanykrye wrote:Find a portillos in Wisconsin and have a kickass time. Eat and drink in my name. Bring captain yesterday along, somehow. Kidnap him from his job if you have to.Going to Milwaukee this weekend. This is CY's favorite town in all of Wisconsin!!
Going to go see Stick Men. One of my favorites.
One just opened up by West Towne Mall (8 minute drive) a few months ago.

Vanykrye |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Vanykrye wrote:Going to Milwaukee this weekend. This is CY's favorite town in all of Wisconsin!!
Going to go see Stick Men. One of my favorites.
I like Milwaukee, it's a corrupt cess pool in the same way that Chicago is but the fumes from all the distilleries helps cover it up.
Just don't park anywhere (you will get a ticket).
Janesville is my least favorite place in Wisconsin. No redeeming qualities whatsoever.
Yeah, I'm aware of their parking fun.
I place Beloit a smidge lower than Janesville. Not by much though.

Freehold DM |

Freehold DM wrote:One just opened up by West Towne Mall (8 minute drive) a few months ago.Vanykrye wrote:Find a portillos in Wisconsin and have a kickass time. Eat and drink in my name. Bring captain yesterday along, somehow. Kidnap him from his job if you have to.Going to Milwaukee this weekend. This is CY's favorite town in all of Wisconsin!!
Going to go see Stick Men. One of my favorites.

Vanykrye |

captain yesterday wrote:DO EETFreehold DM wrote:One just opened up by West Towne Mall (8 minute drive) a few months ago.Vanykrye wrote:Find a portillos in Wisconsin and have a kickass time. Eat and drink in my name. Bring captain yesterday along, somehow. Kidnap him from his job if you have to.Going to Milwaukee this weekend. This is CY's favorite town in all of Wisconsin!!
Going to go see Stick Men. One of my favorites.
That's not reasonably close enough to where I'm going to be. CY is talking about something on the edge of Madison.
Edit: Milwaukee has better than Portillo's.

NobodysHome |

OK... that's... odd...
Glassdoor.com just recommended a job to me: A "Diagnostic Specialist" at the Toyota of Berkeley service center in Albany... paying $35-$40 an hour.
So, er, a job for which I'm grossly unqualified, for less than I'd make if I went back into teaching (which I'd much rather do).
Excuse me, Glassdoor? Your algorithms might need work.

NobodysHome |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Much as I give Global Megacorporation grief over our staggeringly incompetent middle management, our individual contributors are Da Bomb, and our corporate policymakers aren't bad.
Our CEO just sent a broadcast detailing what our employees have been doing for Ukraine, from Polish and German employees driving to the border and helping evacuate their fellow employees and their kids, to our Romanian employees, who seem to be all over the border helping people get out.
Followed up by a direct order from our CEO: "If you know of a colleague who needs assistance, let us know so we can get them out."
A cynic would point out that it's just a corporation protecting its interests by rescuing its own employees and their families.
But how many corporations (*cough* *cough*... *Amazon*... *cough* *cough*) would just look and say, "Oh, well! Plenty more workers where that came from! Why waste money trying to help the ones in trouble?"
And yeah, after last year's, "If you collect data about our customers without a legitimate business purpose, you're fired," meeting, I'm just feeling better about where I work.
Now if we could just replace our middle management...

Vanykrye |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Tuesday last week: Get an email from a client that they'll need a virtual server set up for a phone project sometime next month.
Thursday last week: Found out that it needs to be a Debian Linux box. Our company doesn't work with Linux, but Sales asked me to keep entertaining the project rather than reject it outright.
Yesterday we finally were able to have a meeting with the vendor installing the new phone system. Turns out it's two VMs, not one. And they need them by end of day tomorrow, because the implementation is supposed to happen Monday.
Can I get it done? Probably, assuming all the paperwork gets signed and approved today, but I can't do anything until then.
The thing that pisses me off is the client had the implementation timeline but instead of saying "in two weeks" when they initially emailed us, they said "next month". And now I have less than 2 days.
Still no sign off from the client. I'm down to a day if I'm going to do it at all.
Edit: B!$++ on the internet and get immediate gratification. 15 seconds after I hit submit the approval came through. But I still lost a day.

captain yesterday |

captain yesterday wrote:Vanykrye wrote:Going to Milwaukee this weekend. This is CY's favorite town in all of Wisconsin!!
Going to go see Stick Men. One of my favorites.
I like Milwaukee, it's a corrupt cess pool in the same way that Chicago is but the fumes from all the distilleries helps cover it up.
Just don't park anywhere (you will get a ticket).
Janesville is my least favorite place in Wisconsin. No redeeming qualities whatsoever.
Yeah, I'm aware of their parking fun.
I place Beloit a smidge lower than Janesville. Not by much though.
More meth and skinheads in Janesville these days.

lisamarlene |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

captain yesterday wrote:Vanykrye wrote:Going to Milwaukee this weekend. This is CY's favorite town in all of Wisconsin!!
Going to go see Stick Men. One of my favorites.
I like Milwaukee, it's a corrupt cess pool in the same way that Chicago is but the fumes from all the distilleries helps cover it up.
Just don't park anywhere (you will get a ticket).
Janesville is my least favorite place in Wisconsin. No redeeming qualities whatsoever.
Yeah, I'm aware of their parking fun.
I place Beloit a smidge lower than Janesville. Not by much though.
I'm willing to put money on Minocqua being worse.

captain yesterday |

Vanykrye wrote:captain yesterday wrote:Vanykrye wrote:Going to Milwaukee this weekend. This is CY's favorite town in all of Wisconsin!!
Going to go see Stick Men. One of my favorites.
I like Milwaukee, it's a corrupt cess pool in the same way that Chicago is but the fumes from all the distilleries helps cover it up.
Just don't park anywhere (you will get a ticket).
Janesville is my least favorite place in Wisconsin. No redeeming qualities whatsoever.
Yeah, I'm aware of their parking fun.
I place Beloit a smidge lower than Janesville. Not by much though.
I'm willing to put money on Minocqua being worse.
That is most likely correct.
Though I have little memory of it the few times we drove through or past.

gran rey de los mono |
Me: "Doc, I need help. I can't sleep at night. Every time I close my eyes, I see visions of donkeys playing football."
Doctor: "Hmmm...You should probably see a specialist, but in the meantime, here's a prescription for sleeping pills. Start taking them tonight."
Me: "Thanks, Doc. But is it okay if I start tomorrow night?"
Doctor: "Sure, but why?"
Me: "Oh, tonight's the championship game and I got $1,000 riding on it."

gran rey de los mono |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
Problem Solving
Fact: It would be beneficial for my kiddos to have practice passages for their proofreading skills.
Fact: I will need a ready supply of page-ish long passages for this.Solution: I guess I have to write a lot of badly-written passages.
Better solution: googles recipe blogs
You could probably also use various fanfics.

NobodysHome |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

It's funny listening to other people's relatives complain about their weather, then listening to Bay Area residents complain.
Shiro's Relatives: In a single week, we had snow, then a tornado, then an 85°F heat wave!
Bay Area Resident: I can't believe how bad the weather is! Last week it was 75°F, and this week it's 55°F with 0.2" of rain! The weather around here is crazy.
To be fair, it also leads to people from outside the state assuming that we have no idea what weather is like at all. I spent 2 weeks a year in a remote cabin in the Sierras in the winter. The Sierras get the most snowfall in the continental U.S. One time we got 7 feet in 36 hours. Yet our GM (a Michigan native) trying to describe the in-game cold and snow constantly says, "Well, you Californians wouldn't know anything about this, but for those of you from snow country, think..."

Drejk |

Scintillae wrote:You could probably also use various fanfics.Problem Solving
Fact: It would be beneficial for my kiddos to have practice passages for their proofreading skills.
Fact: I will need a ready supply of page-ish long passages for this.Solution: I guess I have to write a lot of badly-written passages.
Better solution: googles recipe blogs
Wouldn't that verge on child abuse, though?

Scintillae |
5 people marked this as a favorite. |

Scintillae wrote:You could probably also use various fanfics.Problem Solving
Fact: It would be beneficial for my kiddos to have practice passages for their proofreading skills.
Fact: I will need a ready supply of page-ish long passages for this.Solution: I guess I have to write a lot of badly-written passages.
Better solution: googles recipe blogs
The day I hand out a worksheet with the phrase "stared into Sonic's eyes" is the day I get politely but firmly asked to stop teaching.

Freehold DM |

Vanykrye wrote:More meth and skinheads in Janesville these days.captain yesterday wrote:Vanykrye wrote:Going to Milwaukee this weekend. This is CY's favorite town in all of Wisconsin!!
Going to go see Stick Men. One of my favorites.
I like Milwaukee, it's a corrupt cess pool in the same way that Chicago is but the fumes from all the distilleries helps cover it up.
Just don't park anywhere (you will get a ticket).
Janesville is my least favorite place in Wisconsin. No redeeming qualities whatsoever.
Yeah, I'm aware of their parking fun.
I place Beloit a smidge lower than Janesville. Not by much though.
loads shotgun

Freehold DM |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Vanykrye wrote:captain yesterday wrote:Vanykrye wrote:Going to Milwaukee this weekend. This is CY's favorite town in all of Wisconsin!!
Going to go see Stick Men. One of my favorites.
I like Milwaukee, it's a corrupt cess pool in the same way that Chicago is but the fumes from all the distilleries helps cover it up.
Just don't park anywhere (you will get a ticket).
Janesville is my least favorite place in Wisconsin. No redeeming qualities whatsoever.
Yeah, I'm aware of their parking fun.
I place Beloit a smidge lower than Janesville. Not by much though.
I'm willing to put money on Minocqua being worse.
loads other shotgun