Drejk |
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Fantasy Monster: Clockwork Lullaby
I really could use it myself.

Freehold DM |
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Fantasy Monster: Clockwork Lullaby
I really could use it myself.
"this page does not exist"
goes insane

NobodysHome |
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And my neverending battle continues.
Chase credit card services used to send me emails with direct links to their sign-in page disguised as buttons. This is in the Top Three of bad security practices for any company: NEVER send direct links to users, because you will get users accustomed to clicking those links and trusting the sites, making phishing attacks oh-so-much easier.
I dutifully reported every such email to Chase's fraud department. After a few months, the Chase emails I get now provide navigation instructions. "Sign in to your Chase account and then do xxx."
This morning I received an email for my corporate American Express card. "Click this link to confirm you received the card." Even worse, clicking the link brought you to a relatively empty page that said, "Enter your credit card number, security code, and expiration date here."
Nothing else.
I dutifully reported it to American Express' fraud department.
Phishing wouldn't be nearly as bad of a problem if major corporations weren't stupid enough to persist the idea of clicking links in emails.
Favorite personal story: An older friend who's a realtor asked me for help because his computer was now so slow he couldn't use it. A basic virus scan found seventeen distinct viruses on his hard drive. I ordered him not to click on links in emails. His response? "I can't do that! Every company does business by sending links!"
I responded that in that case, I'd clear the viruses this once, but he should never bother me again.
So 6 months later he had to buy himself a new laptop because the old one was once again too slow to use...

Tacticslion |

gran rey de los nekkid wrote:TIGER AND BUNNY ROOM PARTY WOOOOOOOOOOOWait...Netflix just put out another season of Tiger & Bunny? Guess I'll have to rewatch the first season and then the new one.
I could watch it nekkid.
Huzzah, you found it! And you, too, gran!
It's the miracle I never expected!

Tacticslion |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Mowing Guy (notices me smiling): What are you so happy about?
Me (smiling ear to ear): It's the first day back!
Mowing Guy: What are you working on?
Me: No idea, I'm just happy to be working again!
Mowing Guy: Well, don't let the boss see you like that otherwise he'll expect everyone to!
I read this as you and "meowing guy" multiple times until I finally got that it was "mowing" - I'm good at reading.
(I'm not, though, especially since December. XD)

Tacticslion |

Tacticslion wrote:A little nuts?Drejk wrote:All play and no work makes cap go a little nuts.captain yesterday wrote:Yay! Back to work!!Weirder words were said on FAWTLY.
Not often, mind you, but still weirder...
I'm famous for my subtlety, short-words, and under-selling.
... wait-

Tacticslion |

Freehold DM wrote:gran rey de los nekkid wrote:TIGER AND BUNNY ROOM PARTY WOOOOOOOOOOOWait...Netflix just put out another season of Tiger & Bunny? Guess I'll have to rewatch the first season and then the new one.
I could watch it nekkid.
Huzzah, you found it! And you, too, gran!
It's the miracle I never expected!
Also looks like they have the official branding on, now?

NobodysHome |
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Being somewhat obsessive-compulsive has its rewards.
We just finished John Oliver's segment on data brokers, and even though it wasn't particularly newsworthy to me (I use Firefox with NoScript for virtually all of my web browsing because of stuff like this), I realized that I could use my own personal psychosis to help a teensy little bit.
Every Google Search or site visit I now do is a twofer: In random order, I do the actual search, and a search on complete nonsense. Just to fuzz the data a bit.
Today I clicked on a few ads for tasteful summer dresses, then searched for "incontinence" and went to the Mayo clinic web site on same. Tomorrow apparently I'm looking up "axolotl wrangling" because GothBard.
Soon I will be the Most Interesting Man In The World.

Drejk |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Being somewhat obsessive-compulsive has its rewards.
We just finished John Oliver's segment on data brokers, and even though it wasn't particularly newsworthy to me (I use Firefox with NoScript for virtually all of my web browsing because of stuff like this), I realized that I could use my own personal psychosis to help a teensy little bit.
Every Google Search or site visit I now do is a twofer: In random order, I do the actual search, and a search on complete nonsense. Just to fuzz the data a bit.
Today I clicked on a few ads for tasteful summer dresses, then searched for "incontinence" and went to the Mayo clinic web site on same. Tomorrow apparently I'm looking up "axolotl wrangling" because GothBard.
Soon I will be the Most Interesting Man In The World.
That, or you'll end on the FBI watchlist.
Or both.

captain yesterday |
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captain yesterday wrote:Yay! Back to work!!How's the earth tooth wrangling gone today?
Building a driveway emblem today and tomorrow.
So no tooth wrangling.
I did pick up my special request 3 foot long drill bit. So that was pretty exciting!
Now I'm doing taxes, which is not exciting.

captain yesterday |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Being somewhat obsessive-compulsive has its rewards.
We just finished John Oliver's segment on data brokers, and even though it wasn't particularly newsworthy to me (I use Firefox with NoScript for virtually all of my web browsing because of stuff like this), I realized that I could use my own personal psychosis to help a teensy little bit.
Every Google Search or site visit I now do is a twofer: In random order, I do the actual search, and a search on complete nonsense. Just to fuzz the data a bit.
Today I clicked on a few ads for tasteful summer dresses, then searched for "incontinence" and went to the Mayo clinic web site on same. Tomorrow apparently I'm looking up "axolotl wrangling" because GothBard.
Soon I will be the Most Interesting Man In The World.
I internet search like that by default.

lisamarlene |
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The times you find your humor is too nerdy for your gaming group...
In yesterday's session, Peri, my PC, was temporarily hallucinating and trying to kill her party members because she biffed a Will save against some dank magic, and when I finally snapped out of it, the first thing I said was, "Radu! Lupi! Would you like some espresso?"
Am I the last person on the planet who adores this stupid, stupid movie?

gran rey de los mono |
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The times you find your humor is too nerdy for your gaming group...
In yesterday's session, Peri, my PC, was temporarily hallucinating and trying to kill her party members because she biffed a Will save against some dank magic, and when I finally snapped out of it, the first thing I said was, "Radu! Lupi! Would you like some espresso?"
Am I the last person on the planet who adores this stupid, stupid movie?
I've heard of it, probably saw some bits and pieces on Comedy Central *mumble mumble* years ago, but I can't say I'm familiar with it.

gran rey de los mono |
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F$+~ing lying a$@@&!#s. I was away from the desk for literally 3 minutes (I know, I checked the clock as I stepped away and again as I got back) to take a piss, and when I returned there was a guy standing there, yelling that he had been "waiting 20 g%+ d$@ned minutes for someone to check me in to this piece of s$@@ hotel!". This is yet one more reason why customer service jobs suck.

gran rey de los mono |
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Don't suppose there is security footage to CYA? Or is that kind of complaint the norm rather than an exception?
Nothing going to happen because of it. If he does complain, I would say it's 95% likely that I won't ever find out. And if a manager does mention it, I'll tell them what really happened, they'll say "Okay", and that will be it. This sort of thing happens far too often for them to really care. It's just really annoying.

lisamarlene |
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I was informed in a meeting yesterday that I'm being put on the Accreditation Committee for next year.
Because our school is over fifty years old, and has a great reputation locally, but no one ever cared about accreditation until the founders retired and my boss got hired as the director.
Her deputy said, "We just think you'll be great at that!"
What I said: "Well that's a kind euphemism for 'You have the kind of brain that is fascinated by the minutiae of beurocracy'."
What I didn't say: "Well that's a kind euphemism for 'We know you're the kind of person who will roll up their sleeves and take on hours of unpaid overtime without complaining'."

Scintillae |
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My seniors came into homeroom today with bags of snacks.
"...what's this for?"
"It's [college English teacher]'s birthday."
"...does she know that you're throwing a party?"
"Well, we said it as a joke, so maybe not."
"She might know!"
"....this is the microwave all over again, isn't it?"
"Yes! Praise Jeff!"
I'm gonna miss them.