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Yes judging by the description moon scar is it. Also the level range is right. She was saying we would have to get a few more levels before we could do the moon demon one. I want to do both iron gods and runelords too. At some point I'm sure we will.

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Iron Gods doesn't really appeal to me. I don't like mixing high-tech with high-fantasy. I don't even like adding firearms to the game. Cannons as siege weapons or ship-born weapons I can kind of handle, but I don't like personal firearms in game. I also don't care for the rules for firearms, but mostly it's an aesthetic choice.

And I say this as someone who was convinced to play a gunslinger in Serpent's Skull because my sorcerer/cleric had died and several of the people in the group were curious as to how well the gunslinger worked. I ran that character for the rest of the AP (I think he came in around level 7 or 8), but didn't really enjoy it.

I don't care for the rules for firearms that much myself. It's the whole touch ac thing that bugs me.

I would also like to play Kingmaker. It was the first AP I played, it was actually when our group switched from 3.5 to Pathfinder. We didn't get very far, though. I think we were in the earlier part of the 2nd book, and the game fell apart due to reasons. The group almost broke up, in fact. A couple of us stuck together, picked up another 2 guys, and most of the others trickled back in over the next few months. One guy never came back, but we didn't really want him back, so that was okay.

Vidmaster7 wrote:
I don't care for the rules for firearms that much myself. It's the whole touch ac thing that bugs me.

That's definitely part of it.

I've been interested in kingmaker too. don't know when or if we will ever get around to that one.

I've strongly considered Kingmaker but I didn't really like the trailer (I don't like the angle you play the game at) and I'm afraid it will just be like Neverwinter (not to be confused with NWN) which I absolutely hated.

I meant the module but I did in fact download and try kingmaker but it played problematically on my laptop. Crashed to often so I more or less give up on it. I think If I upgrade to a new PC I will reinstall it and give it a honest run.

What little I played reminded of of the Baldurs gate games.

Either we're starting a new job today or I'm going back to do some paver cleaning and organizing the trailer, which is all my mess this time.

Scarab Sages

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NobodysHome wrote:

Anyone looking for a million-dollar home?

EDIT: For you furriners out there, that's 130 square meters. It would be a huge apartment. But a million-dollar home? I kind of want to visit it just to see how teensy the rooms are to call it 3 bedroom, 3 bath. That's gotta be a stretch...

Its been renovated real nice.

MrT and my home is 130 square meters, and we have 3 bedrooms, one bathroom (shower, bath), and 2 separate toilets.

It's all location location location.

captain yesterday wrote:
I've strongly considered Kingmaker but I didn't really like the trailer (I don't like the angle you play the game at) and I'm afraid it will just be like Neverwinter (not to be confused with NWN) which I absolutely hated.

I'm referring to the Adventure Path, not the video game.

Did you know, that for the low, low price of 5 silver (and 10 lbs of encumbrance) your Pathfinder character can have a croquet set? I was fooling around with making a character to possibly use in the next campaign (whatever it may be), and bought one for him. I also bought him a prosthetic hand for 1 gold. He still has both of his hands, but found a false one out in the woods. Also a 2-inch ball, which I have put a note on stating that it is a hacky sack.

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I got banned from a national park because I arranged all the squirrels by height. Apparently, the park rangers didn't appreciate all my critter sizing.

I got a new job as the head of Old McDonald Farms Inc. I'm gonna be the CEIEIO.

Fortnite is marvel themed with the new season.

It looks like fun, though I doubt I'll play it as I've been playing Fallout Fortnite.

The marvel thing is tempting... I played it when it came out and I wasn't impressed... I may look into what the marvel theme really means though...

4 people marked this as a favorite.
gran rey de los mono wrote:
I got a new job as the head of Old McDonald Farms Inc. I'm gonna be the CEIEIO.

You hear about the guy that got hit by a rental car? He said it Hertz!

Vidmaster7 wrote:

The marvel thing is tempting... I played it when it came out and I wasn't impressed... I may look into what the marvel theme really means though...

Save the World is fun, in a comically grindy sort of way, but the battle royale portion can get kind of old, though I do love the hilarious chaos that team rumble brings.

I like it because it doesn't take itself seriously, there is a lot of humor buried in there, especially Save the World.

I only ever played the battle Royale. I may look into it.

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Only if it's on sale, otherwise it's probably not worth it.

But if you do let me know I'll grind out some areas with you and I can totally Hook you up with all the cool weapons, like the Tiny Instrument O' Death.

gran rey de los mono wrote:

Iron Gods doesn't really appeal to me. I don't like mixing high-tech with high-fantasy. I don't even like adding firearms to the game. Cannons as siege weapons or ship-born weapons I can kind of handle, but I don't like personal firearms in game. I also don't care for the rules for firearms, but mostly it's an aesthetic choice.

And I say this as someone who was convinced to play a gunslinger in Serpent's Skull because my sorcerer/cleric had died and several of the people in the group were curious as to how well the gunslinger worked. I ran that character for the rest of the AP (I think he came in around level 7 or 8), but didn't really enjoy it.

no non archetype/prestige ninjas, samurai, assassins, or modern firearms for me due to poor experiences in the past. No problem with touch AC flintlock or older, get ready to kill guy and get slaughtered in turn trying to reload(although carrying multiple firearms is acceptable), not a fan of a class based around it.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

So, pissed off time, and not gonna spoiler.

Our friend is diabetic and had heart surgery as a teenager. She's on the "A list" for avoiding COVID-19. But she runs a store.

Today she got her first anti-masker, running amok in the store, mask-free, talking about her Constitutional rights and saying that the people in the store had no right to throw her out.

Exposing my friend to a potential death sentence.

I'll just stop there, because I'm angry enough to say many untoward things.

(For the record, my friend keeps an N95 mask on at all times precisely because she is so high-risk, so she'll almost certainly be fine, but the f*****g nerve of some people...)

bodily tackle the person, grapple them, and throw them out.

Oh, it got even worse:

For Taste:
After they managed to throw her out, she stood on the street corner outside screaming that she'd been thrown out of the store for being a lesbian. Around here that can be a death sentence for a store. Seriously messed-up woman.

Freehold DM wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:

Iron Gods doesn't really appeal to me. I don't like mixing high-tech with high-fantasy. I don't even like adding firearms to the game. Cannons as siege weapons or ship-born weapons I can kind of handle, but I don't like personal firearms in game. I also don't care for the rules for firearms, but mostly it's an aesthetic choice.

And I say this as someone who was convinced to play a gunslinger in Serpent's Skull because my sorcerer/cleric had died and several of the people in the group were curious as to how well the gunslinger worked. I ran that character for the rest of the AP (I think he came in around level 7 or 8), but didn't really enjoy it.

no non archetype/prestige ninjas, samurai, assassins, or modern firearms for me due to poor experiences in the past. No problem with touch AC flintlock or older, get ready to kill guy and get slaughtered in turn trying to reload(although carrying multiple firearms is acceptable), not a fan of a class based around it.

I used the musket, but with the Musketeer archetype it's pretty easy to be able to make full attacks with it. Which is ridiculous. Apparently the Pistolero could get crazier. Don't know if either were changed to tame them down.

7 people marked this as a favorite.

gets into classroom early for first day back with kids
starts playing upbeat music to be heard in the hall
every single song is Cold War-era pop/rock about the world ending

How long till someone notices, you think?

7 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

So, pissed off time, and not gonna spoiler.

Our friend is diabetic and had heart surgery as a teenager. She's on the "A list" for avoiding COVID-19. But she runs a store.

Today she got her first anti-masker, running amok in the store, mask-free, talking about her Constitutional rights and saying that the people in the store had no right to throw her out.

Exposing my friend to a potential death sentence.

I'll just stop there, because I'm angry enough to say many untoward things.

(For the record, my friend keeps an N95 mask on at all times precisely because she is so high-risk, so she'll almost certainly be fine, but the f*****g nerve of some people...)

bodily tackle the person, grapple them, and throw them out.

Oh, it got even worse:

** spoiler omitted **

These are the moments when I want to believe in karma. Stupid c**t.

gran rey de los mono wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:

Iron Gods doesn't really appeal to me. I don't like mixing high-tech with high-fantasy. I don't even like adding firearms to the game. Cannons as siege weapons or ship-born weapons I can kind of handle, but I don't like personal firearms in game. I also don't care for the rules for firearms, but mostly it's an aesthetic choice.

And I say this as someone who was convinced to play a gunslinger in Serpent's Skull because my sorcerer/cleric had died and several of the people in the group were curious as to how well the gunslinger worked. I ran that character for the rest of the AP (I think he came in around level 7 or 8), but didn't really enjoy it.

no non archetype/prestige ninjas, samurai, assassins, or modern firearms for me due to poor experiences in the past. No problem with touch AC flintlock or older, get ready to kill guy and get slaughtered in turn trying to reload(although carrying multiple firearms is acceptable), not a fan of a class based around it.
I used the musket, but with the Musketeer archetype it's pretty easy to be able to make full attacks with it. Which is ridiculous. Apparently the Pistolero could get crazier. Don't know if either were changed to tame them down.

Yeah, Impus Minor is playing a pistolero in our Shattered Star game and at 7th level was routinely hitting for 150+ HP/round vs. touch AC. Pretty ludicrous.

NobodysHome wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:

Iron Gods doesn't really appeal to me. I don't like mixing high-tech with high-fantasy. I don't even like adding firearms to the game. Cannons as siege weapons or ship-born weapons I can kind of handle, but I don't like personal firearms in game. I also don't care for the rules for firearms, but mostly it's an aesthetic choice.

And I say this as someone who was convinced to play a gunslinger in Serpent's Skull because my sorcerer/cleric had died and several of the people in the group were curious as to how well the gunslinger worked. I ran that character for the rest of the AP (I think he came in around level 7 or 8), but didn't really enjoy it.

no non archetype/prestige ninjas, samurai, assassins, or modern firearms for me due to poor experiences in the past. No problem with touch AC flintlock or older, get ready to kill guy and get slaughtered in turn trying to reload(although carrying multiple firearms is acceptable), not a fan of a class based around it.
I used the musket, but with the Musketeer archetype it's pretty easy to be able to make full attacks with it. Which is ridiculous. Apparently the Pistolero could get crazier. Don't know if either were changed to tame them down.
Yeah, Impus Minor is playing a pistolero in our Shattered Star game and at 7th level was routinely hitting for 150+ HP/round vs. touch AC. Pretty ludicrous.

… What?

My players must be doing it wrong. I see stuff like this all the time, not just characters using guns but characters of multiple kinds of builds "routinely" dealing metric tonnage of damage.

I have a Barbarian/Bard PC and a Fighter/Brawler/Bloodrager PC in one of my campaigns at nearly 10th level, their WBL is over what's expected for level 9, and these 2 are lucky to put up 100 damage together in a full attack.

The other players, both dedicated spellcasters, rarely add force multipliers. Haste has NEVER been cast at my table for 2 years. The attitude seems to be: hey, the melee martial types can accurately deliver damage, we'll just keep 'em alive and deal a small amount of spell damage ourselves and grind out the fights.

Then I come to these boards and lose my mind over how much damage, what kind of numbers folks put up.

Mark Hoover 330 wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:

Iron Gods doesn't really appeal to me. I don't like mixing high-tech with high-fantasy. I don't even like adding firearms to the game. Cannons as siege weapons or ship-born weapons I can kind of handle, but I don't like personal firearms in game. I also don't care for the rules for firearms, but mostly it's an aesthetic choice.

And I say this as someone who was convinced to play a gunslinger in Serpent's Skull because my sorcerer/cleric had died and several of the people in the group were curious as to how well the gunslinger worked. I ran that character for the rest of the AP (I think he came in around level 7 or 8), but didn't really enjoy it.

no non archetype/prestige ninjas, samurai, assassins, or modern firearms for me due to poor experiences in the past. No problem with touch AC flintlock or older, get ready to kill guy and get slaughtered in turn trying to reload(although carrying multiple firearms is acceptable), not a fan of a class based around it.
I used the musket, but with the Musketeer archetype it's pretty easy to be able to make full attacks with it. Which is ridiculous. Apparently the Pistolero could get crazier. Don't know if either were changed to tame them down.
Yeah, Impus Minor is playing a pistolero in our Shattered Star game and at 7th level was routinely hitting for 150+ HP/round vs. touch AC. Pretty ludicrous.

… What?

My players must be doing it wrong. I see stuff like this all the time, not just characters using guns but characters of multiple kinds of builds "routinely" dealing metric tonnage of damage.

I have a Barbarian/Bard PC and a Fighter/Brawler/Bloodrager PC in one of my campaigns at nearly 10th level, their WBL is over what's expected for level 9, and these 2 are lucky to put up 100 damage together in a full attack.

The other players, both dedicated spellcasters, rarely add force multipliers. Haste has NEVER been...

Haste + Deadly Aim + Up Close and Deadly + Multishot + Holy Evil Outsider Bane bullets + A double-barreled pistol.

So 4 shots with the first three at 7d6+14 per shot (he only has 3 grit points) and the fourth at 5d6+14 for an average of 147 per round, and over 200 if he crits.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Y'know, sometimes you have an email trail of such utter stupidity by a fellow employee that you just wish you could turn it over to management and say, "Can you please either re-train this person or fire them for abject incompetence?"

After yesterday's "pull NobodysHome out of training" fiasco, a slew of emails came in overnight that the class was at a dead stop again because the servers were down.

Yep. The instructor mis-typed the URL, gave it to all the students, and suddenly nothing in the class worked. What a concept!

Reading a string of emails where the overnight tech support person had to repeat THREE TIMES, "Please STOP trying to use your browser's history and use the URL I provided for you," was painful.

Watching the tech support person finally send instructions to clear browser history and cache just so the instructor would stop using the bad URL convinced me that this "instructor" should never have been put in front of a class in the first place.

But, looking on the bright side:
(1) The smoke from the wildfires seems to have cleared up
(2) The issues are not even in my division, so I get to ignore them.

Scintillae wrote:

gets into classroom early for first day back with kids

starts playing upbeat music to be heard in the hall
every single song is Cold War-era pop/rock about the world ending

How long till someone notices, you think?

it wasnt until I was MUCH older that I realized what those songs were about.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

So, I returned with Polly's body all transmitter upped and what's her name (Trudy Something probably) told me the treasure stash was where I found Polly and Sol all f*%&ed up. Fortunately there was only a few mole rats that moved in so I get the treasure and it's only one legendary weapon and a card to redeem for more Legendary weapons or gear. So I get back to show off my shiny new rifle and there's the Free Radicals, who I had promised I'd give half the booty to, but you can't split a rifle in half, it completely destroys the resale value, so I did the only rational thing, I gunned everyone down with my new rifle and sat down and jammed on the acoustic guitar.

"What, you mean the mob only did me a favor because it expected something else in return?! For shame, Fat Tony. For shame" - Homer Simpson, The Twisted World of Marge Simpson.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

No motivation to close out this week. Yesterday went sideways for any number of reasons. Hard to get motivated when next cluster of deadlines is on the 15th, even if you know you need to make progress on some so that all are done on time.

NobodysHome wrote:
Mark Hoover 330 wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:

Iron Gods doesn't really appeal to me. I don't like mixing high-tech with high-fantasy. I don't even like adding firearms to the game. Cannons as siege weapons or ship-born weapons I can kind of handle, but I don't like personal firearms in game. I also don't care for the rules for firearms, but mostly it's an aesthetic choice.

And I say this as someone who was convinced to play a gunslinger in Serpent's Skull because my sorcerer/cleric had died and several of the people in the group were curious as to how well the gunslinger worked. I ran that character for the rest of the AP (I think he came in around level 7 or 8), but didn't really enjoy it.

no non archetype/prestige ninjas, samurai, assassins, or modern firearms for me due to poor experiences in the past. No problem with touch AC flintlock or older, get ready to kill guy and get slaughtered in turn trying to reload(although carrying multiple firearms is acceptable), not a fan of a class based around it.
I used the musket, but with the Musketeer archetype it's pretty easy to be able to make full attacks with it. Which is ridiculous. Apparently the Pistolero could get crazier. Don't know if either were changed to tame them down.
Yeah, Impus Minor is playing a pistolero in our Shattered Star game and at 7th level was routinely hitting for 150+ HP/round vs. touch AC. Pretty ludicrous.

… What?

My players must be doing it wrong. I see stuff like this all the time, not just characters using guns but characters of multiple kinds of builds "routinely" dealing metric tonnage of damage.

I have a Barbarian/Bard PC and a Fighter/Brawler/Bloodrager PC in one of my campaigns at nearly 10th level, their WBL is over what's expected for level 9, and these 2 are lucky to put up 100 damage together in a full attack.

The other players, both dedicated spellcasters, rarely add force


My distrust of new classes only increases.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Nylarthotep wrote:
No motivation to close out this week. Yesterday went sideways for any number of reasons. Hard to get motivated when next cluster of deadlines is on the 15th, even if you know you need to make progress on some so that all are done on time.

Similar story here. CH had to keep me from eating my boss in fury yesterday.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

More IT Stuff:
For me, the issue boils down to one of trust and underlying dishonesty.

My mother-in-law is the single-most computer-illiterate person I've ever met; before he died her husband created a VERY simple setup for her where everything she might need is a shortcut on the desktop. So she doesn't know how to use the Start Menu nor Windows Explorer; she just double-clicks what she wants on the desktop and works.

When she had a mouse issue, she called me, and because she trusted me and trusted her own lack of knowledge she did exactly what I told her to do.
"So, follow the cord from your mouse to your computer. Do you see where it plugs in?"
"OK. Mark that with a Post-It or something unless you think you can remember it, because you're about to pull out your mouse."
"Now, pull out the mouse."
"Now use the trackpad to shut down the computer."
"Now plug the mouse back in."
"Now boot up."
"OMG! It's working again! You're a genius!"

With co-workers, there's this bizarre mistrust and lying.
"So, follow the cord from your mouse to your computer. Do you see where it plugs in?"
"Did you follow the cord?"
"No; it goes under my desk and I don't want to bend down to go under there..."
"Now, pull out the mouse."
"Now use the trackpad to shut down the computer."
"I don't like using the trackpad, and the mouse still doesn't work."
"You just told me you pulled out the mouse."
"No I didn't."
"But I asked you to and you said, 'OK'."
"Well, I don't like using the trackpad so I'm going to use my mouse."
"But your mouse isn't working."
"That's right. Which is why I'm asking you to fix it..."
...and on and on until you have to physically go to their cubicle because they
(a) refuse to follow your instructions
(b) lie about it.

It's baffling and unbelievably frustrating.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

As I have experienced multiple times in my job, there is a VERY powerful "you break/alter/change something physically in ANY WAY and you are FIRED" philosophy that does not apply to IT even though it applies to everyone else at many jobs.

If you need to anything more complicated than unplug something from the wall, IT MUST be called or you are taking on responsibilities akin to IT and are thereby operating outside of your job description and will suffer the consequences should anything go wrong. I know that's the case in my day job.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:

As I have experienced multiple times in my job, there is a VERY powerful "you break/alter/change something physically in ANY WAY and you are FIRED" philosophy that does not apply to IT even though it applies to everyone else at many jobs.

If you need to anything more complicated than unplug something from the wall, IT MUST be called or you are taking on responsibilities akin to IT and are thereby operating outside of your job description and will suffer the consequences should anything go wrong. I know that's the case in my day job.

So even if you've filed an IT ticket and IT explicitly tells you to do something, you're not allowed to do it?

EDIT: Because that's what I'm talking about. Someone files a ticket, I start trying to walk them through fixing it without having to physically go to their cubicle, and they refuse to follow directions, then lie about it.
The best is the one Vanykrye describes all too often: You tell them to reboot, they insist that they've rebooted multiple times, and you can see from a running process on their machine that they haven't rebooted in days. It's the lying that kills me.

NobodysHome wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:

As I have experienced multiple times in my job, there is a VERY powerful "you break/alter/change something physically in ANY WAY and you are FIRED" philosophy that does not apply to IT even though it applies to everyone else at many jobs.

If you need to anything more complicated than unplug something from the wall, IT MUST be called or you are taking on responsibilities akin to IT and are thereby operating outside of your job description and will suffer the consequences should anything go wrong. I know that's the case in my day job.

So even if you've filed an IT ticket and IT explicitly tells you to do something, you're not allowed to do it?

In my experience, it has to be witnessed by a third party with IT on speakerphone, or IT has to send someone over.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:

As I have experienced multiple times in my job, there is a VERY powerful "you break/alter/change something physically in ANY WAY and you are FIRED" philosophy that does not apply to IT even though it applies to everyone else at many jobs.

If you need to anything more complicated than unplug something from the wall, IT MUST be called or you are taking on responsibilities akin to IT and are thereby operating outside of your job description and will suffer the consequences should anything go wrong. I know that's the case in my day job.

So even if you've filed an IT ticket and IT explicitly tells you to do something, you're not allowed to do it?
In my experience, it has to be witnessed by a third party with IT on speakerphone, or IT has to send someone over.


That is just... appalling...

1 person marked this as a favorite.

While not the same issue, there are also union issues that have made some people afraid to do things outside their specific job responsibilities.

Example, o hey, my light bulb burnt out, so I put a new one in.
Umm, that is not your job. The union guy has to do that.
But it was just a light bulb, I think I can do that on my own.
Doesn't matter. Have a two day unpaid suspension.
Umm, you're joking right?
No. Rules is rules. Only an approved union member can change light bulbs.

That example may be apocryphal, but I have heard enough similar stories to believe that there is a bit of truth behind them.

NobodysHome wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:

As I have experienced multiple times in my job, there is a VERY powerful "you break/alter/change something physically in ANY WAY and you are FIRED" philosophy that does not apply to IT even though it applies to everyone else at many jobs.

If you need to anything more complicated than unplug something from the wall, IT MUST be called or you are taking on responsibilities akin to IT and are thereby operating outside of your job description and will suffer the consequences should anything go wrong. I know that's the case in my day job.

So even if you've filed an IT ticket and IT explicitly tells you to do something, you're not allowed to do it?
In my experience, it has to be witnessed by a third party with IT on speakerphone, or IT has to send someone over.


That is just... appalling...

The world outside of IT is very surprising to those within IT.

If you're going to send me to fix someone else' mistake then that person won't learn anything about what they did wrong.

Of course, it's the boss' fault for giving him a list with two separate mistakes allowing him to pick the easier f$~~ up while I get the hard one because "You have an eye for that sort of thing".

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Nylarthotep wrote:

While not the same issue, there are also union issues that have made some people afraid to do things outside their specific job responsibilities.

Example, o hey, my light bulb burnt out, so I put a new one in.
Umm, that is not your job. The union guy has to do that.
But it was just a light bulb, I think I can do that on my own.
Doesn't matter. Have a two day unpaid suspension.
Umm, you're joking right?
No. Rules is rules. Only an approved union member can change light bulbs.

That example may be apocryphal, but I have heard enough similar stories to believe that there is a bit of truth behind them.

Oh, I was doing an onsite at a military contractor that was a tight union shop. The flipboard was on the wrong side of the classroom. I picked it up to move it and the entire class hissed at me that I couldn't do that because it was a union job and I could be fined $800 if the union found out I'd done a union job without permission.

So I asked, "How long will it take a union guy to get here and move the flipboard across the room for me?"
"About 45 minutes."
"You're paying me $1000 an hour. We don't have time for that kind of nonsense."

I moved the flipboard anyway, but it obviously made the employees extremely uncomfortable. So yeah, there are definitely some union rules around that are both ridiculous and extremely aggressively enforced.

(I can agree with, "Employees shall not move any object weighing over xx pounds," because it's a liability issue. But a 2-pound flipboard? No. Just, no.)

Nylarthotep wrote:

While not the same issue, there are also union issues that have made some people afraid to do things outside their specific job responsibilities.

Example, o hey, my light bulb burnt out, so I put a new one in.
Umm, that is not your job. The union guy has to do that.
But it was just a light bulb, I think I can do that on my own.
Doesn't matter. Have a two day unpaid suspension.
Umm, you're joking right?
No. Rules is rules. Only an approved union member can change light bulbs.

That example may be apocryphal, but I have heard enough similar stories to believe that there is a bit of truth behind them.

there is no union at my job. This is purely job description stuff and fear surrounding modern technology and someone breaking something irreplaceable because they flipped the wrong switch/unplugged the wrong thing.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

"The next time we need to do a lot of driving, I'm giving it to you because I sure am sore from driving yesterday!" - Co-worker.

"Well, you got this in hand, I'm going to go do this job that requires a lot of driving!" - Co-worker, ten minutes later.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Nylarthotep wrote:

While not the same issue, there are also union issues that have made some people afraid to do things outside their specific job responsibilities.

Example, o hey, my light bulb burnt out, so I put a new one in.
Umm, that is not your job. The union guy has to do that.
But it was just a light bulb, I think I can do that on my own.
Doesn't matter. Have a two day unpaid suspension.
Umm, you're joking right?
No. Rules is rules. Only an approved union member can change light bulbs.

That example may be apocryphal, but I have heard enough similar stories to believe that there is a bit of truth behind them.

there is no union at my job. This is purely job description stuff and fear surrounding modern technology and someone breaking something irreplaceable because they flipped the wrong switch/unplugged the wrong thing.

Fair. I was more just suggesting that some people may be proverbially gun shy about doing anything outside their job description because of past experiences such as union rules.

On a less positive review of humanity, I also know that there are people who will use the time waiting for IT to do something as an excuse to do a lot of nothing.

'o i can't work on that right now, i am waiting for IT to hook up my new keyboard'...resumes scrolling facebook.

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Nylarthotep wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Nylarthotep wrote:

While not the same issue, there are also union issues that have made some people afraid to do things outside their specific job responsibilities.

Example, o hey, my light bulb burnt out, so I put a new one in.
Umm, that is not your job. The union guy has to do that.
But it was just a light bulb, I think I can do that on my own.
Doesn't matter. Have a two day unpaid suspension.
Umm, you're joking right?
No. Rules is rules. Only an approved union member can change light bulbs.

That example may be apocryphal, but I have heard enough similar stories to believe that there is a bit of truth behind them.

there is no union at my job. This is purely job description stuff and fear surrounding modern technology and someone breaking something irreplaceable because they flipped the wrong switch/unplugged the wrong thing.

Fair. I was more just suggesting that some people may be proverbially gun shy about doing anything outside their job description because of past experiences such as union rules.

On a less positive review of humanity, I also know that there are people who will use the time waiting for IT to do something as an excuse to do a lot of nothing.

'o i can't work on that right now, i am waiting for IT to hook up my new keyboard'...resumes scrolling facebook.

at my second job, that person would be yelled at. At my first job, that person would get in trouble for hooking up the keyboard on their own.

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So, I lost this most recent job. Panic attack again.

Spoiled the details:
They don't take kindly when in the middle of the shift you absolutely must get away. And normally I can take some time to do breathing exercises or center myself some other way, but they wouldn't even let me have time to take a g*!@@*n s#&& without waiting twenty minutes for someone to cover me, and when you're in the heat of the moment and a panic attack is happening, every second I delay escaping makes the ensuing breakdown even worse for having delayed. By the time I was able to get a minute to myself, I was...really, really, REALLY bad.

I shouldn't have taken something so high stress, but I had to have something as soon as possible. My family, all of them, seems to understand.

I miss when I had a quiet job away from people where I could just plug away at my workload and mind my business.

I think the worst part is how much I hate myself for it. Tala's family all think I'm lazy or something. Like I do this on purpose. Like I actually enjoy feeling like I'm having a heart attack. And I even spend the next week just beating myself up and spiraling out of control about the repercussions after.

I'm trying to get a doctor and therapist down here, but Florida is much harder to get medicaid than Ohio. I found a place locally with good reviews, and we applied last week, so here's hoping.

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The Vagrant Erudite wrote:

So, I lost this most recent job. Panic attack again.

** spoiler omitted **

I shouldn't have taken something so high stress, but I had to have something as soon as possible. My family, all of them, seems to understand.

I miss when I had a quiet job away from people where I could just plug away at my workload and mind my business.

I think the worst part is how much I hate myself for it. Tala's family all think I'm lazy or something. Like I do this on purpose. Like I actually enjoy feeling like I'm having a heart attack. And I even spend the next week just beating myself up and spiraling out of control about the repercussions after.

I'm trying to get a doctor and therapist down here, but Florida is much harder to get medicaid than Ohio. I found a place locally with good reviews, and we applied last week, so here's hoping.

I'm not a lawyer, but isn't that a gross violation of the ADA? An employer is supposed to provide "reasonable accommodations". It seems like, "Having a sub ready in case VE has a panic attack," is extremely reasonable. Just seems wrong to me.

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