Deep 6 FaWtL

Off-Topic Discussions

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Woran wrote:
Paizocon is going online. I have no idea if the timeslots would work out, but do you want to see if we can get an all FAWTL game in?

I am 100% on board, as player or dm. Just need to know when and how it's being done.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Microsoft has surprised me by doing something worthwhile.

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It's online, clothes are optional right?

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NobodysHome wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

Well said.

Limeylongears wrote:
Are there kopises (kopides? kopoi? whatever the plural form of kopis is) / falcatas in Assassins Creed: Origins?


Cut good too.

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Orthos wrote:
I am packed and ready to go. Tomorrow I hit the road and leave Tennessee behind for good, save for potential future visits. I expect to reach my hotel around 8-9 Central time tomorrow night, then leave the next morning and reach Scint's place by early afternoon.

Again, you are making the right decision.

Drive safe.

Hug scint for me.

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2 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Microsoft has surprised me by doing something worthwhile.

I hope it becomes configurable to lower the threshold from 5000 to something like 100-500.

I can also just see the flood of tickets coming in from 45 people trying to reply all and getting blocked, because "it won't send any emails" and "my email is broken". Yes, that is how it will be phrased. And let us not forget the additional direct emails without a ticket, somehow claiming their email is broken, regardless of the fact that they just emailed me. And the texts to my cell. And the phone calls.

Of course, we'd send out a communication detailing this change to the system to the entire company, and THAT SPECIFIC EMAIL will be the one that generates these responses.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Or they could simply move "reply all" button somewhere hard to find, so only those who would really need to reply to all would look for it.

And the companies should start punishing people using reply all option without legitimate need.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:

Or they could simply move "reply all" button somewhere hard to find, so only those who would really need to reply to all would look for it.

And the companies should start punishing people using reply all option without legitimate need.

I've always said that if you could just charge each person who sends a useless Reply All $1 per recipient, the problem would go away.

The problem is:
(1) Implementation
(2) Determining what "useless" means.

6 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Drejk wrote:

Or they could simply move "reply all" button somewhere hard to find, so only those who would really need to reply to all would look for it.

And the companies should start punishing people using reply all option without legitimate need.

I've always said that if you could just charge each person who sends a useless Reply All $1 per recipient, the problem would go away.

The problem is:
(1) Implementation
(2) Determining what "useless" means.

3) People in management doing that themselves?

What would be the best game to get for the PS 4 so I can play with FaWtL friends.

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Virus Updates from California:
It's Sunday, which must mean, "Masks and social distancing aren't required, because Sunday!!!!"

Yep. Just got back from my walk, meeting perhaps 20-25 people along the way, and 6 of them were wearing masks and 2 attempted to keep their distance. Otherwise, it was as if COVID-19 no longer existed.

I swear, people...

5 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

Ugh. Here in Dallas, Mark Cuban (owner of the Dallas Mavericks) paid to send secret shoppers into 300 local shops and restaurants, and found that a whopping 96% of them were not following infection control guidelines. He's taken a ridiculous amount of heat locally for "sitting in his ivory tower, trying to cause trouble". Because Texas.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

And there goes another one...

lisamarlene wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

Ugh. Here in Dallas, Mark Cuban (owner of the Dallas Mavericks) paid to send secret shoppers into 300 local shops and restaurants, and found that a whopping 96% of them were not following infection control guidelines. He's taken a ridiculous amount of heat locally for "sitting in his ivory tower, trying to cause trouble". Because Texas.

. . . . . . . . .

10 people marked this as a favorite.

I have made it to my hotel and am crashing for the night. I hope.

Face-Palm wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

Ugh. Here in Dallas, Mark Cuban (owner of the Dallas Mavericks) paid to send secret shoppers into 300 local shops and restaurants, and found that a whopping 96% of them were not following infection control guidelines. He's taken a ridiculous amount of heat locally for "sitting in his ivory tower, trying to cause trouble". Because Texas.
. . . . . . . . .

That is ridiculous this is not the time to be doing that.

(you can mark off the mildly for this one)

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mildly annoyed Vidmaster7 wrote:
Face-Palm wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

Ugh. Here in Dallas, Mark Cuban (owner of the Dallas Mavericks) paid to send secret shoppers into 300 local shops and restaurants, and found that a whopping 96% of them were not following infection control guidelines. He's taken a ridiculous amount of heat locally for "sitting in his ivory tower, trying to cause trouble". Because Texas.
. . . . . . . . .

That is ridiculous this is not the time to be doing that.

(you can mark off the mildly for this one)

Vid...clarification please? Who are you annoyed at? A man with the ability to check on how local Dallas businesses are handling infection control and reporting the findings (accuracy to be determined, sample size a bit small, etc), or the people saying he's just trying to stir up trouble?

I'm generally not a huge fan of Mark Cuban. However. The same day that the NBA announced they were suspending the season, he immediately and publicly stated that he would continue to pay the stadium workers, who would have otherwise been completely screwed. He's been one of the few billionaires that is actually using his position and wealth to help the people that need it in his business sphere and community at large.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Anyone else hear about the real life Lava snails?

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Vidmaster7 wrote:
Anyone else hear about the real life Lava snails?

Um,,,... No?

Please elaborate. :)

3 people marked this as a favorite.

It's called the Scaly-foot snail. It's nutrients involve a high degree of iron sulfide. It basically has an iron shell. It survives high temperatures and high pressures of underwater volcanic vents. it looks real rad too.

I'm a little sad no one else commented about the suggested Fawtl Paizocon game.

Very_sad_vidmaster7 wrote:
I'm a little sad no one else commented about the suggested Fawtl Paizocon game.

Honestly, even if the time worked out for me, I probably wouldn't do it anyways.

gran rey de los mono wrote:
Very_sad_vidmaster7 wrote:
I'm a little sad no one else commented about the suggested Fawtl Paizocon game.
Honestly, even if the time worked out for me, I probably wouldn't do it anyways.

Party pooper.

Hello, everyone.

Hey John.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Vidmaster7 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Very_sad_vidmaster7 wrote:
I'm a little sad no one else commented about the suggested Fawtl Paizocon game.
Honestly, even if the time worked out for me, I probably wouldn't do it anyways.
Party pooper.

You get to be the bottom of the ettin now.

Vidmaster7 wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Very_sad_vidmaster7 wrote:
I'm a little sad no one else commented about the suggested Fawtl Paizocon game.
Honestly, even if the time worked out for me, I probably wouldn't do it anyways.
Party pooper.
You get to be the bottom of the ettin now.

Okay. I run away and take you with me. Now you can't play either.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

We could still be the two halves of the ettin even if I don't play. One of the heads had a stroke and so half the body is limp.

gran rey de los mono wrote:
We could still be the two halves of the ettin even if I don't play. One of the heads had a stroke and so half the body is limp.

Ok yeah that's pretty good. Really sucks for the ettin tho. Like talk about a sob story.

Very_sad_vidmaster7 wrote:
I'm a little sad no one else commented about the suggested Fawtl Paizocon game.

I play in person or not at all.


captain yesterday wrote:
Very_sad_vidmaster7 wrote:
I'm a little sad no one else commented about the suggested Fawtl Paizocon game.

I play in person or not at all.


Your very old school. That is a thing I've noticed.

captain yesterday wrote:
Very_sad_vidmaster7 wrote:
I'm a little sad no one else commented about the suggested Fawtl Paizocon game.

I play in person or not at all.


So, you're saying we'd have to Tron you into the internet somehow?

if we did tron him into the internet would that count as being in person tho?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Vidmaster7 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
We could still be the two halves of the ettin even if I don't play. One of the heads had a stroke and so half the body is limp.
Ok yeah that's pretty good. Really sucks for the ettin tho. Like talk about a sob story.

It's also a good way to reduce the CR of the encounter if the PCs are still low level. Imagine:

DM: "Okay, you peek around the corner and see a two-headed giant sitting on a stool in the hallway ahead."
PC: "Oh, crap! An ettin!! We are way to low level for this! We gotta use all our buffs NOW!!"
*party buffs to the max*
PC: "On three, we charge. One. Two. THREE!"
*party charges around the corner*
DM: "As you come charging around the corner, the ettin is clearly startled by your approach. It attempts to get to its feet, but falls kind of falls over a bit and slumps against the wall. As it regains its balance, you notice that one of the heads seems kind of paralyzed, as does half of the body."
PC: "Paralyzed? Like its asleep or under the effect of some kind of spell?"
DM: "No. You think it may have had a stroke at some point in the past."
PC: "Awwwww, poor guy. Can we not kill it? Maybe we can help him out, get him a job as a greeter at Ye Olde WalleMarte or something?"

Vidmaster7 wrote:
if we did tron him into the internet would that count as being in person tho?


It would be like fighting an ogre but with a lot more emotional and morale baggage. I feel like this is getting dangerously into goblin baby territory.

Hmm so if you ressurect an Ettin and one head says yes and one says no to coming back do you end up with this situation or does whatever divine being just flip a coin or maybe for sanity's sake just take a no from any head as a no from all. Do hydras have to vote? This whole thing is too weird. This is bad territory.

You only need to worry about that if you have a Paladin, right?

I mean not ONLY Paladins have morals and ethics.

Once upon a time, I played in a 3.5 game DM'd by my brother. We were 1st level, and trying to clear out a kobold lair. One of the rooms was the nursery, and we were beset by a swarm of kobold hatchlings. The Barbarian in the party decided that the only way to deal with this was to rip the door off of its hinges and splat the kobold hatchling swarm. It worked. She ended the encounter and created kobold jam in the very same round.

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...I do not care for that story...

Vidmaster7 wrote:


Hmm so if you ressurect an Ettin and one head says yes and one says no to coming back do you end up with this situation or does whatever divine being just flip a coin or maybe for sanity's sake just take a no from any head as a no from all. ...

One half alive, the other half dead. Thus, the living half won't be alive for long.

... Do hydras have to vote? ...

That's easy. The hydra comes back with as many heads as agreed to return.

If I had to option of combining aliases their it would be that one and my completely horrified one.

Weird how the quote ate your message. That actually does make sense for hydras.

You want horrified? This was the same session as the following conversation took place:

NPC Halfling mother who's baby is missing: "I don't know what happened. I was taking that pie" *points at pie cooling on windowsill* "out of the oven, and when I turned back around the crib was empty! Please find my baby!!"
Me: *glares at her accusingly* "You cooked the baby in the pie, didn't you?"

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Vidmaster7 wrote:
Weird how the quote ate your message. That actually does make sense for hydras.

Fixed it. Turns out that happens when you /url instead of /quote.

Well you did it.. Good job... Hope your happy..

1 person marked this as a favorite.
gran rey de los mono wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Very_sad_vidmaster7 wrote:
I'm a little sad no one else commented about the suggested Fawtl Paizocon game.

I play in person or not at all.


So, you're saying we'd have to Tron you into the internet somehow?

I call Blue Lion!

Captain Cap Captain, Captain wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Very_sad_vidmaster7 wrote:
I'm a little sad no one else commented about the suggested Fawtl Paizocon game.

I play in person or not at all.


So, you're saying we'd have to Tron you into the internet somehow?
I call Blue Lion!

That's good Too but I wanted to do "Super Human Samurai Cyber squad".

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