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1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Rosita the Riveter wrote:

I just got reminded I have to go fail my driver's license exam on Wednesday.


If you do, schedule your next test for Friday in Eureka! We'll make a road trip of it!

Hope you like metal!

Eureka is very far away from me. Though, yes, I do like metal.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

It's been a long day.

Absolute nonsense at the very end kept me at work an extra 2.5 hours.

But still. Things got done.

I am on my way to unwind after this unnecessarily long day.

At the takoyaki stand.

I have a bottle of pumpkin pie spice in my pocket.

The first snows fell today.

And winter doesnt start until my birthday, which has not come yet.

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Americans are a terrible influence on Canada. Get a load of the sporting goods store advertising 6 days of "Black Frid'eh" sales.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Bah bah-bwuh bwah, bwwwweeeeeeaaaaaaaahhhhh....

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I got the stuff.

I am taking the train home.

I am actually getting out a stop early to take an uber home instead of the bus, I am so excited.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I am eating pumpkin spice flavored takoyaki whilst wearing my favorite mei shirt along with my new mei hoodie to celebrate the first snowfall of 2019. Mei this winter never end.

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~sighs~ I just preordered the latest Order of the Stick book. Now the long wait begins.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Military historian analyses Battle Of Pelennor. A particularly fun read for me, as I just went past the Battle Of Pelennor while rereading Return Of The King not long ago (not to mention the repeated going through Minas Tirith in Lord Of The Rings Online on multiple characters).

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
I am eating pumpkin spice flavored takoyaki whilst wearing my favorite mei shirt along with my new mei hoodie to celebrate the first snowfall of 2019. Mei this winter never end.

Yeah. He sent video proof. I threw up a little. In my mouth. It tasted better than pumpkin spice or octopus. Ok, not better than those, but definitely better than either sweet potatoes or avocados.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:
Military historian analyses Battle Of Pelennor. A particularly fun read for me, as I just went past the Battle Of Pelennor while rereading Return Of The King not long ago (not to mention the repeated going through Minas Tirith in Lord Of The Rings Online on multiple characters).

Aiymi and I just started playing LOTRO again last week (we're on Arkenstone now) after being away for...about 6 years.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
I am eating pumpkin spice flavored takoyaki whilst wearing my favorite mei shirt along with my new mei hoodie to celebrate the first snowfall of 2019. Mei this winter never end.
Vanykrye wrote:
Yeah. He sent video proof. I threw up a little. In my mouth. It tasted better than pumpkin spice or octopus. Ok, not better than those, but definitely better than either sweet potatoes or avocados.

Well, you certainly are a man of opinions. Yep, you have some. I'll allow for that much!


Drejk wrote:
Military historian analyses Battle Of Pelennor. A particularly fun read for me, as I just went past the Battle Of Pelennor while rereading Return Of The King not long ago (not to mention the repeated going through Minas Tirith in Lord Of The Rings Online on multiple characters).

READING?! Pah! Ain't nobody got time for that!

We're too busy calculating probable-largest-things-fictional-versions-of-gods-can-carry!

Scarab Sages

7 people marked this as a favorite.

Our kingmaker party is amazing. Its just one long string of happily made bad descions. Its so much fun!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

That sounds all too familiar...

Have you been (repeatably) trying to backstab oozes too?

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Who would win?

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Uh oh.

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M87 Black hole size comparison.

Scarab Sages

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Limeylongears wrote:

That sounds all too familiar...

Have you been (repeatably) trying to backstab oozes too?

That one not yet. But we walk up to right about everything thinking we can handle it. Including dragons. And liches. And only a few of us have died.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

My oldest brother went to the hospital for high blood pressure and fluid retention, which doesn't sound like any fun whatsoever, hopefully he's out as soon as possible and it's nothing serious.

I guess I shouldn't complain about working in the cold.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Vanykrye wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
I am eating pumpkin spice flavored takoyaki whilst wearing my favorite mei shirt along with my new mei hoodie to celebrate the first snowfall of 2019. Mei this winter never end.
Yeah. He sent video proof. I threw up a little. In my mouth. It tasted better than pumpkin spice or octopus. Ok, not better than those, but definitely better than either sweet potatoes or avocados.

the pumpkin spice really mixed well with the batter fried part of the takoyaki.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

My oldest brother went to the hospital for high blood pressure and fluid retention, which doesn't sound like any fun whatsoever, hopefully he's out as soon as possible and it's nothing serious.

I guess I shouldn't complain about working in the cold.

I hope that he feels better soon.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:
Military historian analyses Battle Of Pelennor. A particularly fun read for me, as I just went past the Battle Of Pelennor while rereading Return Of The King not long ago (not to mention the repeated going through Minas Tirith in Lord Of The Rings Online on multiple characters).

If an infantryman can walk 10 miles while carrying 10 days of food, how many orcs can he kill using a common hand axe if he was walking with an extra 10 pounds of food? Don't forget to show your work. There trick questions.

Nice try, math. You aren't ruining Lord of the Rings for me

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

My oldest brother went to the hospital for high blood pressure and fluid retention, which doesn't sound like any fun whatsoever, hopefully he's out as soon as possible and it's nothing serious.

I guess I shouldn't complain about working in the cold.

heres hoping he gets well soon. Sounds like he needs my medication.

captain yesterday wrote:

My oldest brother went to the hospital for high blood pressure and fluid retention, which doesn't sound like any fun whatsoever, hopefully he's out as soon as possible and it's nothing serious.

I guess I shouldn't complain about working in the cold.

Oh! I hope he gets better soon!

Freehold DM wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
I am eating pumpkin spice flavored takoyaki whilst wearing my favorite mei shirt along with my new mei hoodie to celebrate the first snowfall of 2019. Mei this winter never end.
Yeah. He sent video proof. I threw up a little. In my mouth. It tasted better than pumpkin spice or octopus. Ok, not better than those, but definitely better than either sweet potatoes or avocados.
the pumpkin spice really mixed well with the batter fried part of the takoyaki.

Sounds potentially tasty!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Woran wrote:
Our kingmaker party is amazing. Its just one long string of happily made bad descions. Its so much fun!


Freehold DM wrote:
Woran wrote:
Our kingmaker party is amazing. Its just one long string of happily made bad descions. Its so much fun!

So say we both!

7 people marked this as a favorite.

I've been dealing with some serious FML stress the past few days.

On Saturday, Hermione had seven hours of testing for ADHD and learning disabilities. They discovered that, not only does she definitely have ADHD like her dad and her brother (it just looks different in her, because humans are a weird species), she also has dysgraphia and some sort of math disability that may or may not be related to her vision. Which I don't understand, because she just had her vision tested in October and it was 20/20. But apparently there's some kind of issue related to scanning speed that can be assessed by a "developmental opthamologist", so she wants to send us to one. Without insurance. At the same time as WW needed an emergency crown. Also without insurance.

So there's the financial h+!*&@&$+, right before Christmas.

And the Mom worries about how she's going to get through school and what kind of career path she can plan for, because it doesn't matter how high her IQ is or how well she reads if she can't write, complete her homework, or test.

And Thanksgiving was weird, and my pay got put in the old account again instead of the new bank even though the HR guy promised me it was fixed, so I had to scramble to keep automated bill payments from bouncing, and that was scary.

And I just had to have The Talk with the kids about how things are tight, and if I put lentil tacos on the table because lentils are cheaper protein than meat, to eat it and like it.

I'm following my mom's advice and just taking things one day at a time and doing the best I can, but holy f~~$ing s$~&, I am so damned tired of this.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Oh, LM, I’m so sorry.
I understand, for whatever little that’s worth.
Praying for you and your family.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

The thing that kills me about LM's issues is that GothBard and I have "full" employer-based insurance coverage: Medical, dental, and vision, and crowns still aren't covered.

Welcome to the wonderful world of U.S. medical insurance.

SO sorry, LM! That sucks beyond all reason!

6 people marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:

I've been dealing with some serious FML stress the past few days.

On Saturday, Hermione had seven hours of testing for ADHD and learning disabilities. They discovered that, not only does she definitely have ADHD like her dad and her brother (it just looks different in her, because humans are a weird species), she also has dysgraphia and some sort of math disability that may or may not be related to her vision. Which I don't understand, because she just had her vision tested in October and it was 20/20. But apparently there's some kind of issue related to scanning speed that can be assessed by a "developmental opthamologist", so she wants to send us to one. Without insurance. At the same time as WW needed an emergency crown. Also without insurance.

So there's the financial h@$#$#$#@, right before Christmas.

And the Mom worries about how she's going to get through school and what kind of career path she can plan for, because it doesn't matter how high her IQ is or how well she reads if she can't write, complete her homework, or test.

Speaking as the step-dad of The Adult's hard. It's very hard when she's landed the job and has difficulty doing the job because of the disabilities. The hardest part is that other people aren't going to understand it. And part of that is because...well...there's no good way of putting this...she doesn't *look* like she has a disability, therefore people assume she's stupid.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Sharoth wrote:
Who would win?

I've got a Final Four of Ford v Predator and Marvel v Batman.

Predator takes out the entire Ford corporation. No issue.

Batman is good, but he's not "take out all of Marvel" good.

So Marvel v Predator. And Predator has nothing on the entire Marvel roster, even counting out the members that Batman disabled (and the Justice League in the previous round - again, JL isn't taking out *all* of Marvel, and some of them will be back in the fight pretty quickly).

Wow. Brooklyn Nine-Nine is surprisingly excellent. I love basically every character, and that would be a hard thing to pull off, but when this is a comedy about a bunch of goofballs with exceptionally eccentric personalities it becomes much harder... and when you also have them be actually competent at their jobs and goo-, uh, nic-, mm, not objectively terrible in every way (and are generally willing to admit when they are wrong and change for the better, at least over-all).

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Vanykrye wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
Who would win?

I've got a Final Four of Ford v Predator and Marvel v Batman.

Predator takes out the entire Ford corporation. No issue.

Batman is good, but he's not "take out all of Marvel" good.

So Marvel v Predator. And Predator has nothing on the entire Marvel roster, even counting out the members that Batman disabled (and the Justice League in the previous round - again, JL isn't taking out *all* of Marvel, and some of them will be back in the fight pretty quickly).

Would it really take more than Wolverine to beat Predator?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
Who would win?

I've got a Final Four of Ford v Predator and Marvel v Batman.

Predator takes out the entire Ford corporation. No issue.

Batman is good, but he's not "take out all of Marvel" good.

So Marvel v Predator. And Predator has nothing on the entire Marvel roster, even counting out the members that Batman disabled (and the Justice League in the previous round - again, JL isn't taking out *all* of Marvel, and some of them will be back in the fight pretty quickly).

Would it really take more than Wolverine to beat Predator?

No. No it wouldn't. Cable v Predator might be interesting.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:

I've been dealing with some serious FML stress the past few days.

On Saturday, Hermione had seven hours of testing for ADHD and learning disabilities. They discovered that, not only does she definitely have ADHD like her dad and her brother (it just looks different in her, because humans are a weird species), she also has dysgraphia and some sort of math disability that may or may not be related to her vision. Which I don't understand, because she just had her vision tested in October and it was 20/20. But apparently there's some kind of issue related to scanning speed that can be assessed by a "developmental opthamologist", so she wants to send us to one. Without insurance. At the same time as WW needed an emergency crown. Also without insurance.

So there's the financial h@*#&~@&+, right before Christmas.

And the Mom worries about how she's going to get through school and what kind of career path she can plan for, because it doesn't matter how high her IQ is or how well she reads if she can't write, complete her homework, or test.

And Thanksgiving was weird, and my pay got put in the old account again instead of the new bank even though the HR guy promised me it was fixed, so I had to scramble to keep automated bill payments from bouncing, and that was scary.

And I just had to have The Talk with the kids about how things are tight, and if I put lentil tacos on the table because lentils are cheaper protein than meat, to eat it and like it.

I'm following my mom's advice and just taking things one day at a time and doing the best I can, but holy f+++ing s&#&, I am so damned tired of this.

So, as "that annoying guy who has to bring up stuff I already know", are public schools an option?

In California, one of the reasons our school system is so crappy is that we rank pretty poorly on per-pupil spending (An interesting analysis as to why such rankings are hard), yet we still have a "mandate" to educate all students, no matter their disabilities. So, for example, Albany's education budget is something between 10%-20% on "special education", and from personal experience, BOTH of my kids received both speech therapy and psychological counseling for free from the school district, and Impus Major received significant accommodations (personal use of a keyboard instead of having to write by hand, extra time on all assignments and tests, etc.) throughout elementary, middle, and high school.

So I'm a big advocate of public schools simply because they did so well for me, but they vary wildly in quality by state, plus by district within the state, so YMMV. Vastly.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
Wow. Brooklyn Nine-Nine is surprisingly excellent. I love basically every character, and that would be a hard thing to pull off, but when this is a comedy about a bunch of goofballs with exceptionally eccentric personalities it becomes much harder... and when you also have them be actually competent at their jobs and goo-, uh, nic-, mm, not objectively terrible in every way (and are generally willing to admit when they are wrong and change for the better, at least over-all).

of course it's good. Look where it's set.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Sorry to hear about your brother, Gran.

Hope things pick up soon for you, LM :)

Tacticslion wrote:
Wow. Brooklyn Nine-Nine is surprisingly excellent. I love basically every character, and that would be a hard thing to pull off, but when this is a comedy about a bunch of goofballs with exceptionally eccentric personalities it becomes much harder... and when you also have them be actually competent at their jobs and goo-, uh, nic-, mm, not objectively terrible in every way (and are generally willing to admit when they are wrong and change for the better, at least over-all).
Freehold DM wrote:
of course it's good. Look where it's set.

Heh. I keep trying to go to sleep, but I just keep watching episodes instead. I’m at episode nine.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

So, as "that annoying guy who has to bring up stuff I already know", are public schools an option?

In California, one of the reasons our school system is so crappy is that we rank pretty poorly on per-pupil spending (An interesting analysis as to why such rankings...

The one thing I'll mention that's in play in Texas that you don't have to worry about in California...

The Texas State Board of Education.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Limeylongears wrote:

Sorry to hear about your brother, Gran.

Hope things pick up soon for you, LM :)

Do you mean my Mother, or do you know something I don't?

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Vanykrye wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

So, as "that annoying guy who has to bring up stuff I already know", are public schools an option?

In California, one of the reasons our school system is so crappy is that we rank pretty poorly on per-pupil spending (An interesting analysis as to why such rankings...

The one thing I'll mention that's in play in Texas that you don't have to worry about in California...

The Texas State Board of Education.

Or 'Planky', as he is affectionately known.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:

Sorry to hear about your brother, Gran.

Hope things pick up soon for you, LM :)

Do you mean my Mother, or do you know something I don't?

A) Probably.

B) Probably not.

7 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:

I've been dealing with some serious FML stress the past few days.

On Saturday, Hermione had seven hours of testing for ADHD and learning disabilities. They discovered that, not only does she definitely have ADHD like her dad and her brother (it just looks different in her, because humans are a weird species), she also has dysgraphia and some sort of math disability that may or may not be related to her vision. Which I don't understand, because she just had her vision tested in October and it was 20/20. But apparently there's some kind of issue related to scanning speed that can be assessed by a "developmental opthamologist", so she wants to send us to one. Without insurance. At the same time as WW needed an emergency crown. Also without insurance.

So there's the financial h@*#&~@&+, right before Christmas.

And the Mom worries about how she's going to get through school and what kind of career path she can plan for, because it doesn't matter how high her IQ is or how well she reads if she can't write, complete her homework, or test.

And Thanksgiving was weird, and my pay got put in the old account again instead of the new bank even though the HR guy promised me it was fixed, so I had to scramble to keep automated bill payments from bouncing, and that was scary.

And I just had to have The Talk with the kids about how things are tight, and if I put lentil tacos on the table because lentils are cheaper protein than meat, to eat it and like it.

I'm following my mom's advice and just taking things one day at a time and doing the best I can, but holy f+++ing s&#&, I am so damned tired of this.

So, as "that annoying guy who has to bring up stuff I already know", are public schools an option?

In California, one of the reasons our school system is so crappy is that we rank pretty poorly on per-pupil spending (An interesting analysis as to why such rankings...

Yeah, our public school system in Texas is pretty awful. Like pre-Scopes-trial awful. No, that's not an exaggeration.

EXCEPT for, here in Dallas, we have some world-class magnet high schools. Booker T for the performing arts. A gifted magnet. A STEM magnet. (This was where Hermione has already been talking about wanting to go since 2nd grade.) And our State University system is pretty good, too. And she will be able to get all sorts of accommodation in our school. It's just a question of, with medication and accommodation, will they be able to prepare her to get *into* a good high school?

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In other words, perhaps someone skilled in semiotics might like to decode my ex's pre-holidays gift of a mug with a moustache on it and several burst tubs of Dominos garlic & herb dip.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:

I've been dealing with some serious FML stress the past few days.

On Saturday, Hermione had seven hours of testing for ADHD and learning disabilities. They discovered that, not only does she definitely have ADHD like her dad and her brother (it just looks different in her, because humans are a weird species), she also has dysgraphia and some sort of math disability that may or may not be related to her vision. Which I don't understand, because she just had her vision tested in October and it was 20/20. But apparently there's some kind of issue related to scanning speed that can be assessed by a "developmental opthamologist", so she wants to send us to one. Without insurance. At the same time as WW needed an emergency crown. Also without insurance.

So there's the financial h@*#&~@&+, right before Christmas.

And the Mom worries about how she's going to get through school and what kind of career path she can plan for, because it doesn't matter how high her IQ is or how well she reads if she can't write, complete her homework, or test.

And Thanksgiving was weird, and my pay got put in the old account again instead of the new bank even though the HR guy promised me it was fixed, so I had to scramble to keep automated bill payments from bouncing, and that was scary.

And I just had to have The Talk with the kids about how things are tight, and if I put lentil tacos on the table because lentils are cheaper protein than meat, to eat it and like it.

I'm following my mom's advice and just taking things one day at a time and doing the best I can, but holy f+++ing s&#&, I am so damned tired of this.

So, as "that annoying guy who has to bring up stuff I already know", are public schools an option?

In California, one of the reasons our school system is so crappy is that we rank pretty poorly on per-pupil spending (An interesting

Yeah, our public school system in Texas is pretty awful. Like pre-Scopes-trial awful. No, that's not an exaggeration.

You have got to be s&&$ting me.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

The thing that kills me about LM's issues is that GothBard and I have "full" employer-based insurance coverage: Medical, dental, and vision, and crowns still aren't covered.

Welcome to the wonderful world of U.S. medical insurance.

SO sorry, LM! That sucks beyond all reason!

Even here, public health insurance only covers crowns on ones, twos, and threes. Fours-through-eights are only covered for children. Private insurance coverage might vary.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Hello, everyone.

My mother went to the eye doctor for a Glaucoma test. I hope things go well.

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Ah yes. Do NOT get me started on insurance. It might (IE=FOr Sure) will lead to the terrible, no-good, very-bad discussion of things that Must-Not-Be-Named! (Politics)

My wife insisted that kids get braces. SHE had them (I did not) but SHE also has possibly the weakest teeth I have ever heard of. No kidding.
I think there may be ONE tooth in her head that is not crowned or capped or filled or SOMEthing. She simply has terrible cavity-itus, and she brushes her teeth as religiously as we go to church! ;)

It is funny (IE- Moronic, not 'ha-ha') that the thing you may need done to your teeth the most, (Caps and crowns) which is always due to something fairly catastrophic, usually a broken tooth, is either NOT covered, or has the 'least' amount of % covered by your insurance.

Mind. Blown.

EDIT- And I have never had 'public' insurance. Always had mine through wherever I was /am working.

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Hope everyone that is ill feels/gets better soon!

I am a fan of the pumpkin spice, I am sitting down at the PC with a cup of coffee with both pumpkin spice creamer, AND pumpkin spice Baileys in it.

(MY lunch break, MY coffee!) ;P

BUT,... I am not sure that ANYthing could convince me to eat octopus.
And I have eaten a few odd things in my day, but not that.

But hey, YOU enjoy! I insist! :)

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