NobodysHome |
7 people marked this as a favorite. |

Here is an excellent example of why people hate contractors:
(1) 6 months ago, we received a flyer in our mail that there would be sewer work in the city starting in January and running for 6 months, with a vague, "There will be 'No Parking' zones but you'll get at least 3 days' notice." All very informative and useful.
(2) 4 days ago, we received a flyer in our mail that said work on our street was starting yesterday (the requisite 3 days' notice), and if we had any questions or concerns, here's the web site, email address, and phone numbers to call. This interfered with our roofers, so I needed to use the contact information.
(3) Yesterday, NO WORK was done on our street, NOBODY ELSE moved their cars, and I visited the web site, called three of the numbers, and emailed two of the addresses. Every single phone number went to voicemail, and I left messages, every single email gave me an auto-reply, and the web site contained NO information about the project. And of course not a single person has responded to ANY of my attempts to contact them.
If you tell me, "Here are all the ways to contact us to get more information, and we're going to clearly communicate with you when we're doing the work in your area," and it ALL turns out to be a lie, I get angry.

Freehold DM |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Here is an excellent example of why people hate contractors:
(1) 6 months ago, we received a flyer in our mail that there would be sewer work in the city starting in January and running for 6 months, with a vague, "There will be 'No Parking' zones but you'll get at least 3 days' notice." All very informative and useful.
(2) 4 days ago, we received a flyer in our mail that said work on our street was starting yesterday (the requisite 3 days' notice), and if we had any questions or concerns, here's the web site, email address, and phone numbers to call. This interfered with our roofers, so I needed to use the contact information.
(3) Yesterday, NO WORK was done on our street, NOBODY ELSE moved their cars, and I visited the web site, called three of the numbers, and emailed two of the addresses. Every single phone number went to voicemail, and I left messages, every single email gave me an auto-reply, and the web site contained NO information about the project. And of course not a single person has responded to ANY of my attempts to contact them.
If you tell me, "Here are all the ways to contact us to get more information, and we're going to clearly communicate with you when we're doing the work in your area," and it ALL turns out to be a lie, I get angry.
you have every right to be angry.

Scintillae |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

I'm not sure what my favorite moment has been so far:
-the Vietnam War paper that never actually explained which side the US was helping, why it was unpopular, or anything beyond a random collection of unconnected facts about the war
-pondering over the assassination of MLK and wondering what could make Ray "do this kind of activity"
-declaring Secretariat had died of "an incurable condition called latimes"
And still got a good chunk to get through...yaaaaaay...

NobodysHome |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

And the capper on the morning: "Hey, kids. It turns out one of your friends is a thief, and they finally stole something that means something to me. Ferret them out and get my thing back or ALL of your friends are going to get perma-banned from the house."
EDIT: And I remember as a kid how unfair I thought it was for all of us to get punished for one kid's bad deeds, but now that I'm adult, all I know is that a bunch of kids are coming over, I'm providing them food, drinks, video rentals, etc., one of them is stealing from me, and the rest aren't noticing.
So my other choice is to tell them to watch for it, never get my stuff back, and risk continuing to lose things. Doesn't seem like a good choice...

NobodysHome |
7 people marked this as a favorite. |

The morning improves: In addition to harassing the construction company, I contacted the city of Albany. The Director of Public Works just called back: The reason no work is being done on my street is because this is a city of Berkeley project, and they were just going to come in, tear up our street, and leave.
Albany said, "Nope. You don't get to screw over our residents," and blocked them.
So the whole thing is on hold because Albany's blocking them until they promise to fix things, and now he's calling his Berkeley counterpart to get me a personal exemption for next week so Berkeley can't touch me.
I am pleased with Albany.
EDIT: And 15 minutes after that the construction company (Andes) called and said, "We can accommodate your roofers even if we're working on the street, so go ahead and have them come in."
So things are looking up. Now if only it would stop raining for a day or two...

Freehold DM |

The morning improves: In addition to harassing the construction company, I contacted the city of Albany. The Director of Public Works just called back: The reason no work is being done on my street is because this is a city of Berkeley project, and they were just going to come in, tear up our street, and leave.
Albany said, "Nope. You don't get to screw over our residents," and blocked them.
So the whole thing is on hold because Albany's blocking them until they promise to fix things, and now he's calling his Berkeley counterpart to get me a personal exemption for next week so Berkeley can't touch me.
I am pleased with Albany.
EDIT: And 15 minutes after that the construction company (Andes) called and said, "We can accommodate your roofers even if we're working on the street, so go ahead and have them come in."
So things are looking up. Now if only it would stop raining for a day or two...
does wunian snow dance

Freehold DM |

On the other hand, after Netflix' excellent Godzilla reboot, I watched the first episode of its Ultraman reboot. I was woefully unimpressed. I'm going to give it one or two more episodes because Netflix is usually better than that, but it didn't seem all that good to me...
it is based off the manga, which is noted for its updated approach to the genre. If you dont like the manga, you won't like this.

Limeylongears |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I've just got out of a super gig by The Comet Is Coming, which I attended with ALL (DE). There were lots of woogly analogue synth solos, which is something of which I am especially fond.

Scintillae |

captain yesterday wrote:I keep confusing the triangular robot for a more foul mouthed scint.I've seen two episodes, liked the Three Robots one (even though the end is waaaay overdone in cartoons).
The other one was okay, it made you think.
Overall, reminds of Spike and Mike's animation festivals.
Having not seen what you're talking about, I have no idea if I should be offended by this.

Freehold DM |

Freehold DM wrote:Having not seen what you're talking about, I have no idea if I should be offended by this.captain yesterday wrote:I keep confusing the triangular robot for a more foul mouthed scint.I've seen two episodes, liked the Three Robots one (even though the end is waaaay overdone in cartoons).
The other one was okay, it made you think.
Overall, reminds of Spike and Mike's animation festivals.
to netflix!

NobodysHome |

NobodysHome wrote:it is based off the manga, which is noted for its updated approach to the genre. If you dont like the manga, you won't like this.On the other hand, after Netflix' excellent Godzilla reboot, I watched the first episode of its Ultraman reboot. I was woefully unimpressed. I'm going to give it one or two more episodes because Netflix is usually better than that, but it didn't seem all that good to me...
Er, you *DO* know I have a manga bookcase and the Battle Angel: Alita deluxe set on my bedside table, right?

Freehold DM |

Freehold DM wrote:NobodysHome wrote:it is based off the manga, which is noted for its updated approach to the genre. If you dont like the manga, you won't like this.On the other hand, after Netflix' excellent Godzilla reboot, I watched the first episode of its Ultraman reboot. I was woefully unimpressed. I'm going to give it one or two more episodes because Netflix is usually better than that, but it didn't seem all that good to me...
Er, you *DO* know I have a manga bookcase and the Battle Angel: Alita deluxe set on my bedside table, right?
it isnt a Netflix original, it is literally the animation of the new ultraman manga.The new ultraman has its detractors, but it is definitely an attempt to breathe new life into a series which has languished for decades. I dont know if the original format would have worked well.

Freehold DM |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I have watched all three Netflix Godzilla reboots, mostly because I figure I should be familiar with at least one Godzilla franchise.
The occasional philosophical questions that certain characters put forward are mildly interesting, but overall I've been nonplussed. Especially with #3.
I liked it. It was okay.

NobodysHome |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

The shirt has reappeared and no feelings have been trampled! Hallelujah for a Diplomacy skill!
(Rather unexpectedly, it did indeed make it into the laundry, but managed to become completely encased in one of GothBard's shirts so my multiple searched of the laundry pile didn't reveal it, but folding the laundry did.)

Orthos |

The shirt has reappeared and no feelings have been trampled! Hallelujah for a Diplomacy skill!
(Rather unexpectedly, it did indeed make it into the laundry, but managed to become completely encased in one of GothBard's shirts so my multiple searched of the laundry pile didn't reveal it, but folding the laundry did.)
Was this the thought-stolen thing?

Freehold DM |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

The shirt has reappeared and no feelings have been trampled! Hallelujah for a Diplomacy skill!
(Rather unexpectedly, it did indeed make it into the laundry, but managed to become completely encased in one of GothBard's shirts so my multiple searched of the laundry pile didn't reveal it, but folding the laundry did.)
waitaminute. You were going to kick your sons friends out because you lost a shirt?

lisamarlene |

NobodysHome wrote:waitaminute. You were going to kick your sons friends out because you lost a shirt?The shirt has reappeared and no feelings have been trampled! Hallelujah for a Diplomacy skill!
(Rather unexpectedly, it did indeed make it into the laundry, but managed to become completely encased in one of GothBard's shirts so my multiple searched of the laundry pile didn't reveal it, but folding the laundry did.)
He's old.

lisamarlene |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

It's after ten and I still have five progress narratives to write for parent-teacher conferences. Which are twenty days away, but the deadline for writing the thrice-damned things is tomorrow. It took me long enough (Sunday through this morning) to catch up on the stupid online lesson planning and record keeping software that I never use except for twice a year when we're told to make sure it's up-to-date before conferences. I use a hardbound notebook. I carry it around the classroom. It has a number of color-coded bookmarks that only make sense to me.
This is neither modern nor technologically savvy, but if the wifi goes out, it still works.
But I digress.
If I could knock each one out in ten minutes, I could be done at eleven and maybe even still have something to drink and relax with a chapter or two of a book before I crash.
It's damned unlikely, but it's possible.

gran rey de los mono |
I went camping with some friends last weekend. We were each told what to bring. Bill brought steaks. Tom brought firewood. Steve brought beer. I showed up with 2 bottles of whiskey. Everyone was mad at me. When I asked why, Bill yelled "You were supposed to bring four tents!" I said "You're a math teach, Bill. You should know that 4 10ths equals 2 5ths."

Limeylongears |

Scintillae wrote:The Acolyte Protection Agency and Major League A$+$~@&s?sigh
Kids mixing up APA and MLA again.
Anarchist Panty Arquebus and Marxist Lingerie Arquebus, two popular 1920s left-wing squad support firearms, the difference being that the MLA also fired bras, making it equally effective in an anti-personnel and anti-light armour role. Republican fighters in the Spanish Civil War also apparently tried to adapt it to accept heat-seeking garter belts, with very limited success.

![]() |

I was busy playing with my new toys, AIA vitality.
You see there's a monthly fee of $8, but you can get $5 of grocery vouchers every week at bronze tier. Get to platinium tier and its $10 every week.
All you need to do is clock 250 points per week.
To clock 100 points:
60 minutes at average of 300 calories /hour
60 mins physical activity with 300 kcals burned (at a rate of at least 300kcal/hr)
So that's pretty easy, one body combat session. The only problematic part is having to stick your phone in your pocket cos it's uncomfortable.
You can get 50 points per day for walking 10,000 steps, but since it's not stackable and you can only get 100 points per day, I don't bother.
So yeah I'm using Samsung health App to sync to AIA vitality to get more grocery vouchers, while I'm exercising. The experimentation took a while so I went silent here.
Then there's a go take a physical fitness assessment for 1500 points at Fitness first. Trying to book an appointment slot on the 15th April, I wonder how I'll do. I suppose I make a passable runner(but I s*ck at sprinting) and I Still can't do a pull up =(
I can plank for 2 min straight, but I haven't done sit ups in a while.