gran rey de los mono |
gran rey de los mono wrote:One word. Necromancy.Nekkid Vidmaster7 wrote:How is a nudist cemetery worse? They're all buried anyways.Visit any cornfields or semetarys (that's how the movie spells it darn it!) recently?
Its extra worse if its a nudist cemetery.
I find it unlikely that someone who is willing to delve into the depravity that is bringing forth the undead would be upset by some nudity.

Vidmaster7 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Vidthulu wrote:I find it unlikely that someone who is willing to delve into the depravity that is bringing forth the undead would be upset by some nudity.gran rey de los mono wrote:One word. Necromancy.Nekkid Vidmaster7 wrote:How is a nudist cemetery worse? They're all buried anyways.Visit any cornfields or semetarys (that's how the movie spells it darn it!) recently?
Its extra worse if its a nudist cemetery.
Which is more upsetting to you? a run of the mill zombie or a naked zombie with his withered dangley bits hanging loose coming towards you.

gran rey de los mono |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
gran rey de los mono wrote:Which is more upsetting to you? a run of the mill zombie or a naked zombie with his withered dangley bits hanging loose coming towards you.Vidthulu wrote:I find it unlikely that someone who is willing to delve into the depravity that is bringing forth the undead would be upset by some nudity.gran rey de los mono wrote:One word. Necromancy.Nekkid Vidmaster7 wrote:How is a nudist cemetery worse? They're all buried anyways.Visit any cornfields or semetarys (that's how the movie spells it darn it!) recently?
Its extra worse if its a nudist cemetery.
Doesn't matter. Either way I'm turning around and trying to walk away at a slightly faster shamble than it can manage.

Vidmaster7 |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Vidmaster7 wrote:Doesn't matter. Either way I'm turning around and trying to walk away at a slightly faster shamble than it can manage.gran rey de los mono wrote:Which is more upsetting to you? a run of the mill zombie or a naked zombie with his withered dangley bits hanging loose coming towards you.Vidthulu wrote:I find it unlikely that someone who is willing to delve into the depravity that is bringing forth the undead would be upset by some nudity.gran rey de los mono wrote:One word. Necromancy.Nekkid Vidmaster7 wrote:How is a nudist cemetery worse? They're all buried anyways.Visit any cornfields or semetarys (that's how the movie spells it darn it!) recently?
Its extra worse if its a nudist cemetery.
Maybe FAWTL's constant nudity has just desensitized you.

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Sorry busy at work. Finished the letters of demand, I think, but we now have a load more of things to upload onto the data room and I need to figure a way to unravel the loan agreement. Both parts of it and it completely. I think I got the parts of it down pat(except for the mortgage-since different jurisdictions have different requirements), but to do it completely I need to gather all the documents that need unravelling and give them a good look over using legalese and the precedents. Then it's a matter(probably) of some slight tweaks.

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Just a Mort wrote:I hates doing the dishes. But in a weird kind of sense the thought of living away from my family in the impending future gives me a funny feeling. It'll be odd not being there for their hot pot during chinese new year.
I should be able to handle it, I've lived out of my aunts house, I can cook and am actually quite happy ironing things(at least happier then doing dishes).
I'm not particularly good at general house maintenance through.
Are you feeling anxious about not seeing them everyday?
I remember a similar feeling to that when I first moved away.
It'll be odd because with my family I'm used to having responsibilities like party planning and all that. Then it will be like suddenly no parties to plan...and I don't know what to do when I sit down and have nothing to do. Idle is not me.

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Plan other things, or throw your own parties.
You don't have to be idle if you don't want to.
I like doing the back end for parties and have people appreciate the food, but I don't do the talking thing very well...
I've been rather busy with life in general that I haven't actually done anything other then hearthstone dailies and PBPing.
I mean you know, like pizza experiments are awesome.
And I haven't gotten to baking that date loaf yet. And this Sunday, I'm going rock climbing.

NobodysHome |
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There are few things that enrage me more than other people's incompetence seriously negatively impacting your life.
All last week the local sewer guys were painting stripes on our street, digging out water meters, and otherwise doing major prep work. I spoke to one of them and they said, "Yes, we start work on this block April 1. You won't be able to park here."
A note arrived in my mailbox on Friday. "We start work on your block April 1. You won't be able to park here."
My roofer called on Friday afternoon, wanting to start on Monday. We have waited a year and a half for this roof. And I had to tell him, "No, the street will be closed this week. We're going to have to postpone for at least a week."
He was nonplussed, and is now scheduling other work. Who knows when we'll get our roof now.
And yep. You guessed it. Monday, April 1 has come, there are NO "No Parking" signs up, no one else moved their cars, and it's as if the utility company played a massive prank on me and me alone. (Yep, there's a big-a$$ white SUV parked in front of our house, because the space in front of our house is apparently special and magical.)
If we lose our roofing window because the utility company made me postpone when I didn't have to, there will be lawyers involved...

NobodysHome |
11 people marked this as a favorite. |

Stats that amaze me (learned at work):
- 70% of people who have voice-enabled devices use them
- "Most" people who own smartphones spend 5+ hours/day on them
I am *so* from a different era. *ANY* kind of voice recognition enrages me simply because:
(a) It always gets what I want wrong, and
(b) I do not feel like loudly announcing personal information such as my birthday, password, or Pin #. Just let me type the stupid thing in!
Even back in the 70s when I was watching Star Trek and they were saying, "Computer, do this for me" I was thinking, "Wouldn't it be better to type it in to avoid any communication issues?"
I'm just old.
EDIT: A recent phone call with my credit union was classic, though:
Robot: Please say out loud your account number and PIN
NobodysHome: (Looks at open windows and populated street) No.
R: I'm sorry, I didn't get that. Please try again.
(Repeat 4 times before it'll let me type in my account # and PIN)
R: OK, please describe the problem.
NH: You charged the wrong amount to my checking account.
R: Oh, you want to open a new checking account?
R: Please describe the problem again, using different words
(Five tries later)
R: I'm sorry. I can't understand you. Please hold while I get a Customer Service Representative to help you.
And that's been my universal experience. I'm in an industry where we program those bots, and programming them is indeed problematic, because you have to figure out all the common terms a person might use to do something.
But the 95% failure rate with every robot I've ever tried to use has me just using obscenities and hitting buttons until I either get a numerical menu or a human being.

Freehold DM |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Stats that amaze me (learned at work):
- 70% of people who have voice-enabled devices use them
- "Most" people who own smartphones spend 5+ hours/day on themI am *so* from a different era. *ANY* kind of voice recognition enrages me simply because:
(a) It always gets what I want wrong, and
(b) I do not feel like loudly announcing personal information such as my birthday, password, or Pin #. Just let me type the stupid thing in!Even back in the 70s when I was watching Star Trek and they were saying, "Computer, do this for me" I was thinking, "Wouldn't it be better to type it in to avoid any communication issues?"
I'm just old.
EDIT: A recent phone call with my credit union was classic, though:
Robot: Please say out loud your account number and PIN
NobodysHome: (Looks at open windows and populated street) No.
R: I'm sorry, I didn't get that. Please try again.
(Repeat 4 times before it'll let me type in my account # and PIN)
R: OK, please describe the problem.
NH: You charged the wrong amount to my checking account.
R: Oh, you want to open a new checking account?
R: Please describe the problem again, using different words
(Five tries later)
R: I'm sorry. I can't understand you. Please hold while I get a Customer Service Representative to help you.And that's been my universal experience. I'm in an industry where we program those bots, and programming them is indeed problematic, because you have to figure out all the common terms a person might use to do something.
But the 95% failure rate with every robot I've ever tried to use has me just using obscenities and hitting buttons until I either get a numerical menu or a human being.
yes you are old.

NobodysHome |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Automated phone answering enrages me as well, especially ones that force me thru several cycles of non-answers to connect me to a person.
I would rage-vote for nearly any politician who promised to criminalize automated answering.
Oh, the number systems don't bother me at all, as long as they don't lie and say, "Please wait to hear all the options before pressing a key", because they usually have maybe 4 options and then press 0 to talk to a human. Frequently one of the options applies to me, I don't bug a human, and I'm happy.
Once they put in the voice recognition software that's only 80-90% accurate is when I lose my patience, because now I'm repeating myself 4-5 times before it gives up, says, "I can't understand you," iterates this through 2-3 cycles, so before I get a chance to talk to a human I've gotten to listen to a robot tell me 15 times that I'm an unintelligible moron.
Not my cup of tea.
EDIT: I mean seriously. At the current state of technology, the worst "number option" menu I heard had 7 options, and they were reasonably organized and you could hit any number at any time, and 0 took you to a human.
Every voice recognition starts with, "Please describe your problem," and I have yet to figure out the keywords that makes the computer recognize anything I'm saying. I've given up and now I just spew obscenities until I get a human being.
At which point I usually stop...

NobodysHome |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

My main gripe is with people who wear headphones while they drive.
You're just going to make me tick off Orthos.
But yeah, California drivers holding their phones against their heads (illegal in CA), yakking away while running Stop signs and nearly plowing into pedestrians makes me wish that:
(a) I carried around a backpack full of easy-accessible bricks, and
(b) It was legal to throw said bricks through the back windows of said cars...
EDIT: I'm *sure* it would devolve into politics of the highest order, but if our officers would stop ticketing speeders and focus on distracted drivers and carpool violators we'd have much safer roads and a LOT less road rage.
(At the moment, the Albany on-ramp has its metering lights on 24/7, including a carpool lane that isn't enforced, so the violation rate is around 80%.)

Drejk |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

And that's been my universal experience. I'm in an industry where we program those bots, and programming them is indeed problematic, because you have to figure out all the common terms a person might use to do something.
How do they even deal with differences with pronunciation (regional, non-native, individual), pronunciation errors, and significant voice differences that can make word sound like other words in some cases?

Orthos |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Stats that amaze me (learned at work):
- 70% of people who have voice-enabled devices use them
- "Most" people who own smartphones spend 5+ hours/day on themI am *so* from a different era. *ANY* kind of voice recognition enrages me simply because:
(a) It always gets what I want wrong, and
(b) I do not feel like loudly announcing personal information such as my birthday, password, or Pin #. Just let me type the stupid thing in!Even back in the 70s when I was watching Star Trek and they were saying, "Computer, do this for me" I was thinking, "Wouldn't it be better to type it in to avoid any communication issues?"
I'm just old.
If you're old, I'm old, at least in this regard. Thankfully, I've learned that most of the voice-recognition programs that I have to deal with on a regular basis will still recognize the associated number-pressing to get the job done.
I despise voice control on my phone, and even more despise the fact that it seems to pop up with a hair trigger if I have headphones in. Thankfully not if they're Bluetooth, though, for some reason.

NobodysHome |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

NobodysHome wrote:Why would that tick me off? Driving with headphones on is a terrible idea. You need to be able to hear the traffic around you.captain yesterday wrote:My main gripe is with people who wear headphones while they drive.You're just going to make me tick off Orthos.
Oh, not that. Just revisiting the whole, "In California, we don't stop at Stop signs unless there's cross traffic or pedestrians" thing.
Amusingly enough, as I get older I find myself agreeing with you more and more, because while in theory, "Slow down enough that you have clear visibility and can proceed safely, and definitely into the single digits" works, in practice the fact that 95% of all drivers are morons makes it fail horrifically. And frequently.

NobodysHome |
7 people marked this as a favorite. |

And now I'm lying in bed, texting with a bunch of teenage girls.
Apparently unless something happens my vehicle is going to be the, "Flaming Taco Wagon of Death", with appropriate sweatshirts.
And I have had to promise 4:00 am slushies.
I will be sad when they graduate. They are such nonsense it's a delight.

Sharoth |

Just a Mort wrote:What happened to your arm, Vidmaster7? And yes, I missed you. I was also busy making black pepper chicken pizza. Next week's edition is black pepper pork pizza. With Mozarella cheese.So I tripped and fell and caught myself with that arm (better then my face right?) but I pretty well strained every muscle in it from doing so. I thought I might have broken it at first but its healing now.
The black pepper pork pizza sounds awesome, but I thought you couldn't use pork?
That is a disarming thing to have happen. I hope that your elbow through these troubles and get better soon.

Drejk |

And now I'm lying in bed, texting with a bunch of teenage girls.
Apparently unless something happens my vehicle is going to be the, "Flaming Taco Wagon of Death", with appropriate sweatshirts.
And I have had to promise 4:00 am slushies.
I will be sad when they graduate. They are such nonsense it's a delight.
What's nonsensical about slushies at 4:00 am?

gran rey de los mono |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
gran rey de los mono wrote:Maybe FAWTL's constant nudity has just desensitized you.Vidmaster7 wrote:Doesn't matter. Either way I'm turning around and trying to walk away at a slightly faster shamble than it can manage.gran rey de los mono wrote:Which is more upsetting to you? a run of the mill zombie or a naked zombie with his withered dangley bits hanging loose coming towards you.Vidthulu wrote:I find it unlikely that someone who is willing to delve into the depravity that is bringing forth the undead would be upset by some nudity.gran rey de los mono wrote:One word. Necromancy.Nekkid Vidmaster7 wrote:How is a nudist cemetery worse? They're all buried anyways.Visit any cornfields or semetarys (that's how the movie spells it darn it!) recently?
Its extra worse if its a nudist cemetery.
Yes, FAWTL's nudity is what has desensitized me. Not any of the plethora of websites that allow you to see real nudity. Absolutely FAWTL's fault. I should sue.

gran rey de los mono |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
...stuff about voice recognition phone menus...
My personal best voice menu story comes from when I was trying to cancel my DirecTV service. It asked what I wanted to do, so I said "Cancel service". It didn't understand. I said it three or four more times, it still didn't understand. So, in frustration, I let out a loud "AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!" and it transferred me to a human operator.