Deep 6 FaWtL

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Clocking out. Good night, everyone.

Night John.

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Going to the weed clinic went pretty much as expected; I went in complaining about chronic pain, the doc gave me a brief exam, and then promised me my card in two weeks.

My favorite part of the new-patient paperwork was initialing the "I am not a law enforcement agent here to entrap the clinic" and the "Possessing weed is a federal crime, and we take no responsibility for any crimes you may get caught committing" statements.

In other news, Eternium is basically the app version of Diablo, and that's perfect for my bestie and me. :)

I don't think it would run on either my tablet or my phone.

Freehold DM wrote:
The Vagrant Erudite wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:
Sugar is a drug, and so is caffeine. But no one's tried to ban those yet, heh. Though these days I've been cutting back on sugar. And I don't take much caffeine because tea makes me hungry and I do NOT need to have the urge to eat more thx.
I wouldn't say sugar is a drug, but caffeine certainly is.
Multiple studies have found sugar to be more addictive than nicotine.

sugar is an basic building block of the body. It is the most elementary form of energy storage and use we have, next to fat. Life without sugar would quite literally be impossible. You can live without caffeine

I specifically was referring to sucrose, not any chemical sugar.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

I had an awesome day today. I'll go into more detail tomorrow. Sleep now. You guys have a great one!

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Drejk wrote:

Now it is >official<. Both of you are old grumpy men who argue over the same over and over.

You need to have a pair of rocking chairs and canes to shake at each other.

See to me that is more a sign of familiarity and friendship than being old, it's endearing to be friends with someone for so long you forget the arguments you've had and rehash them.

The Exchange

Tequila Sunrise wrote:

Going to the weed clinic went pretty much as expected; I went in complaining about chronic pain, the doc gave me a brief exam, and then promised me my card in two weeks.

My favorite part of the new-patient paperwork was initialing the "I am not a law enforcement agent here to entrap the clinic" and the "Possessing weed is a federal crime, and we take no responsibility for any crimes you may get caught committing" statements.

In other news, Eternium is basically the app version of Diablo, and that's perfect for my bestie and me. :)

You lied? =( oh dear. But let's hope the weed fix works for you, remember to tell the doctor about your lung issues so you can drink it instead.

Though I guess being older helps, more long term friends to have your arguments with.

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I like marzipan.

Dark Archive

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Morning FaWtLites! And Happy Friday! I hope everyone is doing well and has a good day, and weekend, ahead of them! And for everyone who's not, I hope things improve for ye soon!

Dark Archive

Orthos wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
OK. I answered the eleven questions. Do I get a prize? Other than something to do while waiting to pick up GothBard?
Same. Might have gotten a bit bitter at the end...

What are the eleven questions?

Dark Archive

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Yuugasa wrote:

There is kinda an interesting question in that show though, if you were transported to a fantasy world and had basically the power of a god and no real pressing business what would you do with it?

Might be a fun premise for an adventure sometime.

There are so many anime with that story these days, you can see a lot of different takes on it. Overlord is the only one I can think of going the evil route, which is kind of refreshing, but it's starting to wear on me a bit.

I'm actually playing in a similarly themed homebrew RPG atm. We weren't godlike, but the tech we brought with our characters is far beyond that of the world we arrived in, so we're pretty high up there as long as the batteries last. :P

Dark Archive

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TOZ wrote:
People don’t quite understand that Ainz is not a good person.

Ainz isn't a person anymore. I think that's the core of it. He starts as one, and people fail to see that he stops being one over the course of the show.
Dark Archive

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I've got my little one for the Paddy's Day weekend, he's already back home with his grandparents, getting spoiled rotten. I'll be joining them after work today, and then we have til Monday (Paddy's Day is a bank holiday here). So should hopefully be good. :)

Dark Archive

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And a friendly reminder to my American friends, it is Paddy's Day, not Patty's Day. We're Irish, not burgers. :P

The Exchange

Yay Lord Synos! I just had my aunts bedsheets washed, then turned her queen sized mattress (man, that's a pain), cleaned some ceiling lights, 3 fans and a couple of windows, off to work out now, but looks like the way the train is stuck in station, I might be late. Was too optimistic about the time it would take to travel.

All the towns surrounding ours is flooded.

I hope my brother in Lodi is alright, they aren't too far from the river.

Dark Archive

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LordSynos wrote:
Orthos wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
OK. I answered the eleven questions. Do I get a prize? Other than something to do while waiting to pick up GothBard?
Same. Might have gotten a bit bitter at the end...
What are the eleven questions?

Nevermind, I found them. :P

Dark Archive

captain yesterday wrote:

All the towns surrounding ours is flooded.

I hope my brother in Lodi is alright, they aren't too far from the river.

I hope so too, CY.

Unfortunately for me, my brother lives on Facebook (he's one of the compulsive Facebookers) and I usually get updated on the doings there by my dad who is currently in California, and thus out of the loop.

Scarab Sages

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Its a bit stormy here. I love it. I love taking long walks with the wind blowing hard. As long as its not raining.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Crookshanks is taking part in the global climate change protests today.

Just a Mort wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Started playing a Wrath of the Righteous campaign tonight. Not sure how well it's going to go. And while I don't do great accents, I really screwed mine up somehow. I was going for a Matthew McConaughey type one, and somehow hit hippy/stoner instead. Didn't feel like correcting myself, so now everyone thinks my cleric is smoking weed and not sharing.
That's OK, I had a drunk cleric who's goal in life was to get everyone wasted. Because parteh! Even went around brewing his own beer.
But my guy ISN'T ON ANYTHING! He just sounds like it, and the party is talking about going through my bag while I'm asleep to steal a stash that doesn't exist.
Roll with it and get an actual stash of weed in game, then get the party high. I mean it's more appropriate for elder mythos campaigns like Strange Aeons, but sometimes drugs are a coping mechanism for PCs dealing with the horrors they face.


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Tequila Sunrise wrote:

Going to the weed clinic went pretty much as expected; I went in complaining about chronic pain, the doc gave me a brief exam, and then promised me my card in two weeks.

My favorite part of the new-patient paperwork was initialing the "I am not a law enforcement agent here to entrap the clinic" and the "Possessing weed is a federal crime, and we take no responsibility for any crimes you may get caught committing" statements.

In other news, Eternium is basically the app version of Diablo, and that's perfect for my bestie and me. :)

The whole, "I am not a cop" thing amuses me, because there's this mythos out there that cops aren't allowed to lie about being cops.

From what I've read and been told by cops, there's no such law; otherwise it would make undercover work utterly impossible.

Yuugasa wrote:
Though I guess being older helps, more long term friends to have your arguments with.

Until they start dropping like flies...

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NobodysHome wrote:

OK, two old man gripes in one day: Can we please decide on a standard "age of adulthood"?

- At 14, kids are old enough to get married in some states under some circumstances
- At 16, kids are old enough to drive in most states under most circumstances
- At 18, kids are old enough to get married, drive, vote, live on their own, and go to war under most circumstances (unless you're in Nebraska (19 for marriage) or Mississippi (21 for marriage))
- At 21, kids are old enough to drink or bear witness to legal proceedings

So yeah, I got bitten by the last one: We need an "uninvolved" witness to the signings of our wills. I figured I'd grab Talky, because he's uninvolved and he'd appreciate the "honor". Then I read the wills, and the witness has to be at least 21. What? Are we getting him drunk or something?

When you need a table to figure out whether you're old enough to do xxx, there's something wrong with the system.

And I'm still not old enough to do some things. (Collect from my IRA, for example.)

a discussion on ages of consent and adulthood will probably fill the skies with bikes so flaming you will thing St. IssacX himself is returning.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:

Chrono Trigger was indeed my first RPG, shortly followed by Final Fantasy VI, Super Mario RPG Lot7S, and Pokemon. I played bits and pieces of Planescape: Torment in my high school years but didn't get dedicatedly into D&D-based games until Neverwinter Nights 1, which I picked up in 2003 and have been playing ever since.

It's also the only real WRPG I've been able to get into other than PS:T. For some reason no others have ever really clicked for me. Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Witcher, you name it... I've just never been able to get into them. But JRPGs, especially the older NES/SNES/GB/GBA era ones and the more recent ones using the same older style, I can snatch up in a heartbeat and will probably love.

It's kinda why I've lost interest in Final Fantasy after XII. Everything since then has moved further and further away from the classic JRPG mold.

fans self

Orthos, the things you say...

Yuugasa wrote:

Near the end of Season 3 of Overlord, just saw the episode where he wipes out half the Empire's troops while summoning giant chaos spawn that bleat like goats.

Really hope these people are really just non sentient computer programs or dude is slipping into legit genocide territory.

Still not sure what the exact tone of Overlord is, it flips from goofy to terrifying on the reg.

a very good point, it has started to turn me off to the series.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
TOZ wrote:
People don’t quite understand that Ainz is not a good person.

maybe he isnt, but the way the story is being told creates some weird skips with respect to tone, like a needle on a very old and damaged record.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Yuugasa wrote:
Drejk wrote:

Now it is >official<. Both of you are old grumpy men who argue over the same over and over.

You need to have a pair of rocking chairs and canes to shake at each other.

See to me that is more a sign of familiarity and friendship than being old, it's endearing to be friends with someone for so long you forget the arguments you've had and rehash them.

that is true, as nobodyshome is old.

LordSynos wrote:
TOZ wrote:
People don’t quite understand that Ainz is not a good person.
** spoiler omitted **

an interesting point.

NobodysHome wrote:
Tequila Sunrise wrote:

Going to the weed clinic went pretty much as expected; I went in complaining about chronic pain, the doc gave me a brief exam, and then promised me my card in two weeks.

My favorite part of the new-patient paperwork was initialing the "I am not a law enforcement agent here to entrap the clinic" and the "Possessing weed is a federal crime, and we take no responsibility for any crimes you may get caught committing" statements.

In other news, Eternium is basically the app version of Diablo, and that's perfect for my bestie and me. :)

The whole, "I am not a cop" thing amuses me, because there's this mythos out there that cops aren't allowed to lie about being cops.

From what I've read and been told by cops, there's no such law; otherwise it would make undercover work utterly impossible.

there are a lot of weird rules(dont know about laws) for undercover work to cut down on vigilantism specifically. I am not surprised a out the signature requirements, as a collars for dollars mindset infiltrated drug enforcement first of all aspects of police work.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
a discussion on ages of consent and adulthood will probably fill the skies with bikes so flaming you will thing St. IssacX himself is returning.

Wow... I didn't even know it was a hot-button issue any more. Probably just being Californian, where it's pretty much, "Meh, do whatever you feel like. Just don't broadcast it."

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I don't know about age of consent, but if anyone over 18 tries to court my daughter I do know an awful lot about saws and digging holes.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
I don't know about age of consent, but if anyone over 18 tries to court my daughter I do know an awful lot about saws and digging holes.

You said the same thing about the under-18 suitor your daughter had. At least you're consistent!

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What do you mean no one heard about Tuf Voyaging?! That's a great book!

For a time I hoped that last SOIAF book will reveal that Westeros is on one of the lost planets that reverted to barbarism, white walkers are last remnants of githyanki, and then Tuf will come to repair broken weather control system... The direction the series goes makes that unlikely, though :(

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Only in the Bay Area do you get headlines like, "Here's how hot it's going to get this weekend..." followed up with a list of highs in the 60s.

Yeah, if it breaks 65° F, apparently it's "hot".

2 people marked this as a favorite.

For us it's "cold snap" when the weather dips below 40 at night.

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Anyone need a mansion? Cheap?

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Last night at dinner, there was one deviled egg left on the platter. Grandma said, "I'm going to auction it off; who would like to bid how many hugs they would like to give me or how many songs they can sing me?"
Val immediately bid ten hugs or two songs. (He really likes deviled eggs.) Grandma turned to Hermione and said, "Your brother just promised me ten hugs. How about you?"
"I can sing you THREE songs."
I asked, "Are we doing Queen Lear now?"
There was dead silence. A few crickets.
Then she gave Val the egg and Hermione the last gypsy pepper.

Later on, I asked Whingey Wizzard why he didn't say anything.
He replied, "Well, I've never fancied myself a Goneril; more Lear's Fool, really."

And there you have our family in a nutshell.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Yesterday was 61 degrees, for the first time in months.

It's going to be in the upper thirties this weekend, still incredibly warm.

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OK. Actual work is afoot so I need to get to it, but this explains NobodysHome's view of contractors in a nutshell: The solar guys are insisting on a $1000 deposit before they'll even get started scheduling me.

Some people would balk at this.

I view it as, "Awesome! Now I can sue the bejesus out of them if they don't show!"

Don't charge NobodysHome a deposit and then mess with him. You will regret it...

NobodysHome wrote:
Anyone need a mansion? Cheap?

I don't like it.

Just a Mort wrote:
Tequila Sunrise wrote:

Going to the weed clinic went pretty much as expected; I went in complaining about chronic pain, the doc gave me a brief exam, and then promised me my card in two weeks.

My favorite part of the new-patient paperwork was initialing the "I am not a law enforcement agent here to entrap the clinic" and the "Possessing weed is a federal crime, and we take no responsibility for any crimes you may get caught committing" statements.

You lied? =( oh dear. But let's hope the weed fix works for you, remember to tell the doctor about your lung issues so you can drink it instead.

Weed clinic doctors don't actually prescribe anything; they just qualify you for a medical marijuana card, so you can go buy what you need from a dispensary. So when I get my card I'll just walk in to a dispensary and ask for the non-smokables. :)

NobodysHome wrote:

The whole, "I am not a cop" thing amuses me, because there's this mythos out there that cops aren't allowed to lie about being cops.

From what I've read and been told by cops, there's no such law; otherwise it would make undercover work utterly impossible.

Freehold DM wrote:
there are a lot of weird rules(dont know about laws) for undercover work to cut down on vigilantism specifically. I am not surprised a out the signature requirements, as a collars for dollars mindset infiltrated drug enforcement first of all aspects of police work.

Yeah it is odd. Maybe verbally assuring some street dealer that "I'm no cop" is legally (or policy-wise) different than signing a paper saying "I'm not a cop here to cause trouble to your clinic"? Who knows.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
I don't know about age of consent, but if anyone over 18 tries to court my daughter I do know an awful lot about saws and digging holes.

You said the same thing about the under-18 suitor your daughter had. At least you're consistent!

In fairness, that's because the kid was a douchebag.

Which Crookshanks was eventually able to see.

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I now have to look for a summer hat for work because I lost my Darth Stewie hat somewhere and I need a replacement for the rotation.

NobodysHome wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
a discussion on ages of consent and adulthood will probably fill the skies with bikes so flaming you will thing St. IssacX himself is returning.
Wow... I didn't even know it was a hot-button issue any more. Probably just being Californian, where it's pretty much, "Meh, do whatever you feel like. Just don't broadcast it."

I didn't know it was ever a hot button issue. What exactly is the controversy; at what age a person becomes an adult? Or that there should be more national consistency to begin with?

Personally I can see a good argument for at least two tiers of adult rights; the right to legally work in high school (minimum wage jobs really drive home the importance of higher education or trade school), and everything else at graduation from high school.

But I do agree that we could use more national consistency.

NobodysHome wrote:
Anyone need a mansion? Cheap?

When I win the lottery...

No, actually, nope. If I ever become a millionaire, I'm going to live much like I do now. Money is too easy come, easy go, as my father always says.

Okay I'll probably buy a top shelf gaming desktop, and hire an IT person to maintain it. But no mansions or yachts.

Hi, everyone!

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