lisamarlene |
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Scintillae wrote:LM, I have no helpful advice or anything beyond hugs (speaking of, *hug!*), but here is one of the stupidest videos I have ever seen in the hopes that it makes you laugh a little.Just forwarded the link to Hi! Thank you for helping spread thepainjoy!
As long as you're sending random things to Hi, you can include this. This is up his alley, right?

Tacticslion |

*gets dressed*
*proceeds to eat a CfA breakfast bagel.*
It's the simple things, really. Besides, you never know when reality will snap back and then suddenly you're caught- er, I mean, I clearly have no dark or wicked impulses, ever! Yeah! (I think they bought it!)

Tacticslion |

Hah! They're back, now! My caution paid off!
NobodysHome wrote:As long as you're sending random things to Hi, you can include this. This is up his alley, right?Scintillae wrote:LM, I have no helpful advice or anything beyond hugs (speaking of, *hug!*), but here is one of the stupidest videos I have ever seen in the hopes that it makes you laugh a little.Just forwarded the link to Hi! Thank you for helping spread thepainjoy!
I DON'T WANT A POOL (waaaayyy too much maintenance), BUT I WANT THAT POOL!!

NobodysHome |
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NobodysHome wrote:As long as you're sending random things to Hi, you can include this. This is up his alley, right?Scintillae wrote:LM, I have no helpful advice or anything beyond hugs (speaking of, *hug!*), but here is one of the stupidest videos I have ever seen in the hopes that it makes you laugh a little.Just forwarded the link to Hi! Thank you for helping spread thepainjoy!
The scariest thing is that when Shiro had a pool in his back yard, he started looking at a $20,000 home theater system that rose out of the pool and played movies (for nighttime pool parties for the uber-rich). But it wouldn't fit in his pool.
If Shiro still had a pool, I'd push him to do it.
Hi would have to own a house first. Or even a rental unit. He's still cheerfully living out of his car.

Dirty Old Victorian Longears |
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And only once did a teacher ever actually read it, and of course it was the biggest stick-up-your-butt teacher in the entire school (also infamous for her skin-tight, zip-up-the-back polyester pants she wore every day), and she got very upset and the head tutor had to apologize. Once she was gone, he admitted that it was pretty darned funny.
For some reason, all I took in there were the words 'butt' and 'skin-tight polyester pants'
Then again, some people can get away with skin-tight polyester pants, and some can't, Queen Victoria being one of the former.

Vanykrye |
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So far, being on vacation seems mostly pointless and weird.
Yesterday, I balanced the books, worked on the 30-day budget, cleaned out the stopped tub drain, scrubbed every inch of the bathroom, did all the floors, beat the rugs outside in the yard, took out the trash, cleaned the house, and made dinner for the in-laws, then stayed up late cleaning after WW and the kids crashed.
Today, I repaired the wonky kitchen cabinet door, baked two dozen muffins for the monthly breakfast that my church serves at the shelter, dropped by the church to stash them in the freezer until they're needed on the 30th, did a bunch of laundry, and set up the mail hold with the postal service.
And I feel so effing depressed I just want to crawl into a hole and cry.
For absolutely no reason whatsoever.
I feel completely useless.
(When I'm depressed, I alternate between staring at the wall and frenzy of purposeful activity to prove I'm not actually a waste of carbon. Neither helps.)
And just in case you didn't get enough from them...

Tacticslion |
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I'd rather have a Stargate (adds construction of a Stargate in the garden to the list of chores).
Ew, no. A post-DS9-variant of the Star Ship Enterprise is where it's at. Super-massive holodeck, plus matter converters and teleportation.
As opposed to a big ol' gate that lets aliens attack you at random.
This is not denigrating Stargate, like, at all - it's just one of the many, many things that's cooler in fiction than it would be in "real life." Though admittedly, if it weren't for the hostile aliens, it might be better for "science" and "progress" as a whole... EDIT: also, should hopefully be clear I'm being a bit glib with this. E2: I will also say that there are probably even better ships for that than the Enterprise. I just use that because it's the thing I know best. I would need a clean-up crew or something, though. Maybe Star Wars style droids and/or solid-light projections ala the Doctor (no, not that one).

NobodysHome |
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GothBard has switched to Christmas Carols at work.
I told her, "I'm listening to Inmate 4859. It has bells. Christmas has bells. Close enough, right?"
EDIT: And while the chorus asks, "Who knows his name?", I'll bet dollars to donuts Drejk'll know who it's about...

NobodysHome |
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Freehold DM wrote:You already have a pool photo.lisamarlene wrote:And no, I'm not swimming naked. In the winter, I tend to fall in the pool with all my clothes *on*.
Not on purpose.but...its my birthday...
Er, you posted one at the top of the page. We *all* have a pool photo!
Except maybe TL, 'cause his technology apparently works totally differently from the rest of ours.

NobodysHome |
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Well, this is an EXCELLENT "Friday before vacation" activity:
Everyone else on the team has upgraded their antivirus and Microsoft Office software, so my manager told me to do it today. The antivirus alone has been running for 45 minutes now and is a little under halfway done. So my afternoon is watching progress bars.

Freehold DM |
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Freehold DM wrote:You already have a pool photo.lisamarlene wrote:And no, I'm not swimming naked. In the winter, I tend to fall in the pool with all my clothes *on*.
Not on purpose.but...its my birthday...
because of an error in how I saved it, it is the first photo that comes up every time I open my gallery. Your flashing plastic sword guards all my other pics.

NobodysHome |
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Impus Major's mind must be a wonderful and mysterious wonderland.
- Imp Friend #1: Can we all come over right after school tomorrow, IM?
- Imp Friend #2: Wait a minute! Don't be a jerk! Hey, Nobody! What time is it OK for us to come over tomorrow?
- NobodysHome: I'll probably be off work by around 3:00 pm, so you can come over then.
- Impus Major: Hear that, everyone? Come over tomorrow at 3:00 pm!
- Imp Friends: Yay!
- Impus Major: Hey, Dad! Is it OK if I have some friends over today after work?
- NobodysHome: Well, considering you invited them yesterday, I don't think I have much say in it at this point.
- Impus Major: Oh, riiiiiight...

lisamarlene |
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I'm feeling a little better; I logged onto TurboTax and started the prep work for our taxes, just for fun. Since we can technically call our move "for work" (I got offered a job before we moved, so it counts), I spent an hour going through bank records online, tallying up deductible moving expenses.
Now I feel useful again.

Cover Turtle |
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Blegh far too, many posts to reply to them all (even though I usually try)
1): Freehold happy birthday! *lifts glass of scotch and make and imaginary toast*
2):I've also been feeling down lately LM...
And I know it isn't easy to shake off depressive feelings. All I guess I can say is that you seem to me to be a magnificent woman. Caring, Sweet, Funny, Smart and Frugal...you a unique, beautiful being and here amongst us you are welcomed, even loved.
*Sends many hugs and nuzzles to LM*
3): I'll generally back you up Mort. I do find that monitoring the communications your kids have with others borders one the unpalatable for me. I do believe that even children have a certain expectation of privacy, though where exactly the line is drawn is a bit more blurry.
In most of the cases you've mentioned...yea you should probably let the child in question decide in which way they choose.
In other news...
Finally on holiday.
Tired, used, moody and a bit stressed.

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Scintillae wrote:Freehold DM wrote:Feeling recharged after a quick nap. Man, I love being in my thirties. WOOT!Hey, rest of Fawtl, what are your thirties like? I've never been there.My best description of my 30s is that all the people who say, "You won't be able to do that when you're in your 30s" are fools. You're still in the prime of your life, and there's really no noticeable change from your 20s, except maybe you have a little less energy.
It's not until your late 40s that your eyes start misbehaving, and that's the first irritation.
I'd say at 51 I've lost a small amount of strength and flexibility, but stretching and exercising every day keeps it at a minimum.
I used to be able to go to a LARP weekend, run around in the cold, get maybe 8 hours of sleep over the weekend (4 hours a night), and be fresh in the college seats on monday.
I feel like death after a weekend of LARP if I dont get at least 6 hours a night now.
I also cant drink as irresponsible as I used to now I'm in my 30s

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6 people marked this as a favorite. |

I took a noticeable hit to my metabolism around 34-36, when the problems with teeth started, together with getting fatter, and getting sick more often than for the previous ten or twelve years.
But I cant eat as much anymore, because suddenly everything sticks.

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Freehold DM wrote:Fish pants for everyone!Tequila Sunrise wrote:My GI thinks that the sleeping and anti-anxiety pills I've been taking have been making me too relaxed. Specifically, the intestinal muscles responsible for moving my bowels along.
So basically I'm getting my little GI workers too doped up to do their job.
I deal with that at work sometimes.
And the aftermath of when the muscles actually start working.
It may be time to follow the NH path.
Thanks for reminding me about the fish pants! I want some, but shipping would be prohibitively expensive. But I'll visit the USA in februari, and some people volunteered to be package mules, so I can get some!

![]() |
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So far, being on vacation seems mostly pointless and weird.
Yesterday, I balanced the books, worked on the 30-day budget, cleaned out the stopped tub drain, scrubbed every inch of the bathroom, did all the floors, beat the rugs outside in the yard, took out the trash, cleaned the house, and made dinner for the in-laws, then stayed up late cleaning after WW and the kids crashed.
Today, I repaired the wonky kitchen cabinet door, baked two dozen muffins for the monthly breakfast that my church serves at the shelter, dropped by the church to stash them in the freezer until they're needed on the 30th, did a bunch of laundry, and set up the mail hold with the postal service.
And I feel so effing depressed I just want to crawl into a hole and cry.
For absolutely no reason whatsoever.
I feel completely useless.
(When I'm depressed, I alternate between staring at the wall and frenzy of purposeful activity to prove I'm not actually a waste of carbon. Neither helps.)

Tacticslion |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Drejk wrote:I took a noticeable hit to my metabolism around 34-36, when the problems with teeth started, together with getting fatter, and getting sick more often than for the previous ten or twelve years.
I LOVE EATING.But I cant eat as much anymore, because suddenly everything sticks.
I have no idea what you are talking about!
*re-fastens mobile trough to eat more*

Drejk |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Tacticslion wrote:what? I know I can. What happened?So it seems that Chrome no longer allows me to mute individual tabs.
Time for a new browser.
Chrome designers are NH/Vankyre's worplace-grade smart, removing useful features for no reason?
I went to chrome://flags, found "Sound content settings" and set it to disabled. This changed the right click menu from "Mute Site" to "Mute Tab", though I still can't mute tab by merely clicking the sound icon.

Drejk |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

GothBard has switched to Christmas Carols at work.
I told her, "I'm listening to Inmate 4859. It has bells. Christmas has bells. Close enough, right?"
EDIT: And while the chorus asks, "Who knows his name?", I'll bet dollars to donuts Drejk'll know who it's about...
It took me some 30 seconds to get what you are speaking of, during which I frantically looked at your post asking myself why should I know.
Then it occurred to me what are you speaking of — yeah, I know the song, and I know the story of rotmistrz colonel (posthumously) Pilecki (though for some reason I thought his name was Jan or Józef, not Witold*).

Drejk |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Impus Major's mind must be a wonderful and mysterious wonderland.
- Imp Friend #1: Can we all come over right after school tomorrow, IM?
- Imp Friend #2: Wait a minute! Don't be a jerk! Hey, Nobody! What time is it OK for us to come over tomorrow?
- NobodysHome: I'll probably be off work by around 3:00 pm, so you can come over then.
- Impus Major: Hear that, everyone? Come over tomorrow at 3:00 pm!
- Imp Friends: Yay!Today:
- Impus Major: Hey, Dad! Is it OK if I have some friends over today after work?
- NobodysHome: Well, considering you invited them yesterday, I don't think I have much say in it at this point.
- Impus Major: Oh, riiiiiight...
You could have said "NO"... Just saying...

Drejk |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Drejk wrote:I took a noticeable hit to my metabolism around 34-36, when the problems with teeth started, together with getting fatter, and getting sick more often than for the previous ten or twelve years.
I LOVE EATING.But I cant eat as much anymore, because suddenly everything sticks.
And my stomach shrunk, and yet, I am fatter than I was 10 years ago when I ate more...

NobodysHome |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Sweet holy mother of f***, Goth Bard is texting me pictures of a three thousand dollar refrigerator.
Because it has "SMEG" across the front.
Which is problematic, because if it's a smeggy fridge for smegheads, you can't put anything in it but takeaway curry and maybe a box of stale doughnuts.
LOL. What did you do, look up the price?
It was front and center at the appliance store, and we thought, "OMG! We need to put this in Whimseyshire!"
Then we opened it up and saw the price tag and thought, "No, no we don't!"
For a $3000 fridge, it was tiny. Impus Major would fit in there, but I'm skeptical that Impus Minor would.

Orthos |
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Orthos wrote:The Great Xmas Wrapping Critique-a-thon has begun.Pfff, Ive given up on fancy wrapping. Most of the family is *rip it off in as little time as possible* when it comes to wrapping.
Of course, I can all annoy them to heck unwrapping everything ever so carefull.
My company's owner is immensely picky and particular about Xmas gift wrapping. And since he passes out all the gifts at the company party, he critiques and criticizes every single one, pointing out the responsible parties by name, as the gifts are shared.
And whatever powers you believe in help you if you dared to get a bag for your present instead of wrapping it.

lisamarlene |
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lisamarlene wrote:Sweet holy mother of f***, Goth Bard is texting me pictures of a three thousand dollar refrigerator.
Because it has "SMEG" across the front.
Which is problematic, because if it's a smeggy fridge for smegheads, you can't put anything in it but takeaway curry and maybe a box of stale doughnuts.
LOL. What did you do, look up the price?
It was front and center at the appliance store, and we thought, "OMG! We need to put this in Whimseyshire!"
Then we opened it up and saw the price tag and thought, "No, no we don't!"For a $3000 fridge, it was tiny. Impus Major would fit in there, but I'm skeptical that Impus Minor would.
It's small? So you're telling me that it's quite literally a RED. DWARF. fridge. That says "SMEG".
DUH, of COURSE I looked it up.

Tequila Sunrise |
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Pan's Labyrinth stuff
I agreed with your assessment the first couple of times I watched it, but then I started thinking about a scene near the end...
In the director's commentary (yes I'm that kind of nerd), Del Toro speaks as if it's all a fantasy in the beginning; but by the end of the film he's speaking as if it's totally real. I find it funny that he himself may not be decided on it one way or the other. :)

Scintillae |
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Woran wrote:Orthos wrote:The Great Xmas Wrapping Critique-a-thon has begun.Pfff, Ive given up on fancy wrapping. Most of the family is *rip it off in as little time as possible* when it comes to wrapping.
Of course, I can all annoy them to heck unwrapping everything ever so carefull.
My company's owner is immensely picky and particular about Xmas gift wrapping. And since he passes out all the gifts at the company party, he critiques and criticizes every single one, pointing out the responsible parties by name, as the gifts are shared.
And whatever powers you believe in help you if you dared to get a bag for your present instead of wrapping it.
...I could have so much fun with this.

Orthos |
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Orthos wrote:...I could have so much fun with this.Woran wrote:Orthos wrote:The Great Xmas Wrapping Critique-a-thon has begun.Pfff, Ive given up on fancy wrapping. Most of the family is *rip it off in as little time as possible* when it comes to wrapping.
Of course, I can all annoy them to heck unwrapping everything ever so carefull.
My company's owner is immensely picky and particular about Xmas gift wrapping. And since he passes out all the gifts at the company party, he critiques and criticizes every single one, pointing out the responsible parties by name, as the gifts are shared.
And whatever powers you believe in help you if you dared to get a bag for your present instead of wrapping it.
I'm trying not to get fired....