Justin Franklin |

saddened by all the evil beer-hate going on in the FAWTLY thread, Aberzombie attempts to drown himself in a vat of beer
I don't hate it, I just can't drink it.

Justin Franklin |

Justin Franklin wrote:A likely story! ;)Aberzombie wrote:saddened by all the evil beer-hate going on in the FAWTLY thread, Aberzombie attempts to drown himself in a vat of beerI don't hate it, I just can't drink it.
Based on the number of beer drinkers in the world, I would think it an unlikely story.:)

Doodlebug Anklebiter |

Not trying to ruffle anyone's feathers further, but here's a funny story about unions and beer from last year.

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Not trying to ruffle anyone's feathers further, but here's a funny story about unions and beer from last year.
Since this story contains BEER, we'll give you a pass this once.
But we'll get you next time Gadget!
shakes fist
Next time!!!

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Aberzombie wrote:Based on the number of beer drinkers in the world, I would think it an unlikely story.:)Justin Franklin wrote:A likely story! ;)Aberzombie wrote:saddened by all the evil beer-hate going on in the FAWTLY thread, Aberzombie attempts to drown himself in a vat of beerI don't hate it, I just can't drink it.
It.....It's like....I don't know you anymore!

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Studpuffin wrote:There there, we will always have Corona.You're gonna dis Anheuser-Busch products and then extol Corona? Heck, even Mexicans won't drink Corona! They either drink Dos Equuis if they're feeling flush, or Tecate if they are on a budget (ahh Tecate ..the Meisterbrau of Mexico =D)
Might have to splurge on a 12-pack of Bud cans this weekend to celebrate the birth of our most excellent nation! Long may her proud flag wave!
BUDWEISER is good.
BUSCH is bad.
Corona is tolerable. TOLERABLE!!! I've never met someone who couldn't drink a corona. Of course, they were usually already fairly drunk by the time they started drinking it. You can't taste crap then.
Dos Equis is GOOD! I could drink that until my kidneys exploded.

Doodlebug Anklebiter |

Aberzombie wrote:Based on the number of beer drinkers in the world, I would think it an unlikely story.:)Justin Franklin wrote:A likely story! ;)Aberzombie wrote:saddened by all the evil beer-hate going on in the FAWTLY thread, Aberzombie attempts to drown himself in a vat of beerI don't hate it, I just can't drink it.
JF's got a point. But I'd still buy the book.

Patrick Curtin |

Now I'll have to write a book about how everything bad that happens in the world is caused by people who hate beer.
Aww I don't hate beer zombeh, I'm just not a beer snob. I'll drink any of your batches by all means, but when it come to shelling out my hard-earned shekels, well ... Budweiser always wins.
Funny story: I roomed with a Texan while learning Arabic in Monterey CA who was a beer snob's beer snob. He also drank quite a bit. He always had a 12-pack of some odd variety in our little dorm fridge. Now, according to policy at the Defense Language Institute at that time, you could only have 12 beers at any point in time in your room. MMy battle buddy Lance just always took the 12 because I rarely was holding any suds.
One day I happened to have a single beer left over for the weekend which I put in the fridge. Our platoon sergeant just happened to do an inspection that day, and he giged us for the extra beer. Luckily, he was a pretty cool dude for an E7 (linguists usually are) and he laughed and teased us about it, saying "Leisure always has the beer and didn't expect Curtin to ever need his six-pack space."
Anyway, my story about beer for the day. I should hook you Texans up with Lance, he's a lawyer in Houston these days (actually I should hook HD up with him come to think of it =O )

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Aww I don't hate beer zombeh, I'm just not a beer snob.
Oh, believe me, I'm not a beer snob. I'll drink all kinds of stuff - including several of the various Buds, Millers, etc. Except Coors - that s!$% is just nasty. In fact, when I was younger, that mostly what I drank. But these days, I've grown to like a lot of the craftbrew stuff.

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Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:does happy danceStudpuffin,
Alas, no.
but... You are on Facebook!

Freehold DM |

Freehold DM wrote:but... You are on Facebook!Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:does happy danceStudpuffin,
Alas, no.
explodes, drenching Jess Door's fresh laundry with FHDM bits, Haterade(tm), some filler

Emperor7 |

Aberzombie wrote:Mac Boyce wrote:** spoiler omitted **Aberzombie wrote:You know what I like most about Lisa? She knows how to put a tool back in its place.?** spoiler omitted **
You should sue! Ask Sebastian, I be he would do it Pro Bono.[sic]
Always figured Sebastian as one of the John Bono fan boyz. hehe

Patrick Curtin |

Patrick Curtin wrote:Hmmm. So, that's what? An hour south of Boston?Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:Independent Citizen Anklebiter, I live fairly up Cape, in Sandwich (or Forestdale if you wanna go village name).Hey, Comrade Curtin:
How far out on the Cape do you live?
Depending on traffic and willingness to break speed limits 1 1/2 to 2 hrs. 15 mins from Sagamore Bridge.

Doodlebug Anklebiter |

Freehold DM wrote:but... You are on Facebook!Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:does happy danceStudpuffin,
Alas, no.
Okay, so, a half-dozen years ago, I was friends with all these smoking hot girls who worked at a comic book store in Boston. And they were all "You should get on MySpace." So, I was, like, "Yeah, sure, if I get to hang out with you, I'm there." And we flirted, and had weekly Lost parties, and maybe we [bubble bubble bubble]-ed in the park and it was hot.
But then, after I finally worked up the courage to ask one of them out, they all decided to be gay. :(
I guess, Studpuffin, what I'm saying is, you're not those girls.

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And for dinner today, we're having porkchops with some pasta and a sauce made from cream, canned (damn you convenience-store) mushrooms, and some basil and oregano.
To drink with this I'm going for a small bottle of Casillero del Diablo 2009 - an excellent white wine produced in the Casablanca valley in Chile. The description on the label puts it as "A crisp Chardonnay packed with tropical fruit flavours and subtle hints if vanilla."
What are all you lot having?
Not sure if I'll be having DINNER, per se. Probably nachos or quesadillas if I do, though.
I think we still have a three-year-old can of chanterelles, though we might have eaten them by now. My family used to go mushrooming every spring/fall, but we've kinda stopped and only really do huckleberries.
When I ate at the house of one of my father's work friends in Sweden, we had potatoes with cream sauce, salad, his dried mushrooms in cream sauce, and lox. And some other stuff, but I had a cold or something and so didn't appreciate it as well. (Actually, some of that might have come from the wine.) Then when I ate at the house of my (god-sister?) and her fiance we had a big soup pot. And when I ate several meals at the house of my god-mother and her boyfriend, they were also highly prepared (even dinner and breakfast!). Do Swedes always eat so richly? Or is it a special occasion for you to have the meal you described?
It all sounds delicious.
(As an aside: All these people had heard an old report that I still ate fish. Not wanting to go hungry/offend, I ate the total of four fish suppers and a fish dinner. Y'all eat a lot of meat, mayhap?)

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Celestial Healer wrote:And for the record, beer is gross. All of it.Amen Brother Healer!
Give me a nice Bundaberg Rum and Ginger Beer (preferably Bundaberg Ginger Beer) and I'm sweet. :)
Hey, flash is back!
Edit: Naked flash? Kinda the definition. (Ah rimimber when flash whuz ahr Ur-i-zen.)