Just a Mort |
5 people marked this as a favorite. |
Hmm. I went for a medical checkup and now I've been called in for a doctor's review. I checked with my colleague that was also called in, she said that she asked for the review over the phone, and there were some minor issues, so I guess I found out they don't call you in for nothing.
I'll go for the review next Thursday. Hopefully it's nothing big.
And I'm fretting so much I forgot to wear my clothes.
Vidmaster7 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Just got to remain calm nothing you can do about it until you go and talk to them. It might be something bad or it might be something not so bad. I would just try to think its something minor until you talk to them. Worrying about it won't help. In fact maybe its high blood pressure and worrying about it is only increasing your blood pressure!
I mean you don't feel sick right? That is usually a good sign most of the time.
Vidmaster7 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Freehold DM wrote:Just a Mort wrote:plump kitty is best kitty! breaks out seasoningsI really, really hope it's nothing big. If they said I was too fat, I'd understand. I am. Kinda.
BMI for Asians is supposed not to exceed 23.
*Yowls at Freehold*
Yeah I hope it isn't anything serious too.
Well I'm sure we all do too mort!
Cover Turtle |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
Oooh that's dark. Executioners axe><The pun about being stumped and choppy is funny though. Don't worry. Choppy is a fine name.
Me: Sky blue, unicorn. Cutie mark would probably be a silver star. Because, shiny!
Fluffles? Fluffy?
*nods emphatically at the name fluffles, before giving a sad solemn look at his pile of rejected manuscripts for children show episodes, returned with various comments urging him to seek professional help*
Hey cover turtle! I got some comics for you!
They're slightly darker. Here
* Nods again and smiles, giving kitty a nuzzle as thanks*
Hmm. I went for a medical checkup and now I've been called in for a doctor's review. I checked with my colleague that was also called in, she said that she asked for the review over the phone, and there were some minor issues, so I guess I found out they don't call you in for nothing.
I'll go for the review next Thursday. Hopefully it's nothing big.
And I'm fretting so much I forgot to wear my clothes.
*Looks at Kitty, before nuzzling her again reassuringly*
*Puts turtle foot on her forehead, looks in her mouth and is about to listen to her chest, realizing what he's about to do he blushes and pops his head into his shell and excuses himself profoundly*
I really, really hope it's nothing big. If they said I was too fat, I'd understand. I am. Kinda.
BMI for Asians is supposed not to exceed 23.
*Snorts derisively!*
*Pokes Kittys belly with a turtle foot, before poking his own turtle beer-belly*.
*Puzzled expression*
*Wonders why a kitty can have such a soft belly, when its so much smaller and slimer then his quivering mass?!*
I was just saying. It might be something else,like low blood pressure, gout, or maybe worse stuff...
*starts tugging fur out*
*Takes kitty by her shoulders and gives her a soft shake, before drawing her in for a quick hug. Looks over her fur, re-fluffs it and gather up the tugged out fur and tries to put it back on kitty…*
Thanks guys =)
*Calms down some*
*Smiles, gives Mort kitty a loving head-bunt and another turtle-hug.
Vanykrye |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
G*~$%#n f~+&ing rain.
No rain here. By the time you get down here it will be about noon, so you'll have the entire afternoon to rip out landscaping, dirt, build a functional concrete block wall, and several decorative brick walls, and then just for grins rip out most of my driveway and replace it with something awesome. Oh, and cut down 7 trees that are near homes and power lines. I figure you can have that done in time to go out to dinner with us tonight. ;)
lisamarlene |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
I really, really hope it's nothing big. If they said I was too fat, I'd understand. I am. Kinda.
BMI for Asians is supposed not to exceed 23.
Going by what my own doctor keeps chiding me about, i.e. excess weight can lead to stress on the heart, the joints, the everything, they probably just want to scare you a little bit and talk about "lifestyle changes".
Vanykrye |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |
Many, many pages ago, I wrote of a man who walked up to me while I was mowing and asked if he could mow my lawn for gas money.
Last night there was a knocking at my door.
Apparently this time his car caught fire in another town, so he and his wife decided their best course of action was to walk several miles to my house and ask to mow my yard again. I reiterate: This was the best option they could come up with.
Sure, I let him mow my yard again, but...this is just weird.
Freehold DM |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
Many, many pages ago, I wrote of a man who walked up to me while I was mowing and asked if he could mow my lawn for gas money.
Last night there was a knocking at my door.
Apparently this time his car caught fire in another town, so he and his wife decided their best course of action was to walk several miles to my house and ask to mow my yard again. I reiterate: This was the best option they could come up with.
Sure, I let him mow my yard again, but...this is just weird.
i am sensing meth here.
Vanykrye |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |
Vanykrye wrote:i am sensing meth here.Many, many pages ago, I wrote of a man who walked up to me while I was mowing and asked if he could mow my lawn for gas money.
Last night there was a knocking at my door.
Apparently this time his car caught fire in another town, so he and his wife decided their best course of action was to walk several miles to my house and ask to mow my yard again. I reiterate: This was the best option they could come up with.
Sure, I let him mow my yard again, but...this is just weird.
I won't deny it's a possibility, but too many things are actually adding up properly in their stories - it's too organized (I can't believe I'm saying that) for what the average local meth-head is going to put together. Plus they do have all of their teeth.
(I'm being a bit flippant, as addiction is a real problem and meth is absolutely horrible. But I'm really leaning towards "not meth" and more towards "weird people who make odd decisions and this could be a contributing factor to why they're in their current predicament". I got a lot of backstory from them last night. But still really weird.)
Just a Mort |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
*Pokes Kittys belly with a turtle foot, before poking his own turtle beer-belly*
*claws Cover Turtle's foot*
You know you shouldn't be touching kitty bellies...
*meows at Cover Turtle and nuzzles him around the shoulder*
*Also sticks claws into Evil Kjeldorn's shin*
That's for kitty roast!
But weight really does matter. My aunt had less achy feet after she lost some weight. Seriously I don't mind exercising its just there's only so many hours in a day. Which reminds me...off running tomorrow.
Freehold DM |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Freehold DM wrote:Vanykrye wrote:i am sensing meth here.Many, many pages ago, I wrote of a man who walked up to me while I was mowing and asked if he could mow my lawn for gas money.
Last night there was a knocking at my door.
Apparently this time his car caught fire in another town, so he and his wife decided their best course of action was to walk several miles to my house and ask to mow my yard again. I reiterate: This was the best option they could come up with.
Sure, I let him mow my yard again, but...this is just weird.
I won't deny it's a possibility, but too many things are actually adding up properly in their stories - it's too organized (I can't believe I'm saying that) for what the average local meth-head is going to put together. Plus they do have all of their teeth.
(I'm being a bit flippant, as addiction is a real problem and meth is absolutely horrible. But I'm really leaning towards "not meth" and more towards "weird people who make odd decisions and this could be a contributing factor to why they're in their current predicament". I got a lot of backstory from them last night. But still really weird.)
meth is one of those drugs that doesnt affect your thought processes negatively until the time you start to go hardcore. Most methheads are fairly intelligent, especially as meth increases focus and energy levels, some will memorize entire books before getting to a level where they only really focus on less complicated things. I would argue these guys are in the early stages- affable, mostly law abiding and willing to travel long distances on foot if it means getting more meth in a quiet way.
Vanykrye |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Vanykrye wrote:meth is one of those drugs that doesnt affect your thought processes negatively until the time you start to go hardcore. Most methheads are fairly intelligent, especially as meth increases focus and energy levels, some will memorize entire books before getting to a level where they only really focus on less complicated things. I would argue these guys are in the early stages- affable, mostly law abiding and willing to travel long distances on foot if it means getting more meth in a quiet way.Freehold DM wrote:Vanykrye wrote:i am sensing meth here.Many, many pages ago, I wrote of a man who walked up to me while I was mowing and asked if he could mow my lawn for gas money.
Last night there was a knocking at my door.
Apparently this time his car caught fire in another town, so he and his wife decided their best course of action was to walk several miles to my house and ask to mow my yard again. I reiterate: This was the best option they could come up with.
Sure, I let him mow my yard again, but...this is just weird.
I won't deny it's a possibility, but too many things are actually adding up properly in their stories - it's too organized (I can't believe I'm saying that) for what the average local meth-head is going to put together. Plus they do have all of their teeth.
(I'm being a bit flippant, as addiction is a real problem and meth is absolutely horrible. But I'm really leaning towards "not meth" and more towards "weird people who make odd decisions and this could be a contributing factor to why they're in their current predicament". I got a lot of backstory from them last night. But still really weird.)
Plausible, I won't deny that.
captain yesterday |
NobodysHome |
7 people marked this as a favorite. |
Why Everybody Hates Trade Wars With NobodysHome
So, Final Fantasy Online has a very robust crafting and marketplace system, so you can craft hard-to-get items, check what other people are selling them for, and sell them for a competitive price. Most people politely align with the current lowest price. It's a remarkably-polite community.
Then there are the jerks who just HAVE to come along and undercut everybody.
So one of my "staple items" is an orchestrion: A music player that has been selling on the market for months for 300,000. Mine stopped selling about a week ago, and I checked, and one guy had put up 8 on the market at 290,000, so was forcing prices down.
So I dropped the price on my one item down to 250,000, figuring I'd let it sell then he could get his 290,000.
Within 2 hours, he'd dropped all his prices down to 240,000, just to beat me.
Well, I'm patient, I'm Lawful, and I'm vengeful.
If he'd just matched my price, I would have let it go.
Instead, the market is now flooded with 50,000 gp orchestrions, 'cause those aren't worth making so if he undersells me it'll be at a loss.
Ever considered an even playing field, fella?
Freehold DM |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Why Everybody Hates Trade Wars With NobodysHome
So, Final Fantasy Online has a very robust crafting and marketplace system, so you can craft hard-to-get items, check what other people are selling them for, and sell them for a competitive price. Most people politely align with the current lowest price. It's a remarkably-polite community.
Then there are the jerks who just HAVE to come along and undercut everybody.
So one of my "staple items" is an orchestrion: A music player that has been selling on the market for months for 300,000. Mine stopped selling about a week ago, and I checked, and one guy had put up 8 on the market at 290,000, so was forcing prices down.
So I dropped the price on my one item down to 250,000, figuring I'd let it sell then he could get his 290,000.Within 2 hours, he'd dropped all his prices down to 240,000, just to beat me.
Well, I'm patient, I'm Lawful, and I'm vengeful.
If he'd just matched my price, I would have let it go.
Instead, the market is now flooded with 50,000 gp orchestrions, 'cause those aren't worth making so if he undersells me it'll be at a loss.
Ever considered an even playing field, fella?
this is why i am chaotic.
Cover Turtle |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Cover Turtle wrote:*Pokes Kittys belly with a turtle foot, before poking his own turtle beer-belly*
*claws Cover Turtle's foot*
You know you shouldn't be touching kitty bellies...
*meows at Cover Turtle and nuzzles him around the shoulder*
*Also sticks claws into Evil Kjeldorn's shin*
That's for kitty roast!
But weight really does matter. My aunt had less achy feet after she lost some weight. Seriously I don't mind exercising its just there's only so many hours in a day. Which reminds me...off running tomorrow.
*Retreats into his shell at the kitty claw swipes*
Still likes Mort kitty despites her "Clawful" nature :P
Don't really run, though I go swimming for about an hour twice a week, though to be realistic, I'll probably have to increase it to around 5 times a week to get any really noticeable results…
*Slaps the side of his turtle beer belly, and watches mesmerized, by the wave slowly rippling across it*
Cover Turtle |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Why Everybody Hates Trade Wars With NobodysHome
So, Final Fantasy Online has a very robust crafting and marketplace system, so you can craft hard-to-get items, check what other people are selling them for, and sell them for a competitive price. Most people politely align with the current lowest price. It's a remarkably-polite community.
Then there are the jerks who just HAVE to come along and undercut everybody.
So one of my "staple items" is an orchestrion: A music player that has been selling on the market for months for 300,000. Mine stopped selling about a week ago, and I checked, and one guy had put up 8 on the market at 290,000, so was forcing prices down.
So I dropped the price on my one item down to 250,000, figuring I'd let it sell then he could get his 290,000.Within 2 hours, he'd dropped all his prices down to 240,000, just to beat me.
Well, I'm patient, I'm Lawful, and I'm vengeful.
If he'd just matched my price, I would have let it go.
Instead, the market is now flooded with 50,000 gp orchestrions, 'cause those aren't worth making so if he undersells me it'll be at a loss.
Ever considered an even playing field, fella?
*Checks game folder to be sure he hasn't begun playing MMos in his sleep...again*
Don't really know how much you appreciate having me nosing around on your server ^^'
I tended to flood the market with copious amount of "cheap" (think lowest bid minus 10-15 percent) of cheap crafting materials. Everything actually need to "play the game" would usually get the same treatment as crafting materials, unless it was was really really high end or a freaking pain to acquire/craft.
Only high-end vanity stuff, or the like, would be anywhere near the going market prices.
NobodysHome |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
NobodysHome wrote:Why Everybody Hates Trade Wars With NobodysHome
So, Final Fantasy Online has a very robust crafting and marketplace system, so you can craft hard-to-get items, check what other people are selling them for, and sell them for a competitive price. Most people politely align with the current lowest price. It's a remarkably-polite community.
Then there are the jerks who just HAVE to come along and undercut everybody.
So one of my "staple items" is an orchestrion: A music player that has been selling on the market for months for 300,000. Mine stopped selling about a week ago, and I checked, and one guy had put up 8 on the market at 290,000, so was forcing prices down.
So I dropped the price on my one item down to 250,000, figuring I'd let it sell then he could get his 290,000.Within 2 hours, he'd dropped all his prices down to 240,000, just to beat me.
Well, I'm patient, I'm Lawful, and I'm vengeful.
If he'd just matched my price, I would have let it go.
Instead, the market is now flooded with 50,000 gp orchestrions, 'cause those aren't worth making so if he undersells me it'll be at a loss.
Ever considered an even playing field, fella?
*Checks game folder to be sure he hasn't begun playing MMos in his sleep...again*
Don't really know how much you appreciate having me nosing around on your server ^^'
I tended to flood the market with copious amount of "cheap" (think lowest bid minus 10-15 percent) of cheap crafting materials. Everything actually need to "play the game" would usually get the same treatment as crafting materials, unless it was was really really high end or a freaking pain to acquire/craft.
Only high-end vanity stuff, or the like, would be anywhere near the going market prices.
Flooding the market with a bunch of vanity items just a bit cheaper than mine? OK, it happens, and as long as you just do it once it doesn't bug me that much.
Watching my prices and adjusting yours so that they're consistently lower than mine on your flood of cheap items?That's an eBay level of jerkiness, and results in nothing being on the market 'cause the prices get so low that nothing's worth selling any more...
Cover Turtle |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Hey, Kjel. What's up?
Not much.
Went to work - asked for a letter of recommendation from my former employer, and got one (its okay content-wise, but not that well written, looks like a bit of a rush job).
Finished touching up my resume by this afternoon, attached the LR above and sent it out to a couple of stables, a horse-breeder and a riding school.
Crossed my fingers for a positive response back.
Went for a swim.
Fell asleep on the couch, when I got back home.
Currently just browsing around on the net, or playing a game or two.
Still a bit moody and depressed, though think I've kind of plateaued out...so I'm just waiting for things to being picking back up for the better.
How about you John? Been feeling alright lately? Jobs still a pain?