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7 people marked this as a favorite.

Well, she graduated, barely.

And she apparently invited all of my brothers, gonna have to have another looong talk about why we don't do this (they'll ALL come).

And the girl that relentlessly bullied Crookshanks won a community service award.

So, all in all, I should've stayed at work, would've been more fun wrestling pavers on to the chopping block.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Yeah, I don't really understand "graduations" that don't mean a heck of a lot: We've attended "graduations" from the kids' pre-schools (Er... we're paying them, so there's so such thing as 'failure'), the kids' elementary school (I don't know that I've ever heard of anyone dropping out of elementary school), and the kids' middle school (similarly, I don't know that I've ever heard of someone around here failing to get through middle school).

So yes, they're landmark events in the kids' lives. But I never 'graduated' from anything before high school, and I didn't end up a sheltered, "Hide from the sun and sit in my house all day in front of a computer screen," type.

Oh, wait...

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm truly very sorry to hear that, Tac. *Offers shoulder to cry on, if necessary.*

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Happy belated Anniversary, Lisa.

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Congratulations, Crookshanks.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

Yeah, I don't really understand "graduations" that don't mean a heck of a lot: We've attended "graduations" from the kids' pre-schools (Er... we're paying them, so there's so such thing as 'failure'), the kids' elementary school (I don't know that I've ever heard of anyone dropping out of elementary school), and the kids' middle school (similarly, I don't know that I've ever heard of someone around here failing to get through middle school).

So yes, they're landmark events in the kids' lives. But I never 'graduated' from anything before high school, and I didn't end up a sheltered, "Hide from the sun and sit in my house all day in front of a computer screen," type.

Oh, wait...

hey! I was valdectorian from pre k and junior high school! shakes fist

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It's official. Illinois had it's second coldest April on record. It was followed by the hottest May on record. Spring just didn't happen. Persephone skipped this part of the world in her rise out of Hades, then came back when she figured out her mistake.

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PM, Tac.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Sharoth wrote:
Alton Brown is such a wonderful cook. Perhaps he should roast Michael Bay? ~grins and runs from Freehold DM~

Nothing would make me happier than To Serve Man.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Ultron Brown wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
Alton Brown is such a wonderful cook. Perhaps he should roast Michael Bay? ~grins and runs from Freehold DM~
Nothing would make me happier than To Serve Man.

Looks like meat's back on the menu, boys!

4 people marked this as a favorite.
4 Out of 10 Doctors wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
Breakfast ach Ever Re. And now sleep.

Someone hold him down, he's speaking in tongues, again.

Gets out Physician's Desk Reference, looks up exorcising scrambled eggs.

Ha ha! I think TL's coming down with a bad case of Welsh. I recommend two shots of a good single malt scotch every couple hours until he snaps out of it.

7 people marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:

So I panicked this morning because for over 20 years I've been an hour's drive away from a deli where they make the best mysliwska sausage west of the Rockies.

My choices seem to be:

1. Find out how exorbitant their shipping costs are (if they ship).

2. Figure out how many pounds I can bring in a cooler on dry ice whenever I drive through town on the way to/from my mom's, and whether I can reasonably bring a cooler of frozen kielbasy through the desert for three days on dry ice and not have my car smell like a stockyard.

3. Learn how to make it myself. Although after hearing my mother tell stories about making sausages with my butcher grandfather, I'm not sure I want to do this.

4. Get a sweet vintage Trans Am, enlist Sally Field as your co-pilot, and schedule an annual Smokey and The Bandit reenactment smuggling sausages south to Texas?

2 people marked this as a favorite.

If you like good dark humor and political satire, The Death of Stalin is a very twisted movie. I have to admit that I was the only one laughing out loud, but my brain is a little bent.
Definitely recommended.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
Tough topic time...

I'm so very sorry for you and her family & friends, TL.

7 people marked this as a favorite.
Imperator Ambriosa wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:

So I panicked this morning because for over 20 years I've been an hour's drive away from a deli where they make the best mysliwska sausage west of the Rockies.

My choices seem to be:

1. Find out how exorbitant their shipping costs are (if they ship).

2. Figure out how many pounds I can bring in a cooler on dry ice whenever I drive through town on the way to/from my mom's, and whether I can reasonably bring a cooler of frozen kielbasy through the desert for three days on dry ice and not have my car smell like a stockyard.

3. Learn how to make it myself. Although after hearing my mother tell stories about making sausages with my butcher grandfather, I'm not sure I want to do this.

4. Get a sweet vintage Trans Am, enlist Sally Field as your co-pilot, and schedule an annual Smokey and The Bandit reenactment smuggling sausages south to Texas?

It turns out there's a Polish deli in North Dallas that gets ten different kinds of sausage from Mikolajczyk in Chicago flown in regularly, including mysliwska, AND they make fresh pazcki every weekend.

Although a sweet vintage Trans Am is awfully appealing in any case.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Adulting for today

I bought a new water filter pot (huh, writing this in google shows images of what I bought so either I guessed the English name right or google is getting better at guessing intent).

Non-adulting for today

I bought cheap gamepad. After so many years of playing on keyboard I decided to give it a try after Dead Cells showed that using WSAD as directional keys for Metroidvania strains my left hand more than it did in the past...

For now I have a mixed impression of using pad.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:
Imperator Ambriosa wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:

So I panicked this morning because for over 20 years I've been an hour's drive away from a deli where they make the best mysliwska sausage west of the Rockies.

My choices seem to be:

1. Find out how exorbitant their shipping costs are (if they ship).

2. Figure out how many pounds I can bring in a cooler on dry ice whenever I drive through town on the way to/from my mom's, and whether I can reasonably bring a cooler of frozen kielbasy through the desert for three days on dry ice and not have my car smell like a stockyard.

3. Learn how to make it myself. Although after hearing my mother tell stories about making sausages with my butcher grandfather, I'm not sure I want to do this.

4. Get a sweet vintage Trans Am, enlist Sally Field as your co-pilot, and schedule an annual Smokey and The Bandit reenactment smuggling sausages south to Texas?

It turns out there's a Polish deli in North Dallas that gets ten different kinds of sausage from Mikolajczyk in Chicago flown in regularly, including mysliwska, AND they make fresh pazcki every weekend.

Although a sweet vintage Trans Am is awfully appealing in any case.

great. Now I cant hate texas as much as I was planning to.

Not that I do, mind. Too many fawtls live there.

7 people marked this as a favorite.

Crookshanks (about the post graduation dance): That was like, the saddest dance ever.

Me: Just wait until you get to high school!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
Tough topic time.

I am so very sorry to hear about this...if you need to talk PM me...I have seen too many friends die from cancer.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Dr Hubert Bombay, Warlock, M.D. wrote:
4 Out of 10 Doctors wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
Breakfast ach Ever Re. And now sleep.

Someone hold him down, he's speaking in tongues, again.

Gets out Physician's Desk Reference, looks up exorcising scrambled eggs.

Ha ha! I think TL's coming down with a bad case of Welsh. I recommend two shots of a good single malt scotch every couple hours until he snaps out of it.

I dunno, there aren't enough l's, w's, or y's that lead off into nowhere.

Plus you can make out two words.

Irish maybe, but I doubt Welsh.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

It is really fun having a Welsh last name and watching people struggle with how to pronounce it (kudos to new boss for nailing it his first try).

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Yesterday seems pretty easy to pronounce.

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Please accept my condolences, TL.

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Yesterday seems pretty easy to pronounce.

Absolutely! When translated to English.

The Welsh spelling though gets a bit weird.

Yaddigfathgrehanllyyyyy just doesn't roll off the tongue as well.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I am eternally amused that:

  • My name is a standard non-obscene 4-letter word. Like "Bush" or "Swan". Yet over half the people I give it to misspell it. Which is pretty darned impressive; it's not like it's "Their" or "Two".
  • My wife's name is not uncommon; no one would hear it and think, "Oh, what an unusual name."
    Yet NO ONE can spell her name correctly. The *only* people who spell her name correctly are people who say, "Oh, I knew an xxx back when I was in college, and she spelled it the same way."
    Considering I've never met anyone who spells it any differently, it's a great mystery to me.

  • 2 people marked this as a favorite.

    The nice thing about working during the day is not working at night.

    Now I just pick a day to play Starfinder (and another one to play Pathfinder (Tiny T-Rex is making a Ninja, of course).

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    NobodysHome wrote:

    I am eternally amused that:

  • My name is a standard non-obscene 4-letter word. Like "Bush" or "Swan". Yet over half the people I give it to misspell it. Which is pretty darned impressive; it's not like it's "Their" or "Two".
  • My wife's name is not uncommon; no one would hear it and think, "Oh, what an unusual name."
    Yet NO ONE can spell her name correctly. The *only* people who spell her name correctly are people who say, "Oh, I knew an xxx back when I was in college, and she spelled it the same way."
    Considering I've never met anyone who spells it any differently, it's a great mystery to me.

  • I've gotten out of bills because they screwed up my name so horribly they couldn't prove it was me.

    The Exchange

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Sorry to hear about your niece, TL. May she be in a better place. And...try to spend more time with her family, in case they need a listening ear.

    The Exchange

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    Evil Kjeldorn wrote:
    gran rey de los mono wrote:
    I'm betting Freehold wouldn't need 5 minutes to answer this question. In fact, I'm sure he already has an answer.


    Magical kingdom ruled by horses eh?

    I've always been been a salt-of-the-earth type, so I guess one of these 'Earth Ponies' then.
    Very Grayish or maybe even Black preferably.

    A cutie-mark? What's that? Oh some kind of personal sigil that denotes a core part of my function or personality.
    Then its an executioners hood, maybe crossed with an bloody axe.
    I mean, I would probably be the royal executioner. A slightly chipper soul, who's job it is to dispose of the enemies of royalty. Dragging rebellious, treasonous or otherwise condemned ponies to their deaths, with a light steep and a small smile.
    Maybe cracking a small joke or two along the way!
    like "Don't worry so much! its nothing to lose your head over, its just your execution", while padding the condemned on the back.
    "Watch your step. We wouldn't want you to fall and break your neck now would we!", while guiding them up the steps to the gallows.

    I'm stumped for a good name though…
    'Choppy' doesn't sound kind of right...

    Oooh that's dark. Executioners axe><

    The pun about being stumped and choppy is funny though. Don't worry. Choppy is a fine name.

    Me: Sky blue, unicorn. Cutie mark would probably be a silver star. Because, shiny!

    Fluffles? Fluffy?

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    So, gamepad impressions so far: it's slightly less straining to my hands than keyboard while playing extremely fast-paced metroidvania combat of Dead Cells, but with slower response time and precision than keyboard.

    And don't get me started on the analog non-microswitch sticks...

    The Exchange

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Hey cover turtle! I got some comics for you!

    They're slightly darker. Here

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Anyone have any experience with the medium? I've seen some complaints but they appear to have to do with the DM not letting them benefit from there class feature which is not something I'm worried about.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I love Mediums! They are fun as hell!

    The Exchange

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    I know halflings make good mediums, even though they're small. Then if they do something against the law, you get a small medium at large.

    And relic channeler archetype is pretty good for mediums. Other then that I don't know much about mediums.

    I've always felt that the occult classes were a superfulous(what can they do Cote and Base classes can't) and underpowered.

    Kineticists intrigue me, but I think a well built archer does more damage.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    With my Medium, because he's in Hell's Rebels I've mostly used Champion, Archmage, and Marshal (one of my favorite).

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    We have two Kineticists with interweave composite blast that out damage a barbarian, against touch AC.

    Edit: Wait, if they use the energy blast they do slightly less damage then a barbarian.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Occult Adventures is my favorite Pathfinder rule book, with the Starfinder Core Rulebook my all time favorite book by Paizo.

    But yes, I love me some occult classes.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    captain yesterday wrote:
    NobodysHome wrote:

    I am eternally amused that:

  • My name is a standard non-obscene 4-letter word. Like "Bush" or "Swan". Yet over half the people I give it to misspell it. Which is pretty darned impressive; it's not like it's "Their" or "Two".
  • My wife's name is not uncommon; no one would hear it and think, "Oh, what an unusual name."
    Yet NO ONE can spell her name correctly. The *only* people who spell her name correctly are people who say, "Oh, I knew an xxx back when I was in college, and she spelled it the same way."
    Considering I've never met anyone who spells it any differently, it's a great mystery to me.

  • I've gotten out of bills because they screwed up my name so horribly they couldn't prove it was me.

    I know of four different spellings for my last name, and I am routinely asked how I spell it. My middle name is so common people assume it's the name I go by if they see it on a form or something, but I have never used it beyond the middle initial. My first name gets screwed up in 2 different common ways. In my entire full name only 4 letters are vowels, and they're all the same one.

    The Exchange

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Basically the issue with mediums is the spirits they can channel are dependent on GM fiat.

    Most mediums go beatstick by using champion spirit. Sucks to be you if you can't get that spirit because you're in an old temple devoted caring for the sick that got overrun by undead.

    Relic channeler gets around that by letting you carry relics with your favorite spirit in your pocket, granted you lose some versatility, but most mediums only tailor themselves channeling one spirit anyway.

    If you really run out of spirits, a bar visit is recommended.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I haven't had the time to actually delve into the occult classes from the player headspace yet. As I've mentioned before, I made a very...interesting...unchained monk/psychic/kineticist once, but that Strange Aeons campaign was rocky on the first session and doomed by the second.

    The Exchange

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Composite blast requires you to take burn, which I don't think you can fully eliminate despite gather power, so it's also a limited resource.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Yeah, but what a wallop!

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Got two new pairs of shorts tonight.

    The Exchange

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    captain yesterday wrote:
    Got two new pairs of shorts tonight.

    How about a pair of longs?

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Going home. Good night, everyone.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Those are winter clothes.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Hmm it seems as a medium that I can feel any role but heck what feats do I take with that.

    The Exchange

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Not really. At best you can reach only up to 6th level spells. And it'll gimp your damage doing so since you need to channel archmage/hierophant spirit.

    Guide to mediums

    Relic channelers lose that versatility since they always channel the same spirit.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Huh Look like I can essentially use anything we find at least by the next day so that's cool! Look like I'll be keeping to champion for low levels.

    The Exchange

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    They never told you how a Hexcrafter gets 9th level spells, did you?

    Summon spirit grand hex, pay costs per planar ally, then declare that the spirit you summoned is an 18th level wizard with eschew materials feat, or an 18th level cleric with birthmark trait (via extra traits) and and eschew materials feat.

    Again it requires 18th level, which most campaigns won't go up to.

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