Deep 6 FaWtL

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So, I guess to make up for a lack of insectile player races in Pathfinder they're going all in for Starfinder.

Not a complaint.

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Man, it's amazing how fast summer books up when you didn't make any summer plans in the first place!

For our Crimson Throne game, we had to skip ALL of April because of schedule conflicts (OK, two chaperoning trips and two birthdays is a LOT to happen in one month), but then after Bats in the Sun (May 5-6 for anyone interested in showing up), we were supposedly wide open.

So of course NobodysWife's long-lost aunt and uncle, with whom we haven't even spoken since the Santa Rosa fires (they had to evacuate, but didn't lose their property), contacted us and had opened up May 12 to meet with us. The very next day, the chaperones voted to do our annual, "What went right, what went wrong, who worked, and who didn't?" meeting on May 19 from 5-7 pm, kind of crimping any possibility of a game, since they're meeting at my place.

And so it goes, you have ONE free day a week, and everybody wants it.


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captain yesterday wrote:

So, I guess to make up for a lack of insectile player races in Pathfinder they're going all in for Starfinder.

Not a complaint.

Yeah I've noticed that people are, on the whole, more okay with buglike aliens than they are with buglike species in a fantasy setting. With the single exception of spiders, but only because Drow, I think. And even then, they're not so much races as they are just monsters.

I can't think of any setting that has an insect-like race as one of its main playable species except for Dark Sun's Thri-Kreen, and even in expansion books the only other ones I can think of (that I or my PnP group didn't make ourselves) are the Diopsids from Dragon Compendium.

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Orthos wrote:
Tequila Sunrise wrote:

Introducing The Extraordinaire, D&Dish's answer to the rogue, the ranger's monster-hunter shtick, and other fighty-skillmonkey concepts. All of its combat features proc on a skill check, either directly or indirectly.

Similarly to the fighter, the extraordinaire chooses one skill to 'specialize' in, but can swap specialties with 8 hours of practice. So there's quite a bit of flexibility to avoid the "Whelp, I'm a feint-master and we're fighting lots of animals and mindless undead, so I'm useless this adventure" problem.

Not sure how the extraordinaire will be balance-wise, as skill bonuses will diverge as levels increase. Not as much as in 3.x, but still.

1. Did you remove Will Saves from the game? Or just forget to add them to this chart?

3. Skirmish was always a fun feature in concept but inevitably ran into the problem of being only able to make a single attack each round and thus lose all your iterative attacks, dual-wield attacks, and any other features you had, and the bonus was - and remains in your version - too small to really make up for the lost attacks. This is actually amplified in your version, as the Extraordinaire has full base attack progression and thus has 4 attacks at the top end of the game rather than just 3 like a normal 3/PF Rogue or Scout. Any ideas in mind of how to address this? I remember in 3.5 there was a feat introduced in one of the later books that was pretty much a requirement for playing Scout that allowed you to move 10 feet instead of 5 with the normal "free 5 foot step" each round, thus letting you activate Skirmish without having to lose your full attack. Maybe make this a Feat of Skill as well?

Sorry, there're a lot of rules-to-be in my head that I haven't written down yet. I am using 3.x's three saves, but each class gets bonuses to only 1-2 of them. Otherwise, everyone gets the basic half-level adventurer's-competency bonus to all three.

And yeah, skirmish is better than it looks because there is no full-attack action in D&Dish -- not sure whether I'm going the 4e or the 5e route, but either way a skirmishing extraordinaire will be a stabby dervish.

Orthos wrote:
2. Backstab only works in the surprise round? Seems a major step backwards for a class that's working to cover a lot of already reduced-capability combatants. Sneak Attack was already limited enough and Favored Enemy restricted by its limitations to a set of creatures predetermined and thus could vary wildly in usefulness, and this feels like a nerf to both, unless there's some way to switch Favored Enemy on the fly and/or some way to activate Backstab again after normal combat rounds have been entered. Perhaps a Feat of Skill for one or both of these?

Yeah, I may need to loosen backstab up a bit. But I am limiting it more than the other Tactics for a reason -- it's the only class feature to add +level to damage, and it's meant to be a shock-and-awe tactic, rather than an every-combat-round tactic. It still doesn't do as much damage as sneak attack, but extraordinaires do more baseline damage than rogues do.

Orthos wrote:
4. On the note of Feats of Skill, only having 4 by endgame really looks limiting, though it's hard to say without actually seeing what they are and what they'll do. Having that few will need them to be pretty awesome, IMO, to make up for the very limited selection.

Yeah, I definitely intend feats of skill to be BIG THINGS that grant fantastical skill uses. Climbing at full speed up sheer surfaces, balancing on treetops, hiding in plain sight, that kind of thing.

(Apparently old school thief skills are supposed to be fantastical like this, but I never knew it when I played 2e due to the poor explanations.)

...Oooh I just thought of another extraordinaire Tactic! Climb checks to debuff and damage large creatures, a la legolas...

Anyway, thanks for reading and commenting!

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Brute Squad morale is apparently at an all time low, I'm the only one not being an a$%@#@+ or hasn't been sent home for being an a$%&&&~.

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Captain Yesterday (to other Brute Squad Member): How's it going?

Other Brute Squad Member: Good, how are you?

Me: Not too bad

Other Brute Squad Member: Good, why don't you go out there and sell some s#@& then.

Me: The s#!! sells itself, I'm just there to help them wipe their hands.

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Well, that blows. You got a secondary location?

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...I thought Lovecraft was dead. For a while.

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I have made gingersofts, and they came out much better than the first time.

So of course Mrs Sunrise is bringing pie home from the best pie place ever.


5 people marked this as a favorite.
Tequila Sunrise wrote:
...I thought Lovecraft was dead. For a while.

That's what They want you to think.

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There's probably a fragment of him somewhere in the dreamlands, and there's him in Golarion trying to deal with Great Old Ones in Strange Aeons now.

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I am not allowed to carry cash, only my debit card. This is largely because there are times and places I am uncomfortably aware that I am my father's daughter, and cash in my wallet evaporates in the presence of roadside fruit stalls or a world-class garage sale.
But today I got Teensy Valeros a much-needed desk for twenty bucks, and it is awesome.

The Exchange

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I'm quite good about shopping (yes, I'm a disciplined kitty and NOT a clothes horse) - the only problem arises when food is involved. Then I tend to overspend.

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I have been informed that I am not embarrassing for Crookshanks to be around.

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I hate shopping, which makes me very good at it.

And surprisingly fun to shop with.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Why isnt magic real? It should be. It is like science but with less math b*%%%$~&!

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Anyone ever seen that old animated movies the flight of dragons?

Grand Lodge

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It's what got me into fantasy.

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Freeholds post about math/science vrs magic made me think about it.

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He's awful passionate about that isn't he?

Silver Crusade

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John Napier 698 wrote:
Well, that blows. You got a secondary location?

Random bar.

They had a TV screen with UFC fighting which is basically softcore porn, and I decided it would do.

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2 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Why isnt magic real? It should be. It is like science but with less math b+@#@+&&!

Pretty sure magic is fantasyland science, at least the wizardly kind. How do you think a wizard knows how many fingers to wiggle in which order? Differential equations, man!

Not to mention they've got to count all those spell slots...

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All the math to add up for dice of damage and useing that math to figure out their DC's man wizards are so mathy.

The Exchange

I'm a kitty wizard and I'm not mathy.

It's just finger waving and magic!

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Paw waving*

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OK. Holy Aura is now my least-favorite spell.

Final, climactic battle of Jade Regent. Paladin with Holy Aura stupidly charges in to soak up BBEG's readied attack. WHAM! Potential crit! Aw, a 6! But a goodly amount of damage. Then in came the eidolon. Wham! Another potential crit! Confirmed. But wait a minute...
Gothbard: Didn't Spivey put Holy Aura on us? Doesn't he have to save vs. blindness?
NobodysHome: Oh, right! So, should be pretty easy. First Spivey has to get through his SR with... a 19! That'll do it. Now, all he has to do is not roll a 1, 2, or 3...

Yeah. My BBEG rolled a 2 on his first save vs. permanent blindness. And if you can't remove it and all your spells are targeted and all your attacks need someone attacking you, well, you kind of suck.

So I'm done running Jade Regent, and the party had a blast in the final battle. But it was a teensy bit easier than it should have been...

EDIT: And definitely spoiler any questions, because

Jade Regent Spoiler:
Yeah, there were FOUR bad guys, but they got enough Rebellion Points and dirt so that Renshii refused to cast healing spells. Once your healer won't remove your blindness, you're just hosed.

The Exchange

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True, paw waving!

*waves paws*

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O_O this is not the cat I was looking for.

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Things wont stop moving.

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The wheel in the sky keeps on turning.

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Vidmaster7 wrote:
The wheel in the sky keeps on turning.

And, as a parody, "The peel in the pie keeps on burning." :D

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Freehold DM wrote:
Things wont stop moving.

Does the room feel like it's spinning? If so, find a place to lie down on your stomach with your head hanging off the edge, so you don't choke if you throw up.

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Verne Troyer ( Mini-Me ) is dead. He was 49.

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Is today the day where we finally crack 60 degrees.

I'll believe it when I see it.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

"Your dad and I are pretty wiped out, we both need a day to rest" - The General.

My day of "rest"

Unclog the sink (done)

Take Crookshanks and my dad to friend's meeting (what the Quakers call church)

Take Crookshanks to Youth in Government meeting

Pick up Crookshanks from said meeting

See how much work my brother needs me to do to his front yard

Go grocery shopping for lunches for the week ahead.

7 people marked this as a favorite.

So, everyone must be lost in the play tests or consoling Freehold.

Erects giant head statues of all my aliases along the FaWtL coastline.

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I just got home from church myself.

Grand Lodge

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Finish one PbP, start another.

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Forgot to throw walking the dog on the list, which I'm doing right now.

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We did it! It's 60 degrees outside!!

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And now I'm over 30,000 posts!

Take that having a life!

Grand Lodge

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I’m a gamer, I have many lives.

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Seven Young Fists: Fire Within

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No animal affinity for this one?

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Branded by the kami is an alternate racial traits for kemonomimi from Kemonomimi: Moe Options (don't blame me, I only wrote the content, Greg named the book) that replaces animal affinity.

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And Oni Hunter is inumimi alternate racial trait from the same book replacing inumimi's repel misfortune ability.

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Cool, wasn't aware =) Carry on good sir

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