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6 people marked this as a favorite.

When you spend four hours with your children gutting and reorganizing their bedroom because you can't stand the sight of it any longer, and discover that the jacket your son got for Christmas that you believed had been lost forever on your camping trip last month WAS ON HIS BED THE WHOLE DAMNED TIME...
Good times.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Just wait until they're teenagers.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

So it turns out that CY had stepped out of his house to walk the dog when the Google Street View van drove by...

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Just to go back to accents for a bit. I have the curse of an accent where ever I go. I have some weird hybrid accent from places that I have moved so If i'm in the south they say I have a north accent and vice versa. The southerns say I talk to fast and the northers think i'm quaint. :(

The Exchange

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Oh dear John. Hope you get feeling better soon.

The Exchange

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lisamarlene wrote:

When you spend four hours with your children gutting and reorganizing their bedroom because you can't stand the sight of it any longer, and discover that the jacket your son got for Christmas that you believed had been lost forever on your camping trip last month WAS ON HIS BED THE WHOLE DAMNED TIME...

Good times.

I'm a pretty messy cat actually. My stuff is all over the place.

The Exchange

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NobodysHome wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Yep, same reason I obitted the Basilisk victims last night, even though they were only out of commission for less than 30 seconds.

Well, I've always hated the "equal to negative CON = Death" because players somehow feel "cheated" by that single hit point. It's statistically fairly insignificant, but oh boy do players get upset if they hit exactly negative CON and learn they're dead. So my house rule has always been, "If you fail your save and go to negative CON, then you get no more saves, and you're automatically dead the next time your initiative comes up." So basically one extra round for people to rush to your aid. I feel like it's a more dramatic game, and you'd be amazed how much "good feeling" that single extra hit point generates from players.

So the little gnome sorcerer failed his save and went to negative CON, and Shiro was pretty unhappy about it because we're too low-level to raise him and we're days away from being able to find a replacement PC, so he asked me what I did and I told him about my house rule and he said, "That's great! We'll do that!"

So saved by massively inconveniencing the GM!

Locally in PFS, we joke that BOL =zapping someone with a Defibrillator.

GM amusement moment:

Oracle to bloodrager after having to BOL him:

"*Bloodrager's name* we need to work out a way to stop this happening all the time!"

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So anyone else feel like the sites activity is kind of low right now? since the update i mean.

The Exchange

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Everyone is confused and doesnt know how to deal with the new site format. So they rather stay away until things settle down. Honestly I'm not unhappy about it because I think less posts means less toxic stuff. And more peace for my delicate ears.

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I think I've learned (or learning) to just ignore the toxic as much as possible or flag and forget. Still not perfect at it...

It is a lot less toxic then other sites I'll say that.

You never did tell me how you did with that aggro shaman deck btw.

The Exchange

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It did work but I think I prefer beast face hunter for speed. Sure, one good thing is that no one expects the lava burst and lightning bolt to the face,but sometimes you can be a little short of creatures. Especially if they zapped off your whirling zap-o-matics.

I think the cards I don't have are just killing me.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Yeah I think the meta has already changed a bit to to account for it. I'm noticing more and more decks that seem to have all the cards to counter mine.

The Exchange

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I got aggro shamaned on my mech mage. Full Doomhammer and jade claws style. That was when I decided to put in 2 more tar lurkers. I still don't know how to control aggro decks well. Are arcane explosions actually worth it? Volcanic potion hits everyone and my minions aren't that big...

My brother managed 5 wins in the arena tavern brawl with his warrior deck. That ones about dealing damage to your own creatures for fun and giggles, based on the no pain no gain deck.

I tried using it, but I have no affinity with it.

The Exchange

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Random Poe thingies. Even if your brother can give you way points, you may want to think twice about using those shortcuts, since not fighting your way through leads you to be underlevelled and even if you do have a solid build, things can go nastily wrong since you're just underlevelled. And since it's a new league, I'm undergeared as well. Heck I was so pissed about a lack of movement speed boots that I used beast crafting out of a rare beast to get boots with movement speed.

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DSXMachina wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:

When tired, full of beer, or excited, this is my accent, even if they're from the next county over (Somerset, rather than Dorset).

Same when awake, sober and tranquil, but less thick, and more 'generic Brit' with occasional Yorkshire tinges.

I once had a job ringing up US power stations and asking them questions about their turbines, and people in the Southern states couldn't understand me at all.

Dorset, thar's well lush.

My accent can be a trifle strange, mostly the posher Harrogate accent - however after a few drinks it goes into the Northern Yorkshire accent.

Does North Yorkshire get sort of Tyne-Tees-ish the further north you go?

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No sir I do not wish to talk to you about your religion please go away.
I swear old people just because I have to stand here does not make me your captive audience.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:

When you spend four hours with your children gutting and reorganizing their bedroom because you can't stand the sight of it any longer, and discover that the jacket your son got for Christmas that you believed had been lost forever on your camping trip last month WAS ON HIS BED THE WHOLE DAMNED TIME...

Good times.

How old is he now?

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Vanykrye wrote:
So it turns out that CY had stepped out of his house to walk the dog when the Google Street View van drove by...

They catch us outside quite a bit.

Once Crookshanks saw them coming so you could see her in the window holding up her Obama for President sign and waving while her dog is howling at the car.

Edit: they caught me in my Ray Allen Sonics shirt that the General accidentally bleached last summer.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:
So it turns out that CY had stepped out of his house to walk the dog when the Google Street View van drove by...

They catch us outside quite a bit.

Once Crookshanks saw them coming so you could see her in the window holding up her Obama for President sign and waving while her dog is howling at the car.

This crookshanks person is my current favorite person of the day.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Headache's gone, for now. Still feel tired. Stupid Thyroid.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
Vanykrye wrote:
So it turns out that CY had stepped out of his house to walk the dog when the Google Street View van drove by...

They catch us outside quite a bit.

Once Crookshanks saw them coming so you could see her in the window holding up her Obama for President sign and waving while her dog is howling at the car.

Edit: they caught me in my Ray Allen Sonics shirt that the General accidentally bleached last summer.

really? Is it still up when you do a street view of your address?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

My dad's dog should live long, because, boy! Is she a celebrated pooper! I'm pretty sure she just shat her weight in s+@%.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm gonna cack maself into a stupor,
I don't require lick'rice or prunes,
I'm Sixtus, the Celebrated Pooper,
Famous from Jaipur to Jupiter's moons!


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tequila Sunrise wrote:

Man, I'd love a little alert.

Also: got your PM, and will be reading/responding when possible.

I'm cold, and tired, and irritable, as someone in their "infinite" wisdom, at some undetermined point, decided that it would be a good idea (for reasons I will never fathom) to remove the option for muting an individual tab while replacing it with the option for muting an entire site.

Now, there is nothing wrong with the latter option - and in many cases, it's certainly going to be useful. But WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD YOU REMOVE THE FORMER. Sure, "I can put it back." ... hypothetically.

But I can't put it back into the right-click menu, which means I have to wait until the audio is playing to mute it, which, you know, sometimes I don't want to do because I have children and am unsure of the audio-content of some videos. (And, of course, is the whole having to go through a whole non-obvious thing to find the way to put it back on at all, all the while, Google search results simply bring me to articles that only sing the praises of the STUPID AND IRRITATING REMOVAL "most excellent addition to our repertoire that certainly never existed before."



Also: impressive activity over a couple days of my absence.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:

When you spend four hours with your children gutting and reorganizing their bedroom because you can't stand the sight of it any longer, and discover that the jacket your son got for Christmas that you believed had been lost forever on your camping trip last month WAS ON HIS BED THE WHOLE DAMNED TIME...

Good times.
How old is he now?

He'll be five on Pi Day.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

Gods. I'm sure this is political, but I'll take the bikes:

How Modern English is Taught in California Public Schools:

  • Grades K-2: "Well, you're really too young to be learning about spelling and grammar, so we're going to spend our time doing free-form essays, and you'll be graded on your creativity and content. Don't worry about spelling or grammar; you'll have plenty of time to learn about that later."
  • Grades 3-5: "We need you to get ready for middle school! Read 6 books a year and write up book reports on them. You'll be graded on creativity and content, not spelling or grammar."
  • Grades 6-8: "We need to get you ready for high school. Read these higher-level texts and perform literary analyses on them. You'll be graded based on the strength of your analysis, not spelling or grammar."
  • Grades 9-10: "You're now in comp lit. You'll be graded on your ability to interpret symbolism in late 19th and early 20th-century novels."
  • Grade 11: "You guys are TERRIBLE at spelling and grammar! Didn't your previous teachers teach you ANYTHING? That's it! We're spending a month on basic grammar!"
  • Impus Major put it best: "They want me to figure out why the author made the curtain blue, and how that symbolizes the overall theme of the book, but they can't be bothered to tell me whether to use 'their', 'they're', or 'there'. That's modern English for you!"

    ... I thought CA was supposed to have better education than "hick" Florida...?


    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    lisamarlene wrote:
    Don't look at me; my kindergarteners learn spelling, parts of speech, and how to outline a paper.

    Okay, better!

    (Admittedly, we're behind on the "outline a paper" thing, but we've got the other stuff.)

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Also, almost five and almost seven sharing one ten-by-ten room is not fun. Not fun at all.
    I have no idea how Nobody's boys managed to do it for so long without someone getting killed.

    Terrinam wrote:
    Drejk wrote:

    I am, on the other hand, somewhat decent at spelling (at least as long as I don't fail my fingers/eyes coordination), but terrible at pronounciation pronunciation.

    Ok, who thought that having "pronounce" but "pronunciation" is ok?! I want to speak to the manager!

    Probably the same people who thought it was okay to have "bologna" pronounced "baloney."

    I am pretty bad at spelling, but I've an excuse: I'm stupid dyslexia!

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    lisamarlene wrote:
    Freehold DM wrote:
    lisamarlene wrote:

    When you spend four hours with your children gutting and reorganizing their bedroom because you can't stand the sight of it any longer, and discover that the jacket your son got for Christmas that you believed had been lost forever on your camping trip last month WAS ON HIS BED THE WHOLE DAMNED TIME...

    Good times.
    How old is he now?
    He'll be five on Pi Day.

    When is Pi Day, I always miss it and then I'm the only one without a pie made.

    And pies are kinda my thing.

    Tequila Sunrise wrote:
    Drejk wrote:


    Which is very easy to pronounce for Polish, although we write it as Bolonia. English speakers should probably write Bolonya instead.


    It's like a dyslexic switched out the y for a g.

    I've no objection to that pronunciation, but I think it's too late in my life to switch. Baloney though it may be. ;)

    H-hey! Don't blame us!

    ... for this, anyway...

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    March (3) 14th. (pi = 3.14)

    Sharoth wrote:
    ~Sheaths my sword and puts the lions away~

    H-hey! What'd I do?! WHAT'D I DOOOOO???

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    They were talking about Voltron.

    3 people marked this as a favorite.
    Tacticslion wrote:
    NobodysHome wrote:

    Gods. I'm sure this is political, but I'll take the bikes:

    How Modern English is Taught in California Public Schools:

  • Grades K-2: "Well, you're really too young to be learning about spelling and grammar, so we're going to spend our time doing free-form essays, and you'll be graded on your creativity and content. Don't worry about spelling or grammar; you'll have plenty of time to learn about that later."
  • Grades 3-5: "We need you to get ready for middle school! Read 6 books a year and write up book reports on them. You'll be graded on creativity and content, not spelling or grammar."
  • Grades 6-8: "We need to get you ready for high school. Read these higher-level texts and perform literary analyses on them. You'll be graded based on the strength of your analysis, not spelling or grammar."
  • Grades 9-10: "You're now in comp lit. You'll be graded on your ability to interpret symbolism in late 19th and early 20th-century novels."
  • Grade 11: "You guys are TERRIBLE at spelling and grammar! Didn't your previous teachers teach you ANYTHING? That's it! We're spending a month on basic grammar!"
  • Impus Major put it best: "They want me to figure out why the author made the curtain blue, and how that symbolizes the overall theme of the book, but they can't be bothered to tell me whether to use 'their', 'they're', or 'there'. That's modern English for you!"

    ... I thought CA was supposed to have better education than "hick" Florida...?


    Nope. Having spent two years of high school in both states, both in poor rural districts, similar political leanings, (admittedly, over twenty-five years ago) I can say that my experience was that the FL school gave me a better education in language and math. CA was better in history. They were pretty equal in sciences.

    The history part was because the history teacher at my FL high school freely admitted the he was nor going to say anything that might piss off people's parents and get him in trouble. (He was also the asst football coach and loved it. I'm guessing that's what he was afraid of losing.)
    In CA, the history teacher would tell us *anything* we asked about, from the historiography of Jesus to the Vietnam War. He just didn't care. When we studied WWI, he taught us trench warfare tactics/theory and we had a massive battle with water guns and water grenades out on the back field.
    When it came time for exams and term papers that year, everyone brought their A game because we were all invested in the class.
    Extracurricular: FL was better funded there. Also put more money and effort into its library.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    captain yesterday wrote:
    lisamarlene wrote:
    Freehold DM wrote:
    lisamarlene wrote:

    When you spend four hours with your children gutting and reorganizing their bedroom because you can't stand the sight of it any longer, and discover that the jacket your son got for Christmas that you believed had been lost forever on your camping trip last month WAS ON HIS BED THE WHOLE DAMNED TIME...

    Good times.
    How old is he now?
    He'll be five on Pi Day.

    When is Pi Day, I always miss it and then I'm the only one without a pie made.

    And pies are kinda my thing.


    Re: Accent conversation everyone's probably finished with:

    If you want to hear what non-accented English sounds like, listen to most* singers with solid sounds (as opposed to "cracked" or "colloquial" ones).

    * There are plenty of notable exceptions, but generally it seems we default to non-accented variations of the language when singing. Here's an extended example.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    lisamarlene wrote:
    captain yesterday wrote:
    lisamarlene wrote:
    Freehold DM wrote:
    lisamarlene wrote:

    When you spend four hours with your children gutting and reorganizing their bedroom because you can't stand the sight of it any longer, and discover that the jacket your son got for Christmas that you believed had been lost forever on your camping trip last month WAS ON HIS BED THE WHOLE DAMNED TIME...

    Good times.
    How old is he now?
    He'll be five on Pi Day.

    When is Pi Day, I always miss it and then I'm the only one without a pie made.

    And pies are kinda my thing.


    Awesome! Tiny T-Rex turns seven on Bastille Day (we make French food to celebrate).

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    Crookshanks wrote:
    Who has seen stranger things? If you have not you should go watch it BC I love it! And yes you should take advice from a teenager about shows lol
    Freehold DM wrote:
    teenagers are fonts of wisdom!
    Crookshanks wrote:
    You are the first person that I have ever heard said that lol

    It depends heavily on who is the Teenager, what is the topic, and what they are saying.

    But, "Go watch Stranger Things" is actually pretty solid.

    EDIT: readability and code fixing

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    lisamarlene wrote:

    Also, almost five and almost seven sharing one ten-by-ten room is not fun. Not fun at all.

    I have no idea how Nobody's boys managed to do it for so long without someone getting killed.

    They had* 10 × 16 room, like me and my brother? There were still some close calls anyway...

    *no idea what actual room they have, just guessing

    Ugh. I am well and truly lost: I used to love playing in the snow, and now I'm freeeeeeeeeeeeeeezing (figuratively), in a 68 degree house. UUUUUGGGGHHHH.

    (Of course, I could be getting sick. I'mma go sleep, now, and find out, later.)

    3 people marked this as a favorite.

    Yeah, 68 degrees sure sounds cold.

    6 people marked this as a favorite.
    lisamarlene wrote:

    Also, almost five and almost seven sharing one ten-by-ten room is not fun. Not fun at all.

    I have no idea how Nobody's boys managed to do it for so long without someone getting killed.

    Our kids were always freaks of nature:

  • As brothers, they have always been inseparable best friends. No fighting, no yelling, no arguments. Just always doing stuff together. We have an awesome picture of Impus Major holding Impus Minor the day he was born, and Impus Major looks ecstatic. It hasn't really changed. They're still best friends. I have no idea how that happened
  • As babies/toddlers, they were never screamers. NobodysWife still remembers another parent asking, "THAT'S as loud as he ever gets? Lucky!"
  • Due in large part to #1 and #2, they wanted to live in the same room for many years, until Impus Major turned 13 and I offered to let him move to the garage.

  • But I think two same-sex kids is easier; I know that I shared a room with my older brother until he was 12 and I was 10, and we got along extraordinarily well. Until at 12 he decided he was an adult and stopped wanting to do anything "childish" like play games.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Tacticslion wrote:

    Ugh. I am well and truly lost: I used to love playing in the snow, and now I'm freeeeeeeeeeeeeeezing (figuratively), in a 68 degree house. UUUUUGGGGHHHH.

    (Of course, I could be getting sick. I'mma go sleep, now, and find out, later.)

    I think with both heaters going full blast our house tops out at around 64 in the depths of winter...

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    It's currently 33 degrees (but with steady winds it feels like 18. We're expecting 4-8 inches of snow by this time tomorrow.

    And yet, that's still pretty warm for this time of year.

    The Exchange

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I'm tired. *Flops onto a basket and falls asleep*

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    *Puts blanket over Kitty* Good night, Mort.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    *Stops in the middle of the road, stares at the oncoming headlights, mesmerized*

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    NobodysHome wrote:
    lisamarlene wrote:

    Also, almost five and almost seven sharing one ten-by-ten room is not fun. Not fun at all.

    I have no idea how Nobody's boys managed to do it for so long without someone getting killed.

    Our kids were always freaks of nature:

  • As brothers, they have always been inseparable best friends. No fighting, no yelling, no arguments. Just always doing stuff together. We have an awesome picture of Impus Major holding Impus Minor the day he was born, and Impus Major looks ecstatic. It hasn't really changed. They're still best friends. I have no idea how that happened
  • As babies/toddlers, they were never screamers. NobodysWife still remembers another parent asking, "THAT'S as loud as he ever gets? Lucky!"
  • Due in large part to #1 and #2, they wanted to live in the same room for many years, until Impus Major turned 13 and I offered to let him move to the garage.

  • But I think two same-sex kids is easier; I know that I shared a room with my older brother until he was 12 and I was 10, and we got along extraordinarily well. Until at 12 he decided he was an adult and stopped wanting to do anything "childish" like play games.

    3 people marked this as a favorite.

    Oh for Pete's sake Harold! Not this again!

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