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The Exchange

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The country I stay in is 719 square kilometers wide. You can more or less get to any part of it within 2 hours =)

So yes, any amenities are all close by.

*casts vanish before anyone noticed the naked kitty*

The Exchange

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Tequilia Sunrise wrote:

I believe the consensus achieved by countless real-world and forum debates is "House rules are legit, but it's on the DM to think them through, make them known to players, and apply them consistently as house RAW. If the DM feels the need to house rule a character option mid-campaign, players using that option should have the option to retrain, rebuild, or even restart with a new character."

I can live with that. I would give any player those options in the games I run. The problem is I was NEVER given any of those options when I was playing. It was like, "Too bad, suck it."

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So... 5 pages in a row where either me or Just a Mort has been nekkid.

I definitely think we need to get together and, er... compare notes...

Dammit, Freehold! Stop possessing my brain!

The Exchange

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Taliesan - for that story I took quite some artistic license. The real details are more prosaic. I aced my knowledge check, asked the GM - what is the reach, special senses(checking for see invisibility/blind sense/blind sight) and special attacks and movement modes of the Hydra. Then put the plan into action.

Zyle and Balanar are fictional creations of my own mind.

I told you I can be creative, right?

And I do enjoy playing tricks on others as opposed to trying to just beat the crap out of them.

If it was a real fight, I'd have tried to slumber hex, then CDG the Hydra, but hey I was paid to put on a show.

The Exchange

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There isn't much about a naked kitty. Besides, come on, I casted vanish. All you should have seen was the grin

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Terrinam wrote:
lynora wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Words fail me.

My first thought when I read the article was that these people clearly needed to play more Oregon Trail when they were growing up.

>>You have died from dysentery<<

Then again, I'm also a horrible person with a twisted sense of humor, so there's that...

We played it in grade school here. It was an aborted attempt at combining a history lesson with a lesson on how to use computers.

They didn't continue it because we set up a contest to see how long a family could survive with nothing but enough ammunition to wage a small war. One of my classmates made it nearly to the end of the game before the teachers figured out what was going on and pulled the plug on the combined lesson.

That's awesome! :)

When I realized that there was no actual win scenario, I tried to get as many different deaths as I could manage. I collected a lot of them. But I was forced to play the game for almost an hour every schooldays for two years when I was in middle school. Our 'computer' class was a glorified typing class and I was already a super fast touch typist so I would finish the daily assignment in like five minutes, and Oregon Trail was the only thing that they would let me do for the rest of class time. I came to hate that game sooooo much. But this was the early nineties and I knew more about computers than my teachers, which was awkward, so the whole class was a waste of time for me. :P

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Just a Mort wrote:

I don't get sunburned but I don't get low light/dark vision either. I just get all the drawbacks without any benefits.

*grumbles and sulks in a corner*

Maybe I should go for eating more carrots...

lol. Well, at least you don't have to wear spf 50 at all times. :)

(And this is how I ended up with a severe vitamin D deficiency. Well, part of it anyways.)

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And I'm just about out of time. With the kidlet home on break and the husband home on vacation I've not had a lot of chances to post for the past two weeks. So many interruptions! I'm looking forward to next week when the schedule goes back to normal and my introvert self gets plenty of alone time during the day. :)

The Exchange

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Eat Tuna, Salmon, Cheese and Liver! Says lots of vitamin D in there.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
lynora wrote:
Terrinam wrote:
lynora wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Words fail me.

My first thought when I read the article was that these people clearly needed to play more Oregon Trail when they were growing up.

>>You have died from dysentery<<

Then again, I'm also a horrible person with a twisted sense of humor, so there's that...

We played it in grade school here. It was an aborted attempt at combining a history lesson with a lesson on how to use computers.

They didn't continue it because we set up a contest to see how long a family could survive with nothing but enough ammunition to wage a small war. One of my classmates made it nearly to the end of the game before the teachers figured out what was going on and pulled the plug on the combined lesson.

That's awesome! :)

When I realized that there was no actual win scenario, I tried to get as many different deaths as I could manage. I collected a lot of them. But I was forced to play the game for almost an hour every schooldays for two years when I was in middle school. Our 'computer' class was a glorified typing class and I was already a super fast touch typist so I would finish the daily assignment in like five minutes, and Oregon Trail was the only thing that they would let me do for the rest of class time. I came to hate that game sooooo much. But this was the early nineties and I knew more about computers than my teachers, which was awkward, so the whole class was a waste of time for me. :P

Ouch. Only that game? I'm sorry.

Early 90s was fun. The school's tech support guy ended up this kid in fifth grade. Up until he was discovered, he had a nice side business in school performance enhancement.

Fun times. Only time I ever got an A in gym.

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lynora wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:
Oh yes some things are worth spending the extra buck for. Which reminds me, I really should get my walking shoes mended. They got worn a little thin on the soles. The last time my cobbler asked me what took me so long before I finally decided to get my shoes mended...
Jealous that you have a cobbler nearby. The ones here all closed up. I've had to learn how to repair my own shoes, which is inconvenient at best.

It's weird. Shoe repair used to be so common and now its rarer than hens teeth.

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Just a Mort wrote:
There isn't much about a naked kitty. Besides, come on, I casted vanish. All you should have seen was the grin

naked kitty certainly makes me grin!

Yeah, I went there.

The Exchange

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The issue is that now the shoes are so cheap it's not worth it repairing them. My go to work shoes cost below $30. Now why would I be taking them to a cobbler who charges me $16 to repair them? Must as well pay another 8 bucks and get a new pair. That's why cobblers are running out of business.

Now my expensive walking boots that cost me $80? I'd be willing to fork out another $24 to get them fixed.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
lynora wrote:
Terrinam wrote:
lynora wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Words fail me.

My first thought when I read the article was that these people clearly needed to play more Oregon Trail when they were growing up.

>>You have died from dysentery<<

Then again, I'm also a horrible person with a twisted sense of humor, so there's that...

We played it in grade school here. It was an aborted attempt at combining a history lesson with a lesson on how to use computers.

They didn't continue it because we set up a contest to see how long a family could survive with nothing but enough ammunition to wage a small war. One of my classmates made it nearly to the end of the game before the teachers figured out what was going on and pulled the plug on the combined lesson.

That's awesome! :)

When I realized that there was no actual win scenario, I tried to get as many different deaths as I could manage. I collected a lot of them. But I was forced to play the game for almost an hour every schooldays for two years when I was in middle school. Our 'computer' class was a glorified typing class and I was already a super fast touch typist so I would finish the daily assignment in like five minutes, and Oregon Trail was the only thing that they would let me do for the rest of class time. I came to hate that game sooooo much. But this was the early nineties and I knew more about computers than my teachers, which was awkward, so the whole class was a waste of time for me. :P

same here.

My computer classes went from actual programming in elementary school with the turtle (LOVE THAT PROGRAM!) to typing in high school. At least in college I could get porn on the schools first floundering attempts at public internet kiosks.

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Ivan Rûski wrote:
Orthos wrote:
I grew up in rural Texas so well water doesn't bug me at all.
How did I not know you grew up in Texas? What area? I grew up in Venus, just south of Arlington.

Yoakum. Little town not far from Victoria.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Just a Mort wrote:
Eat Tuna, Salmon, Cheese and Liver! Says lots of vitamin D in there.

I’m deathly allergic to fish. No fish for me. :(

And liver is icky. Blech! Gross! Never again!

The Exchange

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Cheese and Eggs then, otherwise its supplements time.

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Just a Mort wrote:
Cheese and Eggs then, otherwise its supplements time.

I’m on a daily high dose supplement already. When I say severe I mean it.

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lynora wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:
Eat Tuna, Salmon, Cheese and Liver! Says lots of vitamin D in there.

I’m deathly allergic to fish. No fish for me. :(

And liver is icky. Blech! Gross! Never again!

life without sushi...too horrid to contemplate.

I hate liver, but it is VERY hard to prepare properly. Most people just burn it to death and don't season it well and cook onions for it poorly. It works better if it is cooked at a lower temperature, I think.

The Exchange

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Meh I like liver. Told you I like the taste of blood…

Please don’t fully cook it. Fully cooked liver is too tough…

Yes I know there’s a whole bunch of codes saying its an unsanitary practice to eat not so cooked liver…I dun care.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Just a Mort wrote:

Meh I like liver. Told you I like the taste of blood…

Please don’t fully cook it. Fully cooked liver is too tough…

Yes I know there’s a whole bunch of codes saying its an unsanitary practice to eat not so cooked liver…I dun care.

Oh, I agree. What's the worst that can happen?

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LordofPestilence wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:

Meh I like liver. Told you I like the taste of blood…

Please don’t fully cook it. Fully cooked liver is too tough…

Yes I know there’s a whole bunch of codes saying its an unsanitary practice to eat not so cooked liver…I dun care.

Oh, I agree. What's the worst that can happen?

. . . . .

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We had neighbors on the raw meat diet (as in they only ate raw red meat) they were pretty f*%@ed up.

The Exchange

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I get a stomachache and run around on a constant state of diarrhoea?

Not the first time it’s happened. Last time I was in Cambodia, I was constantly…eeh having mild Diarrhoea. Probably delicate, spoilt Singaporean stomachs can’t take the food/water there – but again, you probably will only go there once, so I just kept eating local stuffs =)

As long as you’re not vomiting or to the state that you can’t function, a little more time spent running to the restroom is fine…

And I already told the thread before, I eat my steak blue.

So yeah eating raw/semi cooked stuff shouldn’t really raise any eyebrows.

The Exchange

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Now if you want to comment on my…eating habits, I am not surprised since I eat things that I probably shouldn’t be eating. What can I say? I have Eat Anything Feat…and I’m not particular about food…I’m one of the easiest people in the world to cook for. Om Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom!

The Exchange

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Sushi does not need to be fish only.

There are other variants.

Like these.

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Crookshanks loves sushi, lucky for her we live in a great area for sushi.

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May have to try it the next time I'm on one of the coasts.

Just not the duck one. That strikes me as being purely quackers and a great way to end up waddling to the bathroom. I definitely don't want a night on the toilet as part of my bill.

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You don't need to be on a coast for good sushi, we have a huge Asian population so sushi is pretty easily found (even Iron Chef Morimoto has a restaurant here).

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Just a Mort wrote:

Sushi does not need to be fish only.

There are other variants.

Like these.

Yeah, I love sushi. I just eat vegan sushi. It’s sashimi I will never get to try. (Psst...crab is also a fish, at least for purposes of allergies. But that duck one looks yummy.) I learned how to make my own sushi at home. It’s actually not that hard. It’s my go to destressing food.

The Exchange

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Does octopus, squid, scallop and prawns count as fish for the purpose of allergies? If so maybe next time just tell me all seafood(including fish) , then we work around it from there.

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Just a Mort wrote:
Does octopus, squid, scallop and prawns count as fish for the purpose of allergies? If so maybe next time just tell me all seafood(including fish) , then we work around it from there.

Octopus and squid bad, scallops have sent me to the ER before, prawns are fine (no explanation, it baffles the doctors too), crab very bad, oyster probably won’t kill me but not a great idea, ditto for clams, and anything with scales is a very definite no if I want to keep breathing. It sucks, but hey, what can you do? It’s not like my immune system is going to calm down and stop overreacting anytime ever. ;P

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Freehold might a bit busy for a while. I found the programming language from his elementary school. He's likely downloaded it by now and is reacquainting with an old friend. Merry Christmas, my friend.

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I have just accepted that sushi is one of those things that people will spend the rest of my life telling me is good and I will just have to deal with it and ignore them.

I only very recently began eating steaks at anything less than well done. Completely uncooked meat of any kind is not likely to be something I'll ever be brave enough to try.

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I don't eat sushi either.

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lynora wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:
Does octopus, squid, scallop and prawns count as fish for the purpose of allergies? If so maybe next time just tell me all seafood(including fish) , then we work around it from there.
Octopus and squid bad, scallops have sent me to the ER before, prawns are fine (no explanation, it baffles the doctors too), crab very bad, oyster probably won’t kill me but not a great idea, ditto for clams, and anything with scales is a very definite no if I want to keep breathing. It sucks, but hey, what can you do? It’s not like my immune system is going to calm down and stop overreacting anytime ever. ;P


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Seafood Allergies are caused by proteins specific to seafood.

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Just as long as you have tried it first then decided you don't like it I can respect that. Refusing to try it is just sad.

The Exchange

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You may get iodine deficiency since you can't take many types of seafood. Stock up on seaweed!

Ok try these

Or these

Or these

Terrinam - you can give me the smoked duck sushi, I will bet with you I'll taste it and I'll find it good =)

The Exchange

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I tried raw prawns. Didn't like them, decided they aren't my kind of thing.

Of course you bet if left to my own business, my Shabu-shabu turns out not too cooked either.

If you nag me about it, I'll cook it a bit more - just so I don't get nagged, but I won't really get the rationale of doing it.

I mean I know semi cooked food is not hygienic and all that but the taste makes up for it =)

The Exchange

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The problem with takoyaki is the dashi stock that is made from tuna. If you used chicken stock and prawns, you could get takoyaki too. Not sure what the effect on the taste would be, though.

Down here there are cheese and ham takoyaki balls. Usually I'll feel it's odd, but if due to food allergies it's fine.

The Exchange

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Now the issue is I go to steak joints and people give me weird looks when I tell them I want my steaks rare because I'm a lady. But they have no issues when that request comes from a guy. Excuse me?

I'll admit in not being very Lady-like, having a number of of guyish habits, like gaming. And I act like a guy too. If I want something it's a fairly straightforward matter of just going to get it without like you know beating around the bush and all that.

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#$%^ gender roles.

Grand Lodge

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Orthos wrote:
I only very recently began eating steaks at anything less than well done. Completely uncooked meat of any kind is not likely to be something I'll ever be brave enough to try.

You realize that not all sushi is uncooked, right?

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shashimi is exclusively raw but yeah their is all kinds of sushi. vegi sushi and fried sushi etc.

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Generally, sushi restaurants get their fish in the morning. It then stands exposed to air all day. Thus, eating sushi with raw fish is usually fine for lunch. At dinnertime it is tasting more and more like rotten fat and isn't very hygienic. Go for veggie sushi instead.

The Exchange

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Down here its all refrigerated and even on dinner Salmon sashimi is still good. I prefer Swordfish sashimi but it’s a little harder to get.

Don't really find Tuna or Yellow Tail Sashimi anything great. Rich flavoured fish are better.

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Yeah I do believe ours is refrigerated too.

The Exchange

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Again. Cat =)

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I don't have it often enough to distinguish between a great variety of fish. I do like salmon best of what I've had.

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