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*Gets dressed*
Same here. All three were assassinated that year, and I could have sworn that there were over a million insect species.

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At the MAC counter, buying lipstick...

Clerk: "And do you need a lip liner to go with this?"
Me: "Do I look like I'd know what to do with a lip liner to go with it?"
Clerk: "Well, you never know."

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lisamarlene wrote:

At the MAC counter, buying lipstick...

Clerk: "And do you need a lip liner to go with this?"
Me: "Do I look like I'd know what to do with a lip liner to go with it?"
Clerk: "Well, you never know."

...your avatar does...

The Exchange

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I don't think I'd do very well since my knowledge is generally very focused and not general. Like I know I have huge gaps in my history knowledge and I don't know anything about famous artists/musicians/actors or any politicians.

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Just a Mort wrote:
NH wrote:
And that's the problem with a "good" RP group vs. a "bad" RP group. My RotRL group was awesome in cooperating with each other. Each person would get a turn to lead, and the other two would participate, so they had all kinds of fun. There were many nights where I'd say, "I don't have anything prepped right now," and they'd say, "That's OK! Just let us run around town for a while! We'll find something to do!"
Urm…I’d consider it as a GM is slacking moment, and if I were that GM I’d be horribly embarrassed about the “I didn’t have anything prepped now.” Also I’m not good at winging it and creating things on the fly. Not the spontaneous sort. I actually will prepare for every side quest that players want to do etc.

I think that's a pretty harsh and unfair judgement. When I've had to say that, it's always come from my week getting filled with unexpected obstacles and time-expending responsibilities and expectations that prevented me from getting to put sufficient time into my game prep.

If it's happening every week, to the point that the campaign is literally going nowhere because the GM is never ready to do anything, then yeah I could see an argument for a "slacking off" accusation. (Either that, or the GM is so stupidly busy with Real Life Stuff that they should probably take a step back and hand over the GM Chair to someone else for a while.) But an occasional session disrupted by Life Happening is a completely different beast.

Also on top of that, you have a very different style of GMing from many people. I don't think I could play in a game that's as rigid to the rules and to the AP as-written as you've described yours as being, as I need to have some flexibility and I like changing a lot of things to suit my group, as well as adjusting for the fact that we don't play in Golarion.

Just a Mort wrote:
I don't think I'd do very well since my knowledge is generally very focused and not general. Like I know I have huge gaps in my history knowledge and I don't know anything about famous artists/musicians/actors or any politicians.

What actor was in both The O.C. and Parks And Recreation.

Just a Mort wrote:
I don't think I'd do very well since my knowledge is generally very focused and not general. Like I know I have huge gaps in my history knowledge and I don't know anything about famous artists/musicians/actors or any politicians.

The quiz gives you the answers. Think of it as learning that you don't know what you didn't know. Besides, the scores aren't official. Think of it as a game.

The Exchange

Don't know jack sh*t! Hey I don't watch television!

Yes I cut down a lot of work because I pretty much don't mod the AP at all. The reason why I do not wish to try to modify the AP is because I do not know if my modifications will be fair. The CR system is broken. The existence of shadows, ghouls and things of that line prove it. So who am I to say I know better then a module writer with Waaay more writing and gaming experience then I to change the module?

It is my judgement I do not trust.

My GMing style is pretty laid back.

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I know my group better than the AP writer does, so I know that I'm going to have a better idea of what they can handle at what stage/level/whatever than the default blank-slate expectation. And if things don't work out, I'm pretty comfortable with altering things on the fly as needed. I could not run a game where I'm not allowed to do that; it's one of the reasons I don't care for PFS. Nothing against it, it's just not my kind of game.

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I can't tell you how many times I have to rule on stuff that my party makes up.

It's like when Stan and Mabel play Dungeons, Dungeons, & More Dungeons.

The Exchange

True to each their own on the freedom/law scale.

For me running an AP is like cooking. The first time you do it, don't you follow the recipe? After that then yes, you make tweaks. So the subsequent runs of the scenario/AP - I'll make tweaks. The more familiar I am with the scenario/AP in question, the more likely I am to tweak.

I'm not inclined to rule on stuff not covered in rulebooks unless it's absolutely necessary.

I follow the recipe because I am not a very exceptional cook =P

If I was as good a cook as I am a GM, or at least as comfortable with cooking as I am with GMing, I would probably wing a lot more.

The Exchange

I know I'm not a good GM so I dutifully follow the recipe =) Geddit? ;)

I have like 5 years behind this hobby tops, compared to people who have been playing/GMing for decades?

We don't want to burn the food characters... Or wait. Maybe we do =P

I mean toasted PCs... Taste like marshmallows!

*Looks for atonement after that purely evil thought*

That makes a bit more sense >_> I'm used to being one of the youngest here so I'm always a little surprised when I learn someone else is newer to the game than me <_<

captain yesterday wrote:

I can't tell you how many times I have to rule on stuff that my party makes up.

It's like when Stan and Mabel play Dungeons, Dungeons, & More Dungeons.

Well dat's a heckofa lot better than when Ole and Lena play.

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Chef Yesterday wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:

True to each their own on the freedom/law scale.

For me running an AP is like cooking. The first time you do it, don't you follow the recipe? After that then yes, you make tweaks. So the subsequent runs of the scenario/AP - I'll make tweaks. The more familiar I am with the scenario/AP in question, the more likely I am to tweak.

I'm not inclined to rule on stuff not covered in rulebooks unless it's absolutely necessary.

Not every recipe, some are better than others.

Some recipes have a great idea but poor execution or needed another pass from the editor.

And some recipes should never see the light of day.

Such as:

It's the MiL's last night here. She's preparing her "crowd fave" side dish, chopped zucchini, broccoli and Brussels sprouts MICROWAVED with dried basil and garlic powder. (She lamented that I do not keep Vegesal in my kitchen.)

When you microwave vegetables, the terrorists win.

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Just a Mort wrote:
*Looks for atonement after that purely evil thought*

For your atonement, You will bring us ... another shrubbery.

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I'm being held hostage by the beagles, they're both laying on me in some way, so why do I say held hostage?

Because, as soon as I get up they'll want to go outside for their night walk, and it's f%#*ing cold outside.

The Exchange

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*Dutifully opens a portal to Iris Hill and drags out a Shrubbery*

Yeah. Microwave are ebul! Say no to Microwaves and go for your conventional oven nao!

It just doesn't have the flavour....

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It is super hard to pace yourself on something as great as Stranger Things.

The Exchange

I don't think I'm running it very well honestly. It's a mystery based thing so I shouldn't be so forthcoming with information to players. But again I want them to make decisions fast and running around clueless doesn't help with that...

And honestly my run is maybe a little too good humored and light hearted for a Call of Cthulhu-esque module.

Just a Mort wrote:

*Dutifully opens a portal to Iris Hill and drags out a Shrubbery*

Yeah. Microwave are ebul! Say no to Microwaves and go for your conventional oven nao!

It just doesn't have the flavour....

Actually, that was a Monty Python reference. :)

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Erie, Pennsylvania is up to 65.1 inches ( 25.63 cm ) of snow now.

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captain yesterday wrote:

I'm being held hostage by the beagles, they're both laying on me in some way, so why do I say held hostage?

Because, as soon as I get up they'll want to go outside for their night walk, and it's f*!&ing cold outside.

Let them out, and then back in again 10 minutes later.

Unless of course they are Inuit sled-dogs or something, in which case bundle up and apply seal-fat to face.

The Exchange

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For the Quiz:

I got 31 of 50 right.
Wow! You got your Bachelor's degree!

Told you I wasn't very good at this, right? ;)

Usually I don't do things I know I won't do well.(Psst it's that competitive streak in me)

The history is also europe/America centered, which we don't touch very much in detail here for education.

We are not going to talk about me never studying biology, nor that uh I didn't even know those artists existed. Well Leonardo da Vinci as an exception.

I'm sure my brother/dad would do better

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Drejk wrote:

If anyone wondered...

(a) how does uncombed Drejk looks like
(b) how does word Koschei is pronounced
(c) how does Drejk sounds

Here is Drejk pronuncing Koschei for Mairkurion's research.

Maybe I should record a few more of those and link them on blog?

I call shenanigans. That is clearly a video of a person, not a red dragon.

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At tonight's game, we held a funeral service for an NPC they failed to save from being eaten by a crocodile last week, and I got to perform Come Sail Away as Captain Bloodtusk. I only got through the first verse because it hurt my throat too much, but everyone got a good laugh so it was worth it. (For those who've forgotten, my version Captain Bloodtusk sounds a bit like Macho Man Randy Savage)

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Since the PCs are currently on a boat, I'm having a bit of fun annoying the player who's a Navy veteran. For instance, I'm having the sailors say "right" and "left" rather than "starboard" and "port", or pronouncing "forecastle" rather than "foc'sle". He really got upset when I had Captin Bloodtusk insist that it was indeed a "forecastle", and justified it by saying that he's a captain, not a sailor.

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John Napier 698 wrote:
Erie, Pennsylvania is up to 65.1 inches ( 25.63 cm ) of snow now.

Oops, I meant to say 125.35 cm. what can I say? I was tired.

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What do you call a Gallifreyan chef? A Thyme Lord.

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What did the Dalek say to the omelet? EGGSTERMINATE!

Where does the Doctor go fishing? Amy Pond.

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Why did the Dalek cross the road? To exterminate the chicken.

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Ain't no party like a time lord party 'cause a time lord party is not bound by typical temporal parameters and thus doesn't stop.

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Why did the Sontaran cross the road? As a tactical maneuver to outwit the chicken.

Erie weather report.

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Captain Jack Harkness visited the Virgin Islands once. Now they're just called The Islands.

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Why do Daleks love apples? Because an apple a day keeps the Doctor away.

The Exchange

About my lack of general knowledge. I spend my free time watching lets plays of people on youtube, or playing computer games myself. There’s a difference between someone who does that, and another who watches youtube videos of history/watches discovery channel/watches history channel in their free time.

Don’t mind me but I’ve never been into history, though if I were cramming for a test I could just show off my leet memory skillz. And of course, I’d forget it once that time is over, so I could make room for more food recipies...or maybe more pathfinder obscure rules.

Dark Archive

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Now, after all these years, I can appreciate that song.

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Orthos wrote:
I know my group better than the AP writer does, so I know that I'm going to have a better idea of what they can handle at what stage/level/whatever than the default blank-slate expectation.

We do have a tendency to find Sam & Max logic solutions that cause near-to-full-Hendersons.

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captain yesterday wrote:

I can't tell you how many times I have to rule on stuff that my party makes up.

It's like when Stan and Mabel play Dungeons, Dungeons, & More Dungeons.

You mean Homework: the Game?

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Mabel Pines wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

I can't tell you how many times I have to rule on stuff that my party makes up.

It's like when Stan and Mabel play Dungeons, Dungeons, & More Dungeons.

You mean Homework: the Game?

Depending on the amount of book keeping required by the DM that could be a very apt description.

Shudders at memories of MERP and the damage tables

The Exchange

Yeah GMing is work. Oh I was experimenting with daiquiris and margaritas today.


Magaritas > daiquiri

Lychee Magaritas are good. Better then mango

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Just a Mort wrote:

About my lack of general knowledge. I spend my free time watching lets plays of people on youtube, or playing computer games myself. There’s a difference between someone who does that, and another who watches youtube videos of history/watches discovery channel/watches history channel in their free time.

Don’t mind me but I’ve never been into history, though if I were cramming for a test I could just show off my leet memory skillz. And of course, I’d forget it once that time is over, so I could make room for more food recipies...or maybe more pathfinder obscure rules.

I got 40/50, so I guess my Ph.D. is worthless.

But yes, as usual, such a test becomes pointless the moment it asks a trivia question ("Who was assassinated on this date?"), which is more of a memory test than an intelligence/education test.
EDIT: To be clear, something along the lines of, "The assassination of this person directly led to which worldwide conflict?" if you want to test general education. But, "Which battle had the most casualties?" or "Which general led this assault?", you're getting into minutiae that most people who aren't majoring in the subject aren't going to remember.

It reminds me of why IQ tests are so reviled/inaccurate. It's almost impossible to create questions that actually test "intelligence" rather than "knowledge". I remember taking one of those online MENSA tests for yuks (it was free, and I was bored), and the moment I hit a question that asked, "What is the integral of this function?", I closed my browser. Knowing how to calculate an integral has nothing whatsoever to do with your innate intelligence. Case closed, and test closed.

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
Since the PCs are currently on a boat, I'm having a bit of fun annoying the player who's a Navy veteran. For instance, I'm having the sailors say "right" and "left" rather than "starboard" and "port", or pronouncing "forecastle" rather than "foc'sle". He really got upset when I had Captin Bloodtusk insist that it was indeed a "forecastle", and justified it by saying that he's a captain, not a sailor.

In our Skull & Shackles game, Shiro (Captain Finn) takes great delight in being a bard with a maxed-out Profession: Sailor (so something ridiculous like +25), but intentionally talking about "parking the boat" and other such abominations because:

(a) Yes, we have a navy vet in the group, and it's fun to watch her wince, and
(b) As the GM, GothBard plays the extremely-frustrated coxswain beautifully. He SO loves Captain Finn, but he gets SOOOOO frustrated at his cavalier attitude towards captaining.

In other fun events, I will manage to finish the AP without ever having taken a rank in Profession: Sailor. Not quite fair, as my first PC died so my life oracle came in at 7th level, but she came in with Perform: Dance and Profession: Courtesan, got thrown in the galley and took a couple of ranks of Profession: Cook, but I steadfastly refused to take Profession: Sailor and roleplay her stubbornness.

It's all kinds of fun.

NobodysHome wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:

About my lack of general knowledge. I spend my free time watching lets plays of people on youtube, or playing computer games myself. There’s a difference between someone who does that, and another who watches youtube videos of history/watches discovery channel/watches history channel in their free time.

Don’t mind me but I’ve never been into history, though if I were cramming for a test I could just show off my leet memory skillz. And of course, I’d forget it once that time is over, so I could make room for more food recipies...or maybe more pathfinder obscure rules.

I got 40/50, so I guess my Ph.D. is worthless.

But yes, as usual, such a test becomes pointless the moment it asks a trivia question ("Who was assassinated on this date?"), which is more of a memory test than an intelligence test.

It reminds me of why IQ tests are so reviled/inaccurate. It's almost impossible to create questions that actually test "intelligence" rather than "knowledge". I remember taking one of those online MENSA tests for yuks (it was free, and I was bored), and the moment I hit a question that asked, "What is the integral of this function?", I closed my browser. Knowing how to calculate an integral has nothing whatsoever to do with your innate intelligence. Case closed, and test closed.

what makes you say this?

And what do you have your phd in again? I seem to have forgotten...

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NobodysHome wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Since the PCs are currently on a boat, I'm having a bit of fun annoying the player who's a Navy veteran. For instance, I'm having the sailors say "right" and "left" rather than "starboard" and "port", or pronouncing "forecastle" rather than "foc'sle". He really got upset when I had Captin Bloodtusk insist that it was indeed a "forecastle", and justified it by saying that he's a captain, not a sailor.

In our Skull & Shackles game, Shiro (Captain Finn) takes great delight in being a bard with a maxed-out Profession: Sailor (so something ridiculous like +25), but intentionally talking about "parking the boat" and other such abominations because:

(a) Yes, we have a navy vet in the group, and it's fun to watch her wince, and
(b) As the GM, GothBard plays the extremely-frustrated coxswain beautifully. He SO loves Captain Finn, but he gets SOOOOO frustrated at his cavalier attitude towards captaining.

In other fun events, I will manage to finish the AP without ever having taken a rank in Profession: Sailor. Not quite fair, as my first PC died so my life oracle came in at 7th level, but she came in with Perform: Dance and Profession: Courtesan, got thrown in the galley and took a couple of ranks of Profession: Cook, but I steadfastly refused to take Profession: Sailor and roleplay her stubbornness.

It's all kinds of fun.

Shiro: "move the boat...thataway! To the left. No not your left, MY left!"

Character: exasperated sigh

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