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So, I searched FaWtL for Anime suggestions, and on Aranna's post from a while ago, we started Moibito.

We're 4 episodes in, and so far it's a winner.

But that immediately brought the question: Where'd she go? She hasn't posted since January and I haven't seen anyone asking about her.

What's up?

EDIT: Well, other than that?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

~shields my eyes~ That is a good question. I hope that she is doing well.

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Sorry to hear you're down, Sissyl, hope you feel better soon!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

And to jump on the misery bandwagon, today I have been in the hospital for a week with pneumonia. Only in my left lung, but it is very stubborn pneumonia -- I feel better than I did a week ago, but worse than I did three days ago.

To entertain myself, I've been catching up on RWBY. I like the increasing stakes that volume 3 introduces, but I think some of the magic is gone without Monty. I like that one of the main characters gets permanently maimed at the end of volume 3 and another [apparently] dies, but I find myself sighing as RWBY jumps on a couple of old anime bandwagons: the 'everyone has a special destiny' bandwagon, and the 'let's play episodic D&D where we wander from nameless helpless village to nameless helpless village doing quests for them' bandwagon. Well, not all just two of them so far, and the D&Ding doesn't start until volume 4. But I'm just saying.

Also been working on spells & casters in my 3e heartbreaker game. It's funny, D&D history is full of all kinds of caster themes, from those who get their spells from gods to those who are basically fantasy scientists. But the psionist is the only caster that fills the theme of "I get my magic from extreme practice and discipline."

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Tequila Sunrise wrote:
And to jump on the misery bandwagon, today I have been in the hospital for a week with pneumonia. Only in my left lung, but it is very stubborn pneumonia -- I feel better than I did a week ago, but worse than I did three days ago.

I'm sorry. Man, my prayer list is getting pretty big these days, but you're on it!

Tequila Sunrise wrote:
my 3e heartbreaker game.

I would hear more of your words and perhaps subscribe to your newsletter.

In other words, this sounds interesting, and I'd like to know more?

Tequila Sunrise wrote:
It's funny, D&D history is full of all kinds of caster themes, from those who get their spells from gods to those who are basically fantasy scientists. But the psionist is the only caster that fills the theme of "I get my magic from extreme practice and discipline."


I heart them sssssssooooooo mucccchhhh

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erudite4lyfe (unless the campaign doesn't let me have extra powers, then it's telepath psion, yo)

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I hope you feel better soon, TS. Lung issues suck.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

TS, if you have Hulu, check out Lucifer. It is an awesome show.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

If you need a time-waster that chews up less bandwidth than watching videos, here is a huge list of comic books you can read online for free.

Just keep hitting the right arrow to turn the page.
In my defense, it's all Freehold's fault.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I try to avoid having conversations with unmanned aircraft. They tend to drone on.

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
I try to avoid having conversations with unmanned aircraft. They tend to drone on.

That joke bombed.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

What's worse than raining cats and dogs? Hailing taxis.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm going to go for a walk because I want to be healthier. I'm taking along a big bag of M&Ms because I'm trying to be more honest with myself.

Dark Archive

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Full Episode Star Wars Forces of Destiny I

2 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

So, I searched FaWtL for Anime suggestions, and on Aranna's post from a while ago, we started Moibito.

We're 4 episodes in, and so far it's a winner.

But that immediately brought the question: Where'd she go? She hasn't posted since January and I haven't seen anyone asking about her.

What's up?

EDIT: Well, other than that?

I think she's Facebooking.

Which makes Freehold sad.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Tequila Sunrise wrote:

And to jump on the misery bandwagon, today I have been in the hospital for a week with pneumonia. Only in my left lung, but it is very stubborn pneumonia -- I feel better than I did a week ago, but worse than I did three days ago.

To entertain myself, I've been catching up on RWBY. I like the increasing stakes that volume 3 introduces, but I think some of the magic is gone without Monty. I like that one of the main characters gets permanently maimed at the end of volume 3 and another [apparently] dies, but I find myself sighing as RWBY jumps on a couple of old anime bandwagons: the 'everyone has a special destiny' bandwagon, and the 'let's play episodic D&D where we wander from nameless helpless village to nameless helpless village doing quests for them' bandwagon. Well, not all just two of them so far, and the D&Ding doesn't start until volume 4. But I'm just saying.

Also been working on spells & casters in my 3e heartbreaker game. It's funny, D&D history is full of all kinds of caster themes, from those who get their spells from gods to those who are basically fantasy scientists. But the psionist is the only caster that fills the theme of "I get my magic from extreme practice and discipline."

Egads! Get well soon! Pneumonia blows!!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:

If you need a time-waster that chews up less bandwidth than watching videos, here is a huge list of comic books you can read online for free.

Just keep hitting the right arrow to turn the page.
In my defense, it's all Freehold's fault.

who? Me? How?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:

If you need a time-waster that chews up less bandwidth than watching videos, here is a huge list of comic books you can read online for free.

Just keep hitting the right arrow to turn the page.
In my defense, it's all Freehold's fault.

who? Me? How?

~rolls out scroll # 853 of what we are blaming Freehold DM for~ Where would you like me to start? I will need some light and a magnifying glass. The print is rather fine. It is also a very long scroll.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I'd hardly think Freehold is the type to read comic books.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Sharoth wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:

If you need a time-waster that chews up less bandwidth than watching videos, here is a huge list of comic books you can read online for free.

Just keep hitting the right arrow to turn the page.
In my defense, it's all Freehold's fault.

who? Me? How?
~rolls out scroll # 853 of what we are blaming Freehold DM for~ Where would you like me to start? I will need some light and a magnifying glass. The print is rather fine. It is also a very long scroll.

Wait, we're blaming Freehold! I've been blaming Tacticslion!!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Captain The Hoff wrote:
I'd hardly think Freehold is the type to read comic books.

I do know he reads Manga. But those are not comics.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:

If you need a time-waster that chews up less bandwidth than watching videos, here is a huge list of comic books you can read online for free.

Just keep hitting the right arrow to turn the page.
In my defense, it's all Freehold's fault.

who? Me? How?
~rolls out scroll # 853 of what we are blaming Freehold DM for~ Where would you like me to start? I will need some light and a magnifying glass. The print is rather fine. It is also a very long scroll.
Wait, we're blaming Freehold! I've been blaming Tacticslion!!

... dang it CY.

... but fair.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Is it cold enough to warrant adding the wool hoodie to my layers?

Not really, but I'm going to anyway.

A high of 47 and rain all damn day.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Sharoth wrote:
Captain The Hoff wrote:
I'd hardly think Freehold is the type to read comic books.
I do know he reads Manga. But those are not comics.

They do have a lengthy Manga List as well.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:

If you need a time-waster that chews up less bandwidth than watching videos, here is a huge list of comic books you can read online for free.

Just keep hitting the right arrow to turn the page.
In my defense, it's all Freehold's fault.

who? Me? How?

That's where I found the one you recommended.

And then I started scrolling through the list and saying, "yeah, bookmark that... bookmark that... oooh, there's a new issue of that? new tab..."
Meanwhile I was supposed to be finishing the second half of my progress reports this weekend.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Tequila Sunrise wrote:

And to jump on the misery bandwagon, today I have been in the hospital for a week with pneumonia. Only in my left lung, but it is very stubborn pneumonia -- I feel better than I did a week ago, but worse than I did three days ago.

To entertain myself, I've been catching up on RWBY. I like the increasing stakes that volume 3 introduces, but I think some of the magic is gone without Monty. I like that one of the main characters gets permanently maimed at the end of volume 3 and another [apparently] dies, but I find myself sighing as RWBY jumps on a couple of old anime bandwagons: the 'everyone has a special destiny' bandwagon, and the 'let's play episodic D&D where we wander from nameless helpless village to nameless helpless village doing quests for them' bandwagon. Well, not all just two of them so far, and the D&Ding doesn't start until volume 4. But I'm just saying.

Also been working on spells & casters in my 3e heartbreaker game. It's funny, D&D history is full of all kinds of caster themes, from those who get their spells from gods to those who are basically fantasy scientists. But the psionist is the only caster that fills the theme of "I get my magic from extreme practice and discipline."

holy s*%#! Get well soon man!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Most hound dogs drool over people food.

Ours drools when he's found an exceptionally interesting scent.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

Is it cold enough to warrant adding the wool hoodie to my layers?

Not really, but I'm going to anyway.

A high of 47 and rain all damn day.


2 people marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
Captain The Hoff wrote:
I'd hardly think Freehold is the type to read comic books.
I do know he reads Manga. But those are not comics.

They do have a lengthy Manga List as well.


3 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

Is it cold enough to warrant adding the wool hoodie to my layers?

Not really, but I'm going to anyway.

A high of 47 and rain all damn day.

I would sooooo happily trade you. I miss Wisconsin autumns!

It's supposed to be in the 80's here all week, which is just plain wrong. How am I supposed to make beer-brat-cheese soup if it's 80 degrees out?

Meanwhile, GET BETTER, TS!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

For all the pride Wisconsinites have in their ability to drive in the snow and avoiding deer attacks, they sure do suck at driving in the rain.

They might even be worse at it then Seattle drivers.


2 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
For all the pride Wisconsinites have in their ability to drive in the snow and avoiding deer attacks, they sure do suck at driving in the rain.

Come to California. You will never complain about Wisconsonites again.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Amusingly enough, after subscribing to Crunchyroll, I became bound and determined to watch Moribito because of Aranna's recommendation, and of course it's not on Crunchyroll. And of course it was on Hulu, but starting at episode 21.

So of course Amazon was willing to sell it to me... for a price.

Curse you and your instant gratification, Amazon!!!!

(Oh, that reminds me... I need to order some chairs...)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Only a hound dog can stretch walking three blocks into a half hour.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
For all the pride Wisconsinites have in their ability to drive in the snow and avoiding deer attacks, they sure do suck at driving in the rain.
Come to California. You will never complain about Wisconsonites again.

That's what you think, they're everywhere.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
For all the pride Wisconsinites have in their ability to drive in the snow and avoiding deer attacks, they sure do suck at driving in the rain.
Come to California. You will never complain about Wisconsonites again.


Meanwhile, I take it back, temporarily. I just looked up the weather forecast for my hometown, and it's low of 24, high of 42 for the next week, and a mixture of rain/snow on Halloween.

That was absolutely the worst thing about growing up in the Northwoods... having to go trick-or-treating with dorky-ass moon boots and a parka over my costume.

"And what are you supposed to be, little girl?"
"I dunno... Bob or Doug Mackenzie in a princess dress? You got a jelly doughnut in there?"

1 person marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

Is it cold enough to warrant adding the wool hoodie to my layers?

Not really, but I'm going to anyway.

A high of 47 and rain all damn day.

I would sooooo happily trade you. I miss Wisconsin autumns!

It's supposed to be in the 80's here all week, which is just plain wrong. How am I supposed to make beer-brat-cheese soup if it's 80 degrees out?

Meanwhile, GET BETTER, TS!

mid...80s? Does not compute.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Doesn't compute? You bringing math into this? *jaw drop*

Grand Lodge

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Who is that? It certainly isn't Freehold.

4 people marked this as a favorite.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
John Napier 698 wrote:
Doesn't compute? You bringing math into this? *jaw drop*

that is my answer to every math based query.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Leaving for work early. Have to pick up one of my mother's medications. Later, all. :)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:

I would hear more of your words and perhaps subscribe to your newsletter.

In other words, this sounds interesting, and I'd like to know more?

Oh, it's the project I've been working on for years. Basically I love 3e, but as an essentially classic vision of D&D, it has many many quirks that get under my skin. You could say it's a love-hate relationship. :)

(When I say 3e, I mean 3.0, 3.5, PF, and FC.)

What I think is 3e’s shining contribution to D&D is its approach to multiclassing. I.e., each class is a set of building blocks, and players are allowed to mix and match those building blocks however they want. It’s an amazing compromise between pure class-based games and pure classless games: beer n pretzels Joe can write ‘Fighter X’ on his character sheet, pick a weapon, and start gaming. While improv character actor Arty can craft his Fighter X/Rogue Y/Wizard Z with his unique backstory.

The execution leaves a lot to be desired of course, but getting 3e-style multiclassing to work really well is a holy grail of mine.

Tacticslion wrote:
Tequila Sunrise wrote:
It's funny, D&D history is full of all kinds of caster themes, from those who get their spells from gods to those who are basically fantasy scientists. But the psionist is the only caster that fills the theme of "I get my magic from extreme practice and discipline."


I heart them sssssssooooooo mucccchhhh

I’m curious, what role do you see psionists filling in the game world? I ask because while I’ve never had a problem with psionics, I largely see it as a means of introducing non-vancian spells to the game.

Last night I was trying to visualize them in the game world, and I imagined them being mystic-types who train on mountaintop monasteries like Li Mu Bai from Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Or any remote locale where there are no distractions from the discipline of self-awareness. Except instead of becoming crazy kung fu sword-warrior badasses, they become crazy magical badasses who can summon fireballs with a wink.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Two more days at work. Also, an Age Of Rebellion session tomorrow...

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Tequila Sunrise wrote:

And to jump on the misery bandwagon, today I have been in the hospital for a week with pneumonia. Only in my left lung, but it is very stubborn pneumonia -- I feel better than I did a week ago, but worse than I did three days ago.

To entertain myself, I've been catching up on RWBY. I like the increasing stakes that volume 3 introduces, but I think some of the magic is gone without Monty. I like that one of the main characters gets permanently maimed at the end of volume 3 and another [apparently] dies, but I find myself sighing as RWBY jumps on a couple of old anime bandwagons: the 'everyone has a special destiny' bandwagon, and the 'let's play episodic D&D where we wander from nameless helpless village to nameless helpless village doing quests for them' bandwagon. Well, not all just two of them so far, and the D&Ding doesn't start until volume 4. But I'm just saying.

Also been working on spells & casters in my 3e heartbreaker game. It's funny, D&D history is full of all kinds of caster themes, from those who get their spells from gods to those who are basically fantasy scientists. But the psionist is the only caster that fills the theme of "I get my magic from extreme practice and discipline."

Hope that clears up soon, and that the homebrewing goes well!

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Ah, the follies of U.S. sizes vs. European sizes. I'm not a small man, but I'm not a huge man either: 5'7", 190 lbs, a 32-34" waist, and a 42-44" chest.

So in U.S. sizes, a Large is comfortably loose on me. For my Halloween costume, I had to order from Germany, and given the size choices, I chose "Large".

The thing is so tiny it almost fits Impus Major (5'1", 110 lbs).

If that's "Large", I'd hate to see a Small!

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Heal quickly, TS! Get outta that hospital!!!

Sissyl, you are in my thoughts and prayers. As always, I can listen (read: read) anytime.

RE: the Doomsphere -- Patrick Stewart voice: Excellent work, Mr. Napier. The tactical station is yours.

Freehold is right -- math never computes. It always has to have someone else do so for it. How dumb is math?? :D

Studpuffin, I recommend that your preparations include a 9mm, or a .45 if you can handle the recoil. Actually, just pick any one. Or two. Or, yes!! Eyes peeled, chief.
As for me, I am savoring my funemployment. Developing a homebrew SWEU game (linked a number of pages ago). Finally getting to where 5E is halfway enjoyable (only FTF game going; that system is mucked up). Coping with a tweaked neck/shoulder. Slowly sending off resumes into the wild yonder. Life's good!

But I gotta take my truck into the shop today . . . . Ramen noodles and saltines, here I come!

And maybe some vitamin supplements . . . .

2 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

Ah, the follies of U.S. sizes vs. European sizes. I'm not a small man, but I'm not a huge man either: 5'7", 190 lbs, a 32-34" waist, and a 42-44" chest.

So in U.S. sizes, a Large is comfortably loose on me. For my Halloween costume, I had to order from Germany, and given the size choices, I chose "Large".

The thing is so tiny it almost fits Impus Major (5'1", 110 lbs).

If that's "Large", I'd hate to see a Small!

Reminds me of that report on German condom sizing that was in the news a year or two ago...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Ah, the follies of U.S. sizes vs. European sizes. I'm not a small man, but I'm not a huge man either: 5'7", 190 lbs, a 32-34" waist, and a 42-44" chest.

So in U.S. sizes, a Large is comfortably loose on me. For my Halloween costume, I had to order from Germany, and given the size choices, I chose "Large".

The thing is so tiny it almost fits Impus Major (5'1", 110 lbs).

If that's "Large", I'd hate to see a Small!

Reminds me of that report on German condom sizing that was in the news a year or two ago...


Do go on...

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Seriously. There was a study, which proved a bit embarrassing to the Germans. Standard sizing was a bit roomy on the average German male. Google it.

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