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lynora wrote:

Had a nightmare experience at the dentist today. I had to have four fillings done and a cracked tooth prepped for a crown. Local anesthetic doesn’t work on me, so I have to be put under when I have dental work done. But they screwed up and I was only partially under. I couldn’t speak or move but I was awake and aware of everything. And when they saw I was in pain they just kept giving me useless shots and I couldn’t stop them. So not only did that happen but now my mouth hurts so much from all the shots I didn’t need because they didn’t actually work. I mean, my lip went numb, but nothing actually inside my mouth :(

I have PTSD from similar event during my c-section when the kidlet was born. Protip: don’t have surgery without working anesthetic. Pain is not an adequate description. So getting me to actually show up for anything that requires anesthetic takes some doing. Even more now. Looks like it’s back to the therapist for me. >.<

Freehold DM wrote:


If me being naked during all of that didn't make you laugh/smile nervously, please return the day you are experiencing for a full refund.

returns lynoras day for full refund, yarn spindle

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I had to give in my clothes for the yarn spindle...fair trade.

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Tacticslion wrote:
Question for anyone who knows: why are so many carnival workers so strongly addicted to cigarettes. It's a strangely high ratio.

it's the only way you get breaks in most jobs.

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lisamarlene wrote:

The most surreal part of parent-teacher conferences: parents using their time block as a parenting coaching/therapy session because they feel like they have no idea what they are doing, and the only way they can get the kids to behave at home is to threaten, "I'm going to tell Mrs. X."

If they only saw what happens in my house...

it works for the kids who are sweet on Mrs X.

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Freehold DM wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
Question for anyone who knows: why are so many carnival workers so strongly addicted to cigarettes. It's a strangely high ratio.
it's the only way you get breaks in most jobs.

That... is an extremely sucky policy.

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Freehold DM wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
Question for anyone who knows: why are so many carnival workers so strongly addicted to cigarettes. It's a strangely high ratio.
it's the only way you get breaks in most jobs.

If I think about the smokers in my office, actually having a cig is secondary - the main appeal is spending some time off the floor and having a whinge with your friends out of doors.

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I spoke with my brother today (it's his Birthday at 45). The puppy who got into the Gorilla Glue is doing fine. The glue was vomited back up. However, those who pray regularly may want to do so for his Wife. She has either Thyroid problems or Ovarian Cancer. The doctors aren't sure which.

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Happy birthday to your brother! Huzzah for the puppy!
... and I'm so sorry to hear about his wife. I will keep her in prayers. Cancer is a demon, and I hate it, and want it to die - and leave its hosts alone, and in a healthy state, thank you.

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That is an awful prognosis. Here's hoping positive answers are found soon.

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So far eating has not filled the emptiness I feel inside. But I'm not a quitter.

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Marriage is all about compromise. For instance, today I agreed to never sit in certain chairs, and in exchange I get one I can sleep on.

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And the Lord said unto John "Come forth, and receive eternal life." But John came fifth, and received a toaster.

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Stephen Hawking has a great sense of humor. He does great one-liners, but he sucks at stand-up.

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When my wife asks me "What did you say?", it isn't that she didn't hear me. It's that she's trying to get me to change my answer.

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Sorry to hear about your sister-in-law, John, that sucks.

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They say that behind every great man is a woman. This may be true. In my experience, however, it is always true that behind every angry woman is a man who has no idea what he did wrong.

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
They say that behind every great man is a woman. This may be true. In my experience, however, it is always true that behind every angry woman is a man who has no idea what he did wrong.

Oh I think YOU know what you did!

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Vidmaster7 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
They say that behind every great man is a woman. This may be true. In my experience, however, it is always true that behind every angry woman is a man who has no idea what he did wrong.
Oh I think YOU know what you did!

Me? I didn't do anything. I was just sitting here.

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I am great at multitasking. I can waste time, be unproductive, and procrastinate all at the same time.

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I hate when I've been on the treadmill for half an hour, and then look at the clock and realize it's only been 3 minutes.

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A good time to keep your mouth shut is when you're in deep s!@&.

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My kids have reached that age where they are beginning to understand embarrassment. Now it's my time to shine!

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In a few years, I bet there'll be a mandatory college course called "Eye Contact 101".

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I love Fall. There's nothing better than strolling through the park, walking through about 100 spider webs, and screaming like a little girl every time.

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Is it rude to ask someone on an online dating site to post a picture of themselves holding today's newspaper?

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I'd like to say "Happy 3-week Anniversary" to the 26 browser tabs I have open.

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It took a long time, but I just finished paying the pizza guy entirely with quarters that I found behind his ear.

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Whenever I see a picture of Comic-Con, I just think "Wow. Their Moms must be really happy to have the house to themselves for a few hours."

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
In a few years, I bet there'll be a mandatory college course called "Eye Contact 101".

They need it now in my opinion. I am not a constant fidget on phone person but I would go out places with people in college and you couldn't have a conversation with people cause they'd be looking down on their phones or talking to you while looking at their laps.

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"This is like if Billy Joel sang about a grocery list."

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I must be getting old. The other day I walked past a cemetery and two men attacked me with shovels shouting "Zombie! Zombie!!"

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
I must be getting old. The other day I walked past a cemetery and two men attacked me with shovels shouting "Zombie! Zombie!!"

I blame it on your diet.

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Vidmaster7 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
I must be getting old. The other day I walked past a cemetery and two men attacked me with shovels shouting "Zombie! Zombie!!"
I blame it on your diet.

Just because I eat brains doesn't mean I'm a zombie.

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
I must be getting old. The other day I walked past a cemetery and two men attacked me with shovels shouting "Zombie! Zombie!!"
I blame it on your diet.
Just because I eat brains doesn't mean I'm a zombie.

What about the excessive moaning and lack of a pulse?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Vidmaster7 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
I must be getting old. The other day I walked past a cemetery and two men attacked me with shovels shouting "Zombie! Zombie!!"
I blame it on your diet.
Just because I eat brains doesn't mean I'm a zombie.
What about the excessive moaning and lack of a pulse?

I don't think those are related to my diet.

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*splorches through thread*

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Splorches seems like the right word their.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Is anyone looking for the start to a horror story? I have one. It goes like this:

A cell phone rings. The caller ID says "Mom". The antagonist answers the phone "Hi, Mom. What's up?" The mother says "I have a computer question." DUN DUN DUNNNNNN!!!!!!

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Vidmaster7 wrote:
Splorches seems like the right word their.

I also considered "quorfs".

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gran rey de los mono wrote:

Is anyone looking for the start to a horror story? I have one. It goes like this:

A cell phone rings. The caller ID says "Mom". The antagonist answers the phone "Hi, Mom. What's up?" The mother says "I have a computer question." DUN DUN DUNNNNNN!!!!!!


(Fortunately my brother has a degree in it so he fields all those questions)

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Completly horrified Vidmaster7 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:

Is anyone looking for the start to a horror story? I have one. It goes like this:

A cell phone rings. The caller ID says "Mom". The antagonist answers the phone "Hi, Mom. What's up?" The mother says "I have a computer question." DUN DUN DUNNNNNN!!!!!!


(Fortunately my brother has a degree in it so he fields all those questions)

But what if your brother is busy, so she calls you INSTEAD?!


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gran rey de los mono wrote:
Completly horrified Vidmaster7 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:

Is anyone looking for the start to a horror story? I have one. It goes like this:

A cell phone rings. The caller ID says "Mom". The antagonist answers the phone "Hi, Mom. What's up?" The mother says "I have a computer question." DUN DUN DUNNNNNN!!!!!!


(Fortunately my brother has a degree in it so he fields all those questions)

But what if your brother is busy, so she calls you INSTEAD?!



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My friend and I went to a turtle pun class the other day. It tortoise nothing.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
gran rey de los mono wrote:
My friend and I went to a turtle pun class the other day. It tortoise nothing.

Well maybe if you would come out of your shell you'd learn something!

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Crew, meet your new astrogator... He'll take you... Places.

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Drejk wrote:
Crew, meet your new astrogator... He'll take you... Places.


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It's amazing how certain play styles just grate on your nerves.

Whingey Wizard, in addition to his roleplaying faults, is one of those unbelievably-careful players who won't go anywhere before Scrying, Detecting Invisible, Detecting Magic, sending the ranger or rogue ahead to scout for traps, and then spending 15 minutes pondering in what other way his nefarious GM is trying to screw over the party.

It's one of those deer-in-the-headlight attitudes born of playing under an extremely-abusive GM who killed him more than once with, "Aha! You didn't think of THIS! Now you're DEAD! Mwahahahahahaha!"
Or maybe he's just always been that way.

But when you have an AP with an artificially-imposed time limit ("The BBEG is stirring! You must get there now Now NOW to stop him!!!!") and the wizard's response is, "Well, I prepare only one Scry spell a day because I need to keep my other slots ready, just in case. And if that one fails, then we need to spend another day in Safetown so I can scribe more scrolls and craft more wands. And we can try another Scry tomorrow," then by the third or fourth day you really feel like it's time to just let the BBEG wake up and wipe the party and respond with, "Oh, sorry. Your wizard didn't take all the threats of him waking up seriously, so you took too long."

So just two clashing play styles. I really don't want my players mistrusting me so much that gameplay grinds to a halt due to their paranoia, so it really grates on me when they do so anyway.

If it takes 10 minutes of real time, it's preparation. If it take 90 minutes, it's paranoia.

EDIT: And it's funny because I had a bit of enlightenment while talking about this on my Serpent's Skull thread: It's the difference between, "OK, let's think about what the enemy is likely to be doing and plan for that" (my JR and SA groups) versus, "OK. Let me open up the books and scan through them to try to figure out what spell or magic item I can get my hands on that will make it so I don't have to think about things at all" (the SS group and Whingey Wizard).
"Problem-solving through shopping and rules lawyering" is not my cup of tea.

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Give them some more warnings. Then steam roll over them with the awakened BBEG. They were warned, they ignored the warning. Did they expected the BBEG to politely wait for them?

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Drejk wrote:
Give them some more warnings. Then steam roll over them with the awakened BBEG. They were warned, they ignored the warning. Did they expected the BBEG to politely wait for them?

Yeah. I'm thinking I should just calculate how long it should take them to finish, double it, and then put a date on the calendar at which point the BBEG wakes up. Seems the fairest thing to do.

EDIT: And don't worry, LM. I'm not spoilering these because I know you get frustrated too when the game degenerates into an hour and a half of him sitting there saying, "How can we gather information without putting ME at any risk whatsoever?"
It really is one of his more frustrating aspects. "I will not play a game in which I have to put my PC at risk."

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