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6 people marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:

First day of Parent-Teacher conferences.

It's been a long couple of weeks, and I'm trying to mediate and broker a peace between the boss, the parents at my school, and the business manager on my campus over a stupid issue that I suspect I will be put in charge of fixing, because even though I'm an a**!~*%, I am capable of being a diplomatic a+&+%%% when I need to be.

And, joy of joys, trying to deal with a new problem that is either a budget-to-throw-money-at-it-and-fix-it or budget-to-throw-money-at-it-and-replace-it.

And I'm being deliberately vague because I don't want Nobody to say "Oh, that's easy; just ask Hi to take a look at it!" or "Shiro has three in his garage!" I can deal with it; it will just take longer than I'd like and it's an irritation.

I don't want a fairy godmother, I just want things to stop breaking down.
Including me.

reads post, nods

jumps out of office window, lands in prius

sets coordinates for lisamarlene

writes for Sunday game while car handles the driving

prius indicates it is looking forward to flirting with lisamarlenes car, I mention business before pleasure protocol

arrives at Lisamarlenes

waves to confused lisamarlene, chocolate cakes her

takes her to underground Freehold bunker, does *COMPLETELY CHASTE AND PROFESSIONAL EXAMINATION*

replaces worn out parts with new ones

increases mother reflex/response time by 20%

adds supplemental patience reservoir

rotates tires

updates angry phone voice module with new options, including "Do I sound like an idiot to you?" And "I would like to speak to your immediate supervisor, please"

cleans fuel injectors

inputs angry death glare vision, updates parameters

puts extra eye in the back of her head to make good on parental/ teacher threats referencing eyes in the back of head

washes hair, updates color if necessary

upgrades exasperated/patient sigh protocols

adds supplemental whingey wizard patience reservoir, list of known spells

checks lisamarlene bios, ensures milkmaid subroutine is still present

inputs optional mermaid system, complete with transformation/henshin 20th anniversary of sailormoon sequence

returns stronger, better, faster lisamarlene to where I found her

walks in on prius with lisamarlenes car

oh god oh god oh god did not want to see that

awkwardly drives home in silent prius

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Hmm. The entry door on the ferry to school was flanked by two armed US Coast Guard officers this morning. This is decidedly not normal.

Gotta love the ferry staff being super, super by the script because the Feds are here.

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I installed a break down corner in the Pillow Fort, it has a few pillows, a sunny window (weather permitting), and a portable DVD player with both Futurama, and My Name Is Earl handy.

I highly recommend one for everyone.

And yes, it's literally a corner of my bedroom.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
lisamarlene wrote:

First day of Parent-Teacher conferences.

It's been a long couple of weeks, and I'm trying to mediate and broker a peace between the boss, the parents at my school, and the business manager on my campus over a stupid issue that I suspect I will be put in charge of fixing, because even though I'm an a#@$+~$, I am capable of being a diplomatic a$~%&&@ when I need to be.

And, joy of joys, trying to deal with a new problem that is either a budget-to-throw-money-at-it-and-fix-it or budget-to-throw-money-at-it-and-replace-it.

And I'm being deliberately vague because I don't want Nobody to say "Oh, that's easy; just ask Hi to take a look at it!" or "Shiro has three in his garage!" I can deal with it; it will just take longer than I'd like and it's an irritation.

I don't want a fairy godmother, I just want things to stop breaking down.
Including me.

Are you accusing me of being a busybody?

Oh, that's right. I am.

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If me being naked during all of that didn't make you laugh/smile nervously, please return the day you are experiencing for a full refund.



2 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:


If me being naked during all of that didn't make you laugh/smile nervously, please return the day you are experiencing for a full refund.

~still has the green under the gills look~ I would like my money back. It was too much manlyness.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Don't mind me, just passing through.

Drops can of turpentine so Jojo can fast travel.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:



Quick! Hide everyone!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
lisamarlene wrote:

First day of Parent-Teacher conferences.

It's been a long couple of weeks, and I'm trying to mediate and broker a peace between the boss, the parents at my school, and the business manager on my campus over a stupid issue that I suspect I will be put in charge of fixing, because even though I'm an a#@$+~$, I am capable of being a diplomatic a$~%&&@ when I need to be.

And, joy of joys, trying to deal with a new problem that is either a budget-to-throw-money-at-it-and-fix-it or budget-to-throw-money-at-it-and-replace-it.

And I'm being deliberately vague because I don't want Nobody to say "Oh, that's easy; just ask Hi to take a look at it!" or "Shiro has three in his garage!" I can deal with it; it will just take longer than I'd like and it's an irritation.

I don't want a fairy godmother, I just want things to stop breaking down.
Including me.

Are you accusing me of being a busybody?

Oh, that's right. I am.

*looks away of Alien Archive*

How could she?!

*returns to reading Alien Archive*

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Jojo Applesauce, Courier wrote:

Don't mind me, just passing through.

Drops can of turpentine so Jojo can fast travel.

Don't drink the turpentine.

I have seen something online from someone who had been drinking turpentine and castor oil in order to cleanse themselves internally.

Red stuff kept coming out of their bottom. They hadn't been eating anything red, so were rather confused at this.

Don't drink the turpentine.


EDIT: This is in total agreement with Limey, for the record.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Well, it's getting to be that fearful time of year: After yesterday's blissful rain, we can actually breathe again (what a concept!), but the temperature's dropped into the 50s in the mornings. I may *gasp* have to actually turn on the heat!

I feel better, because I keep track every year (OC, remember?), and we were moving earlier and earlier every year, so this year is an improvement:
2014: November 13
2015: November 4
2016: October 12
2017: Pondering October 20, but pretty lazy so probably another week or two.

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Turpentine is not for drinking.

In Fallout 3 it was for creating technicolor grenades, but alas I'm still not sure what good it is in Fallout New Vegas.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

So here's an interesting question: How do birds of prey distinguish between small predators (cats, foxes) and small prey animals? Are they really that smart? Do their parents teach them? Do they learn by painful example?

I wonder because we saw our first displaced wildlife this morning: A HUGE owl; probably a barn owl, but it was the predawn light so we don't know for sure, but definitely the kind of owl that cheerfully carries off rabbits for snackies. And NobodysWife saw it as she was putting our little fluffernutter out. So she decided against it, which I felt was wise.

Yet you don't hear about owls flying off with cats all that often. It happens, but it's not a daily occurrence. And it's an obvious survival trait: Sure, if you get your strike in just right, you get cat for lunch. If you don't, you are very likely to be the cat's lunch. (If you've never seen a hunting cat close-quarters against a creature up to twice its size, it's a scary, scary thing. Kind of like that raging barbarian finally getting up right next to the caster.)

So it just set me to wondering: How do owls know not to try to eat cats all the time? They're the size and shape of rabbits... just... sharper.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Movement is my guess.

Cats and rabbits and mice all move differently.

Birds of prey are very patient.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Basically, cats move like predators when outside. Rabbits and mice don't.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Physical structure too. Birds of prey tend to have very good sight, and predator and prey animals have noticeable structural differences. Predators have forward facing eye sockets for depth perception while prey have eyes that face both sides for greater field of vision. Probably some other evolutionary traits as well.

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Owls, the more you know.

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Of course now I'm on a True Facts marathon...

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Aye Aye

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How do I know the dog wants to go go out?

He unlocked the door, opened it slightly, and walked out.

And then he pokes his head in, and looks at me and snorts as if to say "are you coming?"

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Had a nightmare experience at the dentist today. I had to have four fillings done and a cracked tooth prepped for a crown. Local anesthetic doesn’t work on me, so I have to be put under when I have dental work done. But they screwed up and I was only partially under. I couldn’t speak or move but I was awake and aware of everything. And when they saw I was in pain they just kept giving me useless shots and I couldn’t stop them. So not only did that happen but now my mouth hurts so much from all the shots I didn’t need because they didn’t actually work. I mean, my lip went numb, but nothing actually inside my mouth :(

I have PTSD from similar event during my c-section when the kidlet was born. Protip: don’t have surgery without working anesthetic. Pain is not an adequate description. So getting me to actually show up for anything that requires anesthetic takes some doing. Even more now. Looks like it’s back to the therapist for me. >.<

1 person marked this as a favorite.
lynora wrote:

Had a nightmare experience at the dentist today. I had to have four fillings done and a cracked tooth prepped for a crown. Local anesthetic doesn’t work on me, so I have to be put under when I have dental work done. But they screwed up and I was only partially under. I couldn’t speak or move but I was awake and aware of everything. And when they saw I was in pain they just kept giving me useless shots and I couldn’t stop them. So not only did that happen but now my mouth hurts so much from all the shots I didn’t need because they didn’t actually work. I mean, my lip went numb, but nothing actually inside my mouth :(

I have PTSD from similar event during my c-section when the kidlet was born. Protip: don’t have surgery without working anesthetic. Pain is not an adequate description. So getting me to actually show up for anything that requires anesthetic takes some doing. Even more now. Looks like it’s back to the therapist for me. >.<

Sounds like general incompetence to me. If it was me, I'd consider going to a different Dentist.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
lynora wrote:

Had a nightmare experience at the dentist today. I had to have four fillings done and a cracked tooth prepped for a crown. Local anesthetic doesn’t work on me, so I have to be put under when I have dental work done. But they screwed up and I was only partially under. I couldn’t speak or move but I was awake and aware of everything. And when they saw I was in pain they just kept giving me useless shots and I couldn’t stop them. So not only did that happen but now my mouth hurts so much from all the shots I didn’t need because they didn’t actually work. I mean, my lip went numb, but nothing actually inside my mouth :(

I have PTSD from similar event during my c-section when the kidlet was born. Protip: don’t have surgery without working anesthetic. Pain is not an adequate description. So getting me to actually show up for anything that requires anesthetic takes some doing. Even more now. Looks like it’s back to the therapist for me. >.<

I'm so sorry lynora...thats beyond awful.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Yes it is. I too am sorry to hear that. Get well soon.

I'm so sorry to hear! Oh, lynora, that's just terrible!

I'm praying for you, and I hope you continue to get the care you need - but make sure they know how badly they messed up! And you may wish to consider a different dentist!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
The Game Hamster wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:

Noooooo! Can't favorite and thing this morning! A fate worse than... some things!


(It just isn't reinstating my attempts - not even a "sorry this post could not be added to your favorites" just a lack of reaction when I hit the buuuuuttoooonnn~)

With 170,124 favorites under his belt, TL has nearly 10 times the amounts of favorites to his number of posts, which comes in at about 18,236. To say that TL favorites all the things has now entered meme status, and is no longer a joke. (though, admittedly still funny)

Therefore, concerning the fact that the website is not allowing him to favorite one of three things is probably the case, 1) one of the mods has decided on an intervention, and has temporarily, or even permanently removed his ability to favorite everything, in the hopes of curing this. 2) The server dedicated to TL's favorites page has crashed from the sheer number of post TL has Favorited. This doesn't make sense, as this page is bigger, and hasn't yet crashed. or 3) TL is just having a slight computer problem that will resolve itself, similar to a problem I have occasionally, called slow-computer-processing.

My moneys on the last one, but only time will tell...

TL has started liking things again.

I will take my money, and all is right in the world again.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

"I feel like the local police at the end of an episode of X-Files."

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169 this time

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"All the buildings explode. The sky opens up. It turns out you're inside a shoe. And there's a giant shoe crab. It clacks it's claws. It kills it's brother and eats it because it's larger. And now, go. We're gonna roll for initiative."

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Whew busy night.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Ugh, that's awful Lynora, sorry you went through that!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

So here's an interesting question: How do birds of prey distinguish between small predators (cats, foxes) and small prey animals? Are they really that smart? Do their parents teach them? Do they learn by painful example?

I wonder because we saw our first displaced wildlife this morning: A HUGE owl; probably a barn owl, but it was the predawn light so we don't know for sure, but definitely the kind of owl that cheerfully carries off rabbits for snackies. And NobodysWife saw it as she was putting our little fluffernutter out. So she decided against it, which I felt was wise.

Yet you don't hear about owls flying off with cats all that often. It happens, but it's not a daily occurrence. And it's an obvious survival trait: Sure, if you get your strike in just right, you get cat for lunch. If you don't, you are very likely to be the cat's lunch. (If you've never seen a hunting cat close-quarters against a creature up to twice its size, it's a scary, scary thing. Kind of like that raging barbarian finally getting up right next to the caster.)

So it just set me to wondering: How do owls know not to try to eat cats all the time? They're the size and shape of rabbits... just... sharper.

from what little I have heard, as predators, cats taste bad/don't provide enough meat. Most predators do.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
lynora wrote:

Had a nightmare experience at the dentist today. I had to have four fillings done and a cracked tooth prepped for a crown. Local anesthetic doesn’t work on me, so I have to be put under when I have dental work done. But they screwed up and I was only partially under. I couldn’t speak or move but I was awake and aware of everything. And when they saw I was in pain they just kept giving me useless shots and I couldn’t stop them. So not only did that happen but now my mouth hurts so much from all the shots I didn’t need because they didn’t actually work. I mean, my lip went numb, but nothing actually inside my mouth :(

I have PTSD from similar event during my c-section when the kidlet was born. Protip: don’t have surgery without working anesthetic. Pain is not an adequate description. So getting me to actually show up for anything that requires anesthetic takes some doing. Even more now. Looks like it’s back to the therapist for me. >.<

So, is it that novacaine doesn't work, or is just very, very weak?

I had some hideously painful procedures over the years because I am very, very resistant to novacaine. I finally told my new dentist, "Can we use nitrous oxide? Because novacaine doesn't work."

He just smiled, got out the syringe and a nurse, and determined that it takes 5 times the normal dosage of novacaine on me. But it did finally work.

If you're totally immune, then OMG am I sorry! I know I had some stuff I'd rather not talk about done because they just assumed I was numb...

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Anesthesia? How amusing. I never use it myself.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

So, I don't know whether this is a "good thing" or a "horrifying thing". After lisamarlene so horrifically guilt-tripped me, I just leave stuff in my Amazon cart until someone orders it. The kids, not knowing the password, also just throw stuff in the cart. Eventually, NobodysWife decides to order something, and the entire cartload-o-random stuff shows up at our doorstep.

My favorite so far: Gloves, curtain rings, and some katsu sauce.

Now there's an interesting story to be told right there!

Hey, Lynora! I have an idea for you...

5 people marked this as a favorite.

And I hope you're all happy. The little fluffernutter is out in the pre-dawn light, sniffing about.

If she comes back in with an owl in tow it's all your fault!

EDIT: And the funniest part is that our calico was feral for a year before we got her, but then needed a couple of surgeries so both our cats are only allowed outside during "the day" (i.e. from 6:00 am to sunset), in our yard, on leashes.
And yet the calico still catches things and leaves them on the doorstep.

I figure if you're stupid enough to get caught by a cat on a leash during the daytime, Darwin says you deserve it.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Cats are great, aren't they?

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That's why it's nice having a hound dog, despite how many animals he chases, he'll screw it up somehow.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Dogs chasing cars is a problem. Dogs CATCHING cars is worse.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

The most surreal part of parent-teacher conferences: parents using their time block as a parenting coaching/therapy session because they feel like they have no idea what they are doing, and the only way they can get the kids to behave at home is to threaten, "I'm going to tell Mrs. X."

If they only saw what happens in my house...

Question for anyone who knows: why are so many carnival workers so strongly addicted to cigarettes. It's a strangely high ratio.

Tacticslion wrote:
Question for anyone who knows: why are so many carnival workers so strongly addicted to cigarettes. It's a strangely high ratio.

For clarification, I mean carnival workers who are associated with it as a profession. I'm currently enjoying the carnival as a volunteer (at my son's school's grill), but every "employed" carnival worker I've seen, bar two, have taken a major smoke break at least once and chugged through a number of them all at the same time. It made me curious.

Also: this isn't an isolated phenomenon. Every carnival I've attended has a preponderance of employees who show those tale-tell signs of too many cigarettes over a lifetime or who I've seen smoking them.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
Question for anyone who knows: why are so many carnival workers so strongly addicted to cigarettes. It's a strangely high ratio.

It's remarkably straightforward: People exposed to large numbers of smokers take up smoking "in self defense", and it's one of the most-addictive habits on the planet.

(1) Young man or woman starts working at the carny. This already sets them apart as having an independent, "rebellious" streak, because working at the carny isn't as "nice" as working at Target or Wal*Mart. I'll bet dollars to donuts that the same workers have a larger-than-average number of tattoos and piercings as well.

(2) Young man or woman is exposed to chain smokers, day in and day out, week after week. If he or she wants to socialize, it's always during smoke breaks. Also, the smokers get to take smoke breaks. There aren't any "non-smoker" breaks.

(3) Being exposed to it, having it depicted as a social norm, and seeing that it has obvious benefits in the workplace, young man or woman decides to try it, "Because I can always quit if I want to."

Most of the smokers I know of my generation are people who took it up not out of an independent sense of rebellion, but people who took it up because everyone else around them was smoking.

It's a neverending cycle.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
lynora wrote:

Had a nightmare experience at the dentist today. I had to have four fillings done and a cracked tooth prepped for a crown. Local anesthetic doesn’t work on me, so I have to be put under when I have dental work done. But they screwed up and I was only partially under. I couldn’t speak or move but I was awake and aware of everything. And when they saw I was in pain they just kept giving me useless shots and I couldn’t stop them. So not only did that happen but now my mouth hurts so much from all the shots I didn’t need because they didn’t actually work. I mean, my lip went numb, but nothing actually inside my mouth :(

I have PTSD from similar event during my c-section when the kidlet was born. Protip: don’t have surgery without working anesthetic. Pain is not an adequate description. So getting me to actually show up for anything that requires anesthetic takes some doing. Even more now. Looks like it’s back to the therapist for me. >.<

Yowch! That sounds dreadful :(

NobodysHome wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
Question for anyone who knows: why are so many carnival workers so strongly addicted to cigarettes. It's a strangely high ratio.

It's remarkably straightforward: People exposed to large numbers of smokers take up smoking "in self defense", and it's one of the most-addictive habits on the planet.

(1) Young man or woman starts working at the carny. This already sets them apart as having an independent, "rebellious" streak, because working at the carny isn't as "nice" as working at Target or Wal*Mart. I'll bet dollars to donuts that the same workers have a larger-than-average number of tattoos and piercings as well.

(2) Young man or woman is exposed to chain smokers, day in and day out, week after week. If he or she wants to socialize, it's always during smoke breaks. Also, the smokers get to take smoke breaks. There aren't any "non-smoker" breaks.

(3) Being exposed to it, having it depicted as a social norm, and seeing that it has obvious benefits in the workplace, young man or woman decides to try it, "Because I can always quit if I want to."

Most of the smokers I know of my generation are people who took it up not out of an independent sense of rebellion, but people who took it up because everyone else around them was smoking.

It's a neverending cycle.

You made a remarkably safe bet, my friend... And you make a loooooot of sense!

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Good cop, Bat cop.

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