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So my group has expressed desire to run this adventure path.
seeing as how theres a lot of mixed feelings on mythic, i was wondering how easy it would be to let the players use gesalt rules in place of mythic?
If I did this what changes should I make to the monsters?
how does mythic compare to gesalt is one drastically better?
Any help and insight would be loved.

Tangent101 |

You could run it as straight Pathfinder with a 25-point build and outside of a few areas in Book 2, you'd not have a problem. If you really want a "mythic" aspect? Then give them regenerating Hero Points - start at 3 plus 1 per Mythic Tier. The Hero Points will replicate half of what Mythic does.

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So giving them gesalt would give them a powerful edge without using the mythic rules?
I'm kinda hoping the run the books as is with just changing the players a bit.
my group is rather new so I'm trying to help them all grow and they have in turn encouraged me to grow in the role part of role-playing.

Tangent101 |

Hero Points are from the Advanced Player's Guide. It's easy to implement and is an optional rule that is actually recommended for people not using Mythic in WotR. I'm just pointing out how it could be used as a Mythic proxy.
Gestalts are broken overpowered characters. The only time I really see them as usable is if you have one or two players, and even then they often become unbalanced. The new Class Guide provides hybrid classes that are a more balanced and usable alternative to Gestalts.

Tangent101 |
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Um... as I said, you could run the game as a non-Mythic Pathfinder game with 25-point builds and outside of some of Book 2, you'd probably not have a problem. And if you used regenerating Hero Points you'd be able to compensate for any Mythic aspects (and could likely give Mythic monsters Hero Points as well - keep things simple).
BTW, Mythic is broken, yes. At higher Tiers. However, one or two Mythic Tiers actually allows for an interesting game that is not overpowered. In fact, it'd be interesting to see if anyone did that - ran Mythic but didn't allow the players to have more than three Tiers. If you disallow Mythic Power Attack and Mythic Improved Critical, then really most of the brokenness of Mythic can be avoided.

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I'm not overly concerned about there characters becoming broken as only 2/(7or8) of the players have played more then a year.
I personally have never played gesalt or a mythic campaign but, several of the players have expressed interest in this campaign. I have let them knoe this campaign could be very deadly to them but, all of them want to play it anyway.
Thats why I ask.

magnuskn |
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Mythic is broken as hell. If your players take the logical options (i.e. mythic feats which are extensions of the feats everybody takes normally, like Mythic Improved Critical or Mythic Power Attack) and the path abilities which are good vs. the ones which are useless (and those are pretty easy to distinguish), then the game is a mess after tier three.
My group is now entering the last module and is destroying everything. This is despite massive upgrades to what the actual books are presenting as their opposition and some significant nerfs to the mythic rules.
I highly recommend against using mythic rules.

Tangent101 |

If your players want a tough game?
Reign of Winter. And use the environmental rules constantly. Further, rule that the presence of Winter Portals are causing all of Golarion to have wintery weather by the time Book 3 comes about, so any and all fights outdoors are set during snowstorms. If you want to be even more evil, have a Winter Portal exist in the alien world that is Book 4. (Don't bother with winter weather in Book 5. Having it NOT be present will cause the players to go buggy. Having tech used against them (but don't describe it as tech, describe it as alien magic or the like) will have them freak out. ^^
That said, if you only have a couple experienced players? Go with Runelords. Classic game that is quite enjoyable. Double the encounters and sizes of rooms because of the double-sized group.

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If your players want a tough game?
Reign of Winter. And use the environmental rules constantly. Further, rule that the presence of Winter Portals are causing all of Golarion to have wintery weather by the time Book 3 comes about, so any and all fights outdoors are set during snowstorms. If you want to be even more evil, have a Winter Portal exist in the alien world that is Book 4. (Don't bother with winter weather in Book 5. Having it NOT be present will cause the players to go buggy. Having tech used against them (but don't describe it as tech, describe it as alien magic or the like) will have them freak out. ^^
That said, if you only have a couple experienced players? Go with Runelords. Classic game that is quite enjoyable. Double the encounters and sizes of rooms because of the double-sized group.
I suggested that but, they wanted this one more so I'll make it work.
I will do what I can to make the game work well w/o mythic rules then.I will just have to pay attention to what changes need to be made for the later books.