Starship Fantasies Interest Check: Pathfinder in space


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Liberty's Edge

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I am finishing up a set of robust house rules/campaign setting (with the working name of Starship Fantasies) that alter Pathfinder to be set in space. I am interested in a running a PBP game to test out the rules. I won't be ready to run for a while yet, but I wanted to see if there is even enough interest.

Basically the PCs would be the officers on a starship that is part of the exploratory fleet of a federation of worlds (a la Star Trek, Andromeda, Farscape et. al).

Rules wise, I've attempted to create a much more plug and play system than traditional Pathfinder. There is one core class, with three archetypes (martial, divine and arcane). Most of the class features of the normal classes have been converted into feats. Weapons are sci-fi (lasers, railguns, power fists etc). Armor coexists with the defense bonus rules, but has been altered to provide DR against certain damage types. The races will be standard pathfinder races (including the 0 HD monstrous races), with some minor changes where needed. We'll also be using a version of hero points.

My goal is to create a fairly open ended space opera type game. If you want to play an elf with a laser gun, or a dwarven starship mechanic here is your chance. If I see enough interest, I'll begin working on a basic plotline and we can start in a few weeks. Right now if you're interest please just chime in an post a very basic character idea. Feel free to ask questions.

I would be quite interested in something like this, sounds like you've put a lot of effort in and it should be a really interesting change.

I would be interested in playing maybe a half orc mechanic with a love for hammers. Maybe like the sledge hammer from red faction guerilla if you know the game.

I would also be open to playing a full on soldier type aswell.

Dark Archive

I'm interested, Id be playing a scoundrel human like Han-Solo

Sounds fun to me. I'd love to sign up and play.

I'd probably play a human barbarian (or whatever would be the closest for this campaign), if that's alright. Because if I can get a barbarian in rage while it's using a lightsaber (or an equivalent) times.

Please let me know if this will work.

Liberty's Edge

@TheHairyAvenger - You could play a full orc if you so wish, not familiar with Red Faction but there is a weapon called a Gravity Hammer that does 4d6 damage x3 crit. You won't be able to afford one right away, but it's definitely an option. It increases it's mass right before it impacts so it's like hitting people with a tree or something.

@Ulgulanoth - Certainly, the Hero class I've designed is extremely flexible, so you should be able to make whatever you want.

@Rajun - There aren't any lightsabers, but there are mono-filament swords. You'll want to play a martial hero, and use your feats to grab rage and some rage powers. So yeah, you can take the pieces of barbarian that you like. You could basically rebuild a core barbarian piece by piece if you wanted. However if you plan on using Mswords you should capitalize on their 18-20x3 crit range.

Liberty's Edge

I put a link to the rules up in the Campaign Info tab. Feel free to start working on characters, I can answer any questions you might have. Keep in mind this is the first time I've shown these rules to anyone so there are bound to be things I've missed.

Fluff wise, what kind of game are you guys interested in playing? Combat heavy? Military themed? More exploratory and open ended? Political intrigue? Give me some opinions and I can get to writing some fluff for us.

Character Creation Rules:
Races:Any in the document

15 point buy (no starting score lower than 7)

No Traits (I will assign you traits based on your background)

Alignments:Any except CE, PVP strongly discouraged.

1500 Credits for equipment (don't worry about food and basic gear for now)

Dark Archive

My preference would be exploration and political intrigue but i'm up for anything

Which atribute is Pilot(ing) depending on?

This does sound very interesting.

Just curious, did you ever hear of/use anything from Dragonstar setting (by Fantasy Flight Games almost 10 years ago by the looks of it) It was some cool stuff, and for the time it was 3.5 D&D in space.

I will try and get a crunch done shortly :)

I think political intrigue with a good chunk of combat and exploration would be nice but I am certainly up for any type of game that you can prepare.

I'm open to any kind of game, but for me personally I'd say go for a mixture of combat heavy and political intrigue. But hey, whatever works.

Welp, off to create my character.

I would be interested, I am thinking about a marine/pilot of small crafts/landing carriers.

Liberty's Edge

I will have a player up later tonight, sorry we couldn't collaborate Jelani...

Scarab Sages

I would be interested in playing a soldier type, although I'll have to look at the rules you've posted before deciding for certain. Would prefer a combat/military game, although fair amounts of exploration and some politics wouldn't be a problem.

Edit: Thinking sniper/demolitions expert.

Also, I can't see any of the feats for some reason.

Ace Starship Pilot.

Scarab Sages

Is Use Technology still going to be based off of charisma?

Ok, got a character to work with:


Character: Cilda
Alignment: NG
Sex: F
Age: 26
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 135 lbs
Race: Human
Size: M
Hair: Black
Eyes: Blue

Character Level: Martial Hero 1

STR: 15 (7 Points) (+2)
DEX: 12 (2 Points) (+1)
CON: 13 (3 Points) (+1)
INT: 12 (2 Points) (+1)
WIS: 9 (-1 Points) (-1)
CHA: 12 (2 Points) (+1)

Hit Points: 10 (1d10 + 1)

AC: 15
Touch: 11
Flat-Footed: 14

Speed: 20

Fort Save: +2
Will Save: 0
Reflex Save: +2
(Note: I based these off of the Barbarian Save info in the Core Rulebook. If these need to be changed, please let me know.)

Base Attack Bonus: +1
Combat Maneuver Bonus: +3
Combat Maneuver Defense: +4


Great MSword (two-handed)
Damage: 2d6
Attack Bonus: +3
Critical: 18-20/x3
Type: S

Spitfire (Simple, ranged)
Damage: 2d4
Attack Bonus: +2 (Not sure if this applies since it's a gun, but including to be safe)
Critical: x3
Range: 10
Type: Fire

Mirrored (medium)
Bonus: +4
Max Dex: +4
DR: 10/B,P,S
ACP: -2
ASF: 20%
Weight: 20 lbs.

Languages: Common, Orcish

Skill List (All included for detail):

Acrobatics: 1
Bluff: 1
Climb (Class Skill): 2
Craft (currently blank): 1
Diplomacy: 1
Disable Device: 1
Disguise: 1
Escape Artist: 1
Fly: 1
Handle Animal (Class Skill): 5 (1 rank)
Heal: -1
Intimidate (Class Skill): 5 (1 rank)
Knowledge, Arcana: 1
Knowledge, Dungeoneering: 1
Knowledge, Engineering: 1
Knowledge, Geography (Class Skill): 1
Knowlege, History: 1
Knowledge, Local: 1
Knowledge, Nature (Class Skill): 5 (1 rank)
Knowledge, Nobility: 1
Knowledge, Planes: 1
Knowledge, Religion: 1
Linguistics: 1
Perception (Class Skill): 3 (1 rank)
Pilot (Class Skill): 1 (I'm using Dex modifier, since it works like ride)
Perform: 1
Ride (Class Skill): 5 (1 rank)
Sense Motive: -1
Sleight of Hand: 1
Stealth: 1
Survival (Class Skill): 3 (1 rank)
Swim (Class Skill): 2
Use Technology: 1

Rage (if this doesn't work, please let me know)
Power Attack

General Traits:
-Armor Proficiency (Heavy)
-Armor Proficiency (Light)
-Armor Proficiency (Medium)
-Bonus Feats: Recieves a Feat every 2nd level, and every even numbered level thereafter
-Defense Bonus: +6 Defense to Armor Class, Increases by 1 every 3rd level
-Weapon Proficiency Simple)
-Weapon Proficiency (Martial)

Misc. Equipment:
10x Magazine for Spitfire (10 lbs.)
Total Money Left over: 350 Credits

Weight Carried: 34.5/200 lbs.
Light Load: <66 lbs.
Medium Load: 67-133 lbs.
Heavy Load: 134-200 lbs.
Lift over Head: = or >200 lbs.
Lift, general: 400 lbs.
Push or drag: 1000 lbs.

Backstory: Cilda grew up on a colony with a population mixed about evenly of Orcs and Humans, helping with her family work on a farm growing crops and raising animals. As the oldest child, a lot of the responsibilities for caring for the farm and protecting it from the wildlife fell on her, which she handled quite well. Using a trusty MSword, she became quite proficent at keeping the farm safe from predators both animal and humanoid.

As she grew older, she eventually left her family's farm and used her skills as a bounty hunter/sword for hire. One of her defining traits was how she would constantly focus on attacking, entering an almost single-minded determination whenever she started a fight, armed or unarmed. She chose which contracts she would enter very carefully, making sure that the people who paid her wouldn't either try to impose limits that she viewed as idiotic, or have her support a cause she was against.

Well, there's my character! If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, please let me know! Hope that all works out for you!

Liberty's Edge

Belle Mythix wrote:
Which atribute is Pilot(ing) depending on?


Liberty's Edge

Songdragon wrote:

This does sound very interesting.

Just curious, did you ever hear of/use anything from Dragonstar setting (by Fantasy Flight Games almost 10 years ago by the looks of it) It was some cool stuff, and for the time it was 3.5 D&D in space.

Yeah Dragonstar was 3.0 actually. I used to play living dragonstar and it was/is definitely an inspiration here.

Liberty's Edge

Eragar wrote:
Is Use Technology still going to be based off of charisma?

Intelligence actually. Sorry I missed that.

Eragar signing in; stat block and backstory are both on profile.

I also have a few more questions:
1) How are we doing hit points?
2) Is there still such thing as a favored class bonus with there being only one class?
3) Can we multiclass to different archetypes?
4) The MSwords have a crit multiplier of 18x3; does this mean that they just do 54 damage on a crit?
5) You have removed profession and spellcraft from the list of skills, was this intentional?
6) The Gish Hero has no listing for hit dice or skills per level, are they simply the same as the base hero class?
7) Is the range listed on weapons the total range or the range increment?
8) If my character concept is to remain intact we will need to work out rules for crafting and using explosives. If you don't want to do the work on all that then I'll just switch her to a full long-range soldier.

Liberty's Edge

Rajun008 wrote:

Ok, got a character to work with:

** spoiler omitted **...

Okay several things starting from the top:


*AC should be 15 (+4 armor, +1 dex), Touch should be 11, Flat Footed 14

The reason is, if you wear armor you lose your defense bonus. If you are flat footed you also loose your defense bonus. Without armor you would have AC 17/T 17/FF 10. Also I made a mistake on the DR for mirrored armor, electricity also bypasses it. I corrected the document.

*You get two good saves, and one bad save. Meaning at level 1 if you choose Will and Reflex as your good saves the base saves will be +2, your Fortitude would be +0. It's on the chart in the Hero class chapter.

*Looks like you took the damage values for small versions of the weapons you bought. The Spitfire is 2d4 and the Msword is 2d6.

*Humans get a bonus feat at first level. Looks like you also forgot their extra skill point and the skill point from your 12 intelligence.

Last thing is the attack bonus for the gun, yeah you still need it.

All the firearms attack touch AC within the first 5 range increments and they take a move action to reload. Just like advanced firearms in normal pathfinder rules.

Liberty's Edge

Kimefe wrote:

Eragar signing in; stat block and backstory are both on profile.

I also have a few more questions:
1) How are we doing hit points?
2) Is there still such thing as a favored class bonus with there being only one class?
3) Can we multiclass to different archetypes?
4) The MSwords have a crit multiplier of 18x3; does this mean that they just do 54 damage on a crit?
5) You have removed profession and spellcraft from the list of skills, was this intentional?
6) The Gish Hero has no listing for hit dice or skills per level, are they simply the same as the base hero class?
7) Is the range listed on weapons the total range or the range increment?
8) If my character concept is to remain intact we will need to work out rules for crafting and using explosives. If you don't want to do the work on all that then I'll just switch her to a full long-range soldier.

Very good questions!

1)Max at first level, half+1 after that (d8=5 HP etc..)
2)Yes, except it's favored archetype. Pick any of the archetypes or standard hero as your "favored class"
3)Just added "multiclassing" rules to the introduction, was going to post about it but you ninja'd me :P
4)No, to save space I wrote it that way it means 18-20 is a threat and then x3 damage.
5)No. I will put them back.
7)Increment, yeah I know they are far. That's life in the future.
8)You may want to look at the alchemist's bomb class feature feats and discoveries. Beyond that I will write up some grenades and basic explosives. Crafting them would just be a matter of Craft (Chemistry) and access to the proper materials.

At first glance Kimefe looks good. Keep in mind you get the standard first level feat and a bonus from your hero level.

Jelani wrote:
Rajun008 wrote:

Ok, got a character to work with:

** spoiler omitted **...

Okay several things starting from the top:

** spoiler omitted **

All the firearms attack touch AC within the first 5 range increments and they take a move action to reload. Just like advanced firearms in normal pathfinder rules.

Ok then! Everything there should be fixed!

Apologies that I have it messed up. This will be the first time I have filled a character sheet for an actual game, much less a PBP game such as this. I just want to thank you for helping me out with all of it!

Can't wait to see this campaign actually start! Hopefully I'll be able to join in with my character.

Jelani wrote:

Very good questions!

8)You may want to look at the alchemist's bomb class feature feats and discoveries. Beyond that I will write up some grenades and basic explosives. Crafting them would just be a matter of Craft (Chemistry) and access to the proper materials.

I am not seeing any feats (Chapter 4 is completely blank); is it just the standard pathfinder feats, and then each class feature is a feat (aka. I could take the feat Favored Enemy)? If such is the case, is the level of the class feature the required level to take the feat (So the Divine Bond feat ((Paladin class feature)) would require a character of level 5)?

Edit: When multiclassing, do you choose ten new skills to also be class skills, or do you only have the ten regardless of multiple classes?

Liberty's Edge

So to sum things up so far, we've got:

  • TheHairyAvenger - Orc Mechanic (Prefers Politics+Exploration)
  • Ulgulanoth - Human Scoundrel (Prefers Politics+Exploration)
  • Rajun008 - Cilda Human 'Barbarian' (Prefers Politics+Combat)
  • BigOM - Piloty guy (No preference)
  • Tanis - Unknown (No Preference)
  • VoidMunchkin - Ace Pilot (No Preference)
  • Eregar - Kimefe Human Sniper (Military+/-Politics/Explore)

Okay, a lot more interest than I anticipated. But that's not really a bad thing. Keep working on characters, I will check back to answer questions. I'm probably looking for 5 players. Once we get started I will expect posting every 48 hours unless warned ahead of time.

In combat I will roll initiative individually for the party, identical monsters will act on one initiative. During combat everyone will post every 24 hours, or you will be dazed for your turn that round. Some flexibility may extended, but I want the game to move quickly. I probably won't be using maps, we'll see.

Right now I'm not gonna set a date for end of recruitment. I will begin working on some fluff and once that's done I will let you guys know when recruitment is going to be over.

Liberty's Edge

Kimefe wrote:
Jelani wrote:

Very good questions!

8)You may want to look at the alchemist's bomb class feature feats and discoveries. Beyond that I will write up some grenades and basic explosives. Crafting them would just be a matter of Craft (Chemistry) and access to the proper materials.

I am not seeing any feats (Chapter 4 is completely blank); is it just the standard pathfinder feats, and then each class feature is a feat (aka. I could take the feat Favored Enemy)? If such is the case, is the level of the class feature the required level to take the feat (So the Divine Bond feat ((Paladin class feature)) would require a character of level 5)?

Edit: When multiclassing, do you choose ten new skills to also be class skills, or do you only have the ten regardless of multiple classes?

I'll look into the feats thing. It's mostly standard feats, with a few that are flavor inappropriate removed. The class feature feats are essentially like you said, it's in the document. They do have some prereqs.

I intially intended that you could pick new class skills when multiclassing, but now that I'm thinking about it more that would quickly lead to everyone having everything as a class skill. I think I'll make it you can pick two new class skills for each class you take levels in.

Edit: Apparently 38 pages of tables makes google docs explode. I will just post the feats I custom made in the chapter. Otherwise assume any feat that doesn't reference a specific location/religion published by paizo is availible for use. Replace any class level pre-reqs with hero levels. I'll let you know if something's not kosher.

Double Edit: I got lazy and didn't convert all the higher level class features over yet. I also left a few out. If there is something you really want, let me know and I'll probably convert it.

Awesome! Can't wait to see what happens next!

Liberty's Edge

No changelings? Ok...

Liberty's Edge

Tanis Newlun wrote:
No changelings? Ok...

They might exist, but not in very high numbers. If you can come up with a compelling changeling character I might approve it.

Liberty's Edge

I don't understand the Good an Bad saves, whats that about?

Liberty's Edge

Haha, when I first saw this thread my thoughts went immediately to Spelljammer. Pathfinder! In SPAAAAAACE!

Ew. Yeah let's not go there. From what it sounds like you've got a much better idea in mind, and while it sounds fun, I err towards fantasy instead of sci-fi most of the time. Cool concept though!

I need you to check over all my stuff, also need some stuff to work with for backround, have great ideas, and still need an answer (Tanis's character submission)

Liberty's Edge

Tanis Newlun wrote:
I don't understand the Good an Bad saves, whats that about?

The good saves are the two that advance quickly, the bad save advances slowly. So if you want to be fast and tough you would pick Fort and Reflex as your two good saves, then Will would be the bad save.

I will look over the character tonight, will put up campaign background as I write it.

I was thinking more of a marine who is also able to pilot small landing crafts, but a soldier first.

TheHairyAvenger here I think I got the character sorted, everything should be under the Alias.
I did a little background but it is not a final draft just a basic idea.

Liberty's Edge

@Syarha - Looks mostly good. Flat Footed AC should be 10. Don't see your feats anywhere. Horses aren't generally bred anymore where you're from, so you won't be starting with one. Not sure where the oracle's curse is coming from either, is that a changeling thing?

@Big OM - Sounds good. Go for it.

@Grunk Bigfix - HP should be 11 (12 if you take that HP for favored class), I like that background a lot. Don't forget to add your bombs somewhere (per day and damage). Other than that looks great.

Some very basic background to whet your appetites:

Starship Fantasies’ default setting is a galaxy called Illuria by its human inhabitants. It consists of hundreds of billions of stars, and at least as many planets. Its inhabitants range from humans, elves and dwarves to things so strange they don’t even have names. There are empires of millions of worlds, and there are planets that still believe they are all alone in the dark.

You are part of the exploratory branch of the military of a small federation of human, dwarven and elven planets. (~10 planets)

Technology is fueled by raw magical energy stored in various crystals, the most valuable being arcanicite.

People no longer worship deities, as magical technology advanced through the millenia it became apparent that there was nothing inherently divine about the gods, they were simply powerful immortal beings who had figured out how to channel the raw magic of the multiverse and then claimed to control certain aspects of it. Many deities were killed by their followers in a multidimensional war called the Great Struggle (approx 1000 years ago). The remainder are in hiding. Divine spellcasters draw their power from the multiverse itself, and often seek to embody one or more ideals (think Platonic forms). It is widely recognized that ultimately arcane and divine magic draw power from the same source, and the only real difference is the way that power is channeled.

Alright. Keep the questions/characters coming. I just put up the starship rules (based on skull & shackles) on the google page. Still need to make starship weapons, and grenades.

Recruitment is still open, the crew could use a divine caster it looks like.

Rajun008 here

Everything about my character should be sorted out here. Can't wait to experience this adventure if I get the chance!

Ulgulanoth here, just need pointers on AC and what else to spend the credit on

Dotting for interest.

Walter, as of right now you don't need to wear any armor (Only heavy armor would be useful to you and you can't afford any of it yet). You AC is 10 plus defense bonus (which is 6) plus you dex (which is 2) for a total of 18. Keep in mind that the defense bonus does not apply when you are flat-footed. If you want a higher flat-footed AC you can put on some armor, but it will lower your overall AC.

Jelani, I rewrote the end of my background (Just the last couple of sentences) slightly to include more of Kimefe's motivations and current activities. Just FYI.

Edit: When do you plan to close recruitment?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Oh hells yeah I am interested.

For my character I would be interested in either a field medic type (basically something similar to the Chirurgeon Alchemist Archetype), or a gene-gineered close-combat specialist (think Martial Artist Monk with access to Rage & Mutagen).

I will spin out both ideas & put them up for your approval.

@ Jelani Thankyou for the compliment.

I dunno how I missed the HP and I took a bomb feat and forgot to add the bombs ;)

The oracle feat gives a mystery & a curse, so would you also get a revelation, otherwise that is pointless, also, what animals can I have? I need more info on rural life also...

Liberty's Edge

@Walter Tungsten - He looks good, I didn't see any mistakes.

@Irnk - The field medic would be more likely to be selected at this point, since the party is seriously lacking in healing.

@Cilda - HP is still 10 instead of 11, you didn't add your ability modifiers to your saving throws. I'm assuming you took your favored class bonus as a skill point.

@Syarha - The Mystery feat has Divine Hero as a prerequisite. That's why I was confused. If you switch it up to have an animal as a class feature somehow, then you can have a horse (or any other animal that's normally allowed). I didn't see that you had taken the mysetery feat or I would have told you that you didn't meet the prereqs in my other post.

Rural life varies widely from planet to planet, but even the most rural planets in the Federation have a sci-fi level of technology. Anything from Tattoine-like desert planets, to temperate farm planets. If you are still using animal labor you're probably part of some Amish-like religious group. Feel free to be a creative, it's a big galaxy there's probably room for whatever you come up with.


I'll probably close recruitment in about a week. Sorry to be vauge, I just don't want to promise something and then not be able to keep it. I'll work as quickly as I can, but don't hold me to anything.

Ok, well, there are no sorcerer or wizard type feats...

Liberty's Edge

No, but you have a bloodline O_o...and all the normal Pathfinder feats are available. Combat casting, spell focus, spell penetration, metamagic feats etc...

Ohhhh... Thought I could only use the feats you posted, sorry...

Liberty's Edge

That's prolly my bad, I originally had 38 pages of feat tables with all the feats from Pathfinder core rewritten, but Google Docs wouldn't let me copy and paste them in for some reason. So I only posted the new ones that I made myself. You could also grab the Hex feat at level 2 if that interests you.

I just noticed I forgot to put the key at the bottom. The feats with * can be taken once every two levels, ** is once every four levels, *** is once every 6.

Ok, this is my finished project, please critisize where needed, and just say if you want a different backround.

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