Deep 6 FaWtL

Off-Topic Discussions

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3 people marked this as a favorite.
lynora wrote:
Tonight is mandatory parent meeting for the DC trip the 8th grade class is going on soon. As always scheduled right at dinner time. Should be mind numbingly boring as per usual, but I still have to go. End result will undoubtedly be that I get a useful pamphlet with all the info needed that I can read in like two minutes but will still have to sit in the hot auditorium for an hour to go over each piece in excruciating detail. All school related informational meetings are predictable like this. Pretty sure the teachers who can keep a straight face when they get interrupted by those parents who never pay attention with a question that is literally answered by what they just said before they got interrupted should be nominated for sainthood. ;P

Are you sure I'm not a chaperone on that trip?

...checks calendar...

EDIT: Oh, gods. Naked chaperoning. I'm just gonna leave it here and let it lie...

3 people marked this as a favorite.

And yeah, just try being a chaperone on one of those trips. "And my daughter is allergic to the color mauve, and African ants, but not Argentine ants. And I just noticed that you're only getting 6 3/4 hours of sleep each night. I'm not comfortable with any chaperones getting under 8 hours of sleep. Research has shown that humans cannot possibly function without a full 8 hours of sleep every night, so I'd like you to reschedule the entire trip so that every one of you gets at least a 10-hour break to sleep.
Oh, and are you driving? I have some concerns..."

EDIT: Not to belittle real people's real allergies, but when you're chaperoning 108 kids and 38 of them have stringent dietary restrictions, you know you're among Berkeley parents...

3 people marked this as a favorite.
TriOmegaZero wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
Either our favorite beverage, or the beverage we're allowed to have, in the case of those that are working tonight, like me.
I shall raise a glass of chocolate milk to you all.

saunters in, holding a bottle of Hershey's Syrup suggestively with her tongue.

You want that shaken, or stirred.

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TriOmegaZero wrote:
Whelp, officially unemployed. Tonight I'll officially graduate.


4 people marked this as a favorite.

Well since I'm gonna be heading to bed, I'll have to give you your toast now so..

TOZ, I raise this drink in your honor, to congratulate you on your present and future endeavours...

So congratulation on your graduation!

*dumps his Sierra Nevada IPA down his throat*

And to the rest, Nobody, John, lion, lynora, Cap, kileanna, limey, Sissyl and whoever still is on here I bid a good night*

*or the nearest good time-zone equivalent.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Kjeldorn wrote:
Sissyl wrote:
Twosie is apparently a thing. I had no idea. However, I couldn't join you in a twosie to fight over Kileanna, now could I?

*the feather in kjeldorn's helmet sudden stands up straight, with a cartoonish "boooiinnnggg" sound, while he blushes bright red"!?

no need to thank me.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
lynora wrote:

In a grumpy mood today, but it's 100% down to allergies making me miserable, so I'm trying to ignore it. With varying degrees of success.

Also I'm mad at myself because I messed up my hand again just when it was getting better. I just couldn't resist the crafting for a little bit longer....apparently four days is the limit of how long I can go without knitting or crocheting even when it causes agonizing pain. That is kinda hilarisad. :P

opens fire upon lynoras allergies

Grand Lodge

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
D-dangit, TOZ, can you get any cooler?!

Probably about 20% cooler. Did I mention I'm working on a new PFS location here in Phoenix, to be the east side counterpart to our current Saturday game? Even better, it's ten minutes from my house.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
lynora wrote:
Tonight is mandatory parent meeting for the DC trip the 8th grade class is going on soon. As always scheduled right at dinner time. Should be mind numbingly boring as per usual, but I still have to go. End result will undoubtedly be that I get a useful pamphlet with all the info needed that I can read in like two minutes but will still have to sit in the hot auditorium for an hour to go over each piece in excruciating detail. All school related informational meetings are predictable like this. Pretty sure the teachers who can keep a straight face when they get interrupted by those parents who never pay attention with a question that is literally answered by what they just said before they got interrupted should be nominated for sainthood. ;P

Are you sure I'm not a chaperone on that trip?

...checks calendar...

EDIT: Oh, gods. Naked chaperoning. I'm just gonna leave it here and let it lie...

there is nothing I can add here. And this is me talking.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
TriOmegaZero wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
D-dangit, TOZ, can you get any cooler?!
Probably about 20% cooler. Did I mention I'm working on a new PFS location here in Phoenix, to be the east side counterpart to our current Saturday game? Even better, it's ten minutes from my house.


Silver Crusade

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Yay TOZ!!!!!

4 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

And yeah, just try being a chaperone on one of those trips. "And my daughter is allergic to the color mauve, and African ants, but not Argentine ants. And I just noticed that you're only getting 6 3/4 hours of sleep each night. I'm not comfortable with any chaperones getting under 8 hours of sleep. Research has shown that humans cannot possibly function without a full 8 hours of sleep every night, so I'd like you to reschedule the entire trip so that every one of you gets at least a 10-hour break to sleep.

Oh, and are you driving? I have some concerns..."

EDIT: Not to belittle real people's real allergies, but when you're chaperoning 108 kids and 38 of them have stringent dietary restrictions, you know you're among Berkeley parents...

You know you're on a Madison field trip when you have 108 kids with 105 parents "chaperoning" and by that I mean hovering over their kids.

Last field trip I went on this kid almost made it the shore of a pond unattended and this other parent stopped him from experiencing something by himself and so then when his dad rushed over the other dad said "didn't mean to helicopter your son bro!" "No thanks bro! Someone has to!"

Meanwhile, Tiny T-Rex and another kid found a crayfish, by themselves.

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My husband gets the joy of chaperoning this time. One of us always has to go on school trips cause kidlet has major anxiety issues. He is already so over it, especially after he found out that he missed the chaperone meeting because the teacher in charge sent the emails to the wrong address. Not that she will ever admit the mistake. *eyeroll*

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Good Night, Kileanna, Kjeldorn, Limey, Sissyl, and Vid.

Grand Lodge

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Half an hour 'till show time.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
TriOmegaZero wrote:
Half an hour 'till show time.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Props, TOZ! Success! Now, and ahead!


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Sorry, TOZ. All the 4G usage on my hotspot is gone, so I couldn't livestream your ceremony. Nevertheless, *Raises glass of Pepsi, because I'm still at work* Congratulations on your graduation, my friend. *Drinks the Pepsi*

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Gratz TOZ for graduating!

Shadow Lodge

6 people marked this as a favorite.

It is done. Cheers, mates!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Whoo hoo!!!!

Sprays FaWtL with champagne.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Congratulations again, TOZ!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
John Napier 698 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Drejk wrote:

Cursed Indian graveyard beneath the building? I heard they are the cause of lot woes in America...

Restless spirits sucking the moisture out of air?


*makes note*

I feel like I've seen that somewhere before, but I cannot for the life of me figure out where.
The movie Poltergeist, the one from the '80s, not the new one, which I haven't seen.
Never saw it, so it must have been something else.
How about the Steven King movie "Pet Semetary?"

Nope. Don't really watch (or read) horror. Which you would think would make it easier to remember where I saw something, yet it doesn't. At least not this time.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Yay TOZ!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Gratz, TOZ! How's the new level feel?

Grand Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Kind of itches.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
TriOmegaZero wrote:
Kind of itches.

Like being undead?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I make sure to save my meteorologist homework in the cloud.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I read a lengthy essay on Japanese swordsman, but I can Samurais it for you.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

If you jump off a bridge in Paris, you might be in Seine.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

A grenade thrown into a French kitchen could result in Linoleum Blownapart.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The Irish should be rich because their capital is Dublin.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

It's difficult to do inventory in Afghanistan because of the tally ban.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I've been to the dentist so many times lately that I know the drill.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

"Waiter, this coffee takes like mud!"
"That's strange, it was ground a few minutes ago."

1 person marked this as a favorite.

So bad they are actually good.
The one about being in Seine made me laugh like stupid xD

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Clearly my favorite beverage is punch.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Dear Mr MacGillivray

Notice of Termination of Employment

The joab's crap and am leaving
I'll no be back after June 30th. Canny wait
Good luck in getting some other mug to clean the place.

Yee Ha

8 people marked this as a favorite.

It is my birthday today - physical age, 38; mental age, around 13.

I was promised a 'birthday dance' at work yesterday.

Did I get my birthday dance?

No, I did not. Bah

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Happy birthday, Limey!

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Limeylongears wrote:

It is my birthday today - physical age, 38; mental age, around 13.

I was promised a 'birthday dance' at work yesterday.

Did I get my birthday dance?

No, I did not. Bah

Walks in, stumbling suggestively with pasties on the udder.

You want to sit, or stand for that dance...

Brushes tail teasingly down the side of Limey's cheek.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Limeylongears wrote:

It is my birthday today - physical age, 38; mental age, around 13.

I was promised a 'birthday dance' at work yesterday.

Did I get my birthday dance?

No, I did not. Bah

Happy birthday!!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Limeylongears wrote:

It is my birthday today - physical age, 38; mental age, around 13.

I was promised a 'birthday dance' at work yesterday.

Did I get my birthday dance?

No, I did not. Bah

Happy birthday oldtimer! (You're a whole 5 months older than me.)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

Whoo hoo!!!!

Sprays FaWtL with champagne.

I really hope thats champagne.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
TriOmegaZero wrote:
Kind of itches.

hefts flamethrower

Math has infected him. I had hoped he would have made the fort save. Oh well.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Limeylongears wrote:

It is my birthday today - physical age, 38; mental age, around 13.

I was promised a 'birthday dance' at work yesterday.

Did I get my birthday dance?

No, I did not. Bah

Happy birthday!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Kajehase wrote:

Dear Mr MacGillivray

Notice of Termination of Employment

The joab's crap and am leaving
I'll no be back after June 30th. Canny wait
Good luck in getting some other mug to clean the place.

Yee Ha

damn. I'm sorry man.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Kajehase wrote:

Dear Mr MacGillivray

Notice of Termination of Employment

The joab's crap and am leaving
I'll no be back after June 30th. Canny wait
Good luck in getting some other mug to clean the place.

Yee Ha

damn. I'm sorry man.

Since I'm neither Mr MacGillivray nor Marlene, no need to. :)

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I may use that note as a template for if/when I leave my current job, though. It was SNOWING today. In MAY! Give that weather dominator a rest, please!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Freehold!! Has the issue been your aim this whole time??! If Kajehase's report is fully accurate, we may have some . . . "operator error" variances to address . . . .

hefts throwing wrench, tests balance

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