lynora |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Cap, I hope Tiny T-Rex feels better soon. It's always so sad when little kids get a cold. :(
And there are days when you actually clean the kitchen and still expect to be able to bake afterwards??! So jealous. It's one or the other here...you can have delicious food or you can have clean. Not both on the same day. ;P

lynora |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

I am finally getting around to watching Samurai Jack for the first time. All I cna say is that it is now in my top twenty Anime list.
It's a great show, but I never really think of it as anime

Drejk |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

The air here is crazy dry. Until summer when it will acquire normal humidity and I will feel like I'm trying to swim in the air and can't breathe because I'm not used to so much moisture in the air. I know I should probably get a humidifier, but I'm so used to dry air that I don't like it otherwise. Sigh. Nothing like self-inflicted woes...
Edit: No, I have no idea why the air is so dry. There are a whole lotta lakes around. Not to mention rivers, ponds, etc. My building uses hot water heat for crying out loud! There is no reason it should be so dry! And yet it is. I have no explanation.
Cursed Indian graveyard beneath the building? I heard they are the cause of lot woes in America...
Restless spirits sucking the moisture out of air?
*makes note*

John Napier 698 |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |
Drejk wrote:I feel like I've seen that somewhere before, but I cannot for the life of me figure out where.Cursed Indian graveyard beneath the building? I heard they are the cause of lot woes in America...
Restless spirits sucking the moisture out of air?
*makes note*
The movie Poltergeist, the one from the '80s, not the new one, which I haven't seen.

gran rey de los mono |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
gran rey de los mono wrote:The movie Poltergeist, the one from the '80s, not the new one, which I haven't seen.Drejk wrote:I feel like I've seen that somewhere before, but I cannot for the life of me figure out where.Cursed Indian graveyard beneath the building? I heard they are the cause of lot woes in America...
Restless spirits sucking the moisture out of air?
*makes note*
Never saw it, so it must have been something else.

Tacticslion |

((Though if you'd felt like making a character, said character'd likely get a favorite... as soon as I see it... so...))

Freehold DM |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Kileanna wrote:I suspect Freehold will appreciate it too. Albeit for a different reason.I've got a fave from TL for just saying «Nightie!»
Now I wonder what is the lesser expression of language that he would fave.
I have to make an experiment.
In 3...2...1...
favorites post, eats lickwish, waits for girls in nighties to appear

Kjeldorn |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Meh, I always have this trouble during allergy season. The sneezes irritate my nasal membranes until I've got a veritable fountain of blood going on. And it goes on and on cause I don't clot well. I think it's slowing down now, though. Hopefully I don't sneeze again soon...
Suffer from the exact same problem lyn, especially during grass blooming season.
*offers kleenex, washable noseplugs, more tea and a pat on the back*
Oh, Good morning, day, evening everyone.

Kjeldorn |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Allergies + nosebleeds is usually due to cortisone nasal spray. Just sayin'.
huh, didn't know that.
I don't think I'm using a cortisone nasal spray, and I just figured that the nosebleeds were a result of irritated nasal walls, worn thin by all the blowing, sneezing and stuffing stuff up there to clear them out.

captain yesterday |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

"Dad!" Tiny T-Rex called urgently from the other room. "Yes?" I called back, worried he spilled something or had a bloody nose, or any infinite other things the imagination suggests when your child calls for you urgently from the other room.
"Can you get me some nails, bolts, 500 hundred dollars, and the computer version of Minecraft!".

Kjeldorn |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

"Dad!" Tiny T-Rex called urgently from the other room. "Yes?" I called back, worried he spilled something or had a bloody nose, or any infinite other things the imagination suggests when your child calls for you urgently from the other room.
"Can you get me some nails, bolts, 500 hundred dollars, and the computer version of Minecraft!".
Think my answer would be: Why?, Why?, No! and maybe?!

Kjeldorn |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Freehold DM |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

I'm half done in drawing my RoW party!
Only left:
IndiI don't know how can I do to upload them in higher quality and put them together without a PC at homethe, but at least I like how they are coming out!
clicks on links
reads name of artistmarries kileanna when she isn't looking
That said, Vice is my all time favorite king of fighters female character, although her most damaging super will break the controller every time. Second place goes to Mature. Third goes to Shermie. Yes, they were my team in KOF 98.

Uncle Teddy |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Ugh, nosebleeds! The bane of my existence. Suffered them my whole life - seems to be a hereditary thing in my family on my mom's side where we get nosebleeds rather easily. Of course I get it the worst.
What I find helps is you take a Q-tip and rub a little Vaseline on the inside of the nose once a day - it's especially helpful when the weather is dry. It has reduced my nosebleeds from almost daily to maybe once or twice a month.

Good Kjeldorn |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Kileanna wrote:I'm half done in drawing my RoW party!
Only left:
IndiI don't know how can I do to upload them in higher quality and put them together without a PC at homethe, but at least I like how they are coming out!
clicks on links
reads name of artist
marries kileanna when she isn't lookingThat said, Vice is my all time favorite king of fighters female character, although her most damaging super will break the controller every time. Second place goes to Mature. Third goes to Shermie. Yes, they were my team in KOF 98.
*Put on his finest courtiers outfit, pick up his lute and clears his throat*
Sirs, I'll meet thee on the battlefield of courtly love, for the heart of fair maid Kileanna

Kileanna |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Kileanna wrote:I'm half done in drawing my RoW party!
Only left:
IndiI don't know how can I do to upload them in higher quality and put them together without a PC at homethe, but at least I like how they are coming out!
clicks on links
reads name of artist
marries kileanna when she isn't lookingThat said, Vice is my all time favorite king of fighters female character, although her most damaging super will break the controller every time. Second place goes to Mature. Third goes to Shermie. Yes, they were my team in KOF 98.
I've been done with KoF since a lot of time ago but you have a good taste! I loved Vice too. And all Orochi related characters. I created that account more than 10 years ago when I was such a Leona fangirl!
Then I became a not so huge X-23 fangirl (I wasn't so young then and I was less prone to become a fangirl xD).
Now I have Kileanna who is some sort of orphan outcast too... This seems to set a trend, don't you think? XD

NobodysHome |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I've got a fave from TL for just saying «Nightie!»
Now I wonder what is the lesser expression of language that he would fave.
I have to make an experiment.
In 3...2...1...
In U.S. English, a "nightie" is skimpy sleepwear (typically) worn by a female.
I'm 100% positive you sent TL's imagination running free, and that's why he favorited it. Not his tendency to favorite everything or anything like that...
Delightedly awaits TL's flustered response...

Kileanna |
5 people marked this as a favorite. |

Yay! I've learned another word thanks to TL!
I didn't say nighties thinking of nighties but more as a way of saying good night. Damn! I'm on the street and I have started laughing uncontrollably!
Curse you all for making fun of a poor illiterate Spaniard! I hate you all! (Maybe you could believe me if I didn't make so often fun of myself too)

John Napier 698 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
John Napier 698 wrote:Never saw it, so it must have been something else.gran rey de los mono wrote:The movie Poltergeist, the one from the '80s, not the new one, which I haven't seen.Drejk wrote:I feel like I've seen that somewhere before, but I cannot for the life of me figure out where.Cursed Indian graveyard beneath the building? I heard they are the cause of lot woes in America...
Restless spirits sucking the moisture out of air?
*makes note*
How about the Steven King movie "Pet Semetary?"