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Off-Topic Discussions

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1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm pretty sure I saw a gif somewhere of a guy having the same problem. I think he just pretended they weren't there... I don't suggest this...

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I'll just take the rail transit to Heinz Field, then walk the rest of the way. It'll take longer, but if I'm careful, I can avoid the runners.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Much better then running them down I approve.

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What? The guy in the gif was driving? Good thing I don't drive. Going to leave in a few minutes. Be back on-line sometime in the afternoon.

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captain yesterday wrote:

The General now wants to have chicken roosting pegs on her quarterstaff. So I ask "so you have to shoo your chickens off before you fight" " oh no, they cause the distraction!"

... I'm not sure that's covered in the rules...

She's got a sketch of her shaman swinging her chicken staff though.

The idea I guess is they'll fly off right before impact.

For some reason I take you more seriously With this new Avatar but I know I shouldn't

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I could get used to this sunshine. :-)

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Not all that impressed with the Ironfang Invasion traits.

It's almost like they weren't planning for you to have a Sylph Swashbuckler and retired Airship Captain.

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And now, at 2 PM, I'm back.

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Windfellas don't like your tone. They don't like what you are doing with tha' milovila and hag, either... Pay your dues and know your place, mortal.

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Drejk wrote:
Windfellas don't like your tone. They don't like what you are doing with tha' milovila and hag, either... Pay your dues and know your place, mortal.

Perfect timing! I can use these! Bwahaha! ^.^

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Drejk wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
I can easily see the Milovila as a sort of "Party-girl" Tinkerbell. Give them levels in Bard, and these familiars can bolster the party with buffs.

One of inspirations

Though the bat wings are explicitly FHDM's fault... He wanted succubus. That much milovila inherited from succubi.


milo, mila, mily means "nice" and is a root of word love in Polish.
vila is another rendering of "veela"

no need to thank me.

Drejk wrote:
Windfellas don't like your tone. They don't like what you are doing with tha' milovila and hag, either... Pay your dues and know your place, mortal.




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"I'ma make 'im an offer he can't refuse."

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Is there really a relation to how long you shake dice in your hand and how high the scores are.

Pea Bear is taking five minutes at least each roll, but she's rolling all 14-16.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Wow. She's turning out to be quite the little dice hustler. Best keep her out of Vegas. :)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Picked up the new issue of Otaku USA. Going to read it now to see if there's any interesting new anime.

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The whole issue was rather, ... meh. Going to bed soon. Good night, everybody.

Good night!

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I'd love to go back to bed...

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Yeah, that pretty well sums up my feelings about morning as well. Morning people confuse me. ;)

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Meanwhile it's after midnight and I'm trying to convince myself that it's time for sleep now...

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lynora wrote:
Meanwhile it's after midnight and I'm trying to convince myself that it's time for sleep now...

After midnight, we're gonna let it all hang down.

After midnight, we're gonna chug-a-lug and shout.
We're gonna stimulate some action;
We're gonna get some satisfaction,

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Anyone care to guess why they grow so many vegetables in the Shire?

Because it's Hobbit farming.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

If a Norwegian robot analyses a bird, has it Scandinavian?

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Whenever I try to explain computers to her, I make my motherboard.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Ted: Hey Bill, why are taking all those dead batteries?

Bill: Because they're free of charge!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I should have been angry when the goblin stole my torch, but instead I was de-lighted.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

It seems Santa Claus has relocated to Brazil. All my Christmas presents came from the Amazon this year.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Arranging Goliath's funeral would have been a giant undertaking.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Last night I dreamed I was writing "The Lord of the Rings." My wife said I was Tolkien in my sleep.

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When I told my wife it was her turn to shovel and salt the front steps, all I got was icy stares.

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What do you get when you cross a snake with a plane? A Boeing constrictor.

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When traveling, be careful not to get sick in an airport. It could be a terminal illness.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Yes Yes let the pun flow through you. let it consume you. give into the pun.

Dig deep into the dark side of the farce.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Back from Bats in the Fun day, and it was an "interesting" weekend:

  • Bedridden on Thursday and Friday, so the family drove down without me
  • Got an airplane ticket on Saturday, then learned that neither Uber nor Lyft has a way for you to pay if you don't have a smartphone. Since Impus Minor and NobodysWife were already in L.A. with our family's "I consider this to be one too many" two smartphones, I had to drive my own sorry tail to the airport
  • The trip tired me out so much I spent Saturday napping in the hotel room. Ah, well, it was better than lying around all day in bed at home. Except the room service was awful. Normally you can at least figure out stuff that'll be palatable, albeit 2-3 times the price it should be. The Doubletree Suites in Anaheim manages to make everything wrong. (Sweet paprika with what tasted like a dash of extra sugar on fries? Really?)
  • The group of volunteers helping Bats in the Fun this year were significantly less proactive than last year's batch. Last year, a group of adorable goths scoured the park, dragging us all to the major events (the photo shoot, the invasion of Small World (the highlight of the trip), the Pirates of the Caribbean invasion...) this year there was just the photo shoot. So same wonderful people wandering the park, just not nearly as much forced social interaction. And goths? Spontaneously socialize? Not gonna happen.

  • Anyway, today's a "recovery day" for NobodysWife and me, but sooooo much to do...

    EDIT: I'm sure it didn't help at all that Johnny Depp had been trolling the Pirates of the Caribbean ride just the week before, so the traditional post-picture boat ride was rendered utterly impossible by the massive horde of people hoping to be the ones to see Mr. Depp's presumed return performance.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Tiny T-Rex has a cold or allergies or something that makes him congested with a not very fun cough.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    NobodysHome wrote:

    Back from Bats in the Fun day, and it was an "interesting" weekend:

  • Bedridden on Thursday and Friday, so the family drove down without me
  • Got an airplane ticket on Saturday, then learned that neither Uber nor Lyft has a way for you to pay if you don't have a smartphone. Since Impus Minor and NobodysWife were already in L.A. with our family's "I consider this to be one too many" two smartphones, I had to drive my own sorry tail to the airport
  • The trip tired me out so much I spent Saturday napping in the hotel room. Ah, well, it was better than lying around all day in bed at home. Except the room service was awful. Normally you can at least figure out stuff that'll be palatable, albeit 2-3 times the price it should be. The Doubletree Suites in Anaheim manages to make everything wrong. (Sweet paprika with what tasted like a dash of extra sugar on fries? Really?)
  • The group of volunteers helping Bats in the Fun this year were significantly less proactive than last year's batch. Last year, a group of adorable goths scoured the park, dragging us all to the major events (the photo shoot, the invasion of Small World (the highlight of the trip), the Pirates of the Caribbean invasion...) this year there was just the photo shoot. So same wonderful people wandering the park, just not nearly as much forced social interaction. And goths? Spontaneously socialize? Not gonna happen.

  • Anyway, today's a "recovery day" for NobodysWife and me, but sooooo much to do...

    EDIT: I'm sure it didn't help at all that Johnny Depp had been trolling the Pirates of the Caribbean ride just the week before, so the traditional post-picture boat ride was rendered utterly impossible by the massive horde of people hoping to be the ones to see Mr. Depp's presumed return performance.

    I'm sorry it wasn't as awesome as it once was, but I'm glad you went.

    Freehold wants pics. Badly.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Freehold DM wrote:
    NobodysHome wrote:

    Back from Bats in the Fun day, and it was an "interesting" weekend:

  • Bedridden on Thursday and Friday, so the family drove down without me
  • Got an airplane ticket on Saturday, then learned that neither Uber nor Lyft has a way for you to pay if you don't have a smartphone. Since Impus Minor and NobodysWife were already in L.A. with our family's "I consider this to be one too many" two smartphones, I had to drive my own sorry tail to the airport
  • The trip tired me out so much I spent Saturday napping in the hotel room. Ah, well, it was better than lying around all day in bed at home. Except the room service was awful. Normally you can at least figure out stuff that'll be palatable, albeit 2-3 times the price it should be. The Doubletree Suites in Anaheim manages to make everything wrong. (Sweet paprika with what tasted like a dash of extra sugar on fries? Really?)
  • The group of volunteers helping Bats in the Fun this year were significantly less proactive than last year's batch. Last year, a group of adorable goths scoured the park, dragging us all to the major events (the photo shoot, the invasion of Small World (the highlight of the trip), the Pirates of the Caribbean invasion...) this year there was just the photo shoot. So same wonderful people wandering the park, just not nearly as much forced social interaction. And goths? Spontaneously socialize? Not gonna happen.

  • Anyway, today's a "recovery day" for NobodysWife and me, but sooooo much to do...

    EDIT: I'm sure it didn't help at all that Johnny Depp had been trolling the Pirates of the Caribbean ride just the week before, so the traditional post-picture boat ride was rendered utterly impossible by the massive horde of people hoping to be the ones to see Mr. Depp's presumed return performance.

    I'm sorry it wasn't as awesome as it once was, but I'm glad you went.

    Freehold wants pics. Badly.

    They'll happen... eventually.

    Shiro's player had just found his old camera and was seriously hogging picture-taking duties (it's kind of obnoxious for TWO people from the same group to say, "May I take your picture? Would you pose again?"), so I'm sending NobodysWife to the Wednesday game with a thumb drive to gather them all, after which I'll be able to get them posted...

    3 people marked this as a favorite.

    I can't really think of a reason not to downgrade Exotic Weapon Proficiency from feat to trait. It just isn't good enough to be a feat, but it needs some cost. Also, having it as a trait makes it more reasonable for me to make bows exotic weapons, under the logic that, as a firearms heavy setting where it's fluffed that the army prefers muskets and bows are largely used by specific types of ki warrior (any Path of War character is a ki warrior), not mundanes, it kinda makes sense that the knowledge of archery has become a lot rarer. A civilian needing a hunting or defense weapon is going to buy a firearm, after all, and those are simple weapons in my world.

    7 people marked this as a favorite.

    Tiny T-Rex has a deep yearning to watch Jurassic Park.

    As in, every five minutes he mentions how much he needs to see Jurassic Park.

    And no amount of "the dinosaurs are scary and eat people" will change his mind. In fact, I think it's having the opposite effect.

    "I wish I knew what I'm supposed to do here, but i've never even seen my own movie!" - Tiny T-Rex, standing atop our car, pretending to be a T-Rex.

    He's not subtle.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    How old is Tiny T-Rex?

    8 people marked this as a favorite.
    captain yesterday wrote:

    Tiny T-Rex has a deep yearning to watch Jurassic Park.

    As in, every five minutes he mentions how much he needs to see Jurassic Park.

    And no amount of "the dinosaurs are scary and eat people" will change his mind. In fact, I think it's having the opposite effect.

    "I wish I knew what I'm supposed to do here, but i've never even seen my own movie!" - Tiny T-Rex, standing atop our car, pretending to be a T-Rex.

    He's not subtle.

    Annnnd I have a new role model.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Rosita the Riveter wrote:
    I can't really think of a reason not to downgrade Exotic Weapon Proficiency from feat to trait. It just isn't good enough to be a feat, but it needs some cost. Also, having it as a trait makes it more reasonable for me to make bows exotic weapons, under the logic that, as a firearms heavy setting where it's fluffed that the army prefers muskets and bows are largely used by specific types of ki warrior (any Path of War character is a ki warrior), not mundanes, it kinda makes sense that the knowledge of archery has become a lot rarer. A civilian needing a hunting or defense weapon is going to buy a firearm, after all, and those are simple weapons in my world.

    Maybe I should just convert some other weak feats to traits, too, and have an untyped trait category that lacks a restriction on how many traits in that category you can take. You can take a feat to get two traits at any level, so that basically would make weaker feats two-for-one.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Sounds like an awesome idea, Rosita!

    In other news, TKD just finished and I feel GREAT!

    ... I give it 30 minutes (or one ride home) before I can't move.

    9 people marked this as a favorite.

    "But I've seen the not scary parts! Like the T-Rex eating a lawyer" - Tiny T-Rex, trying to convince the General he's old enough for Jurassic Park.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Kileanna wrote:
    How old is Tiny T-Rex?

    He's almost six. :-)

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Ah: same as my Eldest!

    Grand Lodge

    3 people marked this as a favorite.

    Anyone with nothing to do Wednesday night can watch my convocation at

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Hey, Cap'n. Been a typical busy Monday. What did I miss?

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    You ever notice that the really good black licorice kinda smells like ass?

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