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NobodysHome wrote:

My favorite indictment of Wrath of the Righteous ever came from Shiro and NobodysWife.

She got home, telling me they'd just finished the most epic battle EVER in the AP, and it was SO cool, and they'd finally fought a creature that had lasted several rounds, and put up a really good fight...

...the next morning, Shiro's player confided that he had given the monster 10x hit points, +10 AC, +10 to hit, +10 damage per attack, +10 to all saves, 10x its standard regeneration, and an extra action per round. (The mythic initiative that gives you two turns per round instead of 1.)

Just to make it competitive. And it STILL lost.

Yeah, that's an... interesting AP right there...

Just curious, is it that WotR gives PCs crazy power boosts, or that it lowballs combat encounters? Or a little of both?

EDIT: Or is that I am unclothed and can't be expected to witness Evil defeating Good in such an AP?

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Crazy power boosts, artifacts handed out like candy, not powerful enough creatures. All those, and more!

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Tequila Sunrise wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

My favorite indictment of Wrath of the Righteous ever came from Shiro and NobodysWife.

She got home, telling me they'd just finished the most epic battle EVER in the AP, and it was SO cool, and they'd finally fought a creature that had lasted several rounds, and put up a really good fight...

...the next morning, Shiro's player confided that he had given the monster 10x hit points, +10 AC, +10 to hit, +10 damage per attack, +10 to all saves, 10x its standard regeneration, and an extra action per round. (The mythic initiative that gives you two turns per round instead of 1.)

Just to make it competitive. And it STILL lost.

Yeah, that's an... interesting AP right there...

Just curious, is it that WotR gives PCs crazy power boosts, or that it lowballs combat encounters? Or a little of both?

EDIT: Or is that I am unclothed and can't be expected to witness Evil defeating Good in such an AP?

WotR uses Mythic rules, which is the Pathfinder equivalent to 3.5's Epic Level Handbook.

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Upcoming first-world problem:

So for my bday, my wife got me a sword. Specifically this sword. Yes, that's the one! Yes, this is just one example of many that proves that my wife is the love of my life. Yes, it is a BIG HONKIN' SWORD. ~135cm/4.5ft.

...And I have no idea how to wear it. The scabbard has two saddle straps and two tiny metal holes, but no belt loop. I don't remember if or how Viggo wears it in the films. It has a wooden wall-holder, but there's no way that I'm never gonna wear this thing, one way or another!

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Tequila Sunrise wrote:

Upcoming first-world problem:

So for my bday, my wife got me a sword. Specifically this sword. Yes, that's the one! Yes, this is just one example of many that proves that my wife is the love of my life. Yes, it is a BIG HONKIN' SWORD. ~135cm/4.5ft.

...And I have no idea how to wear it. The scabbard has two saddle straps and two tiny metal holes, but no belt loop. I don't remember if or how Viggo wears it in the films. It has a wooden wall-holder, but there's no way that I'm never gonna wear this thing, one way or another!

Congrats on the gift. If I recall correctly, Aragorn had an over-the-back scabbard. Though I could be mistaken.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Tequila Sunrise wrote:

Upcoming first-world problem:

So for my bday, my wife got me a sword. Specifically this sword. Yes, that's the one! Yes, this is just one example of many that proves that my wife is the love of my life. Yes, it is a BIG HONKIN' SWORD. ~135cm/4.5ft.

...And I have no idea how to wear it. The scabbard has two saddle straps and two tiny metal holes, but no belt loop. I don't remember if or how Viggo wears it in the films. It has a wooden wall-holder, but there's no way that I'm never gonna wear this thing, one way or another!

I woudst get a squire, if I were thee... Or keep it on thy horse, shouldst thou happen to have one.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Limeylongears wrote:
I've always been interested in learning more about the M:tG setting, though the game itself has never particularly drawn me in. Are any of the novels any good?

I have some of the early novels, I think a dozen or so (they're still packed up somewhere). Some of them were pretty good, others not very. I recall enjoying Arena and the Greensleeves trilogy. There was also one with minotaurs and goblins, but I can't remember the name.

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John Napier 698 wrote:
Congrats on the gift. If I recall correctly, Aragorn had an over-the-back scabbard. Though I could be mistaken.

I think he wears it on his hip, he has his bow over his shoulder. Not sure how he attaches it.

Dark Archive

3 people marked this as a favorite.

That is a fair and plausible deterrent.

Tacticslion wrote:
My family had no vomit or diarrhea today or yesterday, so carnival fun rides (to try to induce it?) for us today!

No vomit (or diarrhea!) from the carnival (yet)! W00t~!

We may well (possibly, perhaps) be on the road to recovery!

... we shall see what the morning brings!

captain yesterday wrote:
Don't forget the yogurt! To rebuild the cultures in your stomach. :-)

The drinkable yogurt is something we try to give our boys every day. It makes them a little runny, so we avoid while they have certain problems, but as soon as we see them able to handle it again, we try to give them one of those per day.

(Today was that day.) XD

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Note to self: Crunchyroll, Sword Art Online II, Episode 9

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Good night, everyone.

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baron arem heshvaun wrote:
That is a fair and plausible deterrent.

I believe that infecting children with a lifelong addiction is punishable by law.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Aragon before Aunduril, wore a blade at his side.

This indicates he did so on horseback, at least.

This shows a whole scabbard, soooo...

No help, because it's never stowed...

I'm beginning to think he just carries it around, like, all the daggum time...

There is no hint of a scabbard, visually...

You never even see Narsil drawn...
(Though it looks like a side-scabbard, when the king dies, later...)

Anyway, that's all I can find. Sorry.

Aaaactually, this indicates a scabbard was given, after the fact, and this is a general debate on whether or not he even sheathed it at all.

Scabbard quotes.

Oh my word! This picture from that page indicates he did have a sheath, but it doesn't look connected to him - that makes it seem like he just adjusted it and held it in various ways.

The official costume image of Aragorn has no obvious sheath, while the ceremonial armor has a side-sheath.

You may wish to consider getting a frog of some kind.

Oh! Last one few, I swear: the weird-looking ranger toy has a side-sheath for the blade (not sure if that's the toy or not - that's what is indicated by some text, but I didn't check the page). That said, the actual toys don't have scabbardsp at all, except for the ranger, soooooooo...

Also, I might have linked it earlier, but side scabbard.

Anyway, hope that helps...?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
baron arem heshvaun wrote:
That is a fair and plausible deterrent.
Tequila Sunrise wrote:
I believe that infecting children with a lifelong addiction is punishable by law.

"Sweet! Free brain washing control method controllable habit indoctrination baby sitting! :D"

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Aragorn shot first!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
baron arem heshvaun wrote:
That is a fair and plausible deterrent.
Tequila Sunrise wrote:
I believe that infecting children with a lifelong addiction is punishable by law.
"Sweet! Free brain washing control method controllable habit indoctrination baby sitting! :D"

No need to be all rude and stuff, ya joiks!! ;)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Back to the topic of how Aragorn wore his sword, it may not be canon but the Amazon page for United Cutlerly's Anduril Scabbard shows one way to wear it.

Although, if yours didn't come with the straps you may have to make some out of a couple of belts.

Youtube video about the feasibility of back scabbards, including a replica of Anduril

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I run my 400th table of PFS tomorrow night.

What is my life even

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gran rey de los mono wrote:

Youtube video about the feasibility of back scabbards, including a replica of Anduril

Very educational. Thanks for the link. :)

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Fair reporting and all that. Yesterday my "problem" player showed up well-prepared and cooperative: His turns didn't take any longer than anyone else's, he let other people talk and take actions, and he didn't argue with me, even after he'd forgotten to move after casting and ended up in an iron golem's poison cloud.

And, of course, it was the most-fun session we've had in months.

He DOES mean well, and he tries, but it's the tiresomeness of having to remind him between almost every session... "Hey, remember how much fun last session was? Well, here's why it went well..."

2 people marked this as a favorite.

So, I just rolled ability scores for a nameless character. Just sitting in my "office" (the pantry) and had 4d6 sitting there.

Rolled (with no rerolls, first set of rolls); 17, 16, 11, 16, 13, 10. Had a 6 in every one!

Now, to go find my random race and class generators... Sylph Hunter. Interesting.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

More full disclosure: I've never understood the obsession with "muscle cars". My entire reaction is, "Meh. Why would you waste a ton of money on gas just so you can run around polluting the world at double the rate of the rest of us?"

But that's just me.

So of course the people across the street have a new Mustang or somethingorother. And its engine is so loud it practically rattles our windows. And of course, the owner has to get up at 7:00 am on weekends, start it up, let it warm up idling outside for 5 minutes (in our frigid 37-degree weather, so warming a car is kind of pointless), then floor it to take off down the street at an excessive rate of speed.

So, is it some 18-year-old kid who doesn't know any better? Nope. A fifty-something guy I'd really love to beat about the head with a stick while saying, "No! Bad mid-life crisis man! Bad!"

Ah, well, the way he drives it it won't last a year. Small things to look forward to...

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Fine, have an NPC that will say "My Hero!"

Strahomir, a cursed son of a duke.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

More full disclosure: I've never understood the obsession with "muscle cars". My entire reaction is, "Meh. Why would you waste a ton of money on gas just so you can run around polluting the world at double the rate of the rest of us?"

But that's just me.

So of course the people across the street have a new Mustang or somethingorother. And its engine is so loud it practically rattles our windows. And of course, the owner has to get up at 7:00 am on weekends, start it up, let it warm up idling outside for 5 minutes (in our frigid 37-degree weather, so warming a car is kind of pointless), then floor it to take off down the street at an excessive rate of speed.

So, is it some 18-year-old kid who doesn't know any better? Nope. A fifty-something guy I'd really love to beat about the head with a stick while saying, "No! Bad mid-life crisis man! Bad!"

Ah, well, the way he drives it it won't last a year. Small things to look forward to...

Welcome to the Midwest, I see you've met my neighbors. Just wait until he wax humps it on the weekend while blaring AC/DC with a cooler of Miller or Budweiser handy.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

At least it's AC/DC, and not GNR.

Can't help him with the beer, though. Blecch!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Cap'n Yesterday, FaWtL Tourism wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

More full disclosure: I've never understood the obsession with "muscle cars". My entire reaction is, "Meh. Why would you waste a ton of money on gas just so you can run around polluting the world at double the rate of the rest of us?"

But that's just me.

So of course the people across the street have a new Mustang or somethingorother. And its engine is so loud it practically rattles our windows. And of course, the owner has to get up at 7:00 am on weekends, start it up, let it warm up idling outside for 5 minutes (in our frigid 37-degree weather, so warming a car is kind of pointless), then floor it to take off down the street at an excessive rate of speed.

So, is it some 18-year-old kid who doesn't know any better? Nope. A fifty-something guy I'd really love to beat about the head with a stick while saying, "No! Bad mid-life crisis man! Bad!"

Ah, well, the way he drives it it won't last a year. Small things to look forward to...

Welcome to the Midwest, I see you've met my neighbors. Just wait until he wax humps it on the weekend while blaring AC/DC with a cooler of Miller or Budweiser handy.

LOL. That's funny, because my impression of the Midwest was that most people like that could afford an acre or two so as not to annoy the neighbors. In spite of being "upper middle class" in the Bay Area (no small feat), the largest lot I've ever lived on was my parents' whopping 5000 square foot lot, 50' x 100'.

I just never appreciate it when someone chooses to move into our neighborhood because it's safe, (relatively) crime-free, and quiet, and proceeds to utterly ignore the fact that maybe, just maybe, EVERYONE ELSE would appreciate some quiet as well.

Seriously. The 1-bedroom apartments down the street go for $3500/month. No one moves here because of the rents. They move here because of the neighborhood.

So, "I'm going to move here because it's nice and peaceful and bucolic, and then do whatever the heck I want at any hour I want because it's MY place now," is an attitude that will ALWAYS rile me up...

EDIT: Woooow... and no sooner had I posted this that I went to take out the trash, only to find that someone had put two of their own garbage bags into my garbage can, plus a couple of baggies of dog feces.

I am NOT feeling very neighborly right now. (The trash is irritating, but the dog feces is unforgivable because it takes WEEKS to get the stench out of the can.)

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Tacticslion wrote:
Also, I might have linked it earlier, but side scabbard.

Yep, that's how to do it! Total nerdfail on my part. :)

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Or basically how you shouldn't wear a sword, because you want it to go as vertical as possible to avoid stubbing it against things and people... :P

I think that the first strap and the space between the first and second strap should be shorter. If the sword is too long and will stub the ground then they should be attached to a strap going higher than the belt instead.

Carrying very large swords by Skallagrim

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
My family had no vomit or diarrhea today or yesterday, so carnival fun rides (to try to induce it?) for us today!


WELP. I don't think burning your whole house and all your stuff in it to the ground then spraying the ashes with bleach is illegal... and it sounds like a decent idea right now...

* Pun not intended until my mouth was already making the word-noises.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

You make me nerd sick!

Wait, no, that's the Taco Bell.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
So, is it some 18-year-old kid who doesn't know any better? Nope. A fifty-something guy I'd really love to beat about the head with a stick while saying, "No! Bad mid-life crisis man! Bad!"

Paintball sniping from your bedroom window? ;)

My neighborhood has several roundabouts, all with YIELD TO TRAFFIC IN CIRCLE signs at all entrances. And yet half the people in the neighborhood treat them as intersections: several times since moving in in October I've nearly hit someone who doesn't even slow down as they enter a roundabout I'm already in.

I look forward to the day I can simply watch some fellow suburban driver incriminate him or herself to a cop, after hitting me in a roundabout. Except of course for the possibility that someone may be dead...

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Oh come on! It took me that long to find the right alias. And then this long to notice I'd been ninja'd.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Syrus Terrigan wrote:

At least it's AC/DC, and not GNR.

Can't help him with the beer, though. Blecch!

It's The Midwest, yo! There's always going to be GNR! And Bob Seeger and Metallica! And Ted Nugent, but only Cat Scratch Fever and Fred Bear.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
My family had no vomit or diarrhea today or yesterday, so carnival fun rides (to try to induce it?) for us today!


WELP. I don't think burning your whole house and all your stuff in it to the ground then spraying the ashes with bleach is illegal... and it sounds like a decent idea right now...

* Pun not intended until my mouth was already making the word-noises.


INITIATE: Thermonuclear Biohazard Containment Procedures
Designated Target: Tacticslion Residence

Embedded Message:
Godspeed. Somebody's gotta make it out of this! Like me!

baron arem heshvaun wrote:
That is a fair and plausible deterrent.
Tequila Sunrise wrote:
I believe that infecting children with a lifelong addiction is punishable by law.
Tacticslion wrote:
"Sweet! Free brain washing control method controllable habit indoctrination baby sitting! :D"
Syrus Terrigan wrote:
No need to be all rude and stuff, ya joiks!! ;)

(You do know that I play, right? Not much, but I do. Doesn't change my answer...)

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Tequila Sunrise wrote:

My neighborhood has several roundabouts, all with YIELD TO TRAFFIC IN CIRCLE signs at all entrances. And yet half the people in the neighborhood treat them as intersections: several times since moving in in October I've nearly hit someone who doesn't even slow down as they enter a roundabout I'm already in.

I look forward to the day I can simply watch some fellow suburban driver incriminate him or herself to a cop, after hitting me in a roundabout. Except of course for the possibility that someone may be dead...

My "curiosity of the moment" is the THREE collisions that have occurred at the Stop sign at the end of the block in the last 6 weeks.

The logic of, "It's a two-way Stop so the downhill cross traffic doesn't stop, AND I can't see a blasted thing because of this big black minivan parked on the uphill corner means I should run the Stop sign quickly to minimize my chances of collision, right?" is lost on me...

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Yes, I know you play. :)

And y'all know I play (Some. Been off the desire to play for a bit -- probably another "three-year hiatus".).

Coincidentally, lisamarlene's mention of binders packed with Weatherlight back to Beta made my eyes bug out.

But we all know how funny-not-funny that window placard is. :D

EDIT: And this will probably mean more to Doomkitten than the rest of you, but it's still good for a laugh.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
Cap'n Yesterday, FaWtL Tourism wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

More full disclosure: I've never understood the obsession with "muscle cars". My entire reaction is, "Meh. Why would you waste a ton of money on gas just so you can run around polluting the world at double the rate of the rest of us?"

But that's just me.

So of course the people across the street have a new Mustang or somethingorother. And its engine is so loud it practically rattles our windows. And of course, the owner has to get up at 7:00 am on weekends, start it up, let it warm up idling outside for 5 minutes (in our frigid 37-degree weather, so warming a car is kind of pointless), then floor it to take off down the street at an excessive rate of speed.

So, is it some 18-year-old kid who doesn't know any better? Nope. A fifty-something guy I'd really love to beat about the head with a stick while saying, "No! Bad mid-life crisis man! Bad!"

Ah, well, the way he drives it it won't last a year. Small things to look forward to...

Welcome to the Midwest, I see you've met my neighbors. Just wait until he wax humps it on the weekend while blaring AC/DC with a cooler of Miller or Budweiser handy.

LOL. That's funny, because my impression of the Midwest was that most people like that could afford an acre or two so as not to annoy the neighbors. In spite of being "upper middle class" in the Bay Area (no small feat), the largest lot I've ever lived on was my parents' whopping 5000 square foot lot, 50' x 100'.

I just never appreciate it when someone chooses to move into our neighborhood because it's safe, (relatively) crime-free, and quiet, and proceeds to utterly ignore the fact that maybe, just maybe, EVERYONE ELSE would appreciate some quiet as well.

Seriously. The 1-bedroom apartments down the street go for $3500/month. No one moves here because of the rents. They move here because of the neighborhood.

So, "I'm going to move here because it's nice and peaceful and bucolic, and then do whatever the heck I want at...

Muscle cars and pickup trucks have a chokehold on the Midwest. Any stereotypical Midwestern average Joe will gladly take out any sort of loan or sacrifice any family member for a fully loaded Mustang or excessively large pickup truck.

Fortunately, loans and fully loaded Mustangs and pickup trucks are as plentiful as cheese and beer, so family sacrifices are minimal.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I think Freehold's Weather Dominator is pointed my way:
7:10 am: 37 degrees. Brrrr! That's cold around here...
9:00 am: 54 degrees. Wow! It's warming up fast! I'll be able to open up the house!
10:50 am: 54 degrees. WTF? Freehold! Don't you dare waggle that thing in my wife's direction!

5 people marked this as a favorite.

37 degrees reached an hour ago here: Holy f@$#ing s#!$ it's warm out!!! Get the kids outside!! The sun! Oh my god!!! It's so f#~%ing warm out!!!

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We're still living in the "worst house in the best neighborhood" we could afford, so one of our heaters doesn't go below 60. Unless I want another $300 gas bill, I can't open windows 'til it's over 60.

Rantraptor wrote:


INITIATE: Thermonuclear Biohazard Containment Procedures
Designated Target: Tacticslion Residence

** spoiler omitted **

Would you do me the solid?

FrothyMadAngrierNerdRageDemon wrote:

You make me nerd sick!

Wait, no, that's the Taco Bell.

But... we didn't even eat at Taco Bell... at least let us enjoy earning such an event...

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Well no, that was tequila sunrise that made me sick.

But what really makes me sick is eating at Taco Bell.

Dark Archive

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Big shout out to Syrus who helped plot out a PC I plan to use in Strange Aeons for the next year.

IF I survive that long.

Thank you sir, thank you!

You are an excellent gentleman and scholar.

Dark Archive

5 people marked this as a favorite.
FrothyMadAngrierNerdRageDemon wrote:
But what really makes me sick is eating at Taco Bell.

Some people mistakenly consider Taco Bell as Mexican food.

Living in San Diego taught me that Taco Bell is most definitely NOT Mexican.

Living in New York taught me Taco Bell is questionably even food.

If I was 12 again would I eat Taco Bell?

Damn straight I would.

GOD IN HEAVEN I MISS SODA! Curse you aging !

2 people marked this as a favorite.
baron arem heshvaun wrote:
FrothyMadAngrierNerdRageDemon wrote:
But what really makes me sick is eating at Taco Bell.

Some people mistakenly consider Taco Bell as Mexican food.

Living in San Diego taught me that Taco Bell is most definitely NOT Mexican.

Living in New York taught me Taco Bell is questionably even food.

If I was 12 again would I eat Taco Bell?

Damn straight I would.

GOD IN HEAVEN I MISS SODA! Curse you aging !

Happens to us all. Growing old, I mean.

Dark Archive

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As a small thank you to Syrus, please enjoy the small laugh.

And short giggle.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Stop gushing already, you Imperial scum! :)

But: thank you! I hope he lasts as long as *I* think he should! Though Lovecraft's brainchildren are pretty good at making even the most hale and capable persons puddles of goo abandoned in ancient libraries . . . .

Level 3 -- 1) color spray, stare, feint; 2) stab, feint, trick; 3ff) etc.

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