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Freehold DM wrote:
Captain Yesterday, Brut Squad wrote:
The new twist in the Hatchimal phenomenon, people are waiting to return their s#~!ty ones for... wait for it... new Hatchimals. Yup, they're waiting for our next shipment so they can wait until we open. Again.
I had heard some of them were broken. I can't blame them for wanting something that works.

An educated consumer would not have to wait repeatedly for a thing.

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Oh I know, but with such a high failure rate I'd just get my money back and get something that works.

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Wei Ji the Learner wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Captain Yesterday, Brut Squad wrote:
The new twist in the Hatchimal phenomenon, people are waiting to return their s#~!ty ones for... wait for it... new Hatchimals. Yup, they're waiting for our next shipment so they can wait until we open. Again.
I had heard some of them were broken. I can't blame them for wanting something that works.
An educated consumer would not have to wait repeatedly for a thing.

lol by that logic I should hate all video game systems- my first Nintendo died an ugly death as it was part of the bad batch that hit America after the system took off and the company was struggling to meet the demand.

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Freehold DM wrote:
Wei Ji the Learner wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Captain Yesterday, Brut Squad wrote:
The new twist in the Hatchimal phenomenon, people are waiting to return their s#~!ty ones for... wait for it... new Hatchimals. Yup, they're waiting for our next shipment so they can wait until we open. Again.
I had heard some of them were broken. I can't blame them for wanting something that works.
An educated consumer would not have to wait repeatedly for a thing.
lol by that logic I should hate all video game systems- my first Nintendo died an ugly death as it was part of the bad batch that hit America after the system took off and the company was struggling to meet the demand.

There's a reason I haven't gotten an entertainment console since the early '90's...

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Wei Ji the Learner wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Wei Ji the Learner wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Captain Yesterday, Brut Squad wrote:
The new twist in the Hatchimal phenomenon, people are waiting to return their s#~!ty ones for... wait for it... new Hatchimals. Yup, they're waiting for our next shipment so they can wait until we open. Again.
I had heard some of them were broken. I can't blame them for wanting something that works.
An educated consumer would not have to wait repeatedly for a thing.
lol by that logic I should hate all video game systems- my first Nintendo died an ugly death as it was part of the bad batch that hit America after the system took off and the company was struggling to meet the demand.
There's a reason I haven't gotten an entertainment console since the early '90's...

I got mine around the same time period, lol!

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My Xbox 360 only works when it's at least five feet above the floor.

I've had it for over ten years now.

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Way back in the way back times of the early to mid-80s we got an Atari 2600 for the family for Christmas.

Worked fine and dandy for about three years, and then my mom incinerated it.

No, she didn't pour lighter fluid on it, she played Pac-Man so hard that on the third controller the system started emitting magic smoke and radiating dangerous levels of heat...

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Reminds me of Impus Major's video card, as it pretty much epitomizes "Dad's reaction to everything."

Loud *SNAP*, crackle, the appearance of smoke
Impus Major: Dad! I think something's really wrong with my computer!
NobodysHome: (Glancing over) I think you're right... are those open flames I see?
IM: OMG! OMG! My computer is on fire!
NH: Yes, I've really never seen one burn for so long. You should probably unplug it.
IM: WHAT?!?!?! It's ON FIRE, Dad! What should I do?!?!?!
NH: Well, if you first unplug it, THEN we can do something about the flames.
Impus Major desperately unplugs his computer, as NobodysHome nonchalantly strolls over, looks at the fire, then blows a couple of times to put it out.
NH: Yep. It was your video card. I guess you're going to have to live without one for a while.
IM: What about my computer?
NH: Oh, once the video card has cooled down I'll go ahead and pull it, and I'm sure your computer will be fine.

And sure enough, the damage was localized to the video card, and he's still using that computer...

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Off work until Wednesday! Whoo hoo!!

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Not my f%~%ing fault, i'll be g*##&@ned if you think you can pin this s#+! on me.

Does make me want to get one though...

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Wei Ji the Learner wrote:

Way back in the way back times of the early to mid-80s we got an Atari 2600 for the family for Christmas.

Worked fine and dandy for about three years, and then my mom incinerated it.

No, she didn't pour lighter fluid on it, she played Pac-Man so hard that on the third controller the system started emitting magic smoke and radiating dangerous levels of heat...

Ah, the 2600. Pac-man was my father's favorite, to the point where it was his game exclusively.

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captain yesterday wrote:

My Xbox 360 only works when it's at least five feet above the floor.

I've had it for over ten years now.

Yeah, the 360 is a really reliable system. I've had mine for ... more years than I can instantly remember ... and have had no malfunctions.

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If I have mine below five feet it says "open tray" for a half hour every time I want to play it.

Mine is from the run where they were still trying to stop red ring of death, I think they admitted over fifty percent of the 360s from that stretch had glitches of some sort.

But it's fine as long as I keep it above five feet. :-)

As a quirky guy I can appreciate a quirky machine. :-)

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I hope everyone had a merry Christmas, or whatever equivalent you celebrate (or a good day if you don't celebrate), and everyone has a happy New Year.

I won't be here tomorrow evening. I got invited to a New Year's party that is also celebrating all of the work we're going to have utterly obliterating a certain new pipeline. I wouldn't normally go, but some old friends who helped me get my first leg up in the business asked me to attend.

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Wow... Amazon Prime spoils you rotten!

Since we were shipping a bunch of stuff for Christmas, we figured, "Gee, $9.99 for a trial offer, and free two-day shipping on EVERYTHING we send to EVERYONE (ourselves included)... what's to lose?"

Well, apparently $100/year, because you get stupid spoiled.

Today I needed a new filter for my shop vac (it's 10 years old, so I think it's surpassed its natural lifespan and then some), and Amazon Prime tempted me with, "If you get your order up to $35, you can have free same-day delivery!!!"

So I added the picture hangers NobodysWife wanted, and was still only at $23.

Ah, well, threw in another filter so I'll have one in storage next time, and voila! Nigh-instant gratification.

Curse you and your temptations, Amazon Prime!!!

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I love Prime for just that reason.

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Benevolent horrors of Xvih, your friendly eldritch alien abomination!

They were supposed to be Lawful Good initially but during the writing they went more and more indifferent to order...

And so I will have to write another LG aberration in the future...

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Tacticslion wrote:


... now to go change diapers, feed children, and not play.

Suck on righteous steel, first three quests!

(Maybe two, if the arrival/coach part doesn't count.)

So the fourth (third?) was a failure resulting half a party wipe? I'm sure that won't possibly come back to... haunt me... in the future~! >:D

('Dat headless dude wat summons the little dudes, though.)

((Also, what the heck was up with the stress meter in that last mission?! Was that quasi-prescripted, or what?!))

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My internal sense of how long a Caltrain ride should last is all discombobulated right now. I boarded a limited stop in San Francisco at 9:28 and departed at 9:37. I am do to arrive in San Jose at 11:04. It is now 10:18, and I am in Redwood City. This feels completely wrong and off. Redwood City means 20 minutes or so to disembarking, and I should reach such a point over an hour after departing San Francisco. Of course, I'm usually not on a limited stop, and I'm usually bound for Mountain View Station, not Diridon Station. Still, feels totally and completely wrong.

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Magus it's good to see you!

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Rosita the Riveter wrote:
My internal sense of how long a Caltrain ride should last is all discombobulated right now. I boarded a limited stop in San Francisco at 9:28 and departed at 9:37. I am do to arrive in San Jose at 11:04. It is now 10:18, and I am in Redwood City. This feels completely wrong and off. Redwood City means 20 minutes or so to disembarking, and I should reach such a point over an hour after departing San Francisco. Of course, I'm usually not on a limited stop, and I'm usually bound for Mountain View Station, not Diridon Station. Still, feels totally and completely wrong.

Er, to turn this into a proper word problem we're going to need some additional information, such as distances, the masses of the vehicles, whether there is Water Falling from the Sky, and the likelihood of Freehold(TM) Brand Flying Bicycles interfering with the trip.

Or is this the "new math" where we have to look up the distances ourselves, and invent the second vehicle to represent our own angst at travel?

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I'll have you know I have impeccable aim with the eyes of a hawk (in a jar).

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:


... now to go change diapers, feed children, and not play.

Suck on righteous steel, first three quests!

(Maybe two, if the arrival/coach part doesn't count.)

So the fourth (third?) was a failure resulting half a party wipe? I'm sure that won't possibly come back to... haunt me... in the future~! >:D

('Dat headless dude wat summons the little dudes, though.)

((Also, what the heck was up with the stress meter in that last mission?! Was that quasi-prescripted, or what?!))

Starting quests are sort of scripted, IIRC. On the other hand expect to see stress meters go bonkers all the time. Lots of monsters have stress-inducing attacks. Getting wounded might cause stress. Getting critical hit will increase stress. Ally getting stress might cause stress to another character. Ally spewing obnoxious texts might cause stress to another character. Ally getting killed will cause stress. Ally hurting oneself will cause stress. Ally being paranoid will cause stress. Ally being... will cause stress. Stress will cause stress. And the other way too.

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baron arem heshvaun wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Tequila Sunrise the first man I met from the message boards!

Wait a minute, I met you and Mark Moreland before the Pathfinder Beta release.

I wonder what ever happened to that fellow.


Full disclosure Freehold was my first 3.5 campaign DM, and Mark was a fellow player.

how did I miss this?!

It was an honor running a game for everyone, even if it ended in limbo!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:

Magus it's good to see you!

Heya! Been awhile! I hope things are good with you.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

And so, one day before I take my first journey away from this nation of my birth, I find myself in the neighborhood I grew up in. It's been many years, and it's... actually pretty sketchy. It doesn't feel like it's really changed at all in 7 years, it feels more like I'm seeing things I was either sheltered from or too naive to pick up on when I was a kid. Maybe it's all the urban planning and geography education teaching me to pick up on the signs?

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Ah yes, exposing my out of state nephews to the vastness of my ITunes library when all they know is Garth Brooks or whatever passes itself off as "country" these days.

But I'm not going super crazy, I do have some country, it's just the SuperSuckers and Cherlene.

Also Eddie Vedder with a Ukulele, because it's Eddie Vedder, with a Ukulele (argh! I forgot how boring it is!)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:


... now to go change diapers, feed children, and not play.

Tacticslion wrote:

Suck on righteous steel, first three quests!

(Maybe two, if the arrival/coach part doesn't count.)

So the fourth (third?) was a failure resulting half a party wipe? I'm sure that won't possibly come back to... haunt me... in the future~! >:D

('Dat headless dude wat summons the little dudes, though.)

((Also, what the heck was up with the stress meter in that last mission?! Was that quasi-prescripted, or what?!))

Drejk wrote:
Starting quests are sort of scripted, IIRC. On the other hand expect to see stress meters go bonkers all the time. Lots of monsters have stress-inducing attacks. Getting wounded might cause stress. Getting critical hit will increase stress. Ally getting stress might cause stress to another character. Ally spewing obnoxious texts might cause stress to another character. Ally getting killed will cause stress. Ally hurting oneself will cause stress. Ally being paranoid will cause stress. Ally being... will cause stress. Stress will cause stress. And the other way too.

It was... interesting. I'm glad I left starting paladin and starting bandit back home (to, ironically as is totally typical for the game, recover from stress), so they survived (along with the first plague doctor I picked up). Unfortunately my second cleric and my man-at-arms are now toast - my massive muscle burly guy keeled over from a heart attack, and the noble lady sacrificed herself as the hound-master (?) and my first cleric escaped.

What's especially weird, though, was that this level seemed to basically just be a big long hallway and, when I was prepping to go, my people were already flipping out (with texts like, "I'm not ready for this!" or "This is too much for me!" or "I cannot do it!"). At the time, I just thought they were being melodramatic, but, you know, obviously they were correct. Either way, we just walked down the hallway and hit, like, two battles and DAGGUM.

No matter how much light we had, or how easy the battles were, they just kept stressing out - we even continuously hit and killed the bad guys hard enough that we lost stress, and then they immediately got it back again plus any interest they might have accrued for the loss. And then they capped out, and the man-at-arms got masochism, and the one guy became paranoid, and so on, and then it just spiraled into "NOPE!" extremely rapidly. Also, there was a claw guy who couldn't hit the broad side of a barn, but who, in turn, we also couldn't hit, so the combat lasted forever with little happening except healing from our clerics, the man at arms hurting himself, and a flurry of misses. The man-at-arms heart-attacked out, hound dude got wrekt by a claw-to-the-face, and the dog ripped evil cultist's throat out.

As everyone was well over 100 stress (and I think dog dude was at 200), I opted to leave... and lost the second cleric.

So much for early levels taking it easy!

I mean, I didn't really expect them to be super-easy (in fact, I expected them to be hard and harsh), but I also didn't expect them to effectively just kill off the characters with no real option of victory. It was... enlightening...

Dark Archive

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Freehold DM wrote:

how did I miss this?!

It was an honor running a game for everyone, even if it ended in limbo!

We never made it to Limbo, we left off at Alkenstar, and made a cameo in Jason's Taldor campaign.

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So, via a random guest art at Kill 6 Billion Demons, I discovered a new comic: Derelict. Once I read all the available strips I moved to another comic of the same author: Swords Interval, catching up with the updates in single night again. Now I just finished his previous comic: Parallel Dementia and had my heart broken when I reached the point where the comic was (prematurely) ended when the author moved to already mentioned Derelict and Sword... In the middle of a great story, no less (though some ideas and character were recycled in Sword). Then I followed a link to the author's deviant art only to discover that he does play Pathfinder (he posted a great picture of his interpretation of the queen from Crimson Throne)...

If I had a few million dollars I'd probably offer him tens of thousands to finish Parallel Dementia. The graphics got gorgeous in later strips... And the story had so much potential...

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Darkest Dungeon players: wat 'da map mean?

By which I mean: there's a little red-orange circle with a "x0" (times zero) or "x1" (times one) symbol next to it - what does this mean?

Also: can I complete a given quest more than once? If so, do I get rewards for it? If I can, but don't get rewards (other than, I presume, XP for baddie-killing), how do I know if I've completed it, or not?

Also, also: I think I know what happened with the hallway - whether intentionally or not, I think I hit something far above my characters' level; I might have even started that one map in The Darkest Dungeon up top. Oops.

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Staying at my grandmother's right now. Staying up late to avoid jet lag, and I got something good. Went to the grocery store for something frozen to nuke tonight, ended up buying a 16oz rib eye instead.

Got beer, too. I wanted a single bottle, and the grocery store had 20/22oz bottles of Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, Sapporo Draft, Sapporo Premium, Foster's bitter, Foster's lager, a ton of different Budweisers, a few different Millers, Corona, Pacifico, Coors, and Steel Reserve. Sierra Nevada's a good brewery, but I rather dislike West Coast pale ales as a style of beer. Of the rest, only Sapporo and Pacifico are good. I went with the can of Sapporo Premium. It'll do my steak perfectly good justice, but overall I must rate this store's single bottle beer collection most dismally. Plenty of six packs, but if you just need a drink or two, you have a few choices that don't suck.

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Middle of the night and still awake because my *censored* allergies last all year long, and they just flared up. And, I have to wait a couple hours for the allergy pills to work. *SIGH* Lucky me.

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John Napier 698 wrote:
Middle of the night and still awake because my *censored* allergies last all year long, and they just flared up. And, I have to wait a couple hours for the allergy pills to work. *SIGH* Lucky me.

I support your move to the dark-side via alien (allergens) entities invading your immune system.

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Don't mind me. Just complaining because growing old sucks.

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A ghoulish, and yet alive bone eater

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John Napier 698 wrote:
Don't mind me. Just complaining because growing old sucks.

Oof! I know the feeling. Anymore, my pep of the morning requires two cups of coffee and telling myself, "one more day..."

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Tiny T-Rex (wearing his backpack, pajamas, and wielding a wooden sword): I'm going to be king of the zombies.

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MagusJanus wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
Don't mind me. Just complaining because growing old sucks.
Oof! I know the feeling. Anymore, my pep of the morning requires two cups of coffee and telling myself, "one more day..."

My mother can't stand the smell of coffee, so we pretty much drink tea or soda. I typically drink two liters of hot tea at work, and, more often than not, even that isn't enough.

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John Napier 698 wrote:
MagusJanus wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
Don't mind me. Just complaining because growing old sucks.
Oof! I know the feeling. Anymore, my pep of the morning requires two cups of coffee and telling myself, "one more day..."
My mother can't stand the smell of coffee, so we pretty much drink tea or soda. I typically drink two liters of hot tea at work, and, more often than not, even that isn't enough.

Anymore? Not certain I could live without coffee.

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Do what you have to do. The smell of Coffee makes my mother nauseous.

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Ah yes, the balancing act of pawning your kids off on someone else without them realizing it.

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You guys are OLD.

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It happens to everyone, sooner or later.

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Huh. Took me all of 10 minutes to clear TSA screening at San Jose International, and it's actually kind of dead in the airport right now. More enjoyable for me than flying out of San Francisco, for sure.

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Have a safe trip. The last time I was in Europe was 1988 - 1990 in Germany, with the 11th Armored Cavalry.

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Rosita the Riveter wrote:
Huh. Took me all of 10 minutes to clear TSA screening at San Jose International, and it's actually kind of dead in the airport right now. More enjoyable for me than flying out of San Francisco, for sure.

Have a lavaly time in the UK/Europe!! :)

3 people marked this as a favorite.
John Napier 698 wrote:
Have a safe trip. The last time I was in Europe was 1988 - 1990 in Germany, with the 11th Armored Cavalry.

We've made some changes since then.

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Kajehase wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
Have a safe trip. The last time I was in Europe was 1988 - 1990 in Germany, with the 11th Armored Cavalry.
We've made some changes since then.

Don't get me wrong. I loved Germany. It's just that my current career doesn't leave much time for travel. It really sucks that I'm the only competent security guard at my post.

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