Deep 6 FaWtL

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Super sad! :-(

Edit: Everyone grieves in their own way.

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baron arem heshvaun wrote:

Oh my God no!!! Princess Leia!

Damn you 2016! Damn you!

I am tempted to say that I look forward to seeing the end of 2016.

On the other hand, I think it's likely that we will look back on 2016 and say "Remember when things weren't so bad?"

Silver Crusade

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*eye twitch*

*eye twitch*

Shadow Lodge

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Freehold DM wrote:


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Rejoice for those around you who transform into the Force. The Force is with me and I am one with the Force.

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Today I learned that some Chase banks in major metropolitan areas have major foreign currencies on hand, and there's no fee for Chase account holders to withdraw money in a foreign currency. That teller saved me a trip to the currency exchange and a bit of money by telling me that.

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Syrus Terrigan wrote:
Drejk wrote:


Someone is actually reading my blogposts?!

Yeah. The name "spring wight" caught my attention. My campaign is currently in early spring, and the crew is level 3 . . . . I think I might cut loose with a "wandering boss" fight. :)

Note it is CR 8 9... Unless your party is very optimized and/or resourceful, the numerical superiority is unlikely help them much. Even if you would apply a Young template to represent spring wight sprouted from a child or halfling-sized adult.

I am not saying it's impossible for 3rd level party to kill CR 8-9 monster... Only highly unlikely and expensive in both resources used and sacrifices made...

EDIT: I just noticed that I left obsolete CR and XP. It's CR 9 and was designed at such but I forgot to replace CR 8 with correct value... *sigh* Corrected now.

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I got killed at 3rd level by Beholders all the time.

"You were supposed to run away!"

"Really? Down the hallway infested with rot grubs. Or perhaps the one with the Rust Monsters that we already ran away from. Or perhaps you're talking about the hallway with the twenty foot long pit filled with spikes and two foot deep lamp oil that Captain Yesterday's dwarf is currently deep frying in because he was carrying a torch when he fell in. Running from the Beholder!!!"

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Young Spring Wight, CR 8:
CE Small Plant
Init +10; AC 22, touch 18, flat-footed 15; hp 82; Fort +10, Ref +11
Melee 2 slams +16 (1d3+4), 4 tendrils +15 (1d3+2)
Statistics Str 18, Dex 22, Con 12

Note: AC is reduced a bit more than the regular young template. The core young template does not take into account size modifiers change and its natural armor reduction only compensates Dex increase. In my opinion natural armor loss of young template should be greater than Dex increase...

Maybe if you added one to three negative levels (–5 to –15 hit points, –1, –2, or –3 to attack rolls, saving throws, and ability/skill checks) you could tone it down within the parameters of challenging encounter for a third level party. Unless your players are used to relying on the ingenuity and creative use of available resources to overcome mathematically overwhelming monsters. Or simply flee (though the later is hard once this monster has already been engaged in melee because of its ability to stop fleeing opponent with combination of reach, impromptu difficult terrain, attacks of opportunity, and Stand Still feat).

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Deep fried dwarf! Yum!

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Bleh. There are still hairs on mine.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

I got killed at 3rd level by Beholders all the time.

"You were supposed to run away!"

"Really? Down the hallway infested with rot grubs. Or perhaps the one with the Rust Monsters that we already ran away from. Or perhaps you're talking about the hallway with the twenty foot long pit filled with spikes and two foot deep lamp oil that Captain Yesterday's dwarf is currently deep frying in because he was carrying a torch when he fell in. Running from the Beholder!!!"

I think I've mentioned before that when the original Monster Manual came out in 1977, one of the kids really wanted to run a game for us.

So our 2nd-level characters opened a door and were met with... Orcus, a dozen Demogorgons, six beholders, at least one of every kind of dragon (both good and evil), and a lot of other stuff.

After a few minutes' argument about how Demogorgon was a unique creature, and therefore there couldn't be a dozen in a single room, we closed the door and ran.

And for some reason, we never let that guy GM again...

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I think it would work well as a plot hook to introduce new parts of the game world (it's all homebrew), and requiring (well, *calling for*) cooperation with others to take it down. Considering it's a "powered" gestalt campaign, they could probably handle it with just the six PCs -- and since I have a serial killer or three operating in their region, it would be entirely possible to run more than one encounter with a spring wight. >:D

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Back at work, the returns are vast, and still consistently streaming in.

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NobodysHome wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

I got killed at 3rd level by Beholders all the time.

"You were supposed to run away!"

"Really? Down the hallway infested with rot grubs. Or perhaps the one with the Rust Monsters that we already ran away from. Or perhaps you're talking about the hallway with the twenty foot long pit filled with spikes and two foot deep lamp oil that Captain Yesterday's dwarf is currently deep frying in because he was carrying a torch when he fell in. Running from the Beholder!!!"

I think I've mentioned before that when the original Monster Manual came out in 1977, one of the kids really wanted to run a game for us.

So our 2nd-level characters opened a door and were met with... Orcus, a dozen Demogorgons, six beholders, at least one of every kind of dragon (both good and evil), and a lot of other stuff.

After a few minutes' argument about how Demogorgon was a unique creature, and therefore there couldn't be a dozen in a single room, we closed the door and ran.

And for some reason, we never let that guy GM again...

Pretty sure I opened that door. Never got to close it though.

Dark Archive

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Princess Leia's Theme (link)


I always tell my younger friends that no matter how I go, I want it reported that I drowned in moonlight, strangled by my own bra.

- Carrie Fisher

Please give our warm regards to Sir Peter and Sir Christopher, dear Princess.

Dang. I am... so sorry to hear.


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Break time.

There's one Hatchimal floating around for people to grab and ask what the price is (there's a price scanner over there, mine doesn't work like that) and if we have any more.

So far four people have picked up, no one has bought it.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
baron arem heshvaun wrote:


Princess Leia's Theme (link)


I always tell my younger friends that no matter how I go, I want it reported that I drowned in moonlight, strangled by my own bra.

- Carrie Fisher

Please give our warm regards to Sir Peter and Sir Christopher, dear Princess.

You forgot Kenny Baker.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Mannheim Steamroller in half an hour.

7 people marked this as a favorite.

Well, my nephew was born at 8:14 PM -- 8 lbs, 1 oz, 21 inches. Xorn Terel's a father!! :D

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Tacticslion wrote:

Okay, so, now that they've put up a GoFundMe campaign, I can share about my niece: if you're the praying kind, please pray for my niece who begins chemotherapy this coming Tuesday - she had her port put in yesterday.

I just deleted a bunch of personal stuff - suffice it to say that she is one of the kindest people I know, and it's hard to accept that, after a lifetime of going through stuff due to having a premature birth, this is... rough.

She is wonderful, tough, and filled with determination. And I'm proud of her.

After finally getting the chance and discussing it with my sister, Ingot approval to share the GoFundMe link (I asked only due to the badgering of a certain nobody that haunts these forums).

Anyway, should you feel the desire or will to follow it, here is the link.

God bless you all, and grant her peace and healing in this deadly, painful struggle.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Syrus Terrigan wrote:
Well, my nephew was born at 8:14 PM -- 8 lbs, 1 oz, 21 inches. Xorn Terel's a father!! :D

This is wonderful news! The Lord bless your family mightily and grant peace and health! :D

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Captain Yesterday, Brut Squad wrote:

Break time.

There's one Hatchimal floating around for people to grab and ask what the price is (there's a price scanner over there, mine doesn't work like that) and if we have any more.

So far four people have picked up, no one has bought it.

My scanner actually does work for that. But there's no way I'm giving anyone that leverage.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Syrus Terrigan wrote:
Well, my nephew was born at 8:14 PM -- 8 lbs, 1 oz, 21 inches. Xorn Terel's a father!! :D

Congratulations! On a day filled with sadness, a new life enters the world, full of hope for a bright future. Pardon me for waxing philosophic.

There is finally a Steam sale, it might not cover the game I want, and I can't even tell because my daggum Internet freaks out and bar oh functions! ARG!

Dark Archive

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Ok. This got me.

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Syrus Terrigan wrote:
Well, my nephew was born at 8:14 PM -- 8 lbs, 1 oz, 21 inches. Xorn Terel's a father!! :D


Silver Crusade

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My coworker showed up at work with her hair in buns, she looks adorable.

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Rysky wrote:
My coworker showed up at work with her hair in buns, she looks adorable.


This may be a harder day to get through than I thought.

Silver Crusade

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Freehold DM wrote:
Rysky wrote:
My coworker showed up at work with her hair in buns, she looks adorable.


This may be a harder day to get through than I thought.

I'm sowwy.

*offers hugs*

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Government told me I can't put my hair in buns.

Something about a restraining order from Cinnabon

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Yesterday was an excellent reminder that we should cherish our friends and family, because the Grim Reaper is such a sneaky rat-b*****d.

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Hey now! Don't pin this on me!... oh, I see what you meant there.

Never mind.

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And now, Freehold needs to start saving his pennies.

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Stressed out:
Folks, if you pray, I have a request:

My new nephew is experiencing some difficulties, the cause(s) of which is/are still unclear; he's been moved to NICU. His mother is recovering very well, which is good; the little guy, though, is having a tough time.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
And now, Freehold needs to start saving his pennies.

folds arms, reads article


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Summer stormking. A three-headed, lightning-spewing, weather-controlling gargantuan bird.

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Drejk wrote:
Summer stormking. A three-headed, lightning-spewing, weather-controlling gargantuan bird.

an evil beast!

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Less stressed:
Evidently the little guy just needed to cut a few epic farts and move his bowels. He should be back with his mother shortly. :D

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Drejk wrote:
Summer stormking. A three-headed, lightning-spewing, weather-controlling gargantuan bird.

I do so enjoy stormy weather. I look forward to running this one, too! :)

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Syrus Terrigan wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

may be time for him to increase his fiber intake. My mom, as a result of her carribean upbringing, gave me a diuretic once a month like clockwork.

It wasn't fun.

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Everything is terrifying the first six months. Everything.

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Fever, headache, enough snot to fill a bucket. Not having a good day.

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F$@~ you Facebook!

I found a work around!

A text happy twelve year old with her uncles phone numbers. :-)

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I am thinking that I am going to reflavor rangers for my campaign setting to have all their spells function as oils and potions made from the humors of their favored enemies.

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Maybe you should give them the mutagen class feature from the Alchemist as well, instead of Favored Terrain?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Syrus Terrigan wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

I am blessed to hear!

My family has been quite intimate with the workings of NICU, and - as absolutely wonderful as those people can be - I'm glad (as are they) that it was short and non-major.

They are in my prayers!

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Oh, shit!

I made a huge tactical blunder!

Out of state nephews are here, Tiny T-Rex went in the room with the rest of the Halloween candy, and they haven't pestered me for food.

Which means it's gone by now.

They have all the action figures.

All I have to defend myself is the C team stuffed animals that are all going to be donated anyway, so you know, bitterness and all. But they're no match against sugar manic kids armed with lollipops, I'll lose half my men in the initial assault.

Looks like it's up to me and Colonel Turhumpenbear... damn it, they also have all the gloves.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
The Doomkitten wrote:
Maybe you should give them the mutagen class feature from the Alchemist as well, instead of Favored Terrain?

I'm not using the apg classes, this is my 3.x based campaign setting with my own setting rules.

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