Deep 6 FaWtL

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That is absolutely perfect. Well, it isn't my birthday, but the birthday suit is still useful in this case.

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Hey, FF vets! I was wondering, since I'm finally getting a smartphone soon, if the port of FFVI is any good, since all of my RPG-playing friends went deathly quiet the moment I mentioned I've never played it before yelling that I have to play it ASAP.

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NobodysHome wrote:

"One Punch Man".

If you like anime, it's good.
If you like superheroes, it's good.

If you like both, it's amazing awesomeness.

That is all.


One Punch Man is now on my recommended list.

Maybe it's time i added another layer of tin foil to the Pillow Fort...

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Late summer allergies are upon us! Save yourselves!! It's too late for me!

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Ahh, allergies. Those things I don't have, yet no one at works knows that so I can safely blame them for all manner of things.

For instance, a guest may complain that their room stinks. I go up there, can't smell a damn thing. They say "Isn't that a horrible stench", and I reply "Sorry, my allergies are acting up and I can't smell anything."

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I love the moment when you realize two different pieces of worldbuilding lore actually support each other nicely.

On the one hand, my Pathfinder setting bars player characters from using mind control or mind reading effects. In practice,this is because politicking/investigation heavh campaign settings can, in my opinion, be much watered down by such tools. In lore, these tools are barred from players because they are literally torture. People's brains weren't designed to be invaded from without like that, and anything that does so is extremely painful and traumatizing, and liable to result in PTSD symptoms. Since players serve in the government of a democracy that considers such behavior anathema, if they do it, they're liable to be punished. Naturally, the criminals the players hunt may lack such concern for people's mental well-being.

On the other hand, it's been established that alchemists called fleshcrafters can repair that which natural healing cannot. They can create limbs and organs in their laboratories, and use them to replace the diseased, damaged, or missing limbs and organs of their patients. Yet they cannot prevent aging. Why? Perhaps because they don't understand how the brain works, and therefore can't fix brain damage, mental illness, and the like. Also can't fix an aging brain. All your other aging organs may be replaced, and it'll increase your lifespan, but you'll still die of old age as your brain becomes less and less functional, even if it takes a century and a half. You may use magic to appear young, but that's a separate issue.

These two actually dovetail nicely, if I purport that the reason why mind effecting spells are torture is directly related to the fact that people don't understand how the brain works and can't fix it. A mage trying to read a mind is brute forcing an organ they know next to nothing about. Of course it's ludicrously painful and traumatic.

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Woohoo, one of my long-time not seen fellow players made a Facebook account... After so many years of refusing it... What made him do it? Work needs?

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The Doomkitten wrote:
Hey, FF vets! I was wondering, since I'm finally getting a smartphone soon, if the port of FFVI is any good, since all of my RPG-playing friends went deathly quiet the moment I mentioned I've never played it before yelling that I have to play it ASAP.

Story wise it is the best by far. Graphics are painfully bad. Very long. Classic gameplay. My personal favorite.

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I like 7 because it's the only one I kind of remember.

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Turns out my brilliant hiding place that no one would be able to find, is painfully obvious to find. As in, even the kids know about it.

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captain yesterday wrote:
Turns out my brilliant hiding place that no one would be able to find, is painfully obvious to find. As in, even the kids know about it.

Ah, but do they know that you know that they know? Because if they don't know that you know that they know, you could leave things there to mess with their minds... and they can't ask you about it because they aren't supposed to know.

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Oh yes, it went like this.

The General: Do you have [redacted] hidden for a reason.

Me: yes, I've been saving it for your birthday

Pea Bear (from the other room): was it under the bed.

Tiny T-Rex (also, from the other room): even I know to check there.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I don't know how the General is about housecleaning, but the rest of my family is pretty much, "Drop it and forget it", so I take a "hide it in plain sight" approach. I just add whatever it is to the general pile-o-junk they leave lying around the house in their designated areas (each family member has a particular place where I will not clean), and they never find it.

So... what does it say when you tell a family member, "This is YOUR area. I will not clean it. YOU are responsible for everything in this area," and you find out that it's the best possible place to hide THEIR presents because they'll never look there...

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After seeing my pace with writing drop again, I've made a decision to write at least 500 words per day. I heard some famous writer did the same thing back in the day.

Grand Lodge

thegreenteagamer wrote:
The Doomkitten wrote:
Hey, FF vets! I was wondering, since I'm finally getting a smartphone soon, if the port of FFVI is any good, since all of my RPG-playing friends went deathly quiet the moment I mentioned I've never played it before yelling that I have to play it ASAP.
Story wise it is the best by far. Graphics are painfully bad. Very long. Classic gameplay. My personal favorite.

If the interface is the same as FF Dimensions, then it's a real pain in the arse and not really worth the time.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

You asked for singing undead... Can you actually handle a stygian chorus, though? (monster blogpost)

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Can't believe they have me working on a Sunday, it's barbaric is what it is.

At least I was 35 minutes late.

Freehold DM wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
Is the Almighty Johnsons ever not an emotional roller-coaster?
Freehold DM wrote:


EDIT: It's going to be a long couple of seasons. :/

be warned - the two plot twists are INCREDIBLY PAINFULLY STUPID.

Welp. I think I just found one.

** spoiler omitted **

EDIT: coding fix and another thought

I stopped watching after that. My wife kept watching. She described the VERY END of the series as dumb, but also incredibly sweet.

While I'm breaking for the weekend, I'm going to get back onto that saddle for the week, when possible. It's... disheartening, though.

I... can't look at

I'm really not sure why.

"Pageview limit exceeded" it says. It doesn't matter the browser - Chrome or Firefox - it's irrelevant.

Hmp. Very inconvenient timing.


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Tried painting a scary Medusa face on my fencing mask.

I don't know what the heck it looks like, but it don't look like a Medusa.

I Fail Art Every Time :(

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Yay for break time!

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Strange Aeons looks really good so far. :-)

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New guy is in the doghouse, which means lots of micromanagement, which means no attention paid to me, which is of course, ideal.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Jenga Gold, exclusively at Toys R Us.

Disclaimer on box: actual product does not contain real gold.

2 people marked this as a favorite.


Or should that be 'I intend to, Sue' ?


Q: What does Bank Holiday mean?

A: Moar Fallout 4, plus Guinness Foreign Extra, now only 60p per bottle.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I might buy it and try to flip the gold bars on the street anyway.

Captain Yesterday: psst! Hey, come here! You wanna buy some gold, it's the real s$%* man.

Some poor guy: man, I told you yesterday, I already got that game!

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Now my ninja may possibly be wanted for murder due to destroying a corrupt magistrate in his sleep, decapitating him, stealing his katana to dishonor his family, and leaving his body half buried in the outhouse.

Plus side, the mantis is wanted by his clan for not getting his job done, he's gone ronin and might join my clan, and I framed his would be assassin for the magistrate job.

It all was going so well until the impartial checkpoint found his katana in my gear. Ten minutes and many dead imperial agents later and now the party knows I know maho (illegal blood magic) and I have to decide if they get to live with that knowledge, as I usually kill witnesses...

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Also turns out the oni is an undiscovered fortune!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

It took me reading that three times before I realized you didn't say undiscovered fortune cookie.

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I don't think I would last a session in your L5R game.

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I'm not sure I could follow enough to keep up with all that.

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And now I have a hankering for General Tso's Chicken, and some fried rice.

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NobodysHome wrote:

"One Punch Man".

If you like anime, it's good.
If you like superheroes, it's good.

If you like both, it's amazing awesomeness.

That is all.

This is basically correct.

It's satire at it's finest - loving and friendly and absolutely devoted to the thing it's satirizing. Also, it's brilliant.

captain yesterday wrote:
And now I have a hankering for General Tso's Chicken, and some fried rice.

I know. Every time his game notes are added here I get that same craving.


... season three started much better than season two ended. Much better. It still started where season two promised, but in a better place.

Dang it.

One of the things that The Almighty Johnsons does very, very well is take all the ridiculousness and the seemingly inane insanity of divine decision making in the ancient myths (in this case explicitly the Norse sagas, but it applies equally to pretty much any myth you'd care to work with, from Greek to Maori to Sumerian to whatever) - all the petty jealousies, the back-biting, the seemingly-insane, "I just tried to kill you, but that's okay; but I he just tried to kill you, and that's totally a death-sentence!" and sleeping-around, and so-on - and putting into an extremely relate able extremely human context (albeit sometimes clunkily, ala the last lines of season 2).

Here's the thing: you understand the Johnsons and others on the show. You get them - you understand who they are, where they're coming from, and why they make the decisions they do. You don't always agree with them - far from from it. Most of the time you - or at least, I - disagree with them. But you relate to, and understand, and empathize with them. You get it.


The Almighty Johnsons:
Yeah, she tried to kill his little brother, but it makes sense they'd be sleeping together now, because, at its fundamental essence: no one else understands them, and, she was effectively deceived into it. Basically, there is no one else for them to be with, and she really didn't know any better.
Not saying I explicitly disagree with having a new relationship - just that this one has kind of a... rocky start. You know? Dubious introduction.

There is such a limited pool of people who actually relate to you and understand you, you kind of let those sorts of things go, or you end up being a bitter loner who hates everything.

Anyway, it does that very, very well.

The thing I've gathered from The Almighty Johnsons is that being a god is basically like having drug-fueled super-powers and split-personality, including the addiction and compulsion to do stuff with your drug-fueled super-powers and split-personality.

It... really explains a lot.

The Almighty Johnsons:

Sad Tac is sad.

It's the best ending that could happen, given the way they've set up their series, to date, but Gaia is leaving.

Dangit. :(

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I've been watching Fear The Walking Dead.

The dead are mobile! I repeat, the dead are walking!


explosive runes!!!!

It's all very dramatic.

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Seems that way!

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It's actually a great show, that does a wonderful job with cinematography (There are several scenes in every episode where you think "that shot looks like a comic book panel!"), casting, and drawing analogies to the collapse of Central and southern America social order in the 80s and 90s.

Very well done!

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Due to an unforseen set of circumstances, all shorts are dirty, thus forcing me to wear jeans. >:-(

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The Doomkitten wrote:


I don't think I would last a session in your L5R game.

We've taken to calling it "Vaguely Asian Game of Thrones" lately.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Thankfully, the dark times draw to a close, as my shorts are out of the dryer, I don't know how people wear pants all the time.

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What is your party even trying to do other than planning everybody else's downfall?

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I have a case of the Morning virus.

Soon, the entirety of the Rocky Mountains will be a post-apocalyptic wasteland as the few survivors attempt to fend off the caffeine-crazed Morning zombies.

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
Thankfully, the dark times draw to a close, as my shorts are out of the dryer, I don't know how people wear pants all the time.

I have noticed you do have a propensity for appearing at the top of the page

1 person marked this as a favorite.
The Doomkitten wrote:
What is your party even trying to do other than planning everybody else's downfall?

Isn't that what Game of Thrones is about...

captain yesterday wrote:
Thankfully, the dark times draw to a close, as my shorts are out of the dryer, I don't know how people wear pants all the time.
Tin Foil Yamakah wrote:
I have noticed you do have a propensity for appearing at the top of the page
The Doomkitten wrote:
What is your party even trying to do other than planning everybody else's downfall?
captain yesterday wrote:
Isn't that what Game of Thrones is about...

You know, I keep reading these in all the wrong order.

It works almost regardless of what order you read them in.

The The Mighty Johnsons: the Johnsons as the village people in a slap-fight, with a bald man dressed as a purple kraken trying (only mildly successfully) to break it up, with a french maid and Cleopatra looking on. The show has not - I repeat, the show has not - jumped the shark (despite that painful season two ending).

I love this thing, sometimes.

(No spoiler tags, because, you know, it's not technically a spoiler.)

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