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The other upside, no parking tickets for parking on the wrong side of the street during a snow emergency.

"What do you mean, park on the odd side of the street. they're all odd numbers!!"

I love my neighborhood. :-)

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Woo hoo! Three in a row! In yo face Tacticslion! :-D

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captain yesterday wrote:
Woo hoo! Three in a row! In yo face Tacticslion! :-D

Ffff-phrasing. And no, thanks.


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Celestial Healer wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Aranna wrote:
I always error check the GPS against a map. Ever since that time I went to Cedar Point and it literally was telling me to turn the wrong way at every corner... It is a good thing I am great at finding my way outside or it would have sent me to Cleveland.
when GPS was relatively new via TomTom and similar devices, I was driving to a con for the first time. We were on a bridge going over a sizeable river. Every few feet the GPS would tell me to end it all and drive directly into it. As in hard right (90 degree angle) turn into the river. After that I switched to phone gps.
Serves you right for buying a GPS manufactured by Skynet.

the running gag was either that the GPS turned the car into one of the vehicles from M.A.S.K. and would cause it to transform into a boat or that the GPS was from Hogwarts and was giving us directions there instead.

Scooby Doo!: Mystery Incorporated:
Daphne: "But you've got a job as a teacher! Why would you need more money?!"

Baddie: >:I

Everyone: "Ooooooooooohhhhhhhh, yyyyyeeeeeaaaaaahhhh... right, right, right, right, right..."

D-daggum. I may have found a new favorite iteration of Scooby Doo (considering somebody either hasn't been streaming, or hasn't been linking the streams here, where I can find them...).


Velma jealous of Scooby, CONFIRMED.

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Now this looks like a successful recovery strategy!

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Never heard of it. Will look into it.

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Tacticslion wrote:
Velma jealous of Scooby, CONFIRMED.

Because Daphne loves Scooby best?

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Tacticslion wrote:
Velma jealous of Scooby, CONFIRMED.
NobodysHome wrote:
Because Daphne loves Scooby best?

... ssssuuuuuurrrrreeee...


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Only place i could find it for free

Edit: it's okay, a bit heavy on the sexual awkwardness.

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captain yesterday wrote:

Only place i could find it for free

Edit: it's okay, a bit heavy on the sexual awkwardness.

Ph-phrasing. Again. ;)

(It's "romantic awkwardness" I'd call it.)

It also has tight plotting, surprisingly well-fleshed characters, and unusually solid world-building.

I mean, it's goofy and almost entirely as "serious" as the old Scooby Doo, but people have more solid motivations and characterizations to go along with it. As well, it actually addresses a few (though not all) of the issues of (relatively) young kids going around doing mysteries and finding danger.

I've only been here for three episodes... but they're unusually solid episodes. And the animation is nice, too.

EDIT: To be sure, everyone is an exaggerated archetype. That's just kind of the whole Scooby Doo thing, though. It's a goofy show, and enjoys itself on that regard.

Dark Archive

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Freehold DM wrote:
sounds like you are made of win!

Alas dear friend no.

Full tactical withdrawal.

Except less tactical and more galloping wide eyed panic.

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baron arem heshvaun wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
sounds like you are made of win!

Alas dear friend no.

Full tactical withdrawal.

Except less tactical and more galloping wide eyed panic.

damn! I'm sorry man!

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A Pup Named Scooby Doo is my favorite.

From Fred constantly blaming Red Herring, to Velma's maniacally happy look as she blasts by on her rocket powered skateboard, to Daphne and her butler.

Funny stuff!

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Tacticslion wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

Only place i could find it for free

Edit: it's okay, a bit heavy on the sexual awkwardness.

Ph-phrasing. Again. ;)

(It's "romantic awkwardness" I'd call it.)

It also has tight plotting, surprisingly well-fleshed characters, and unusually solid world-building.

I mean, it's goofy and almost entirely as "serious" as the old Scooby Doo, but people have more solid motivations and characterizations to go along with it. As well, it actually addresses a few (though not all) of the issues of (relatively) young kids going around doing mysteries and finding danger.

I've only been here for three episodes... but they're unusually solid episodes. And the animation is nice, too.

EDIT: To be sure, everyone is an exaggerated archetype. That's just kind of the whole Scooby Doo thing, though. It's a goofy show, and enjoys itself on that regard.

I enjoyed the series. (Can't recall if I ever got to finish it or not? It was getting good though!)

Fun if exaggerated exploration of the characters, with an interesting overarcing plot line that always made me want to see what happened next.

But, I like Scooby Doo, you'd have to try pretty hard to make me NOT like it! ;P

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captain yesterday wrote:
A Pup Named Scooby Doo is my favorite.

You are dead to me sir.

(Just Kidding!) ;P

captain yesterday wrote:

From Fred constantly blaming Red Herring, to Velma's maniacally happy look as she blasts by on her rocket powered skateboard, to Daphne and her butler.

Funny stuff!

Yeah, OK, I'll give you those bits were amusing. But they were the same jokes every episode. As much as I love the Scoob, this was NOT on my list of top versions to watch.

Still better than anything containing Scrappy Doo, but only by a little.
(Except the first Live action movie. THAT plot twist was great!) :)

Yeah, it's best in occasional small doses.

But that's true of any variation other then the original.

captain yesterday wrote:

Yeah, it's best in occasional small doses.

But that's true of any variation other then the original.


Agreement with you there.

Unless your REALLY in the mood for a Scooby Snack. ;)

I've never seen a Scooby Doo iteration I liked. I have no idea how it lasted so many years, and keeps getting rebooted.

Meanwhile, there hasn't been a good reboot of Looney Tunes, the greatest cartoon show in history, since...oh, man, does Tiny Toons count, since the LT characters had cameos?

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Tiny Toons and Animaniacs absolutely count.

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thegreenteagamer wrote:

I've never seen a Scooby Doo iteration I liked. I have no idea how it lasted so many years, and keeps getting rebooted.

Meanwhile, there hasn't been a good reboot of Looney Tunes, the greatest cartoon show in history, since...oh, man, does Tiny Toons count, since the LT characters had cameos?

So Animaniacs was a "spin-off" rather than a reboot?

EDIT: <Gets out spray> Darned ninjas! Must be that season again!

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Don't forget Who Framed Roger Rabbit? A cinematic masterpiece.

Also Spongebob Squarepants has a lot of Loony Tunes inspiration.

Gravity Falls is the best original inspiration of Scooby Doo. At least for me.

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captain yesterday wrote:
Don't forget Who Framed Roger Rabbit? A cinematic masterpiece.

So true, but Tiny Toons was after, so I'm trying to think of the most recent LT iteration that didn't suck harder than a porn star trying to win an award. I have't seen the most recent, but the one with Brendan Frasier was just...awful. Space Jam was pretty darn terrible, too.

I don't think Animaniacs featured any LT characters. It featured a cameo with Buster and Babs in the Noah episode, and a couple appearances of baby Plucky and Elmyra from Tiny Toons, and TT featured LT, but it didn't, itself, feature any other LT characters. (I have the series on DVD, I'm pretty sure of that.)

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Oh, man, I must've watched the Tiny Toons made for TV movie like a hundred times when I was a kid. You know, the one where Hampton and Plucky drive with Hampton's family to the theme park? We recorded it on VHS, and I kept rewinding and laughing my butt off when Hampton pukes on the comics. I was easily amused as a child.

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NobodysHome wrote:
thegreenteagamer wrote:

I've never seen a Scooby Doo iteration I liked. I have no idea how it lasted so many years, and keeps getting rebooted.

Meanwhile, there hasn't been a good reboot of Looney Tunes, the greatest cartoon show in history, since...oh, man, does Tiny Toons count, since the LT characters had cameos?

So Animaniacs was a "spin-off" rather than a reboot?

EDIT: <Gets out spray> Darned ninjas! Must be that season again!

It is true. Ninja season begins when you least expect it. *smoke bomb!*


Oh! I'm supposed to leave... I thought it was the other way around. I'm not usually the one to ninja.

*smoke bomb!*somersault!*backflip!*jump!*

2 people marked this as a favorite.
The Green Tea Gamer wrote:
Oh, man, I must've watched the Tiny Toons made for TV movie like a hundred times when I was a kid. You know, the one where Hampton and Plucky drive with Hampton's family to the theme park? We recorded it on VHS, and I kept rewinding and laughing my butt off when Hampton pukes on the comics. I was easily amused as a child.

That is the only movie I bought from ITunes. But only after I looked every where else and our VHS player broke.

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In the pub, watching boxing on the TV and wondering if it has anything in common with what we do in HEMA (which I've just come from). Maybe in terms of footwork/some rapier & dagger stuff, but I don't know. Will have to ask the coach.

I am also officially the third sweatiest man in Great Britain at the moment.

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captain yesterday wrote:
Gravity Falls is the best original inspiration of Scooby Doo. At least for me.

Gravity Falls was awesome. I got into it just before season 2 started, so I could binge season 1. I'd heard it was good, but the clincher was Orthos and Scint (I think it was her) in FaWtL talking about it and dropping quotes.

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We have most of season one (missing one episode) and Boss Mabel and Summerween (Tiny T-Rex's favorite episode) it's a lot smarter than you'd expect a Disney Channel cartoon to be.

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NobodysHome wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
Hm. I might should learn about this prank.

It was *almost* trivial.

Talky McTalktalk is an eating machine, and in spite of my insistence that I am *not* in the business of feeding half a dozen teenage boys every week, he constantly begs for food.

So when he saw Impus Minor eating some beef jerky, he asked whether he could have some. Impus Minor chose not to mention that the name of said jerky was, "Fire in the Hole", or that said jerky was the second-hottest sold by a jerky "specialty" store on Cannery Row in Monterey. (Usual tourist claptrap. My "medium" curries put all those "hot" jerkies to shame.)

Unfortunately, Talky is apparently sensitive to hot foods. A lot of bad will, obscenities, and more than a quart of milk passed around that evening.

So I spoke with Impus about how causing physical pain is NEVER funny. We'll see whether that takes.

Was Impus aware of that sensitivity? If not (and if he is accustomed to your "medium" curry) then it might be more of underestimating effects of "hot" on other people (and a valuable lesson on the differences in sensitivity between individuals) than real malice...

D-dang it.

I want both the Enigma and Thought Eater archetypes. Boo.

(Of course, most of the enigma's class features could be taken care of by about thirty-thousand gold* of continuous spells. So, maybe I should do that, instead.)

((Quick Example: Forced Quiet and Vanish or Invisibility cover most of his stealth and hidden elements - albeit by boosting stealth instead of penalizing Perception; Nondetection covers Detection Void; any wand of sufficient inflict or cure wounds can cover the sneak attack-equivalent (after all, it only gets +4d6**, and that's more than covered by an cure/inflict critical wounds***); and Anonymous Interaction and Aura of the Unremarkable are, when comcinbed with an invisibility effect, much more powerful than Absentia, I'd guess. Insta-EDIT: I forgot to mention, Bestow Curse; the real cost-driver would be Restoration or some variant.))

* Rough guesstimate only. This could be way off.
** He gets +1d6 at 5th (first), 9th, 13th, and 17th.
*** To be fair, sneak attack stacks with, you know, attacks, while the inflict (or cure) only works on touch attacks. But the mesmerist doesn't have the best BAB, and with the invisibility effects, he can get them flat-footed; between that and a touch attack, you're going to generate more consistent damage than most full-attacks with normal weapons v. AC, or even flat-foot AC.

EDIT: To make it look ppprrrreeeeetttttyyyyyy...


Money Math:

I have to know...

vanish: CL1 x SL1 x 2k x 4 for duration in rounds
forced quiet: CL1 x SL1 x 2k x 4 for duration in rounds


nondetection: CL6 x SL3 x 2k


anonymous interaction: CL3 x SL2 x 2k / 2 for duration greater than 24 hours
aura of the unremarkable: CL7 x SL2 x 2k x 2 for min/lvl


bestow curse: CL5 x SL3 x 2k / 2 for duration greater than 24 hours


restoration heal: CL11 x SL6 x 2k


Prices here.

Relevant Parts wrote:

Spell level x caster level x 2,000 gp2

2 If a continuous item has an effect based on a spell with a duration measured in rounds, multiply the cost by 4. If the duration of the spell is 1 minute/level, multiply the cost by 2, and if the duration is 10 minutes/level, multiply the cost by 1.5. If the spell has a 24-hour duration or greater, divide the cost in half.

NOPE, I was way off.

I could surely shave some of that off - heal is, technically, both more cost-effective and more like what you'd get with Touch Treatment, and, due to double-cost, I'd likely be able to drop that down a notch, but I was right either way about that being the largest driver of cost (by a huge margin)... I was just wrong about the over-all cost. Without heal, you still have: 8k+8k+36k+6k+56k+15k = 16k+42k+71k = 58k+71k = 129k; and if it's all one item, you're looking at 165.5k*. And if it doesn't take up a slot? Well. That's 331k. ... for almost an entire class' features (including it's 20th level equivalent) only better. If you made it yourself, it'd only cost the 165.5... so that's pretty solid. The other side-benefit, is that you'd not need to pay all of this at once (naturally) - you could get away with crafting it as each level came up. Sure, you're basically delaying any of those extra features until level 3, but that doesn't really matter all that much, in the grand scheme of things.

Myself, I'd probably but a limited use on the heal, pop a couple down to Command Words, shave off a large chunk, and roll out. But I wanted to point out that my original price=guesstimation was just wrong.

* 129-56=73; 73*1.5=109.5; 109.5+56=165.5


captain yesterday wrote:
Forgot a t on the end of thought though Tacticslion. :-)

Hmp. While editing, it didn't let me quote this, so I'm adding this in now. Thanks!

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Drejk wrote:
[Was Impus aware of that sensitivity? If not (and if he is accustomed to your "medium" curry) then it might be more of underestimating effects of "hot" on other people (and a valuable lesson on the differences in sensitivity between individuals) than real malice...

He probably didn't know about the sensitivity, but he absolutely did do it with malice aforethought, so I can't let him off on that little technicality...

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Forgot a t on the end of thought though Tacticslion. :-)

NobodysHome wrote:
Drejk wrote:
[Was Impus aware of that sensitivity? If not (and if he is accustomed to your "medium" curry) then it might be more of underestimating effects of "hot" on other people (and a valuable lesson on the differences in sensitivity between individuals) than real malice...

He probably didn't know about the sensitivity, but he absolutely did do it with malice aforethought, so I can't let him off on that little technicality...

In fairness to Impus though, any kid taking handout jerky knows there's a 50/50 chance it's going to taste like shit or packed with heat.

Drejk wrote:
[Was Impus aware of that sensitivity? If not (and if he is accustomed to your "medium" curry) then it might be more of underestimating effects of "hot" on other people (and a valuable lesson on the differences in sensitivity between individuals) than real malice...
NobodysHome wrote:
He probably didn't know about the sensitivity, but he absolutely did do it with malice aforethought, so I can't let him off on that little technicality...
captain yesterday wrote:
In fairness to Impus though, any kid taking handout jerky knows there's a 50/50 chance it's going to taste like s@## or packed with heat.

I'm fairly solidly with NH on this one, my friend. I'd definitely not hand out sucky jerky to anyone, much less painful sucky jerky - not without giving them warning, at least.

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I liked a pup named Scooby-Doo, and I didn't care for the second most recent reboot because it was too serious. I like the newest one, as it is silly.

Hated tiny toons due to excessive reruns and living in a small town at the time that had 3 tv stations unless you had cable. It was one of the only cartoons the area had and after a while I was inundated.

Loved Animaniacs, although the fans almost killed the series for me.

Tacticslion wrote:
Drejk wrote:
[Was Impus aware of that sensitivity? If not (and if he is accustomed to your "medium" curry) then it might be more of underestimating effects of "hot" on other people (and a valuable lesson on the differences in sensitivity between individuals) than real malice...
NobodysHome wrote:
He probably didn't know about the sensitivity, but he absolutely did do it with malice aforethought, so I can't let him off on that little technicality...
captain yesterday wrote:
In fairness to Impus though, any kid taking handout jerky knows there's a 50/50 chance it's going to taste like s@## or packed with heat.
I'm fairly solidly with NH on this one, my friend. I'd definitely not hand out sucky jerky to anyone, much less painful sucky jerky - not without giving them warning, at least.

Really, the old spicy jerky switcheroo is the second prank landscapers pull on the new guy (I hate jerky, so I never fell for it). The first one, telling someone to get the Hammer 4. The prank being how long until they ask "what's a Hammer 4?" To which you say "why don't YOU tell me what's a Hammer for" one guy drove 30 miles back to the shop and asked the equipment manager what it was before he figured it out. :-D

Yeah, different cultural norms. :D

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Did you just call us a@!$$~&s...


I suppose six months of winter is bound to leave some residual effect. Such as a darker sense of humor. :-)

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"Sensitivity" to heat, for most people, can be tamed through systematic desensitization. Why would you do this? Well, looking like a badass aside, spicy food has a ton of physical benefits. I'm too lazy to link them. Use google.

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On another note, I put this up a little while ago, and if you're the type into optimization and/or theorycrafting, and want to jump in, I could use opinions.

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I bet someone suggests Vigilante or something from Ultimate Intrigue. :-)

Too bad no Fetchlings, I'd probably go Tiefling too. A Shadow Mage is a build I've often struggled with myself.

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They probably will, despite my pointedly stating "9th level caster"

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They will BECAUSE you said that.

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What about a shadow druid of some type. Seems like that should be a thing. I'll have a looksy at my books.

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It didn't really seem possible - the only reason I even included cleric was the darkness domain can give you some of the shadow spells, but I don't think druids can even access that domain.

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I thought Nidal was big into shadow druids.

Really seems like it should be a thing. Must be something they're saving for now.

Anywhoo, I made my suggestion. :-)

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