Deep 6 FaWtL

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I am on my way to a poetry slam.

Culture ahoy!

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Slam that f$%!ing poetry Freehold!

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captain yesterday wrote:
Slam that f$%@ing poetry Freehold!

*ahem* I don't think it's wise to slam this kind of ahoy...

clothes himself

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~whistles and waves dollar bills~ Shake it! Show us what you've got! ~whistles some more~

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~grumbles~ Finally!!! I just activated the Mass Effect Trilogy through Origins. It took a lot of tries to get through to them. There must be a new game out.

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I wonder what poem Freehold DM used? My guess is that he used a classic one, like "Alton Brown, how I hate thee!!!".

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I was thinking today about running a gritty historical period RPG, perhaps during the crusades, with serious shades of gray issues for the era. Players can be legitimate noble knights, farmers picking up a blade hoping to own their fortune, pious priests hoping to do God's will, etc. - Whatever fits someone heading to the holy land under a king's command, probably King Richard as he comes to mind first.

Something where death is all too fast, like the real world, so maybe using the core New World of Darkness rules, Bu without the supernatural elements. The moral ambiguity of the crusades would be a major theme, obviously, Bu I'd want it to be one of more layers than that.

I dunno. I got the idea today on the way home from work and it's still in the brainstorming process. I guess I'm just sort of asking for ideas on where to build from here.

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Not the sort of game I personally would be interested in, so best I can offer is to wish you luck. =)

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Sharoth wrote:
I wonder what poem Freehold DM used? My guess is that he used a classic one, like "Alton Brown, how I hate thee!!!".

OH no, I didn't perform in the poetry slam, I went because someone I love very much encouraged me to go. I loved it, but the overwhelming amount of dark pieces made the lighter pieces seem jarring in comparison.

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Redbeard the Scruffy wrote:

I was thinking today about running a gritty historical period RPG, perhaps during the crusades, with serious shades of gray issues for the era. Players can be legitimate noble knights, farmers picking up a blade hoping to own their fortune, pious priests hoping to do God's will, etc. - Whatever fits someone heading to the holy land under a king's command, probably King Richard as he comes to mind first.

Something where death is all too fast, like the real world, so maybe using the core New World of Darkness rules, Bu without the supernatural elements. The moral ambiguity of the crusades would be a major theme, obviously, Bu I'd want it to be one of more layers than that.

I dunno. I got the idea today on the way home from work and it's still in the brainstorming process. I guess I'm just sort of asking for ideas on where to build from here.

Didn't OWOD already put a supplement for this out during the dark ages line?

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Probably. I haven't read much beyond core and a couple vampire books.

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Don't even know what that is.

To be honest, abbreviations annoy me, YMMV. :-)

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Tacticslion wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
I had some guy call once and say my brother was in jail, I told him to make sure he got the chair and hung up.

I think I posted this one before, but my worst was when I was dealing with a rough day at work and someone from "Microsoft Technical Support" called to tell me that there was a problem with my computer.

My response of, "OK, let's do this, <obscenity>. What's my IP address?" got an immediate hang-up.

My all-time favorite was when some guy had to read a full 2-minute speech at me. So I said, "What?" And he had to read it again. And I said, "What?" and he read it a third time.

When I then said, "Can you say that again?" he finally got mad and said, "Oh good God!" and hung up on me.

You know you're good when you get them to waste their time, get mad, and hang up on you! :-P

I've been plagued by scammers doing something similar, recently (though they claim to be from Dell, for me).

Man, I love just chatting on and on and on with them. When they get really, really, really ticked and try to goad me into doing what they say and "fixing my computer", I ask them for my case number, so I can call Dell and report their behavior. What's great is they hang up, but then, because I "bought it" or whatever, they keep calling me back. It's kind of hilarious, if it weren't so sad. Frankly, I agree: people who scam the innocent (and vulnerable!) out of their hard-earned funds are terrible. I enjoy causing them difficulty pretty exclusively because that means they're not hurting anyone else during that time, and it doesn't really cost me anything.

(The best thing, though, is when I can get them to wait while I put them on "hold" - actually, just "mute" - so I can watch a sci-show or other educational video while killing time, and reporting their number to the actual Dell. When they get to cursing or something similar and telling me - who, you know, they don't think can hear them - that I'm such an idiot, I know...


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OWOD = Old World of Darkness.

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We ran off and saw Zootopia last night, and universally thought it was a very, very good movie.

Like other Pixar John Lasseter movies, it's got a message and it beats you over the head with it. But the message is apropos to the plot-at-large, and all of us (from 12 to 54) agreed it was a really funny, really fun, excellent movie we'd all like to watch again.

As Captain Yesterday once said, YMMV.

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Lol, I still don't know what that is. :-)

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World of Darkness is the core game for Vampire The Masquerade, which is an extremely popular RPG. A lot of True Blood's mythos was stolen from inspired by their lore.

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Just for you, captain :-D

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I tried to join a vampire the masquerade game when I was twenty, once.

But they only wanted to use it as an excuse to snort angel dust and gang bang. Also they mentioned cannibalizing me at the end, so, that was the end of joining that group. :-)

This is also tied into (indirectly) my hatred of Magic The Gathering.

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Redbeard the Scruffy wrote:
Just for you, captain :-D

FaWtL is my search engine. :-)

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VtM (and Vt Requiem, it's newer version) are solid systems with good lore and just an overall great design.'s not White Wolf's fault the majority of their fans (nobody here, obviously) are a bunch of emos who didn't get enough hugs from their parents as a child.

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Totally agree, don't hate the game, hate the players. :-)

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{nods sagely} Shmebulock.

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captain yesterday wrote:

I tried to join a vampire the masquerade game when I was twenty, once.

But they only wanted to use it as an excuse to snort angel dust and gang bang. Also they mentioned cannibalizing me at the end, so, that was the end of joining that group. :-)

This is also tied into (indirectly) my hatred of Magic The Gathering.


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I for one, am thankful that vampires now sparkle from sunlight, and not an excess of party drugs. :-)

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Redbeard the Scruffy wrote:

VtM (and Vt Requiem, it's newer version) are solid systems with good lore and just an overall great design.'s not White Wolf's fault the majority of their fans (nobody here, obviously) are a bunch of emos who didn't get enough hugs from their parents as a child.

*tries to imagine Nobody with stereotypical emo hair cut...*

4 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

I tried to join a vampire the masquerade game when I was twenty, once.

But they only wanted to use it as an excuse to snort angel dust and gang bang. Also they mentioned cannibalizing me at the end, so, that was the end of joining that group.

*sigh* I played with the wrong bunch :(

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Except the whole cannibalizing Captain Yesterday part of it was rolled into the whole gang bang part of it.

Orgies are way better without angel dust and cannibalism.

Or so I'm told.

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It's all in how you define cannibalism.

There are body parts you don't have to injure to eat. :-D

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There was no double entendre, I made very sure of that before I ran. :-D

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Girl 1: oh, captain yesterday looks delicious, I think we should eat him.

Me: (laughs) well, I'd like to make a character before he dies.

Girl 2: maybe we should fry up his ears.

Me (now kind of nervous): okay, you're not serious..

Girl 1's boyfriend enters room smoking angel dust laced joint: yeah, they're serious, we're gonna eat ya man.

Me: the f++& you are!

Girl 1: oh totally, it's going to be magical..

By that time, I was running and didn't hear the rest.

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... that's awful. Proooooobably a prank, but a very bad one, for sure. Blech.

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Anyway, you ever been in an Internet argument when you make an argument, provide evidence to back it up, point to references and provide links, and then get a response of "you're wrong, also logical fallicies" and the only counter-evidence provided is rhetoric that you've already addressed and arguments you've specifically countered with evidence? Man, we nerds are the worst sometimes.

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Never get into arguments on the Internet. To my mind, the chances of one changing one's opponent's mind are pretty much close to zero and you only end up winding yourself up and wasting time that could be better spent forcing cake into a trombone or teaching the cat Gaelic, to pick two examples at random; however, lots of people enjoy that sort of thing, so there must be something in it.

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Limeylongears wrote:
Never get into arguments on the Internet. To my mind, the chances of one changing one's opponent's mind are pretty much close to zero and you only end up winding yourself up and wasting time that could be better spent forcing cake into a trombone or teaching the cat Gaelic, to pick two examples at random; however, lots of people enjoy that sort of thing, so there must be something in it.

That makes sense.

I actually don't mind discussion, even reasoned arguments with actual evidence. I can be swayed (I know - I was swayed on two points that I was incorrect about), but it is frustrating when people refuse to accept actual facts or even admit that someone else might have a point, even if they disagree.

It makes sense - as I've noted (because someone else mentioned) - we're all passionate nerds around here. It can just be... frustrating.

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Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmman. Personal attacks make me want to make personal attacks back. It's really phenomenal how... petty it can make me want to act, when really it's just a guy saying something incorrect. Jjjjooooffff.

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Realized today I won't be able to put as much work into landscaping as I was hoping when Tiny T-Rex goes to school.

A bitter pill for sure, but whatever. :-)

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This is a dumb video about navigating difficult situations. Makes me wonder who, and how bad someone f~~$ed up, gonna have to FaWtL that later. :-)

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Also all the product promotion videos I'm forced to watch are about stuffed animals.

I have kids, I've already seen all these stupid f*!#ing videos!

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Ah yes, sweet, sweet break time!

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My word! This place is more desolate then the queen's knickers! Egads! We can't have tea here, wot wot!

Reginald Peabody IV, esquire wrote:
My word! This place is more desolate then the queen's knickers! Egads! We can't have tea here, wot wot!

... which queen are you talking about?

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My word Charles tell Jeffrey to tell Jeeves to tell misses McGravely, we simply can't stay here another moment!... are.. are those hounds I hear?.. But young master Foxglove gave us his word these woods were quiet..

Scintillae wrote:

This was amazing. :D

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Internet arguments are casting pearls before swine, for sure. You're feeding your precious knowledge and research to idiots who will gladly devour the swill of ignorance, propaganda and misinformation.

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Skyrim Joke:

What do you get when the Companions drink Skooma?

The High Skjor!

I know. It was awful. I laughed when I thought it up. Nobody else has so far.

Redbeard the Scruffy wrote:
Internet arguments are casting pearls before swine, for sure. You're feeding your precious knowledge and research to idiots who will gladly devour the swill of ignorance, propaganda and misinformation.

True. I'll just put stuff up for others, then. :D


Redbeard the Scruffy wrote:

Skyrim Joke:

What do you get when the Companions drink Skooma?
** spoiler omitted **

I know. It was awful. I laughed when I thought it up. Nobody else has so far.

I don't understand it (because I don't play Skyrim), but I thought it was funny! And would anyway~! It's punmazing~! :V

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Redbeard the Scruffy wrote:

Skyrim Joke:

What do you get when the Companions drink Skooma?
** spoiler omitted **

I know. It was awful. I laughed when I thought it up. Nobody else has so far.

It just "shouts" bad joke. But I have yet to get my "voice" to laugh.

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Tacticslion wrote:
Redbeard the Scruffy wrote:
Internet arguments are casting pearls before swine, for sure. You're feeding your precious knowledge and research to idiots who will gladly devour the swill of ignorance, propaganda and misinformation.

True. I'll just put stuff up for others, then. :D


Redbeard the Scruffy wrote:

Skyrim Joke:

What do you get when the Companions drink Skooma?
** spoiler omitted **

I know. It was awful. I laughed when I thought it up. Nobody else has so far.

I don't understand it (because I don't play Skyrim), but I thought it was funny! And would anyway~! It's punmazing~! :V

Skyrim s well worth picking up, Tacticslion.

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Rome - The Second Punic War

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