Sharoth |
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I am just now watching Age of Ultron for the first time. I don't watch a lot of movies, next up, Antman, which looks great.
I didn't really like marvel comics as a kid, but even I admit they make way better movies then DC
IMHO Marvel movies are better than DC movies. Animated shows are the reverse for me. Having said that, I usually like both.

Tacticslion |

The Fermi Paradox and the Dyson Dilemma.
The Fermi Paradox — Where Are All The Aliens? (1/2)
The Fermi Paradox II — Solutions and Ideas – Where Are All The Aliens?
[url=http://www.orionsarm.com/]Orion's Arm Universe Project.
Dang it, man, why do you always post these things immediately after I've done research on them for our games! >:I

captain yesterday |
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I've made two new year's resolutions, just now, but it's cool, I'm not resolving not to procrastinate, so...
Right, my resolutions!
1) I'll not guess Galt in the AP boards, at least until after PaizoCon.
2) s%!!! I already forgot.. I hope it wasn't memory related.. it was like the best one too.. s$*~.. I hope it comes to me in an hour.. game more maybe.. that's not funny..

Sharoth |
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Sharoth wrote:The Fermi Paradox and the Dyson Dilemma.
The Fermi Paradox — Where Are All The Aliens? (1/2)
The Fermi Paradox II — Solutions and Ideas – Where Are All The Aliens?
Dang it, man, why do you always post these things immediately after I've done research on them for our games! >:I
~innocent look~ I am Sorry! I am Sorry! I will eventually apologize, but not today. But I am sorry is a lot of ways.

Kajehase |
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Kajehase wrote:Limeylongears wrote:One of the reasons I'd suck at real fencing is that I'd keep trying to do my old playground killer-move (picked up from an episode of The Phantom) - feint right, then toss the stick (since it was in the playground) over to your left hand and thrust home. Worked every time, but I suspect that a proper fencer would just smirk and collect his hit.It was our annual HEMA get-together/tournament today, and it was heaps and heaps of fun. About 80 people turned up (which is a lot for a very niche activity in the North of England), someone in our club won the sabre competition, I won one fight 5-0 (a rapier fight, which was pretty good going considering I'd handled one exactly twice before today) and lost all the rest, by differing margins, and also managed to half-sword someone in the ribs with the same rapier.
I've always wanted to pull that move off - basically, we were grappling, I made my opponent drop his weapon and kept hold of mine, then let go of him, grabbed the blade of my sword in the middle and skewered him with it - but have never managed it before. I still lost, but I was very pleased with myself.
I am now going to have to buy a rapier, to fill the aching void in my existence that has opened up as a result.
I shall try that next Wednesday - in the name of Science! - and let you know how I get on.
EDIT: Happy birthday, Drejk :)
Whoo Science!!

Tacticslion |

After a few days without internet (visiting my parents, who have wifi but my laptop just absolutely refused to connect to it), I see there are over 500 posts I missed. I'm not going to read them. So if there was anything super-important I missed, please let me know. Thank you.
Im teaching people (you included) how to play a game.
Happy Birthday, Drejk! God bless you, dude!
Aranna wrote:Is it hard to learn? I am currently between games and that might be fun.It isn't. The basics are: "roll dice, select the top two."
The post above your has a link with more details! :D
Drejk had a birthday and is awesome, and said game is easy to play.

captain yesterday |
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So, we're getting new mattresses to go with our new bunk beds, they're being shipped.
I am in charge of periodically sending updates to the General, nothing big. But just now, even after having my morning coffee, I sent her my morning update, titled mattress update. Or so I thought, turns out, a year and a half of brutalizing the spell check on my phone has left it with a rather... capricious sense of humor. So what I assumed said mattress update, and sent the text to the General without editing first, in fact said "Mistress update".
Yeah, f!*# you phone, f&*$. you.

Sharoth |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

So, we're getting new mattresses to go with our new bunk beds, they're being shipped.
I am in charge of periodically sending updates to the General, nothing big. But just now, even after having my morning coffee, I sent her my morning update, titled mattress update. Or so I thought, turns out, a year and a half of brutalizing the spell check on my phone has left it with a rather... capricious sense of humor. So what I assumed said mattress update, and sent the text to the General without editing first, in fact said "Mistress update".
Yeah, f&$% you phone, f!!$. you.
We also want "Mistress Updates" too. What eye color, what hair color, physical attributes, ect.

Redbeard the Scruffy |
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Oh, look at you, interpreting mistress to mean a woman you're having an affair with. The thought never even Crossed my mind. You seem head over heels still madly in love with your wife.
No, my mind just immediately went to certain subcultures...

Ivan Rûski |
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Actually got a couple of weekends off the past couple of weeks, which was nice. Got our tax return, and got a new fridge, which was extremely fortunate timing; my wife was transferring things from the old one to the new when the old fridge made a loud pop and the back started smoking. Went and saw Deadpool. I can't remember the last time I laughed so much at a movie. The little one is getting big. She has a vocabulary of around 30 words right now (thankfully she has not been using the couple of curse words she picked up from me).