Deep 6 FaWtL

Off-Topic Discussions

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2 people marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
Birthday party at Bounce-N-Play! Woo~!

Happy birthday, little guy, and thanks for inviting my boys! It was a pretty great 2.5 hours!

EDIT: a clothed 2.5 hours! The only things lacking were e shoes! *redresses*

Tacticslion wrote:

So FaWtL: I have manipulated the Revised Cortex System into a variant of the D&D/3.5 Game based off of a whim when I was looking at an old Hordes of the Underdark walk-through book.

I need some people to test it.

Anyone want to build characters? I'll either post them here, or PM you the relevant rules, based on what you all think/want. Or, I'll start a new thread somewhere.

Any takers?

No one? Alas...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
Birthday party at Bounce-N-Play! Woo~!

Happy birthday, little guy, and thanks for inviting my boys! It was a pretty great 2.5 hours!

EDIT: a clothed 2.5 hours! The only things lacking were e shoes! *redresses*

Oh, c'mon! Bounce and play in their birthday suits? That's what little ones DO!

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Basking in the glory that I posted a political statement in a different thread instead of tirading here.

But I'm willing to take bets on how many days/posts 'til that thread gets locked...

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It was our annual HEMA get-together/tournament today, and it was heaps and heaps of fun. About 80 people turned up (which is a lot for a very niche activity in the North of England), someone in our club won the sabre competition, I won one fight 5-0 (a rapier fight, which was pretty good going considering I'd handled one exactly twice before today) and lost all the rest, by differing margins, and also managed to half-sword someone in the ribs with the same rapier.

I've always wanted to pull that move off - basically, we were grappling, I made my opponent drop his weapon and kept hold of mine, then let go of him, grabbed the blade of my sword in the middle and skewered him with it - but have never managed it before. I still lost, but I was very pleased with myself.

I am now going to have to buy a rapier, to fill the aching void in my existence that has opened up as a result.

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The bunk bed portion of building the bunk beds is f~#~ing complete! Tiny T-Rex gave up fairly early on, but Pea Bear helped throughout, a rousing success!

Next up, the stairs.:-)

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Tacticslion wrote:
Ragadolf wrote:

Ah, ok, so maybe we're talking about different GOG's?

No, we're talking about the same one. They did nothing wrong. It was my memory of which company.

You may also be missing information on how this happened in the first place.

My hard drive died a short while back, taking most of my stuff with it. I was trying to find out which accounts had which games.

Turns out I'm signed up with: Steam, GOG, Origin, and Game Stop. I'd forgotten the last until I found the Game Stop Uninstaller in my BWN folder, which I'd successfully saved in an external hard drive (though I only just rediscovered this fact in the post you quoted).

Basically my computer died and took all my games with it and in trying to discover where those games came from, I found that I'd backed one up. That's all. Thanks!

(GOG has been great.)

Ah, I see said the blind man!

Yeah, I didn't even know that Game Stop sold digital games online, Learn something new every day! :)

One of my college buddies from back in the day convinced me to buy some stuff on GOG, ( I only refuse to use steam because of my die-hard-anti-online-only stance, although I hear they are changing that now?) AND I wish he hadn't, because as I said, I have bought too much stuff already that I will never play, much less complete, ;P

Now on with your regularly scheduled post thread,... :)

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Wait, there's a schedule?...

3 people marked this as a favorite.

What a day so far! So fun, so productive! So nice! Sun, warmth, mud f!#@ing everywhere! It truly was a spectacular day, completely unscripted.

We really needed that. :-)

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I think it's time I bring this guy out, really get spring fired up early this year.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I think I might have too many aliases.

What I really want are New avatar images.

Tacticslion wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:

So FaWtL: I have manipulated the Revised Cortex System into a variant of the D&D/3.5 Game based off of a whim when I was looking at an old Hordes of the Underdark walk-through book.

I need some people to test it.

Anyone want to build characters? I'll either post them here, or PM you the relevant rules, based on what you all think/want. Or, I'll start a new thread somewhere.

Any takers?

No one? Alas...

Well, no one here asked, but too bad!

Your education begins here!

... with the basics. I'll get to my variant system in a bit. :D

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:

So FaWtL: I have manipulated the Revised Cortex System into a variant of the D&D/3.5 Game based off of a whim when I was looking at an old Hordes of the Underdark walk-through book.

I need some people to test it.

Anyone want to build characters? I'll either post them here, or PM you the relevant rules, based on what you all think/want. Or, I'll start a new thread somewhere.

Any takers?

No one? Alas...

Is it hard to learn? I am currently between games and that might be fun.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Yes, I am that excited by this game...
it should be Kajehase who gets this excited over ships.

Well, I spent most of this morning reading a pirate novel...

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
Not available in my country. Sorry. :/

Aww... You missed Ian McKellen as a hilariously over-the-top vampire who steals Neil Tennant's bride on their wedding day.

(And Ian McKellen stealing Neil Tennant's bride is a pretty good sign the video's not autobiographical...)

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Rawr! wrote:

Woo! I can get on the site again!

Badger! Badger! Badger!

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Limeylongears wrote:

It was our annual HEMA get-together/tournament today, and it was heaps and heaps of fun. About 80 people turned up (which is a lot for a very niche activity in the North of England), someone in our club won the sabre competition, I won one fight 5-0 (a rapier fight, which was pretty good going considering I'd handled one exactly twice before today) and lost all the rest, by differing margins, and also managed to half-sword someone in the ribs with the same rapier.

I've always wanted to pull that move off - basically, we were grappling, I made my opponent drop his weapon and kept hold of mine, then let go of him, grabbed the blade of my sword in the middle and skewered him with it - but have never managed it before. I still lost, but I was very pleased with myself.

I am now going to have to buy a rapier, to fill the aching void in my existence that has opened up as a result.

One of the reasons I'd suck at real fencing is that I'd keep trying to do my old playground killer-move (picked up from an episode of The Phantom) - feint right, then toss the stick (since it was in the playground) over to your left hand and thrust home. Worked every time, but I suspect that a proper fencer would just smirk and collect his hit.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Back to winter, 30s for the next week, at least it'll mostly be mid to upper 30s, and I'll always have the bunk beds to remember it.

Ah, good times!

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"You're a s+~@ cop, you know that right" - Brad Solverson, Fargo.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

"Hon, you gotta stop stabbing him" - Ed Blumquist, Fargo.

Dark Archive

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Dressing for the job you want

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I am 36... I am feeling a bit weird.

It had been ages since I held a woman's hand and comforted her while she was crying.

It had been ages since a woman sat on my lap so very not sober and discussed philosophy and things with me.

It had been ages since I slept on a couch in someone's else place and returned home in the afternoon of the next day after party.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Happy Birthday Drejk. Hopefully things improve on your end.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Happy Birthday, Drejk! God bless you, dude!

Aranna wrote:
Is it hard to learn? I am currently between games and that might be fun.

It isn't. The basics are: "roll dice, select the top two."

The post above your has a link with more details! :D

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:

I am 36... I am feeling a bit weird.

It had been ages since I held a woman's hand and comforted her while she was crying.

It had been ages since a woman sat on my lap so very not sober and discussed philosophy and things with me.

It had been ages since I slept on a couch in someone's else place and returned home in the afternoon of the next day after party.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

I might have drunk a bit too much. I am seeing double... Strange. It's been multiple hours since I drink light drink and over 15 hours since I said enough to vodka-based drinks...

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Happy birthday O' mighty Dragon! Surely if I had a damsel to send you I would.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Hon... are.. are you seeing this"
"It's just a flying saucer, Hon, let's go!"

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Everyone knows I'm the biggest fan of comedies.

That being said, Fargo is the best show I have ever seen, and it's not even close.

It's so good I don't even need to swear to underscore how great it is.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Kajehase wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:

It was our annual HEMA get-together/tournament today, and it was heaps and heaps of fun. About 80 people turned up (which is a lot for a very niche activity in the North of England), someone in our club won the sabre competition, I won one fight 5-0 (a rapier fight, which was pretty good going considering I'd handled one exactly twice before today) and lost all the rest, by differing margins, and also managed to half-sword someone in the ribs with the same rapier.

I've always wanted to pull that move off - basically, we were grappling, I made my opponent drop his weapon and kept hold of mine, then let go of him, grabbed the blade of my sword in the middle and skewered him with it - but have never managed it before. I still lost, but I was very pleased with myself.

I am now going to have to buy a rapier, to fill the aching void in my existence that has opened up as a result.

One of the reasons I'd suck at real fencing is that I'd keep trying to do my old playground killer-move (picked up from an episode of The Phantom) - feint right, then toss the stick (since it was in the playground) over to your left hand and thrust home. Worked every time, but I suspect that a proper fencer would just smirk and collect his hit.

I shall try that next Wednesday - in the name of Science! - and let you know how I get on.

EDIT: Happy birthday, Drejk :)

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:

I am 36... I am feeling a bit weird.

It had been ages since I held a woman's hand and comforted her while she was crying.

It had been ages since a woman sat on my lap so very not sober and discussed philosophy and things with me.

It had been ages since I slept on a couch in someone's else place and returned home in the afternoon of the next day after party.

Happy Birthday, another year another D6 to the breath weapon

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Toxic effigy: A human-like construct assassin.

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Love that name!

I don't know what I hate more, Greek yogurt, or the fact that it completely drove out fruit on the bottom yogurt, which I loved.

Edit: however, considering the wife and kids love it I must acquiesce.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Yogurt sans fruit is not worth eating.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tequila Sunrise wrote:
Yogurt sans fruit is not worth eating.

There's other types of yogurt?

5 people marked this as a favorite.

:D THE SUPERVISOR I DON'T LIKE JUST COMMITTED A HUGE EMPLOYMENT LAW VIOLATION RIGHT IN FRONT OF OUR UNION REP! It's like Christmas, Halloween, and St. Patrick's Day all rolled into one! It's so amazingly glorious!

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4 people marked this as a favorite.

Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and a spinach - mushroom mix that is really good. It is good being married to a foodie!

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Time for bed. Not looking forward to tomorrow.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Never made meatloaf. Never eaten meatloaf.

'I'll do anything for love... But I won't do that'

Wait! Yes! Yes I will, as soon as I can find a recipe!

For that, not for that.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Rosita the Riveter wrote:
:D THE SUPERVISOR I DON'T LIKE JUST COMMITTED A HUGE EMPLOYMENT LAW VIOLATION RIGHT IN FRONT OF OUR UNION REP! It's like Christmas, Halloween, and St. Patrick's Day all rolled into one! It's so amazingly glorious!

So a well-built bearded gentleman in a sled pulled by leprechauns has just dropped pumpkins filled with sweeties and Guinness down your chimney?

That sounds alright :D

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Interesting. Roots is being remade by the History Channel.

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Our search for cheap quality mattresses turned into a search for a new desk so suddenly, I honestly didn't see it coming.

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Thankfully, the desk thing didn't go anywhere.

Damn. You got Desked. I mean Decked. Did it beat the stuffing out of you? Do you have yourself covered? Just table your answers for now. I am now board.

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Of course the trouble with being married to a foodie is when said foodie tries something and then dislikes it. The Wife substituted oatmeal for bread since she did not have enough bread. I REALLY like the meatloaf even with oatmeal instead of bread, but she doesn't. Oh well. Lunch for me and some goes to my mom who WILL enjoy it.

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How is Dishonored game of the year edition?

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Sharoth wrote:
Interesting. Roots is being remade by the History Channel.

I may have to check that out. The original did not age well.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

The Fermi Paradox.

The Fermi Paradox and the Dyson Dilemma.

Matrioshka brain

The Fermi Paradox — Where Are All The Aliens? (1/2)

The Fermi Paradox II — Solutions and Ideas – Where Are All The Aliens?

[url=]Orion's Arm Universe Project.

Encyclopaedia Galactica - Matrioshka brain

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