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Dr. Jan Jansen III, Turnip King wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:

THREAD SECURITY OFFICER: Sir, what if he has a psychommu?

ME: Then god help us all, son.

TIL I learned what a psychommu is.

Also, TIRemembered that MondayIL that there is a place in New Jersey called Freehold. Is Freehold DM originally from NJ, or is this township some Garden State version of Innsmouth? Does the all bike-riding populace own a plethora of Gundam toys and merch, children are warned in bedtime stories of the evil Whedbrown investigators, and everyone waits excitedly for the eventual awakening of the inscrutable Freeholdthulhuhuhuamon?

I am indeed from Brooklyn, New York. That there is a Freehold in new jersey, along with a gundam planet, is a coincidence.

Children should be warned about Whedon, yes. You never know what he's going to watch, sanitize, live action-ify, and say he came up with.

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The naked truth, folks.

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Sissyl wrote:
Bangkok. That is all.

I swear I was only there for one night!!!

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Freehold DM wrote:
Dr. Jan Jansen III, Turnip King wrote:
Also, TIRemembered that MondayIL that there is a place in New Jersey called Freehold. Is Freehold DM originally from NJ, or is this township some Garden State version of Innsmouth? Does the all bike-riding populace own a plethora of Gundam toys and merch, children are warned in bedtime stories of the evil Whedbrown investigators, and everyone waits excitedly for the eventual awakening of the inscrutable Freeholdthulhuhuhuamon?

I am indeed from Brooklyn, New York. That there is a Freehold in new jersey, along with a gundam planet, is a coincidence.

Children should be warned about Whedon, yes. You never know what he's going to watch, sanitize, live action-ify, and say he came up with.

Grrr, argh! OK, everyone, shut it down. No, Alton, put the Dushkubots back in the crates. He's not falling for the bait. Just as well, the ICan'tBelieveIt'sNotBonChon tastes awful. I was so hoping that The Freehold Show could herald my triumphant return to TV. Is it too late to do another Avengers?

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I have a fairly noticeable Canadian (Ontario to be specific) accent. This is something of a mystery to everyone, myself included, as I am not in fact Canadian. I grew up in the Chicago area and various parts of Michigan. Also, none of the rest of my family have a Canadian accent. This has often been a problem for me as I cannot prounounce the midwestern nasal short a sound to save my life. I can pick up other accents no problem. I'm a natural mimic. I simply can't do the accent of the place I am actually from due to a complete and utter inability to master the defining vowel. :P
When I was younger my friends used to try and trick me into saying words with the short a sound (think apple, can't, and the perennial favorite dad) and then laugh themselves silly because they thought it sounded so weird when I said it. *shrug* Nothing I can do about it anyways. :)

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lynora wrote:

I have a fairly noticeable Canadian (Ontario to be specific) accent. This is something of a mystery to everyone, myself included, as I am not in fact Canadian. I grew up in the Chicago area and various parts of Michigan. Also, none of the rest of my family have a Canadian accent. This has often been a problem for me as I cannot prounounce the midwestern nasal short a sound to save my life. I can pick up other accents no problem. I'm a natural mimic. I simply can't do the accent of the place I am actually from due to a complete and utter inability to master the defining vowel. :P

When I was younger my friends used to try and trick me into saying words with the short a sound (think apple, can't, and the perennial favorite dad) and then laugh themselves silly because they thought it sounded so weird when I said it. *shrug* Nothing I can do about it anyways. :)

I believe that's pronounced, "aboot".

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Captain Yesterday's improvisational song time! (Sung in a cliche Canadian accent)

I'm a little mousey, tiny and cute
Here is my tail, and here is my snoot.

Came up with this yesterday, kids love it.

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NobodysHome wrote:
lynora wrote:

I have a fairly noticeable Canadian (Ontario to be specific) accent. This is something of a mystery to everyone, myself included, as I am not in fact Canadian. I grew up in the Chicago area and various parts of Michigan. Also, none of the rest of my family have a Canadian accent. This has often been a problem for me as I cannot prounounce the midwestern nasal short a sound to save my life. I can pick up other accents no problem. I'm a natural mimic. I simply can't do the accent of the place I am actually from due to a complete and utter inability to master the defining vowel. :P

When I was younger my friends used to try and trick me into saying words with the short a sound (think apple, can't, and the perennial favorite dad) and then laugh themselves silly because they thought it sounded so weird when I said it. *shrug* Nothing I can do about it anyways. :)

I believe that's pronounced, "aboot".

Yes, yes it is.

And no, that does not make it an item of footwear. :P

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Fun story, and updates to the Aldea setting.

Hey, if you know anyone that plays Blue Rose, let them know about the thread! I like more feedback than just my own...

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There's a difference between non-French Canadian and Midwestern accents?

Because I'm gonna be honest, they sound the same to me.

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Upper midwest and Canadian accents are almost indistinguishable. Lower midwest (and mid-midwest) are distinct from that accent. Chicago proper has its own.

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I think I have finally tricked myself into increased healthy eating as I now have an almost complete set of Stanley green thermoi and am eating more veggie soup and drinking more tea/water

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I'm going to Sweet Tomatoes later to balance out that what I will be eating is healthy by stuffing myself until I hate myself, because I'm an American, not a quitter!

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When I was younger and doing marital arts all the time, it was salad and apples and cheese. I guess soup is an old man thing.

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I love soup and apples and salad and cheese!

I just hate stopping eating and actually moving. Fun fact - you can get fat eating right in massive quantities, but at least your blood pressure and cholesterol will be perfect, much to your doctor's puzzlement.

Silver Crusade

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lynora wrote:

I have a fairly noticeable Canadian (Ontario to be specific) accent. This is something of a mystery to everyone, myself included, as I am not in fact Canadian. I grew up in the Chicago area and various parts of Michigan. Also, none of the rest of my family have a Canadian accent. This has often been a problem for me as I cannot prounounce the midwestern nasal short a sound to save my life. I can pick up other accents no problem. I'm a natural mimic. I simply can't do the accent of the place I am actually from due to a complete and utter inability to master the defining vowel. :P

When I was younger my friends used to try and trick me into saying words with the short a sound (think apple, can't, and the perennial favorite dad) and then laugh themselves silly because they thought it sounded so weird when I said it. *shrug* Nothing I can do about it anyways. :)

I'll give you my nasal short A. I don't want it. (It's a feature of Western New York accents, and it creeps up when I'm not vigilant.)

Sometimes John chuckles when I say something like "apple" or "carrot". But since he has a full on Long Island accent going, I feel like that is a pretty fragile glass house to be throwing stones from. I just tell him to say "I had coffee with my boss's daughter" and it shuts him up :)

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I sound a bit like a Wurzel, a bit like Alan Rickman and a bit Yorkshire, depending on what mood I'm in/how much beer I've had.

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I... had an accent, once. Then I moved to Lithuania, and then Florida. All that remains is the word "y'all" and a lingering fondness for sweet tea.

Oh, and soup is ON! Literally! Well, the soup is literal, anyway.

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Celestial Healer wrote:
lynora wrote:

I have a fairly noticeable Canadian (Ontario to be specific) accent. This is something of a mystery to everyone, myself included, as I am not in fact Canadian. I grew up in the Chicago area and various parts of Michigan. Also, none of the rest of my family have a Canadian accent. This has often been a problem for me as I cannot prounounce the midwestern nasal short a sound to save my life. I can pick up other accents no problem. I'm a natural mimic. I simply can't do the accent of the place I am actually from due to a complete and utter inability to master the defining vowel. :P

When I was younger my friends used to try and trick me into saying words with the short a sound (think apple, can't, and the perennial favorite dad) and then laugh themselves silly because they thought it sounded so weird when I said it. *shrug* Nothing I can do about it anyways. :)

I'll give you my nasal short A. I don't want it. (It's a feature of Western New York accents, and it creeps up when I'm not vigilant.)

Sometimes John chuckles when I say something like "apple" or "carrot". But since he has a full on Long Island accent going, I feel like that is a pretty fragile glass house to be throwing stones from. I just tell him to say "I had coffee with my boss's daughter" and it shuts him up :)

is that why you say apple weird sometimes?

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Job applications, drawing practice, blog entries.

This has been quite the busy month on my end for the most part.

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It's a bit silly watching folks coming from nations that couldn't write down their language using Latin alphabet correctly even to save their lives discussing "pronunciation" of anything written down with said alphabet...

captain yesterday wrote:

Besides clothing.

I wear no adornment, no jewelry, watch, tattoo or piercing.

I barely remember to wear my wedding ring (which is a five dollar mood ring from a flea market) but in my line of work (landscaping, not toy store) unless you do throw down serious cash ($2,000+ for titanium), your wedding ring won't last (tho i have twice had it save me from serious or catastrophic injury).


Aranna wrote:
I mean if she married you it's a safe bet that she doesn't think you are a loser.

Well, not necessarily...

Freehold DM wrote:

alarm goes off

hits communicator next to bed
THREAD SECURITY OFFICER: Sir! We have reports of fashion politicking in thread!
ME: hmm. Technically not politics. Still, take us to yellow alert.
THREAD SECURITY OFFICER: Yellow alert, aye! Request permission to set bikes aflame, sir!
ME: pensive No..not yet. Still...have engineering go over the schematics we acquired for that bike-proof armor. We need an edge against NobodysHome's enhanced technology.
THREAD SECURITY OFFICER: Sir, what if he has a psychommu?
ME: Then god help us all, son.

Does this mean that you're the fashion police?

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Having a hard time. I'm on a "no carbs after 5" thing from my doctor, and Life cereal is sitting there. Taunting me. Naturally, it's all either of my sons want to eat at present (having finished their meals). :|

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Limeylongears wrote:

Someone on my (perfectly respectable) dating site with the username 'busty[vaguely French sounding word] wants to meet me.

Too good to be true, perhaps.

Totally legit. Go for it, man.

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captain yesterday wrote:
Oh, you have an accent, however slight it might be. Every region has slight differences in pronouncing words that affect how you sound elsewhere.

I've been told that I sound like I'm from Detroit. I've never lived anywhere near Detroit.

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I worded that wrong, a co-worker got a titanium wedding band, I've never paid more then 5 bucks for any of mine.

Once I had a boulder shift and nearly crushed my hand but the cheap ring saved it, but still snapped and stabbed my finger, still not broken bones. Another time I had a saw blade skip and hit my ring but never made it further.

~shakes my head~ Between Perkus Maximus, Campfire, Frostfall, and Hunterborn I am going to have to relearn Skyrim. And those are not even all of the mods that I have installed.

Freehold DM wrote:
I had a brooklyn accent that I lost moving between California and Pennsylvania.

Pretty sure you've still got it.

Rosita the Riveter wrote:
Like, it's actually kinda funny how dead accurate it is.

Hella funny, even.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Celestial Healer wrote:
I'll give you my nasal short A. I don't want it. (It's a feature of Western New York accents, and it creeps up when I'm not vigilant.)

Rochester: where Ann and Ian have the same name.

David M Mallon wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Oh, you have an accent, however slight it might be. Every region has slight differences in pronouncing words that affect how you sound elsewhere.
I've been told that I sound like I'm from Detroit. I've never lived anywhere near Detroit.

Come to think of it, I've never even been to Detroit...

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Thunderchild looks awesome!!! Installing now.

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Captain Tomorrow wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:

alarm goes off

hits communicator next to bed
THREAD SECURITY OFFICER: Sir! We have reports of fashion politicking in thread!
ME: hmm. Technically not politics. Still, take us to yellow alert.
THREAD SECURITY OFFICER: Yellow alert, aye! Request permission to set bikes aflame, sir!
ME: pensive No..not yet. Still...have engineering go over the schematics we acquired for that bike-proof armor. We need an edge against NobodysHome's enhanced technology.
THREAD SECURITY OFFICER: Sir, what if he has a psychommu?
ME: Then god help us all, son.
Does this mean that you're the fashion police?

No, he's the Batman of fashion vigilante-ism. I'm not sure who's his archvillian nemesis though: Tim "Freeze Ray" Gunn or Undead Joan Rivers?

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The Freehold Inquisition wrote:
Captain Tomorrow wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:

alarm goes off

hits communicator next to bed
THREAD SECURITY OFFICER: Sir! We have reports of fashion politicking in thread!
ME: hmm. Technically not politics. Still, take us to yellow alert.
THREAD SECURITY OFFICER: Yellow alert, aye! Request permission to set bikes aflame, sir!
ME: pensive No..not yet. Still...have engineering go over the schematics we acquired for that bike-proof armor. We need an edge against NobodysHome's enhanced technology.
THREAD SECURITY OFFICER: Sir, what if he has a psychommu?
ME: Then god help us all, son.
Does this mean that you're the fashion police?
No, he's the Batman of fashion vigilante-ism. I'm not sure who's his archvillian nemesis though: Tim "Freeze Ray" Gunn or Undead Joan Rivers?

I have been told that I have the fashion sense of an amoeba. Can I be your arch-nemesis?

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David M Mallon wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
I had a brooklyn accent that I lost moving between California and Pennsylvania.
Pretty sure you've still got it.


Clearly only the lpm and the first lady can solve this one.

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I came. I saw. I conquered. Salads fear me. Soup runs from my presence. May God have mercy on the souls of any holiday candy cane flavored soft serve frozen yogurt that crosses my path.

Sweet Tomatoes, you are my restaurant soulmate. I ate so much salad and soup, I'm going to have a hydroponic garden growing in my intestines.

Sriracha coleslaw. Sriracha udon noodle soup with tofu! It. Was. Wonderful.

And my best buddy paid for it. Just cause he's cool like that.

Today was a good day.

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And... Xbox Live is down. No Dragon Age tonight. Gotta love games that require an internet connection in order to access save data. And this is what I do to relax. Living in the future blows.

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Well, looks like it's cocktail o'clocktail.

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Wait! Do you really gratify yourself in a plastic tent, on the beach!

Some people have all the luck.

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David M Mallon wrote:
And... Xbox Live is down. No Dragon Age tonight. Gotta love games that require an internet connection in order to access save data. And this is what I do to relax. Living in the future blows.


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I'm glad I'm still on my archaic Xbox 360, no modem or whatever makes internets go (could be a hamster, possibly).

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