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1 person marked this as a favorite.

I drank all the wine. The whole bottle. And I'm still coherent. And can still play Guitar Hero. Not Rock Band, though. Rock Band is b@#&$#@@ hard compared to Guitar Hero. Or I'm drunk. I dunno. How come I can spell and talk straight? Do I need to break into my beer and sake stocks? But they maybe I can't play Guitar Hero.

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Rosita the Riveter wrote:
I drank all the wine. The whole bottle. And I'm still coherent. And can still play Guitar Hero. Not Rock Band, though. Rock Band is b&$!@+*# hard compared to Guitar Hero. Or I'm drunk. I dunno. How come I can spell and talk straight?

I can always type and proofread properly when I drink. Case in point: right now.

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Last year, I went on tour with a few local musicians (I was the road manager), and after playing a show in Rochester, we ended up staying with friends of James (from Participation Trophy) at RIT. Since I had to be Tour Dad, I wasn't drinking, but everyone else was. One of the RIT dudes drank a handle of vodka and proceeded to bang through 7 or 8 songs on Guitar Hero on the highest difficulty setting without missing a note. F!!@ing legend.

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I accidentally the whole thing. Did you?

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Jungle maps are the worst. No exceptions.
With flight suits, desert maps are the best.
Without flight suits, I pine for those barnyard missions - so relatively simple.
EDIT: Night missions - such a pain. It's only worse when it's nighttime jungle missions.

"Oh, hello there, alien guy, who's literally right in front of me! I couldn't see you there!"

My nineteenth birthday I drank 20 beers out of a case then went to Great America first thing in the morning and finished off the day with a trip to White Castle before heading home.

I did not get sick once.

A personal triumph of mine. :-)

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Okay, more Sissyl's teachy time for X-COM:

In X-COM, you learn by doing. This means you have stuff to do during the missions:

ALWAYS, ALWAYS carry more than you should. The more the better.
ALWAYS get shot, so long as you don't get killed, unless you absolutely need the guy next time.
ALWAYS do the stair climbing with every spare moment.
ALWAYS try to get into a shootout with aliens where reaction time matters.
ALWAYS spend every possible time unit.
And so on. It has been a while.

This is the way to get true badasses in your squad. Expecting them to train between missions is apparently off the table.

Then more than half of them will prove to have no psi ability at all, and you will need to fire them anyway.

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Best not to play Mass Effect 2 when tired... I am earning way too many renegade points.

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Also, I found a good quote regarding that online D&D campaign I mentioned in passing.

"It's like we've put the best parts of Touhou, the Persona series, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Blazblue, Fire Emblem and some other good series in a blender of awesome."

We've had happy moments, sad ones, awesome ones, and silly ones. Funny how much good comes from an excellent DM putting D&D, BESM d20 and bits of Pathfinder together.

Dark Archive

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Morning FaWtLy folk. I hope everyone is well today, and has a good one ahead of them. Weekend is almost here, for those that benefits. Hope ye have some fun plans ahead. :)

Dark Archive

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Thursday Night Game:
Last session of a multiple year long campaign tonight, very mixed feelings about that. GM is planning a hiatus on gaming afterwards, so that'll most likely mean no tabletops for a while. Hopefully we'll manage to keep in touch, the group has a bad habit of losing people whenever they can't attend the games anymore. If there's no game at all... well, I'll keep making the effort anyhow. Maybe replace it with a boardgame night or something.

The game is expected to end with the Great Destroyer showing up and ending all of existence. The GM has said that he looks forward to being surprised by us. Problem being, we've got nothing. The Great Destroyer is the Creator of all existence, and also the GM, and we haven't been able to come up with any sort of plan, in game or out. I fear it will all end with not a bang, but a whisper. Hopefully one of the other players has been holding back, because it would be a sad ending for such an epic, long lived campaign.

Dark Archive

6 people marked this as a favorite.

I've got the little one down this weekend, looking forward to seeing him and giving him a big hug. My mum bought a set of jigsaw puzzles for him, so I'm looking forward to what he thinks of them. Otherwise, looking like a rainy weekend, so it'll have to be indoor activities for the duration. Not his favourite, but we'll make do. We always do.

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Let us know how the game goes Synos =)

7 people marked this as a favorite.

NobodysHome's Self-Improvement Journey:

An End to Obesity

  • Days without alcohol: 165
  • Days of dieting: 43
  • Current weight: 188.2
  • Weight lost so far: 14.6 pounds
  • Weight to go: 23.2 pounds
  • Total days of fasting: 0
  • Best weight since: May, 2010
  • Thoughts and musings:
    As of this morning, I weighed in at 188.2 pounds, putting me over the body mass index (BMI) line from "Obese I" and into "Overweight". Amusingly enough, over doctor's protestations, repeated studies are showing that it's much better to be an active aging "overweight" person than an active aging "normal" person. Maybe it's time to scrap that BMI index altogether, ladies and gents?

    Anyway, now that I've "conquered" both obesity and alcoholism, the obvious question is: Which was harder? And I hate to be the bearer of bad tidings, but losing weight wins... by a country mile. No matter how hard it was to stop drinking, I could constantly remind myself, "I will be a better person if I win this battle right now."
    With dieting, the spectre of, "Am I doing permanent harm to myself by not eating enough?" looms large over every decision. Even worse, there are times you don't crave alcohol: Early in the morning, in the middle of doing something fun, etc. You always crave food. And all those diets where you count calories and eat tons of roughage to try to prevent you from being hungry? They don't really work (at least for me). It's all about, "Well, it sucks now, but it'll suck even worse if I don't behave myself today and end up having to starve all day tomorrow."

    On the bright side, that approach massively changed my diet. I am far more likely to grab an apple or some broccoli because it is "safe", than eat anything salty or fried (my bete noir). So improved diet, lost weight... really everything a doctor could hope for. But it ain't easy. It just plain sucks. But if I do it now, before I'm 50, I'll never have to do it again...

    As a side note, the spectre of fasting causes... fasting. I've been sticking to 2 meals a day, and only 1 if I know I'm going out. It's putting me well ahead of schedule, so on occasion I get to do something "fun". For example, Tuesday night NobodysWife wanted to go to the local pub for a bite. Because I was 3 pounds ahead of schedule, I could say, "Sure!" and enjoy some good "pub food". Of course, it's a Bay Area pub, so while NobodysWife had a perfectly good shepherd's pie, I went for the 'gyro platter with salad', so "pub fare" may be a misnomer...

    3 people marked this as a favorite.
    David M Mallon wrote:

    ** spoiler omitted **

    Fellow central/western New York State people may appreciate this one.

    I understood that reference!

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Icyshadow wrote:

    Also, I found a good quote regarding that online D&D campaign I mentioned in passing.

    "It's like we've put the best parts of Touhou, the Persona series, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Blazblue, Fire Emblem and some other good series in a blender of awesome."

    We've had happy moments, sad ones, awesome ones, and silly ones. Funny how much good comes from an excellent DM putting D&D, BESM d20 and bits of Pathfinder together.


    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    Aranna wrote:
    Best not to play Mass Effect 2 when tired... I am earning way too many renegade points.

    no such thing.

    stabs person repairing gunship in back


    He was gonna attack me.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Was the salad deep fried?

    Edit: great job! As someone with obese brothers I've seen the difficulty of dieting first hand, kudos for the self control. :-)

    3 people marked this as a favorite.
    Freehold DM wrote:
    David M Mallon wrote:

    ** spoiler omitted **

    Fellow central/western New York State people may appreciate this one.

    I understood that reference!

    Packers joke from the Before Holmgren Dark Ages of the 70s-early 90s

    911 operator: And what seems to be the problem sir

    Packers season ticket holder: someone broke into my car!

    911 operator: Sir! Calm down sir and please describe what happened.

    Packers season ticket holder: Well I went to the Mall and left my season tickets on the dashboard with the doors unlocked, ya know, hoping someone might take them, but when I came back someone had left an extra pair of tickets!

    Silver Crusade

    3 people marked this as a favorite.
    David M Mallon wrote:
    Just want to give a shoutout to FreeholdDM for starting his Mass Effect game. Literally the high point of my day is checking for new posts.

    It's a blast, isn't it?

    Silver Crusade

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    David M Mallon wrote:
    Treppa wrote:
    Glad I'm not the only one who can't drive a Mako.
    Aw, come one, it only took me until my second playthrough to get a handle on that thing, and I suck at video games. I can't figure out how the buttons work, but I can drive the s!#@ out of the space car.

    It's not the difficulty, it's the tedium. I know that at the end of this drive I will find Liara's dig site; why do I have to spend 30 minutes driving there? And if I make a mistake I have to start over.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    Rosita the Riveter wrote:
    I drank all the wine. The whole bottle. And I'm still coherent. And can still play Guitar Hero. Not Rock Band, though. Rock Band is b$*~@*$$ hard compared to Guitar Hero. Or I'm drunk. I dunno. How come I can spell and talk straight? Do I need to break into my beer and sake stocks? But they maybe I can't play Guitar Hero.

    why is all the wine gone?

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Why do companies have to be difficult... I still don't have Internet. Don't they want my money?

    Dark Archive

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Orthos wrote:
    Let us know how the game goes Synos =)

    I will do, if it happens. They just put out a big storm warning for tonight, and the GM is considered postponing.

    Dark Archive

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    It's been ages since I've played Guitar Hero/Rockband. I loved that game. We even had a band for it... the _______ Leprechauns. If only I could remember the blank...

    Dark Archive

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    I must have driven over every inch of every planet, every time I play Mass Effect. I could certainly get frustrated with the Mako, but never so much that it stopped me. Besides, it was a killing machine. :D

    6 people marked this as a favorite.

    A friend brought over Guitar Hero II one day and we sat around toying with it. On my turn, I picked some random song - Them Bones - and started playing along with it. Then counting it... is this in seven?... then delighting in the chords and the words and the structure of the whole thing.

    Thus I began to appreciate Alice in Chains and Jerry Cantrell, and most other groups were left in the dust.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Alice in Chains had me as soon as I heard We Die Young.

    I've never played any of the Guitar whatever games.

    captain yesterday wrote:
    I've never played any of the Guitar whatever games.

    Me either

    Less due to lack of desire and more lack of opportunity

    3 people marked this as a favorite.

    I have been reorganizing my home and work PC file structures and getting them synchronized with Google Drive.

    It is surprisingly (and sadly) gratifying.

    Dark Archive

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    Celestial Healer wrote:
    David M Mallon wrote:
    Just want to give a shoutout to FreeholdDM for starting his Mass Effect game. Literally the high point of my day is checking for new posts.
    It's a blast, isn't it?

    Hear, hear!

    4 people marked this as a favorite.

    Tiny T-Rex after eating his breakfast "Now I'm healthier flexes arms so I can push all the beautiful girls on the heavy, heavy swings"

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    captain yesterday wrote:
    Tiny T-Rex after eating his breakfast "Now I'm healthier flexes arms so I can push all the beautiful girls on the heavy, Heavy swings"

    I like that kid!

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    LordSynos wrote:
    Celestial Healer wrote:
    David M Mallon wrote:
    Just want to give a shoutout to FreeholdDM for starting his Mass Effect game. Literally the high point of my day is checking for new posts.
    It's a blast, isn't it?
    Hear, hear!

    I am naught but a humble fan.

    Who is complimented by passing mass effect fans on his N7 hoody on the regular.

    Which he may or may not wear while posting.

    And playing.

    And to bed.

    And met legion.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Met Legion?

    Silver Crusade

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    NobodysHome wrote:
    ** spoiler omitted **...

    You will have to give me some pointers on the weight loss thing, I was hoping that since I was not drinking I would lose weight. I am 5'11 and at last check about 192, I figure I need to lose about 20 lbs. or so.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Treppa wrote:
    Met Legion?

    I met him at connecticon. Here's hoping I'll meet him again next year and have money for pictures and autographed copy of game.

    Silver Crusade

    3 people marked this as a favorite.
    Epic Stuff wrote:
    The game is expected to end with the Great Destroyer showing up and ending all of existence. The GM has said that he looks forward to being surprised by us. Problem being, we've got nothing. The Great Destroyer is the Creator of all existence, and also the GM, and we haven't been able to come up with any sort of plan, in game or out. I fear it will all end with not a bang, but a whisper. Hopefully one of the other players has been holding back, because it would be a sad ending for such an epic, long lived campaign.

    That is about as epic as it gets, I am still playing around with my BBEG, I am leaning towards a fallen angel perhaps an evil solar

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Freehold DM wrote:
    Treppa wrote:
    Met Legion?
    I met him at connecticon. Here's hoping I'll meet him again next year and have money for pictures and autographed copy of game.

    Did you school him playing Connect 4?

    6 people marked this as a favorite.

    Woah, isn't this bang on? Wish I had heard of it before now. And it doesn't only apply to grad students, it can apply to poor and middle class kids going to rich kid colleges.

    Dark Archive

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    LordSynos wrote:
    Orthos wrote:
    Let us know how the game goes Synos =)
    I will do, if it happens. They just put out a big storm warning for tonight, and the GM is considered postponing.

    And postponed. It seems the Great Destroyer can be delayed by bad weather. Must keep that in mind for when the next session happens. :)

    Tin Foil Yamakah wrote:
    NobodysHome wrote:
    ** spoiler omitted **...

    You will have to give me some pointers on the weight loss thing, I was hoping that since I was not drinking I would lose weight. I am 5'11 and at last check about 192, I figure I need to lose about 20 lbs. or so.

    I'm afraid it's really as simple (and as painful) as I made it out to be when I first posted:

    (1) Get a "good" digital scale in that it is consistent. If you step on it 3 times in a row, does it give you the same number 3 times, or 3 wildly different numbers? You don't necessarily need accuracy, but you sure as heck need consistency.

    (2) Map out a weight loss of 1.4-2.1 pounds per week from where you are to where you want to be. I suppose sensible people would go for 0.7 kilos. Something easily divisible by 7, and that you can track on your scale.

    (3) Weigh in every morning. If you're over the line, you don't eat that day. No food. No flavored drinks. Water, black coffee, or tea. That's it.

    Congratulations! You're done!

    Dark Archive

    Tin Foil Yamakah wrote:
    Epic Stuff wrote:
    The game is expected to end with the Great Destroyer showing up and ending all of existence. The GM has said that he looks forward to being surprised by us. Problem being, we've got nothing. The Great Destroyer is the Creator of all existence, and also the GM, and we haven't been able to come up with any sort of plan, in game or out. I fear it will all end with not a bang, but a whisper. Hopefully one of the other players has been holding back, because it would be a sad ending for such an epic, long lived campaign.
    That is about as epic as it gets, I am still playing around with my BBEG, I am leaning towards a fallen angel perhaps an evil solar

    If you've watched Supernatural, we started out at about the same level as Sam and Dean. Things have just evolved over the years. And as I said, I feel it's almost too epic. I, at least, feel somewhat powerless in the face of such a foe.

    Silver Crusade

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Are you kidding me wrote:
    you don't eat that day. No food. No flavored drinks. Water, black coffee, or tea. That's it

    Wow that's gonna be a tough one, I am kind of an asshat when I get hungry. I suppose a kale/spinach smoothie is out too.

    Silver Crusade

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    If you've watched Supernatural, we started out at about the same level as Sam and Dean. Things have just evolved over the years. And as I said, I feel it's almost too epic. I, at least, feel somewhat powerless in the face of such a foe.

    I have not seen supernatural, but unless the DM has provide you a way to damage this creature. A bane divine if you will, I too would feel pretty helpless

    4 people marked this as a favorite.

    Tiny T-Rex (in the backseat, looking out the window) "I used to ride a cow" eyes narrow, voice darkens... "and a Shark"

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Tin Foil Yamakah wrote:
    Are you kidding me wrote:
    you don't eat that day. No food. No flavored drinks. Water, black coffee, or tea. That's it
    Wow that's gonna be a tough one, I am kind of an asshat when I get hungry. I suppose a kale/spinach smoothie is out too.

    Well, that's the thing. For me, just the threat of having to fast has been enough. 43 days in now, down almost 15 pounds, and not a single day of fasting.

    Knowing how much it will suck is 3/4 of the battle... it encourages you to avoid food beforehand.

    3 people marked this as a favorite.

    Tiny T-Rex, after watching The Rugrats for the very first time "this show is dumb and stupid, even for me!"

    3 people marked this as a favorite.
    Freehold DM wrote:
    David M Mallon wrote:

    ** spoiler omitted **

    Fellow central/western New York State people may appreciate this one.

    I understood that reference!

    A WHEDON movie quote!!! {shakes head disappointedly} -20 points House Freehold.

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