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Off-Topic Discussions

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Aranna wrote:

I think I will play an Asari intelligence officer . Or are we all Spectres?

Edit: oh my, I almost went with a Salarian Sniper... Good thing I changed my mind.

I'm thinking about starting a game several years(maybe a single generation, no more than that) after shepherd saves us all from the reapers. The galaxy will be bleeding from a dozen wounds, but not quite in pure Chaos. Certain races will still be in disarray, such as the asari and turians, and it is becoming clear that they will need new thinking to thrive, not just survive. Humans will be heartsore after the war for earth, but due to human reproductive processes will not be in the same danger turians and asari are(still uncomfortably close). Krogan will be reaching interesting population levels and trying to figure out what to do as clan urdnot faces the downsides of a boomtime. The batarians will also play an interesting role in the campaign. There will be political intrigue but at least two major physical fights brewing.

Okay three as someone stole my clothes.

Silver Crusade

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Freehold DM wrote:
Treppa wrote:
Only if I can throw a few salarians off a cliff.
the lady Treppa has started a game of salaratoss.

I was thinking of playing a salarian tech specialist. Please don't throw me off a cliff.

Dark Archive

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Freehold DM wrote:

Looks like you, Sir Mallon, and the Lady Aranna thus far.

Anyone else want to play Space Jesus with us?

If it's not too late, this sounds fun. :D

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Celestial Healer wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Treppa wrote:
Only if I can throw a few salarians off a cliff.
the lady Treppa has started a game of salaratoss.
I was thinking of playing a salarian tech specialist. Please don't throw me off a cliff.

You got some quads asking me that.

Ragadolf wrote:
aeglos wrote:
Link to professional video of the 845 years celebration of my hometown, I guess you AmeriFaWtLs would call it a Ren Fair

Oh my goodness, Your hometown is gorgeous! :)

I love seeing the old cities that still look like that!
(I've traveled to Europe once, for a week. Loved every minute of it.)

And the 'Ren Faire' looks like fun too! Although I'm sure that if I went my NOT speaking the local language might be a slight barrier. :(

thanks :-)

it was great fun, it is every 5 years, next time will be 850

quite many Germans can speak at least a bit English

Silver Crusade

Treppa wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Treppa wrote:
Only if I can throw a few salarians off a cliff.
the lady Treppa has started a game of salaratoss.
I was thinking of playing a salarian tech specialist. Please don't throw me off a cliff.
You got some quads asking me that.

I'm... not sure salarians even have external genitalia.

LordSynos wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:

Looks like you, Sir Mallon, and the Lady Aranna thus far.

Anyone else want to play Space Jesus with us?

If it's not too late, this sounds fun. :D

Sir Lord Synos will be welcome to the group. I'm thinking he might be the last as we have


Playing. This is a new system for us all, so I think this will have to be max players.

I like the aspect pseudo-Alignment thing because it gives the DM so much to work with, and potentially players as well.

Orthos wrote:
I wouldn't mind playing but I am really bad about losing track of PbPs. Also I know nothing about ME, but if it was a live/Skype game I would just wing it for that. ;)

please give me an Orthos approved character to appear in the background.

I may just have to take this to its own Space Jesus thread, lest I take over Fawtl with mass effect stuff. Will head to own thread soon.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Make sure you call it something with Space Jesus in the title.

6 people marked this as a favorite.


5 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:

You didn't really call it that.


You did really call it that. o_O

1 person marked this as a favorite.

This is surprising? =P

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Well axe body spray guy finally took the hint and used the spray in moderation, he is calling me by name now and is suddenly super nice... But he suddenly started using a lot of scented hand moisturizer and while it doesn't smell bad, the scent does smell really odd mixed with the axe body spray. But I hate to hurt his feelings now that he is being nice... I guess I have to live with it.

Silver Crusade

Aranna wrote:
Well axe body spray guy finally took the hint and used the spray in moderation, he is calling me by name now and is suddenly super nice... But he suddenly started using a lot of scented hand moisturizer and while it doesn't smell bad, the scent does smell really odd mixed with the axe body spray. But I hate to hurt his feelings now that he is being nice... I guess I have to live with it.

Glad that things have gotten better. People we work with will always have some trait or habit that annoys us - some are easier to live with than others.

...that was embarassing.


Aranna wrote:
I could restart correctly... But I don't want to redo all that I want to play through to see what happens.

I restarted after ~10 hours of gameplay due to Keep not importing properly. Totally worth it.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:
I wouldn't mind playing but I am really bad about losing track of PbPs. Also I know nothing about ME, but if it was a live/Skype game I would just wing it for that. ;)

I would actually prefer a Skype game over a PbP. Human interaction = good.

Treppa wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Treppa wrote:
Only if I can throw a few salarians off a cliff.
the lady Treppa has started a game of salaratoss.
I was thinking of playing a salarian tech specialist. Please don't throw me off a cliff.
You got some quads asking me that.

More than one quad. Maybe four. Possibly up to sixteen testicles in total.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

note to self - Replace the cranberry sauce after eating it to avoid annoying the wife.

Silver Crusade

David M Mallon wrote:
Orthos wrote:
I wouldn't mind playing but I am really bad about losing track of PbPs. Also I know nothing about ME, but if it was a live/Skype game I would just wing it for that. ;)
I would actually prefer a Skype game over a PbP. Human interaction = good.

In principal I agree, but then you have schedules to deal with.

Celestial Healer wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:
Orthos wrote:
I wouldn't mind playing but I am really bad about losing track of PbPs. Also I know nothing about ME, but if it was a live/Skype game I would just wing it for that. ;)
I would actually prefer a Skype game over a PbP. Human interaction = good.
In principal I agree, but then you have schedules to deal with.

Scint, Ebon, and my gaming group does all our gaming over Skype and MapTool. It's worked wonders for us, but yeah we've had our share of schedule-shuffling.

That said if someone DOES want to try to arrange one - of any sort, not necessarily just ME - I might be amenable to the idea, provided of course my own schedule cooperates =)

Orthos wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:
Orthos wrote:
I wouldn't mind playing but I am really bad about losing track of PbPs. Also I know nothing about ME, but if it was a live/Skype game I would just wing it for that. ;)
I would actually prefer a Skype game over a PbP. Human interaction = good.
In principal I agree, but then you have schedules to deal with.

Scint, Ebon, and my gaming group does all our gaming over Skype and MapTool. It's worked wonders for us, but yeah we've had our share of schedule-shuffling.

That said if someone DOES want to try to arrange one - of any sort, not necessarily just ME - I might be amenable to the idea, provided of course my own schedule cooperates =)

I still want your npc.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Sharoth wrote:
note to self - Replace the cranberry sauce after eating it to avoid annoying the wife.

makes phone call

Hello, Mrs. dragon? Yeah, he totally ate the cranberry sauce, even the can. Ate it slowly while looking at a picture of you, and laughing.I have it all on tape. Uh-huh. No ma'am, no need to pay me, it was the right thing to do..

Freehold DM wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:
Orthos wrote:
I wouldn't mind playing but I am really bad about losing track of PbPs. Also I know nothing about ME, but if it was a live/Skype game I would just wing it for that. ;)
I would actually prefer a Skype game over a PbP. Human interaction = good.
In principal I agree, but then you have schedules to deal with.

Scint, Ebon, and my gaming group does all our gaming over Skype and MapTool. It's worked wonders for us, but yeah we've had our share of schedule-shuffling.

That said if someone DOES want to try to arrange one - of any sort, not necessarily just ME - I might be amenable to the idea, provided of course my own schedule cooperates =)

I still want your npc.

I'll try and get someone before the next couple of days. As I said, I know near-nothing about ME, so I'm not having any concepts immediately jumping to mind. =)

Wikipedia is the way to go then :-)

We have Facetime, not sure if that's compatible with Skype, I could see trying that out, tho it clashes with my backwoods hippy upbringing.

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*sigh* I need to decide what new skill pick for my Dresden Files game. Next session is on Wednesday, we hit a significant milestone so we got a new skill...

7 people marked this as a favorite.

Just played an open mic at a local tea shop. Some guy came in, ordered his tea, put on a gas mask, and started surfing Facebook on his laptop. Totally normal.

This is pretty damn cool!

David M Mallon wrote:
Just played an open mic at a local tea shop. Some guy came in, ordered his tea, put on a gas mask, and started surfing Facebook on his laptop. Totally normal.

Seems fine to me.

I enjoy finding typos in the newspaper in general, but today's were extra chuckle-worthy. Both appeared in the same short police report about a theft at a local drinking establishment. First, it said the "top jar" was taken from the bar. This got a chuckle since the establishment is a topless bar. The second typo stated that police arrested a subject and took him "to jau". WTF is "jau", and why did the cops take him there? Clearly our local paper needs better editing.

Evil Finnish Chaos Beast wrote:
...that was embarrassing.

I was supposed to post something a tad personal here and ended up posting it elsewhere on these forums.

Canada's new prime minister


Kajehase wrote:

Canada's new prime minister


Diddley Ding Dong.

gran rey de los mono wrote:
I enjoy finding typos in the newspaper in general, but today's were extra chuckle-worthy. Both appeared in the same short police report about a theft at a local drinking establishment. First, it said the "top jar" was taken from the bar. This got a chuckle since the establishment is a topless bar. The second typo stated that police arrested a subject and took him "to jau". WTF is "jau", and why did the cops take him there? Clearly our local paper needs better editing.

Reminds me of the glitches caused when trying to copy-paste text out of old 3.5 modules/etc. PDFs.


Senses detect moyie. see inlJisjbility

that's right
I know all about your moyie.
YOU SAW THROUGH MY inlJisjbility?!
You're not good at this being inljisjb.

this is the best acrobat mess up
detect Illogic
i changed my mind
*slow clap*
i love how notepad can't read the old 3.5 modules
best part?
this thing's LE

2 people marked this as a favorite.

If you took me as your patron god, I could grant you inlJisjbility. Or was it iNjujube3? NiNjit2u8ion?
Ahh...screw it. I'll give you a ukulele.

I could imagine myself singing "Hell Frozen Rain" or "One More Soul to the Call" sometime. For those who do not know, they're both Silent Hill songs.

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Yaaay sick days

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LO! I have returned, after a weekend that was filled with 26 hours of D&D spread over 4 days.

Hell yeah, short school week. Hell yeah, beat the campaign.

Kind of.


For a long time, I thought it was impossible to break 5e. I proved myself wrong fairly quickly.

For the first few sessions, I was playing a draconic sorcerer. But because it was only two (eventually three) people, I eventually switched to a pally. The other person was a totem barbarian.

It got stupid really quickly.

First of all, bear totem is... I can't think of a word that describes how stupid it is. Half damage against pretty much EVERYTHING with barbarian HP, combined the fact that the barb dumped his mental stats down the drain so he could have an absolutely BEASTLY Con. So he was pretty much impossible to take down.

I was the real problem, though.

I didn't mean it, honest. It's just my brain subconsciously treats RPGs as basically a giant math problem which it has to solve by being able to beat, singlehandledly, every single monster in the damn manual.

The short of it? I was going with three attacks, sometimes four, a round with +8 to hit and 2d6+20 to damage. If I decided to nova, I got to add smite spells to it, action surge for a total of 6 attacks (action surge from my multiclass into fighter), and I got to reroll 1s and 2s from my fighting style. Plus, I rolled insanely well on my HP, so I was pretty tough as well.

The DM finally snapped when I took down an iron golem in one round, then he sicced three invisible mind flayers with 16 levels in wizard who dealt psychic damage so it was a TPK. But we pretty much beat the campaign at that point anyways, so it was really no big deal.

I rolled a rogue assassin for the next campaign. Heavy on social skills. Not very good with combat.

The DM was happy.

3 people marked this as a favorite.


I hate common core so much.

All we're doing is learning the same thing over and over and over again, only with each successive time, it becomes more and more unnecessarily complex. Eventually, you get so many different means of solving a certain type of problem that you mix them all up and now you always do it wrong.

Here's a good analogy:

On day one, you get a donut. It's a good donut, with just the right amount of glazing. The donut is good. You eat it.

On day two, you get a donut. It has a bit too much glazing, and is a bit too sweet, but you eat it anyways because you have to.

On day three, you get a donut. It has way too much glazing, and is way too sweet, but you eat it anyways because you have to.

Repeat until the donuts are absolutely disgusting, you are hideously obese and can't move or think, and you vomit automatically as soon as you see a donut.

Maybe that wasn't such a good analogy.

The Doomkitten wrote:


I hate common core so much.

All we're doing is learning the same thing over and over and over again, only with each successive time, it becomes more and more unnecessarily complex. Eventually, you get so many different means of solving a certain type of problem that you mix them all up and now you always do it wrong.

Here's a good analogy:

On day one, you get a donut. It's a good donut, with just the right amount of glazing. The donut is good. You eat it.

On day two, you get a donut. It has a bit too much glazing, and is a bit too sweet, but you eat it anyways because you have to.

On day three, you get a donut. It has way too much glazing, and is way too sweet, but you eat it anyways because you have to.

Repeat until the donuts are absolutely disgusting, you are hideously obese and can't move or think, and you vomit automatically as soon as you see a donut.

Maybe that wasn't such a good analogy.


Is it sadder i'm so impressed with my composting capabilities, or that i was impressed enough to make it's own alias.

gosh do i love yard work!

I feel so alive!!

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I am somehow skeptical that America's Premier Cheesesteak is to be found in the food court of a second rate mall in San Francisco.

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Rosita the Riveter wrote:
I am somehow skeptical that America's Premier Cheesesteak is to be found in the food court of a second rate mall in San Francisco.

Yeah. Elf had it right.

But that post did make me laugh out loud. Thanks!

(I'm updating a course from 2004 and my work involves re-doing all of the configuration steps just to take screenshots that say 2015 instead of 2004. Honestly, it might be faster to just Photoshop in "2015" on every shot...)

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I'm composting!!!

Among other yard projects.

Put in a bird bath, installed some stones, we found a mole, adorable little guy, gave him someplace safe and shady to dig.

Put some leaves on the curb, put even more leaves into a gigantic pile in the front yard, these will later be piled up in the garden to compost for the winter :-)

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