Deep 6 FaWtL

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1 person marked this as a favorite.

The Secrets of the Aegean Apocalypse

1 person marked this as a favorite.

~looks for my clothes~ No wonder there was an apocalypse!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

Oooh! Oooh! Potlucks bring out a twofer of

** spoiler omitted **...


That's seems quite awful.

Silver Crusade

3 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

I'm Quaker, there isn't a person alive that can top me for potluck horror stories, do you want the burned oatmeal, Kool-aid without sugar (notice how I didn't say sugar free there) or everything (and I mean everything) made with wheat flour and bland overgrown zucchini, my hatred of Zucchini is unrivalled.

I'm the black sheep in my family too Lynora, my wife is the white sheep in a family that fancies themselves black sheep, so we try to minimize the rest, much happier that way, so I get it.

OMG, overgrown zucchini is a pet peeve of mine. John's boss grows tons of veggies and is always giving us these zucchini that are the size of my calf. They taste about as bitter as a spoonful of baking soda. It drives me crazy. Pick them when they're small, people!

captain yesterday wrote:

She's more frustrated that nothing ever gets done or settled, but hey, at least everyone brought a dish to pass, except midwest liberals are terrible cooks but too nice to tell each other the truth.

It's a pretty rough circle to get caught in, leading to alcohol abuse and interest in blood sports (i.e. The Pack!!!!!!)

what is this pack you speak of?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
lynora wrote:

TL, I have very severe allergies and have gotten very very sick in the past because of well meaning people who didn't understand about cross contamination. So I always bring a bento if I get roped into going to a potluck event. It is never an enjoyable experience but there are different levels on traumatic depending on the group.

Husband's family: sister in law is no longer talking to me because she thinks I'm doing this to spite her. *rolls eyes*
My family: thinks I'm being weird and overdramatic but that was the prevailing opinion about me pre-allergies so no big deal (and this is why I don't visit)
Church gatherings: how to lose friends and develop yet less faith in humanity
Husband's work gatherings: just shoot me now...
School gatherings: now here are some people who understand food allergies. Excellent place to find fellow allergy sufferers and exchange recipes.

that is awful. I now need to know your food allergies for when you visit new York for a trip to katz deli.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Celestial Healer wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:

Call Target: 7 minutes, solid help

Call Toys R Us: 5 minutes, solid help
Call Walmart: 10 minutes waiting to transfer; hang up call-back: 15 minutes waiting to transfer.


I feel your pain. I have also chosen which companies I deal with based on how hard it is to:

(1) Find a phone number, and
(2) Speak with a human being.

"Live chat" is amazing in their inability to understand the problem at all, while e-mail might as well be covering your eyes and pretending the problem doesn't exist; the few times I've received a response at all, it has usually been, "Due to security reasons, we can't discuss this via e-mail. Please call."

One of these days I want to bring a "regular" Verizon customer over, have both of us call support simultaneously, and time the results. I've heard nightmare stories about Verizon, and I suspect the number I get for the corporate account is NOT the number they give to the general public. If it is, I have to give props to Verizon. If it isn't, it's pretty scummy to know your support is so bad you have to give out a "special" number to premier customers.

The one company I *will* give props to is Chase. They seem to do a darned good job of having competent people ready to assist you on a moment's notice. is similarly helpful, but they're small enough I don't know that it counts...

EDIT: Ditto Paizo, before Sara Marie sends Robot Chris out to kneecap me...

I have "regular" Verizon. On the wireless side, I have no complaints. I also have FiOS. Calling those people is hell on earth.

EDIT: Ninja'd by Freehold.

Freehold DM wrote:
NEVER had a problem with verizon. I will say that they seem to treat their cell phone customers better than their internet customers.
^^This. Especially if I have to call about anything TV-related.

iirc, much like at&t

, they are actually two companies in one- the cell phone people have no idea what the internet people are doing.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Treppa wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

waves bike menacingly

3 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
But the Cubs aren't divisive, just sad.

waves zucchini menacingly

Idea: level caps for some Martials (like AD&D) but without sucking.

More later.

edit: heh, phones

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I used to despise zucchini when I was growing up. Nasty tasting and vile and the worst thing for "You have to eat everything on your plate!" arguments. BUT once by accident as an adult I ate a zucchini dish and it was amazing and tasty... to say I was stunned when I learned what it was is an understatement. It... it would be like if Freehold DM went to a movie and absolutely thought it was the best show ever, only to discover later that it was made by Joss Whedon. Mind altering stuff.

Turns out it wasn't zucchini I hated but the way it was prepared or grown maybe.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Sharoth wrote:
The Secrets of the Aegean Apocalypse

Voice-over: "For decades, it remained a mystery: the sudden collapse of the great coastal cities and palaces of the coastal world in 1200 BC; what could have caused it?"

Me: "Gravity."

Technically speaking, I am correct, if you look at it from the correct view. I mean, you know.

Sorry. Mystery Science Theater-ing is a thing I do sometimes. Neat video, and thanks for the link!

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
Sorry. Mystery Science Theater-ing is a thing I do sometimes. Neat video, and thanks for the link!

A group of us should totally MST something together one of these days, that would be hilarious.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Celestial Healer wrote:
OMG, overgrown zucchini is a pet peeve of mine. John's boss grows tons of veggies and is always giving us these zucchini that are the size of my calf. They taste about as bitter as a spoonful of baking soda. It drives me crazy. Pick them when they're small, people!

Bigger isn't always better.

6 people marked this as a favorite.





Aranna wrote:

I used to despise zucchini when I was growing up. Nasty tasting and vile and the worst thing for "You have to eat everything on your plate!" arguments. BUT once by accident as an adult I ate a zucchini dish and it was amazing and tasty... to say I was stunned when I learned what it was is an understatement. It... it would be like if Freehold DM went to a movie and absolutely thought it was the best show ever, only to discover later that it was made by Joss Whedon. Mind altering stuff.

Turns out it wasn't zucchini I hated but the way it was prepared or grown maybe.

that's impossible. My whedon sense is too finely tuned.

It why I was leery about captain America 2.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
Sorry. Mystery Science Theater-ing is a thing I do sometimes. Neat video, and thanks for the link!
A group of us should totally MST something together one of these days, that would be hilarious.

"msting a movie" now added to post-lovecraft activities for FaWtL in NY!

Chasing green fairy/worshipping green god optional.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Treppa wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
OMG, overgrown zucchini is a pet peeve of mine. John's boss grows tons of veggies and is always giving us these zucchini that are the size of my calf. They taste about as bitter as a spoonful of baking soda. It drives me crazy. Pick them when they're small, people!
Bigger isn't always better.

in that case, I am merely adequate.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
Sorry. Mystery Science Theater-ing is a thing I do sometimes. Neat video, and thanks for the link!
A group of us should totally MST something together one of these days, that would be hilarious.

"msting a movie" now added to post-lovecraft activities for FaWtL in NY!

Chasing green fairy optional.

ooh! Maybe we can rent/reserve the basement for a few hours!

anything even TANGENTIALLY related to whedon is vetoed

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:

Call Target: 7 minutes, solid help

Call Toys R Us: 5 minutes, solid help
Call Walmart: 10 minutes waiting to transfer; hang up call-back: 15 minutes waiting to transfer.


I feel your pain. I have also chosen which companies I deal with based on how hard it is to:

(1) Find a phone number, and
(2) Speak with a human being.

"Live chat" is amazing in their inability to understand the problem at all, while e-mail might as well be covering your eyes and pretending the problem doesn't exist; the few times I've received a response at all, it has usually been, "Due to security reasons, we can't discuss this via e-mail. Please call."

One of these days I want to bring a "regular" Verizon customer over, have both of us call support simultaneously, and time the results. I've heard nightmare stories about Verizon, and I suspect the number I get for the corporate account is NOT the number they give to the general public. If it is, I have to give props to Verizon. If it isn't, it's pretty scummy to know your support is so bad you have to give out a "special" number to premier customers.

The one company I *will* give props to is Chase. They seem to do a darned good job of having competent people ready to assist you on a moment's notice. is similarly helpful, but they're small enough I don't know that it counts...

EDIT: Ditto Paizo, before Sara Marie sends Robot Chris out to kneecap me...

I have "regular" Verizon. On the wireless side, I have no complaints. I also have FiOS. Calling those people is hell on earth.

EDIT: Ninja'd by Freehold.

Freehold DM wrote:
NEVER had a problem with verizon. I will say that they seem to treat their cell phone customers better than their internet customers.
^^This. Especially if I have to call about anything TV-related.
iirc, much like at&t ** spoiler omitted **...

~goes off to cry in the corner, even if some of what you said is true~

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
Sorry. Mystery Science Theater-ing is a thing I do sometimes. Neat video, and thanks for the link!
A group of us should totally MST something together one of these days, that would be hilarious.

"msting a movie" now added to post-lovecraft activities for FaWtL in NY!

Chasing green fairy optional.

ooh! Maybe we can rent/reserve the basement for a few hours!

** spoiler omitted **

Soooo your saying a firefly/serenity marathon followed by both Avengers movies and to top it off with a Destiny Raid is out of the question?

Destiny Spoiler:
Nathan Fillion does the voice of Cayde-6.

I knew there was something off about that game!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
havoc xiii wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
Sorry. Mystery Science Theater-ing is a thing I do sometimes. Neat video, and thanks for the link!
A group of us should totally MST something together one of these days, that would be hilarious.

"msting a movie" now added to post-lovecraft activities for FaWtL in NY!

Chasing green fairy optional.

ooh! Maybe we can rent/reserve the basement for a few hours!

** spoiler omitted **

Soooo your saying a firefly/serenity marathon followed by both Avengers movies and to top it off with a Destiny Raid is out of the question?

** spoiler omitted **

Sounds like fun. When are we off?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

But isn't Whedon the homeless guy I throw quarters at with those s*#~ty half baked scripts, there are entirely too many alternate universes, I blame comic books.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Sharoth wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:

Call Target: 7 minutes, solid help

Call Toys R Us: 5 minutes, solid help
Call Walmart: 10 minutes waiting to transfer; hang up call-back: 15 minutes waiting to transfer.


I feel your pain. I have also chosen which companies I deal with based on how hard it is to:

(1) Find a phone number, and
(2) Speak with a human being.

"Live chat" is amazing in their inability to understand the problem at all, while e-mail might as well be covering your eyes and pretending the problem doesn't exist; the few times I've received a response at all, it has usually been, "Due to security reasons, we can't discuss this via e-mail. Please call."

One of these days I want to bring a "regular" Verizon customer over, have both of us call support simultaneously, and time the results. I've heard nightmare stories about Verizon, and I suspect the number I get for the corporate account is NOT the number they give to the general public. If it is, I have to give props to Verizon. If it isn't, it's pretty scummy to know your support is so bad you have to give out a "special" number to premier customers.

The one company I *will* give props to is Chase. They seem to do a darned good job of having competent people ready to assist you on a moment's notice. is similarly helpful, but they're small enough I don't know that it counts...

EDIT: Ditto Paizo, before Sara Marie sends Robot Chris out to kneecap me...

I have "regular" Verizon. On the wireless side, I have no complaints. I also have FiOS. Calling those people is hell on earth.

EDIT: Ninja'd by Freehold.

Freehold DM wrote:
NEVER had a problem with verizon. I will say that they seem to treat their cell phone customers better than their internet customers.
^^This. Especially if I have to call about anything TV-related.
iirc, much like at&t ** spoiler omitted **...
~goes off...

worry not young dragon, you are in the internet side of things and are therefore quite safe.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Bizarro Freehold wrote:
havoc xiii wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
Sorry. Mystery Science Theater-ing is a thing I do sometimes. Neat video, and thanks for the link!
A group of us should totally MST something together one of these days, that would be hilarious.

"msting a movie" now added to post-lovecraft activities for FaWtL in NY!

Chasing green fairy optional.

ooh! Maybe we can rent/reserve the basement for a few hours!

** spoiler omitted **

Soooo your saying a firefly/serenity marathon followed by both Avengers movies and to top it off with a Destiny Raid is out of the question?

** spoiler omitted **

Sounds like fun. When are we off?

throws sushi at bizzarro Freehold- his only weakness!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Opposite World Freehold wrote:
But isn't Whedon the homeless guy I throw quarters at with those s+%%ty half baked scripts, there are entirely too many alternate universes, I blame comic books.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Bizarro Freehold wrote:
havoc xiii wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
Sorry. Mystery Science Theater-ing is a thing I do sometimes. Neat video, and thanks for the link!
A group of us should totally MST something together one of these days, that would be hilarious.

"msting a movie" now added to post-lovecraft activities for FaWtL in NY!

Chasing green fairy optional.

ooh! Maybe we can rent/reserve the basement for a few hours!

** spoiler omitted **

Soooo your saying a firefly/serenity marathon followed by both Avengers movies and to top it off with a Destiny Raid is out of the question?

** spoiler omitted **

Sounds like fun. When are we off?
throws sushi at bizzarro Freehold- his only weakness!

*deflects with Captain America shield*

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Opposite World Freehold wrote:
But isn't Whedon the homeless guy I throw quarters at with those s+%%ty half baked scripts, there are entirely too many alternate universes, I blame comic books.

That is such a sad universe, I feel sorry for that other bum near Whedon the one who lost everything when he made the world's worst action flick. His name was JJAbrams I believe.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Celestial Healer wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:

I'm Quaker, there isn't a person alive that can top me for potluck horror stories, do you want the burned oatmeal, Kool-aid without sugar (notice how I didn't say sugar free there) or everything (and I mean everything) made with wheat flour and bland overgrown zucchini, my hatred of Zucchini is unrivalled.

I'm the black sheep in my family too Lynora, my wife is the white sheep in a family that fancies themselves black sheep, so we try to minimize the rest, much happier that way, so I get it.

OMG, overgrown zucchini is a pet peeve of mine. John's boss grows tons of veggies and is always giving us these zucchini that are the size of my calf. They taste about as bitter as a spoonful of baking soda. It drives me crazy. Pick them when they're small, people!

My mother lived in the central valley.

If you didn't lock your car doors in August, you would return to find your back seat filled with zucchini.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

If anyone would like to help my kids avoid a TPK in the kids' game, I'm looking for advice here.

Is linking to the Advice forums a FaWtL no-no?

2 people marked this as a favorite.

For any Rome - Total War fans going with Windows 10.

Mechwarriors 3 and 4 appear to be incompatible with Windows 10 at this time.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Sharoth wrote:

For any Rome - Total War fans going with Windows 10.

Mechwarriors 3 and 4 appear to be incompatible with Windows 10 at this time.

thank you very, very much for the heads up.

scratches out "windows 10 operating system" for new desktop

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Sharoth wrote:

For any Rome - Total War fans going with Windows 10.

Mechwarriors 3 and 4 appear to be incompatible with Windows 10 at this time.

thank you very, very much for the heads up.

scratches out "windows 10 operating system" for new desktop

I will let you know if anything changes on that part.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

If anyone would like to help my kids avoid a TPK in the kids' game, I'm looking for advice here.

Is linking to the Advice forums a FaWtL no-no?

Linking not really.

Bringing an argument from there to here on the other hand is kind of frowned upon. =)

This however is fine.

... how did I become the resident keeper of the FAWTLaws?

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

If anyone would like to help my kids avoid a TPK in the kids' game, I'm looking for advice here.

Is linking to the Advice forums a FaWtL no-no?

Linking not really.

Bringing an argument from there to here on the other hand is kind of frowned upon. =)

This however is fine.

... how did I become the resident keeper of the FAWTLaws?

while young, you remain the most Lawful.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Orthos wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

If anyone would like to help my kids avoid a TPK in the kids' game, I'm looking for advice here.

Is linking to the Advice forums a FaWtL no-no?

Linking not really.

Bringing an argument from there to here on the other hand is kind of frowned upon. =)

This however is fine.

... how did I become the resident keeper of the FAWTLaws?

while young, you remain the most Lawful.

Well I can't argue with that....

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Siobhan Quirke wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Orthos wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

If anyone would like to help my kids avoid a TPK in the kids' game, I'm looking for advice here.

Is linking to the Advice forums a FaWtL no-no?

Linking not really.

Bringing an argument from there to here on the other hand is kind of frowned upon. =)

This however is fine.

... how did I become the resident keeper of the FAWTLaws?

while young, you remain the most Lawful.
Well I can't argue with that....

Nor I....

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Darktower Zhaorae wrote:
Siobhan Quirke wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Orthos wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

If anyone would like to help my kids avoid a TPK in the kids' game, I'm looking for advice here.

Is linking to the Advice forums a FaWtL no-no?

Linking not really.

Bringing an argument from there to here on the other hand is kind of frowned upon. =)

This however is fine.

... how did I become the resident keeper of the FAWTLaws?

while young, you remain the most Lawful.
Well I can't argue with that....
Nor I....

This one neither....

3 people marked this as a favorite.

In good news, I finally got my $100 credit reward for not making any late payments on my power bill over the past year. Which means this month's power payment was absolutely free, and a nice little chunk has been knocked off next month's to boot.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Aranna wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Opposite World Freehold wrote:
But isn't Whedon the homeless guy I throw quarters at with those s+%%ty half baked scripts, there are entirely too many alternate universes, I blame comic books.
That is such a sad universe, I feel sorry for that other bum near Whedon the one who lost everything when he made the world's worst action flick. His name was JJAbrams I believe.

It clearly isn't President Michael Bay, I believe he's due for another head on mount Rushmore

Sovereign Court

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Opposite World Freehold wrote:
Aranna wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Opposite World Freehold wrote:
But isn't Whedon the homeless guy I throw quarters at with those s+%%ty half baked scripts, there are entirely too many alternate universes, I blame comic books.
That is such a sad universe, I feel sorry for that other bum near Whedon the one who lost everything when he made the world's worst action flick. His name was JJAbrams I believe.
It clearly isn't President Michael Bay, I believe he's due for another head on mount Rushmore

And by "head" you clearly mean "crater".

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Opposite World Freehold wrote:
Aranna wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Opposite World Freehold wrote:
But isn't Whedon the homeless guy I throw quarters at with those s+%%ty half baked scripts, there are entirely too many alternate universes, I blame comic books.
That is such a sad universe, I feel sorry for that other bum near Whedon the one who lost everything when he made the world's worst action flick. His name was JJAbrams I believe.
It clearly isn't President Michael Bay, I believe he's due for another head on mount Rushmore

he would be the only Michael I voted for.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Lance Bombardier Orthos wrote:
Opposite World Freehold wrote:
Aranna wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Opposite World Freehold wrote:
But isn't Whedon the homeless guy I throw quarters at with those s+%%ty half baked scripts, there are entirely too many alternate universes, I blame comic books.
That is such a sad universe, I feel sorry for that other bum near Whedon the one who lost everything when he made the world's worst action flick. His name was JJAbrams I believe.
It clearly isn't President Michael Bay, I believe he's due for another head on mount Rushmore
And by "head" you clearly mean "crater".

fires up anti air cannons

2 people marked this as a favorite.
lynora wrote:
NH, you have the best stories. :)

Just for you...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
lynora wrote:
Aranna wrote:
lynora wrote:

TL, I have very severe allergies and have gotten very very sick in the past because of well meaning people who didn't understand about cross contamination. So I always bring a bento if I get roped into going to a potluck event. It is never an enjoyable experience but there are different levels on traumatic depending on the group.

Husband's family: sister in law is no longer talking to me because she thinks I'm doing this to spite her. *rolls eyes*
My family: thinks I'm being weird and overdramatic but that was the prevailing opinion about me pre-allergies so no big deal (and this is why I don't visit)
Church gatherings: how to lose friends and develop yet less faith in humanity
Husband's work gatherings: just shoot me now...
School gatherings: now here are some people who understand food allergies. Excellent place to find fellow allergy sufferers and exchange recipes.

This is a weird family if they can't accept severe allergies (or any allergies). It's not like people pick their allergies. Although I have seen a little of this with people who do pick a specific diet (like vegans). People can react poorly to them, as if they are being picky to offend others...

Yeah, my family is....well, my sisters are great. Other than that, let's just say that we do better from a distance. A long distance. Distance is good. I'm the black sheep of the family know, I think I just happened to be the one who drew the short straw here. I have no idea how it got started but will admit I sometimes have fun with my 'bad' reputation. :)

My husband has a similar relationship with his family. Different reasons, same result.

I've always been fascinated by and slightly jealous of those who have functional and healthy family relationships. I don't know what that would be like, but it looks nice from the outside. :)
Anyhow, when you have a dysfunctional relationship to start apparently people can take actual problems that are out of your...

I still think I win the family dysfunction game. I do believe I've mentioned some of my maternal grandmother's s#~*, like beating her kids, routinely forgetting to feed her kids, rampant pill and alcohol abuse, bringing home dangerous boyfriends and blaming my mom for what one did to her, and stuff I don't even know about. She went to her death unapologetic and still blaming mom for everything. Then we have my dad, who didn't have a job for most of my childhood but lied to my paternal grandmother and said he did while living off of her money, then abused my ADHD meds, had a paranoid break, and went to prison for the entirety of my teenage years. My uncle has never held a job in his life and lives with my paternal grandmother, but always complains that I don't have enough jobs, expects everything to go his way and still throws temper tantrums, and has no tolerance for, well, anything. Pretty sure it's autism mixed with never being disciplined and always getting his way as a child. My stepdad was always there when I needed him and married my mother when I was three, but he's extremely authoritarian and is a paranoid racist with anger management problems. My mother doesn't really know how to be emotionally available, so we've always been distant, and she was also very paranoid due to her childhood. Growing up, I literally had to come straight home from school every day and stay home. I wasn't supposed to go out and do things outside, because that's dangerous. Interestingly enough, that rule was really only for me, not my siblings. They had much more freedom. In my case, it's because of autism. Their reaction to the diagnosis was to make me avoid social contact so i wouldn't get hurt, which left me with basically zero life skills as a young adult. I've also always been left with the strong impression that my parents consider my siblings more important to the family than I am. I'm typically not included in family events, and when my mother had a massive stroke and almost died I wasn't even told for two weeks while my siblings knew immediately.

I'm pretty sure there is plenty of dysfunction I'm forgetting to mention. Do I win?

2 people marked this as a favorite.


I think both you and I need to both stare at pictures at cute kittens for a while after reading/writing that.

I wish university housing allowed pets. I'd just get a real kitten. That's one thing I miss about my childhood. We always had cats, and cats are great.

Yeah my Tornado of a mom is all hugs and kittens compared to that. I feel like I need meds just reading it.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Rosita the Riveter wrote:
lynora wrote:
Aranna wrote:
lynora wrote:

TL, I have very severe allergies and have gotten very very sick in the past because of well meaning people who didn't understand about cross contamination. So I always bring a bento if I get roped into going to a potluck event. It is never an enjoyable experience but there are different levels on traumatic depending on the group.

Husband's family: sister in law is no longer talking to me because she thinks I'm doing this to spite her. *rolls eyes*
My family: thinks I'm being weird and overdramatic but that was the prevailing opinion about me pre-allergies so no big deal (and this is why I don't visit)
Church gatherings: how to lose friends and develop yet less faith in humanity
Husband's work gatherings: just shoot me now...
School gatherings: now here are some people who understand food allergies. Excellent place to find fellow allergy sufferers and exchange recipes.

This is a weird family if they can't accept severe allergies (or any allergies). It's not like people pick their allergies. Although I have seen a little of this with people who do pick a specific diet (like vegans). People can react poorly to them, as if they are being picky to offend others...

Yeah, my family is....well, my sisters are great. Other than that, let's just say that we do better from a distance. A long distance. Distance is good. I'm the black sheep of the family know, I think I just happened to be the one who drew the short straw here. I have no idea how it got started but will admit I sometimes have fun with my 'bad' reputation. :)

My husband has a similar relationship with his family. Different reasons, same result.

I've always been fascinated by and slightly jealous of those who have functional and healthy family relationships. I don't know what that would be like, but it looks nice from the outside. :)
Anyhow, when you have a dysfunctional relationship to start apparently people can take actual problems



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