gran rey de los mono |

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Tordek Rumnaheim wrote:Is it like this light?Freehold DM wrote:See how happy I am?!?The light, it burns.
Can't tell, it's too bright. But I'm not waiting to see if it begins to change color.

Cap'n "One Arm" Yesterday |
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captain yesterday wrote:True, but you appear to be about to saw your own arm off with the false edge of your sword. Please don't. Your other aliases need you.I like my new ninja form.
Sure it's not as graceful as Freehold, regal like Celestial Healer or has Nobodyshome's bulging arms. It's still pretty sweet, and you never know when I'll strike.
Too late!
Besides I have enough aliases to populate a small town, I'm sure they can fend for themselves.

David M Mallon |
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captain yesterday wrote:I get called Ma'am a lot, I have a beard.I have a friend who looked like "stereotypical American Jesus": 6'1", thin, willowy figure, long straight sandy brown hair, and flowing beard.
One Halloween he just borrowed a friend's miniskirt, blouse, leggings, and shoes.
It was awesome seeing men whistle at him from behind and yell things like, "Nice <synonym for donkey>!!!", only to recoil in horror when he turned around to look at them and they saw the beard.
Fun times!
My last roommate worked part-time as a bearded drag queen.

David M Mallon |

At my current job site, I always go to the local Nice N Easy convenience store for lunch. Today, while I was in the men's room, I noticed that there was precisely one piece of graffiti on the divider between the toilet stall and the rest of the bathroom. In neat cursive marker, someone had written "mean b~%#$es work here."

Drejk |
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Urgh... I had to get up early to go on convention and GM a session as a replacement GM... I went to sleep as soon as I could, just around 2 am. Of course I had to wake up around 5... And then had trouble falling asleep. I probably napped for some times a few times with being awake at least part of the remaining time until 8:30. Yay. Crap. Now I am finishing limited preparation for a session and going away in half an hour.

Rosita the Riveter |
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Aw. Cable cars not running today. At least they have a bus shuttle following the line. The cable car line is hands down the best transit option from the subway to my job at Fisherman's Wharf, provided it isn't packed with tourists. It is relatively fast, and I work right at one end of the line and the subway is right at the other. Granted, I don't pay that $7 fare because I buy a monthly pass.

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Sharoth wrote:~groans~ Damn! Almost $400 for two front tires, an alignment, and an oil change. That is $200 more than I had hoped it would be. ~grumbles~ Time to reshuffle bills again. I am glad that I get three paychecks next month. I will need them.Car repair bills bite. I am taking mine in tomorrow for muffler work.
That said, you would not be getting all that work done for $200 unless you're stealing tires or your brother's a mechanic.
The mechanic advised against a new muffler. They said it is corroded pretty heavily, but isn't leaking yet. But in the not too distant future, I may need a whole new exhaust.
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I was inspired to actually look through my car service records (I knew keeping all that crap would pay off eventually). Apparently I put a cheap muffler on back in June of 2013. Those off-brand parts never last. *sigh* Only had a 12 month warranty.
The mechanic says my center pipe is rotting out too, so when it finally goes, I'll need to replace the whole works for about $1300. Or I can get s!%%ty parts again to patch it for another 2 years.
In any event, I should be able to get through the winter before I have to bite that bullet.

Freehold DM |
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Comrade Anklebiter wrote:It's a good thing Anklebiter doesn't know about the photos... That would really make him blow his stack!Freehold is taunting me via texts from La Principessa! This aggression will not stand!!!
of which there are several.
Photos that is, not stacks.
There is only one stack. If it seems small or anything like that, it's because I was in the pool. And it's cold in the dealers room.

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Fergie wrote:Comrade Anklebiter wrote:It's a good thing Anklebiter doesn't know about the photos... That would really make him blow his stack!Freehold is taunting me via texts from La Principessa! This aggression will not stand!!!
of which there are several.
Photos that is, not stacks.
There is only one stack. If it seems small or anything like that, it's because I was in the pool. And it's cold in the dealers room.
Probably best not to let DA know that was a topic of conversation with the Principessa.

gran rey de los stereo |
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Xenthya, Nuzlocke Trainer wrote:Taking the Sky from HimOkay, first, that's hurtful.
Does it feel like a telephone pole through the chest?

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Xenthya, Nuzlocke Trainer wrote:Taking the Sky from HimOkay, first, that's hurtful.
*teleport stab*

Courtyard Droll |
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H. Washburne wrote:*teleport stab*Xenthya, Nuzlocke Trainer wrote:Taking the Sky from HimOkay, first, that's hurtful.

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