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Off-Topic Discussions

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I 've laid our two hundred pound rubbers more then you might imagine, of course they were pond liners :-)

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Captain Yesterday's Naked Pond Installation, We Pay You!

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Does it count as being naked if you have a rubber on you?

Also, this reminds me about certain adult-ish joke...

So my wife and I started coming up with characters for Hell's Rebels, the kids are all about Iron Gods right now so they had no interest :-)
My wife came up with an Elven Mesmerist that uses her powers to trick others and herself into believing in herself and she's totally landlocked in Kintargo because of a contract snafu and not because her crew mutineed against her, she'll get her ship back!

I will have my first Elf, but not a cool mysterious one with a mask like Limeylongears, no he's going to be all cliches and crystals, a Medium that tries to channel The Brightness, but mostly gets dead people, he'll always ask himself "would the brightness want this? Yes! Yes it would" I imagine Jim Carrey will factor into how he's portrayed, also all those years of sneaking down to watch SNL from the crack between the doors:-)

I see that Hell's rebels will go under the occult banner...

My players probably haven't even noticed yet that class section of d20pfsrd was expanded... I don't think they even know about Advanced Class Guide...

I didn't think it would, we'll see if it'll take over Pirate Night (whalebone pilk killed everyone and Animal Farm Pirates lost steam after awhile) otherwise I might try to get an adults table going with some people around the neighborhood (which has been getting younger and more hip the last couple years, evidently they like pathfinder:-p)

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Now comes the moment of truth.

My party did not like ACG when looking thru it at the store, so I've so far passed on it, same with Unchained:-)

Also, updating Pillars Of Eternity is a pain in the...

my mjǫlnir came off my neck in my sleep and I didn't notice until now.

I don't feel great about that.

30 MB updates are taking long enough... I dread how long it will take to apply that 1.1 GB patch. And then 2.3 GB expansion...

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:
Crap. 30 MB updates are taking long enough... I dread how long it will take that 1.1 GB patch. And then 2.3 GB expansion...

We have a simple fix for that: "Kids, if it's over 1 GB, wait for Sunday and do it at Shiro's player's house."

He ended up getting fiber optic and his download speeds are ludicrous, so it's, "Once a week, we download everything."

Mooch off your friends. It's what life is all about! :-P

Finished. Time to see what's up!

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Took the kids to the park, to give the general some time by herself, Tiny T-Rex is impressing a group of little girls his age with his wit and natural charm:-)

Silver Crusade

captain yesterday wrote:
My party did not like ACG when looking thru it at the store, so I've so far passed on it, same with Unchained:-)

I too don't see myself playing any ACG classes

I am kinda digging unchained. especially the monk

We've never had a Monk, Pea Bear made one once but never used it, but yes I've heard great things about it :-)

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Aniuś the Talewise wrote:
my mjǫlnir

Your meow meow?

Freebird DM wrote:
Aniuś the Talewise wrote:
my mjǫlnir
Meow meow?

big thundery hammer wielded by big thundery hammer dude

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Aniuś the Talewise wrote:
Freebird DM wrote:
Aniuś the Talewise wrote:
my mjǫlnir
Meow meow?
big thundery hammer wielded by big thundery hammer dude

Meow meow? What's meow meow?

David M Mallon wrote:
Aniuś the Talewise wrote:
Freebird DM wrote:
Aniuś the Talewise wrote:
my mjǫlnir
Meow meow?
big thundery hammer wielded by big thundery hammer dude
Meow meow? What's meow meow?


it's been years since i saw that movie lol

Aniuś the Talewise wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:
Aniuś the Talewise wrote:
Freebird DM wrote:
Aniuś the Talewise wrote:
my mjǫlnir
Meow meow?
big thundery hammer wielded by big thundery hammer dude
Meow meow? What's meow meow?


it's been years since i saw that movie lol

Totally. Joss Whedon is a way better director than Kenneth Branagh.

NobodysHome wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Crap. 30 MB updates are taking long enough... I dread how long it will take that 1.1 GB patch. And then 2.3 GB expansion...

We have a simple fix for that: "Kids, if it's over 1 GB, wait for Sunday and do it at Shiro's player's house."

He ended up getting fiber optic and his download speeds are ludicrous, so it's, "Once a week, we download everything."

Mooch off your friends. It's what life is all about! :-P

60 Mbits/second here. Download speed wasn't an issue. Installing the patch was slower.

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I'm disgusting and I want to eat this

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I'll have an order of that too, and the colossal sized fortune cookie

Silver Crusade

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Evening all. What did I miss?

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Celestial Healer wrote:
Evening all. What did I miss?

Well, NobodysHome and captain yesterday were discussing large swathes of protective latex weighing hundreds of pounds. Then a large carpentry tool that makes cat noises went missing. It was re-established that Freehold loves Joss Whedon, and the dragon commented on the alacrity with which his bits move through the ether. Finally, oversized asiatic cuisine was introduced and an a&~!&@& tried to write a recap of the last page.

tfw the dimmest setting on your monitor is still too bright for your night-adjusted eyes.

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Evening shift today, evening shift tomorrow.

At least it's a nice change of pace compared to the morning shifts.

Now I'm thinking I should have phrased the start of my recap differently. Maybe I should have said that NobodysHome and captain yesterday were discussing the proper utilization of enormous prophylactic latex barriers. This is why we need AberZombie back! His recaps were much better.

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practice makes perfect, i thought you did a great job:-)

Of course i'm on day two of my cold, which is usually the introspection and nostalgia phase, followed closely by the Doom and Gloom phase which is followed up by the Why isn't this over phase which nicely folds into the Holy F$#@ing S+*# i feel great that wasn't so bad phase.

lucky for me, i power thru colds pretty fast so i hope to get thru most if not all of those today :-)

i also hope my copy of Hell's Bright Shadow comes today:-)

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Schmorgan Heckengaard wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Evening all. What did I miss?
Well, NobodysHome and captain yesterday were discussing large swathes of protective latex weighing hundreds of pounds. Then a large carpentry tool that makes cat noises went missing. It was re-established that Freehold loves Joss Whedon, and the dragon commented on the alacrity with which his bits move through the ether. Finally, oversized asiatic cuisine was introduced and an a@!~#!& tried to write a recap of the last page.

In a light butter sauce maybe. I believe he is the perfect blend of fat to meat, and will be perfectly marbeled when I have him over for dinner. I will paint the apple I put in his mouth Firefly colors.

You can't take the long pork from me.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Schmorgan Heckengaard wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Evening all. What did I miss?
Well, NobodysHome and captain yesterday were discussing large swathes of protective latex weighing hundreds of pounds. Then a large carpentry tool that makes cat noises went missing. It was re-established that Freehold loves Joss Whedon, and the dragon commented on the alacrity with which his bits move through the ether. Finally, oversized asiatic cuisine was introduced and an a@!~#!& tried to write a recap of the last page.

In a light butter sauce maybe. I believe he is the perfect blend of fat to meat, and will be perfectly marbeled when I have him over for dinner. I will paint the apple I put in his mouth Firefly colors.

You can't take the long pork from me.

I'll take three.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:

You can't take the long pork from me.

Honk honk!

Yuk yuk!
Fnord fnord!
K'woo! K'woo!

3 people marked this as a favorite.
SCP-682 wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Schmorgan Heckengaard wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Evening all. What did I miss?
Well, NobodysHome and captain yesterday were discussing large swathes of protective latex weighing hundreds of pounds. Then a large carpentry tool that makes cat noises went missing. It was re-established that Freehold loves Joss Whedon, and the dragon commented on the alacrity with which his bits move through the ether. Finally, oversized asiatic cuisine was introduced and an a@!~#!& tried to write a recap of the last page.

In a light butter sauce maybe. I believe he is the perfect blend of fat to meat, and will be perfectly marbeled when I have him over for dinner. I will paint the apple I put in his mouth Firefly colors.

You can't take the long pork from me.

I'll take three.

I will ironically be using one of Alton Browns recipes to ensure maximum mediocrity.

How is it that every spring right before schools out I remind my brothers their super cool niece is free for the summer and nothing! No crickets or anything, just one lonely email around the end of June from one of them saying there's a family reunion this weekend, we would've told you sooner but you're not on Facebook. Now all of a sudden with school starting next Tuesday all of a sudden everyone's like "hey what are you doing we should totally hang out"

I have 7 brothers, so that's a lot to cram into one weekend, so then Pea Bear is exhausted for her first week of school:-(

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OK, CY, what are you doing trolling around in the Advice threads and favoriting my posts?

You KNOW this is just going to end in ugliness and apology to Chris!

Freehold DM wrote:
SCP-682 wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Schmorgan Heckengaard wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Evening all. What did I miss?
Well, NobodysHome and captain yesterday were discussing large swathes of protective latex weighing hundreds of pounds. Then a large carpentry tool that makes cat noises went missing. It was re-established that Freehold loves Joss Whedon, and the dragon commented on the alacrity with which his bits move through the ether. Finally, oversized asiatic cuisine was introduced and an a@!~#!& tried to write a recap of the last page.

In a light butter sauce maybe. I believe he is the perfect blend of fat to meat, and will be perfectly marbeled when I have him over for dinner. I will paint the apple I put in his mouth Firefly colors.

You can't take the long pork from me.

I'll take three.
I will ironically be using one of Alton Browns recipes to ensure maximum mediocrity.


NobodysHome wrote:

OK, CY, what are you doing trolling around in the Advice threads and favoriting my posts?

You KNOW this is just going to end in ugliness and apology to Chris!

I would post something but I have a cold and don't have my A game today, besides my wit is wasted on those guys, they don't want advice they just want to talk over each other and see who's the most passive aggressive:-D

Did you see Useplanb is taking a group of poor saps thru Iron Gods :-)

Edit: I already gave away the existence of Androids, oops!

captain yesterday wrote:
Did you see Useplanb is taking a group of poor saps thru Iron Gods :-)

Yep. Totally have to start reading that one. In my AMPLE free time.

(Handed off two projects yesterday, so today I'm 90 minutes into my work day and very hesitant to let my manager know I really have very little to do today, other than post on Paizo. On the other hand, I know her very well, and her answer would be, "Go ahead and post on Paizo, I've got nothing for you 'til next week...")

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Captain Yesterday wrote:

Did you see Useplanb is taking a group of poor saps thru Iron Gods :-)

Edit: I already gave away the existence of Androids, oops!

DO NOT USE Lamontius' avatar!

I got totally confused...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

OK, CY, what are you doing trolling around in the Advice threads and favoriting my posts?

You KNOW this is just going to end in ugliness and apology to Chris!

I would post something but I have a cold and don't have my A game today, besides my wit is wasted on those guys, they don't want advice they just want to talk over each other and see who's the most passive aggressive:-D

You know, the second or third time he posted, "Yeah, but what about the gnome illusionist?" I realized I just had to move on...

...but not before trying one more "rational" post.

Ah, well.

Argh! I was trying to Smurf you but you got to it before I switched it to my Smurf trap alias, see if I hadn't a cold I would've caught that right away:-(

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

OK, CY, what are you doing trolling around in the Advice threads and favoriting my posts?

You KNOW this is just going to end in ugliness and apology to Chris!

I would post something but I have a cold and don't have my A game today, besides my wit is wasted on those guys, they don't want advice they just want to talk over each other and see who's the most passive aggressive:-D

You know, the second or third time he posted, "Yeah, but what about the gnome illusionist?" I realized I just had to move on...

...but not before trying one more "rational" post.

Ah, well.

I totally failed my will save and got sucked into that thread myself. I knew I should have taken Iron Will instead of spell focus(illusion) to crank my DC on color spray

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Tin Foil Yamakah wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

OK, CY, what are you doing trolling around in the Advice threads and favoriting my posts?

You KNOW this is just going to end in ugliness and apology to Chris!

I would post something but I have a cold and don't have my A game today, besides my wit is wasted on those guys, they don't want advice they just want to talk over each other and see who's the most passive aggressive:-D

You know, the second or third time he posted, "Yeah, but what about the gnome illusionist?" I realized I just had to move on...

...but not before trying one more "rational" post.

Ah, well.

I totally failed my will save and got sucked into that thread myself. I knew I should have taken Iron Will instead of spell focus(illusion) to crank my DC on color spray

OK. You made me giggle out loud.

Now NobodysWife knows I'm still not working...

Going to get up to 80 today, I'm starting to feel better already :-)

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
SCP-682 wrote:
I'll take three.

Gods damn it Orthos.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I apologize for nothing.

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