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2 people marked this as a favorite.
Well now. That was awkward. It was Freehold's fault. ~puts my scales back on~
Has anyone heard from Heathansson lately? He has not posted since last year and that is not like him.
Did we sink that thread yet? If not then we need to fire off another post.
Kirth Gersen wrote: Back in Houston! Permanently
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Tacticslion wrote: So, I finally found my place. So: first post of an alias I've had for quite a while (Drejk likely recognizes it, maybe?) is sliiiiightly on the "big" side. Just slightly.
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Should be an awesome Saturday :-)
Gonna get up to almost 80, going to get a new pool as soon as the store opens, all stocked up on Hard Root Beer, and a 30% chance of thunderstorms after 7p.m. it really can't get any better :-)
I love summer! (Wait, am I also opposite world Freehold DM?)
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T-Minus one hour to Avengers
T-Minus five hours to Kingmaker
T-Minus eight hours to NWN Council of Thieves
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captain yesterday wrote: Should be an awesome Saturday :-)
Gonna get up to almost 80, going to get a new pool as soon as the store opens, all stocked up on Hard Root Beer, and a 30% chance of thunderstorms after 7p.m. it really can't get any better :-)
I love summer! (Wait, am I also opposite world Freehold DM?)
No that would be me. I approve, though.
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But isn't Opposite World and Bizzaro World two separate alternate realities:-p
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Hmm I thought it was just alternate names for the same concept. I could be mistaken though.
6 people marked this as a favorite.
sandbox build, installed in garden with protective foil undernise and borderstones set in concrete
I may have made it more complicated as needed but [schwarzenegger voice] zhats houw ve Germans do it[/schwarzenegger voice]
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3 people marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote: T-Minus one hour to Avengers
T-Minus five hours to Kingmaker
T-Minus eight hours to NWN Council of Thieves
That is a great day!!!
7 people marked this as a favorite.
I have banana bread in the oven.
2 people marked this as a favorite.
Mmmmm..... Banana Bread!!
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Celestial Healer wrote: I have banana bread in the oven. I have Grüne Soße
I win ;-)
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aeglos wrote: Celestial Healer wrote: I have banana bread in the oven. I have Grüne Soße
I win ;-) but only with 4 herbs, Parsley, Borage and Cress are not grown enough, yet
a Frankfurter would not acceppt that as Grüne Soße but they don't know how to really make it anyway,
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in case answay wonders,
the 4 herbs in my Soße are Chives, Sorrel, Chervil and Pimpinella
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In theatre. 20 min to screen time. Yes phone will go away when it starts. Not as crowded as i feared it'd be.
Use spoiler tags, we're waiting until next weekend, have fun :-)
Edit: never mind saw it had it's own thread, looks like a smurftacular movie :-)
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Yeah no worries, no spoilers from me.
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Okay, I like Firefox, and at least it's not crashing all over the place, like Chrome was, recently, but daggum is it a lot slower than Chrome.
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Oh! Oh! Redneck jokes
What do rednecks call duct tape
Why is a Tornado like a Redneck divorce
Either way someone's losing a trailer!
Thank you!
2 people marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote: T-Minus one hour to Avengers
T-Minus five hours to Kingmaker
T-Minus eight hours to NWN Council of Thieves
we go to see Avengers next friday on our anniversary
first dinner in Italien Restaurant we where at our 3rd date, than movie, the Dwarfling stays at my fathers so house to ourself over night
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it will be the first time the boy stays away over night
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Orthos wrote: T-Minus one hour to Avengers
T-Minus five hours to Kingmaker
T-Minus eight hours to NWN Council of Thieves
And the latter two on the list are why I can't do the first item. Stupid small town with no morning showings of anything...
3 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote: Should be an awesome Saturday :-)
Gonna get up to almost 80, going to get a new pool as soon as the store opens, all stocked up on Hard Root Beer, and a 30% chance of thunderstorms after 7p.m. it really can't get any better :-)
I love summer! (Wait, am I also opposite world Freehold DM?)
no. I love thunderstorms and...hard root beer? I must try this....
You really must! Sprechers if you can find it, they also do a Ginger beer :-)
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I just meant that summer being my favorite season made me opposite, but I suspect we aren't so very different :-)
Point taken, I'm not opposite world Freehold :-)
2 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote: I suspect we aren't so very different :-) ... said every villain ever.
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Scintillae wrote: Orthos wrote: T-Minus one hour to Avengers
T-Minus five hours to Kingmaker
T-Minus eight hours to NWN Council of Thieves
And the latter two on the list are why I can't do the first item. Stupid small town with no morning showings of anything... a wise way to spend the day.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote: T-Minus one hour to Avengers
T-Minus five hours to Kingmaker
T-Minus eight hours to NWN Council of Thieves
A less wise way to spend the day.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
aeglos wrote: sandbox build, installed in garden with protective foil undernise and borderstones set in concrete
I may have made it more complicated as needed but [schwarzenegger voice] zhats houw ve Germans do it[/schwarzenegger voice]
4 people marked this as a favorite.
Celestial Healer wrote: I have banana bread in the oven. presses face up against CHs patio window
2 people marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote: In theatre. 20 min to screen time. Yes phone will go away when it starts. Not as crowded as i feared it'd be. I would text you every five minutes.
5 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote: Orthos wrote: In theatre. 20 min to screen time. Yes phone will go away when it starts. Not as crowded as i feared it'd be. I would text you every five minutes.
Minutes. And this is why you will never have my number.
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In opposite world Joss Whedon was eaten by an enraged Seth Green, of course Alton Brown was slowly tortured to death by having to narrate for 5 seasons of American Idol (whose "auditions" are mostly just prison camps for douche bag teenagers)
Mediocre hacks are dealt with harshly in opposite world, you know instead of embraced and coddled :-)
Edit: love the Avengers and Freaks and Geeks, otherwise I'm fairly neutral to Whedon's work, that Zuckerberg F$#* face will never get my soul tho! F*$@ Facebook!
4 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote: Oh! Oh! Redneck jokes
What do rednecks call duct tape
Why is a Tornado like a Redneck divorce
Either way someone's losing a trailer!
Thank you!
These are terrible!
I snorted.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Scintillae wrote: Freehold DM wrote: Orthos wrote: In theatre. 20 min to screen time. Yes phone will go away when it starts. Not as crowded as i feared it'd be. I would text you every five minutes.
Minutes. And this is why you will never have my number. Freehold acquires a sad!
Freehold's inventory is full! Send to convoy?
Freehold sends a sad to convoy!
2 people marked this as a favorite.
Opposite World Freehold wrote: In opposite world Joss Whedon was eaten by an enraged Seth Green, of course Alton Brown was slowly tortured to death by having to narrate for 5 seasons of American Idol (whose "auditions" are mostly just prison camps for douche bag teenagers)
Mediocre hacks are dealt with harshly in opposite world, you know instead of embraced and coddled :-)
Edit: love the Avengers and Freaks and Geeks, otherwise I'm fairly neutral to Whedon's work, that Zuckerberg F~## face will never get my soul tho! F&$+ Facebook!
Dloheerf, MD! You finally graduated from evil medical school I see....
3 people marked this as a favorite.
Continued a Pathfinder campaign today, and finished a GURPS one. Today was a good day.
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3 people marked this as a favorite.
Movie just ended. SO AWESOME. SO VERY AWESOME.
Schedule conflicts caused by other players wanting to see it and really deserving and needing a movie day cancelled kingmaker sadly, but again, so worth it.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote: Orthos wrote: T-Minus one hour to Avengers
T-Minus five hours to Kingmaker
T-Minus eight hours to NWN Council of Thieves A less wise way to spend the day. I have never been prouder of my wis score.
5 people marked this as a favorite.
Found a Lady Death comic today, which is all boobs, bums, swordfights (yay!) and cheesy low-grade 3D computer art (boo!). Also, if my nipples looked like hers do on the cover, I'd be a lot more worried than she seems to be.