Eekster Buhnay |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Easter bank holiday this w/end. Have an eekstah ehg to eat, but I'm saving it. Spent the morning gardening, then went for a walk in the afternoon, along the canal, past the chemical works, the injection moulding place and the sewage farm, then through the woods, where someone's made a little shrine to their evening's entertainment consisting of burnt-out aerosol cans and broken alcopops bottles on sticks with a bunch of flowers (pinched from a nearby cemetery) in the middle. They'd also hung some Christmas baubles on the bushes.
Mwah-ha-ha-ha-ha! In Slaadviet Russia, eekstah ehg eat you!

Pillbug Toenibbler |
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Limeylongears wrote:Easter bank holiday this w/end. Have an eekstah ehg to eat, but I'm saving it. Spent the morning gardening, then went for a walk in the afternoon, along the canal, past the chemical works, the injection moulding place and the sewage farm, then through the woods, where someone's made a little shrine to their evening's entertainment consisting of burnt-out aerosol cans and broken alcopops bottles on sticks with a bunch of flowers (pinched from a nearby cemetery) in the middle. They'd also hung some Christmas baubles on the bushes.Mwah-ha-ha-ha-ha! In Slaadviet Russia, eekstah ehg eat you!
{bonks her on the head} You dum-dum, even I know you're not supposed to start Villainous Monologuing until after he's already ingested the ehg!

Ambrosia Slaad |
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Eekster Buhnay wrote:{bonks her on the head} You dum-dum, even I know you're not supposed to start Villainous Monologuing until after he's already ingested the ehg!Limeylongears wrote:Easter bank holiday this w/end. Have an eekstah ehg to eat, but I'm saving it. Spent the morning gardening, then went for a walk in the afternoon, along the canal, past the chemical works, the injection moulding place and the sewage farm, then through the woods, where someone's made a little shrine to their evening's entertainment consisting of burnt-out aerosol cans and broken alcopops bottles on sticks with a bunch of flowers (pinched from a nearby cemetery) in the middle. They'd also hung some Christmas baubles on the bushes.Mwah-ha-ha-ha-ha! In Slaadviet Russia, eekstah ehg eat you!
{smacks both Eekster and Pillbug} Numbskulls! Geez, you two are always leaping into trouble without a second thought!

Gentleman Nurn |
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Pillbug Toenibbler wrote:{smacks both Eekster and Pillbug} Numbskulls! Geez, you two are always leaping into trouble without a second thought!Eekster Buhnay wrote:{bonks her on the head} You dum-dum, even I know you're not supposed to start Villainous Monologuing until after he's already ingested the ehg!Limeylongears wrote:Easter bank holiday this w/end. Have an eekstah ehg to eat, but I'm saving it. Spent the morning gardening, then went for a walk in the afternoon, along the canal, past the chemical works, the injection moulding place and the sewage farm, then through the woods, where someone's made a little shrine to their evening's entertainment consisting of burnt-out aerosol cans and broken alcopops bottles on sticks with a bunch of flowers (pinched from a nearby cemetery) in the middle. They'd also hung some Christmas baubles on the bushes.Mwah-ha-ha-ha-ha! In Slaadviet Russia, eekstah ehg eat you!
You really need to invest in better minions, yeeesssss.

Limeylongears |
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Limeylongears wrote:Easter bank holiday this w/end. Have an eekstah ehg to eat, but I'm saving it. Spent the morning gardening, then went for a walk in the afternoon, along the canal, past the chemical works, the injection moulding place and the sewage farm, then through the woods, where someone's made a little shrine to their evening's entertainment consisting of burnt-out aerosol cans and broken alcopops bottles on sticks with a bunch of flowers (pinched from a nearby cemetery) in the middle. They'd also hung some Christmas baubles on the bushes.Mwah-ha-ha-ha-ha! In Slaadviet Russia, eekstah ehg eat you!
*Hovers over eekstah ehg, tulwar in hand and determined expression on face*
You're not going to get the drop on me, you chocolatey ovoid *thing*, you...

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David M Mallon wrote:First post was in December of 2006. I'd joined the forums about a year prior in order to read James Jacobs' Age of Worms campaign journal. The messageboards looked something like this when I started reading them.Wow. Lot of old nostalgic names there. I joined sometime early 2005, just to renew my dragon mag sub. I didn't start pisting (under my first alias) until mid 2007 after the announcement of dragon and dungeons termination (at least in dead tree)
That is indeed an awesome link.
My first post was in July of 2006, and I am ashamed to admit that it was on the Three Word Game thread.

Tacticslion |

Mine was apparently starting a new thread on July 31, 2011, though I was reasonably confident that I'd posted other things prior to that... they just don't seem to exist. Go figure.
I... don't actually recall when I first made my account.
I'm pretty sure the first thread I was reading had both Set and Mikaze saying nice things to each other back-and-forth, which really inspired me with warm feelings. A sensation that's never really left these forums as a whole (specific instances aside).

David M Mallon |
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My first two posts were in the "Music During Gameplay" thread. At the time, I was just coming off of my Wal-Mart butt rock phase and sliding into liking better music, and... it shows.
After that, I moved on to posting immature rants about why heroes should be dark and angsty in the "Characters Deserving Death" thread.
Then, as now, I seem to have spent an inordinate amount of time talking about music on a gaming forum. I also feel the distinct need to invent a time machine solely for the purpose of going back in time and punching my younger self in the head.

lynora |
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My first post was May 2007. It was in a thread about what you wished you could be in real life...I still stand by my answer. :)
In the meantime, back in real life, spring cleaning is kicking my butt. All the dust is making my eyes itch and swell up...but this place is gonna look amazing whenever I actually finish...sometime before summer officially gets here I hope. :)

Drejk |

I'll get it. One day. Also, might pick different venue over Steam. While I would prefer digital download, Steam pricing screws Poland. It seems that we can't pay in dollars like any sensible person, only in euro... Also my PayPal, which supports dollars and zloty will rip me on dollar/euro conversion rate.
Oh, look, XCOM with Enemy Within and two minor DLC at a big shop near me is 100 zloty. Which a bit less than 25 euro at the moment. Directly at Steam the same (I think) version is 30 euro... And what is funnier the boxed version is a Steam one, too, it requires Steam Account, internet connection, and should include Steam Key... And no need for dealing with inflated Dollar to Euro conversion rates at PayPal.
Should I buy it today or wait until after Easter? If I buy it today I might leave Pillars of Eternity for later...

Sharoth |
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Drejk wrote:I'll get it. One day. Also, might pick different venue over Steam. While I would prefer digital download, Steam pricing screws Poland. It seems that we can't pay in dollars like any sensible person, only in euro... Also my PayPal, which supports dollars and zloty will rip me on dollar/euro conversion rate.Oh, look, XCOM with Enemy Within and two minor DLC at a big shop near me is 100 zloty. Which a bit less than 25 euro at the moment. Directly at Steam the same (I think) version is 30 euro... And what is funnier the boxed version is a Steam one, too, it requires Steam Account, internet connection, and should include Steam Key... And no need for dealing with inflated Dollar to Euro conversion rates at PayPal.
Should I buy it today or wait until after Easter? If I buy it today I might leave Pillars of Eternity for later...
Do it! Just play through the main game without any add ons at lest once before doing Enemy Within.

Drejk |

Drejk wrote:Do it! Just play through the main game without any add ons at lest once before doing Enemy Within.Drejk wrote:I'll get it. One day. Also, might pick different venue over Steam. While I would prefer digital download, Steam pricing screws Poland. It seems that we can't pay in dollars like any sensible person, only in euro... Also my PayPal, which supports dollars and zloty will rip me on dollar/euro conversion rate.Oh, look, XCOM with Enemy Within and two minor DLC at a big shop near me is 100 zloty. Which a bit less than 25 euro at the moment. Directly at Steam the same (I think) version is 30 euro... And what is funnier the boxed version is a Steam one, too, it requires Steam Account, internet connection, and should include Steam Key... And no need for dealing with inflated Dollar to Euro conversion rates at PayPal.
Should I buy it today or wait until after Easter? If I buy it today I might leave Pillars of Eternity for later...
Yeah, I decided to do this while being at shop and buying food for the next three days... I will eat and then I will go get it. Assuming the shop where it was will be still open - everything closes earlier today.

David M Mallon |
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Got a phone call from my uncle in New Mexico last night to thank me for the present I got him for his birthday... in October. I'd gone to see Slaid Cleaves, his favorite singer-songwriter, in concert in Syracuse, and picked him up an autographed CD. Apparently, when he got it, Uncle Mark opened the package, saw that it was a CD he already owned, and threw it in his junk drawer. Last week, he wore out the old copy, and opened the CD case, only then noticing the autograph. A fairly typical Mallon family reaction, really, given that most gifts people get end up being things like jumbo packs of AA batteries, boxes of socks, or, on one memorable occasion, 30 pounds of venison breakfast sausage.

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So, Easter should be quiet around the CH household. We were supposed to go to John's bosses' house for Easter dinner, but the lady of the house has been in the hospital all week following a series of surgeries to resolve a brain bleed. She is recovering well, under the circumstances, but the mood is rather subdued.

David M Mallon |
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David M Mallon wrote:Limeylongears wrote:30 pounds. A package of sausage around the size of a small child...Two large Wegman's bags full. Partial payment for ripping the siding off my other uncle's house. Lasted me 6 months.And now I miss Wegmans.
You live in New York City, and you love Wegman's. I'm sensing that you're a big fan of crowds.