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Shadow Lodge

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I'm going to bed...eventually.

Orthos! Anyone else that plays NWN!

Have you seen this or this? Just found them recently.

What do you think?

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I have NWN but I have yet to play it. I would like to play Planescape: Torment and the two Baldur's Gate games first.

Haven't really had the time for video games as of late, sadly. My writing needs to catch up, and I also have my studies to work on.

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Orthos wrote:

Not so.

I was born a bit late for Thundercats. I'm more of the Ninja Turtles, Batman TAS, Amazing Spiderman, X-Men cartoon, Beast Wars, ReBoot, Gargoyles generation kid.

no, it's unpossible because there was another version of the show recently that didn't last long despite its goodness (although it did lose its way after a while it tried to come back but the series itself collapsed underneath it's financial weight).

While I respect a certain writer friend of mine, some of his story ideas make me want to bang my head on the nearest wall.

Freehold DM wrote:
Orthos wrote:

Not so.

I was born a bit late for Thundercats. I'm more of the Ninja Turtles, Batman TAS, Amazing Spiderman, X-Men cartoon, Beast Wars, ReBoot, Gargoyles generation kid.

no, it's unpossible because there was another version of the show recently that didn't last long despite its goodness (although it did lose its way after a while it tried to come back but the series itself collapsed underneath it's financial weight).

First I've heard of it. It probably came after I stopped watching TV.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:
(Also, I, too, grew up on those cartoons - except for Beast Wars - but Thundercats are entirely worthwhile. Worth noting, I remember nothing about Silverhawks other than the intro and toys, which I loved (though I don't remember that intro at all - I probably never saw it; I just recall the song starting at ~2:37 or so). ... man, I could keep linking things here forever...)

Beast Wars is on Youtube as well, I recommend it highly if you have the spare time to watch. Come for the diabolically polite Megatron ("Yeeeesssss"*), the hilarious antics of the protagonists Rattrap and Cheetor, and the original PhilosoRaptor Dinobot; stay for the surprisingly deep plot, strong connections to the original Transformers cartoons, impressive animation (for its time), and interesting storyline.

*: And yes, that is where I got Gentleman Nurn's voice from.

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pours one out for him

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Lindsey Stirling is awesome!


2 people marked this as a favorite.

So is Florence & The Machine.


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Youtube repeatedly bombards me with ad for Q-workshop steampunk dice. I already got quite similar Shattered Star dice for my birthday...

Sharoth wrote:
So is Florence & The Machine.

Maaaaaassshhhhhuuuup (of Stirling and Adele - I didn't see a Florence/Stirling mashup, and many YouTube mashups aren't great anyway, though this one is, too!)

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And then there's her partnerships with these guys.


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Ordered a pizza. It was kind of bland. I put lots of habanero sauce on it.

It was no longer bland, but I dread the next bathroom visit now.

Dark Archive

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:

Not so.

I was born a bit late for Thundercats. I'm more of the Ninja Turtles, Batman TAS, Amazing Spiderman, X-Men cartoon, Beast Wars, ReBoot, Gargoyles generation kid.


Apart from Beast Wars, I grew up to those cartoons. I still have a Mickey hand-puppet and a technodrome in my attic. :P

Dark Archive

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I hope all the lovely FaWtLers are well and having a good week. May it go smoothly for ye all. It's been alternating lashing rain and suddenly sunny all week, when I'm not soaking wet, I'm blinded. Bless us and save us, no matter how odd it gets, I still love Irish weather.

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LordSynos wrote:
I hope all the lovely FaWtLers are well and having a good week. May it go smoothly for ye all. It's been alternating lashing rain and suddenly sunny all week, when I'm not soaking wet, I'm blinded. Bless us and save us, no matter how odd it gets, I still love Irish weather.

wasn't it better when it was just winter?

Sharoth wrote:
Lindsey Stirling is awesome!

Was this ever in doubt?

LordSynos wrote:
I hope all the lovely FaWtLers are well and having a good week. May it go smoothly for ye all. It's been alternating lashing rain and suddenly sunny all week, when I'm not soaking wet, I'm blinded. Bless us and save us, no matter how odd it gets, I still love Irish weather.

Can I have your rain? I could use some more rain.

LordSynos wrote:
I hope all the lovely FaWtLers are well and having a good week. May it go smoothly for ye all. It's been alternating lashing rain and suddenly sunny all week, when I'm not soaking wet, I'm blinded. Bless us and save us, no matter how odd it gets, I still love Irish weather.

Pretty much the same here. Staying a lovely high-60s (18-22 C) throughout though, rain or shine.

Dark Archive

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Kelsey Arwen MacAilbert wrote:
LordSynos wrote:
I hope all the lovely FaWtLers are well and having a good week. May it go smoothly for ye all. It's been alternating lashing rain and suddenly sunny all week, when I'm not soaking wet, I'm blinded. Bless us and save us, no matter how odd it gets, I still love Irish weather.
Can I have your rain? I could use some more rain.

You're welcome to come borrow some. We have it by the barrel full. We'll need it back by next Tuesday though. The Overcloud won't be best pleased if we deny his tribute too long.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:
LordSynos wrote:
I hope all the lovely FaWtLers are well and having a good week. May it go smoothly for ye all. It's been alternating lashing rain and suddenly sunny all week, when I'm not soaking wet, I'm blinded. Bless us and save us, no matter how odd it gets, I still love Irish weather.
Pretty much the same here. Staying a lovely high-60s (18-22 C) throughout though, rain or shine.

Ah, what a warming temp. Still in the single digits here (35-50 F), pretty variable up and down. My mum is going on holidays to somewhere closer to your temperatures next week, and I'm just sitting here, chilling out.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
LordSynos wrote:
I hope all the lovely FaWtLers are well and having a good week. May it go smoothly for ye all. It's been alternating lashing rain and suddenly sunny all week, when I'm not soaking wet, I'm blinded. Bless us and save us, no matter how odd it gets, I still love Irish weather.
wasn't it better when it was just winter?

I must admit, a bit of consistency wouldn't go amiss. At least you can plan for cold! That said, I think I'd have what Orthos is having first. :P

Silver Crusade

7 people marked this as a favorite.

Evening, all. I am in Florida. It is warm here.

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2 people marked this as a favorite.
LordSynos wrote:
Kelsey Arwen MacAilbert wrote:
LordSynos wrote:
I hope all the lovely FaWtLers are well and having a good week. May it go smoothly for ye all. It's been alternating lashing rain and suddenly sunny all week, when I'm not soaking wet, I'm blinded. Bless us and save us, no matter how odd it gets, I still love Irish weather.
Can I have your rain? I could use some more rain.
You're welcome to come borrow some. We have it by the barrel full. We'll need it back by next Tuesday though. The Overcloud won't be best pleased if we deny his tribute too long.

All Hail the Glow OverCloud.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
LordSynos wrote:
I hope all the lovely FaWtLers are well and having a good week. May it go smoothly for ye all. It's been alternating lashing rain and suddenly sunny all week, when I'm not soaking wet, I'm blinded. Bless us and save us, no matter how odd it gets, I still love Irish weather.
wasn't it better when it was just winter?


Ahh, first morning off to work with the sun shining brightly in the sky.

I usually do not like it but today I felt refreshed by it. Sleeping well enough helped.

I frakking love Steven universe.

Still no idea of when I can arrange the next Kingmaker session...

I know how you feel,
i had to put all our campaigns on hold until my daughter got her s!!+ together and started doing her school work, its been since Halloween:( she did start to get it together after christmas but then we all got the flu and the window was gone.

its actually been really difficult to get her to do anything school-wise or at home, 10-11 year olds i guess

Dark Archive

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Afternoon FaWtL folk. Hope everyone is doing well today, and has a good day ahead of them. Rather wet today, even my garden flooded a bit. Not quite time for the canoes yet though, so no worries. :)

Dark Archive

Cecil Gershwin Palmer wrote:
LordSynos wrote:
Kelsey Arwen MacAilbert wrote:
LordSynos wrote:
I hope all the lovely FaWtLers are well and having a good week. May it go smoothly for ye all. It's been alternating lashing rain and suddenly sunny all week, when I'm not soaking wet, I'm blinded. Bless us and save us, no matter how odd it gets, I still love Irish weather.
Can I have your rain? I could use some more rain.
You're welcome to come borrow some. We have it by the barrel full. We'll need it back by next Tuesday though. The Overcloud won't be best pleased if we deny his tribute too long.
All Hail the Glow OverCloud.

I keep meaning to look into this Night Vale malarkey. Several friends are always liking and sharing facebook statuses. I assume you're a fan?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
LordSynos wrote:
Cecil Gershwin Palmer wrote:
LordSynos wrote:
Kelsey Arwen MacAilbert wrote:
LordSynos wrote:
I hope all the lovely FaWtLers are well and having a good week. May it go smoothly for ye all. It's been alternating lashing rain and suddenly sunny all week, when I'm not soaking wet, I'm blinded. Bless us and save us, no matter how odd it gets, I still love Irish weather.
Can I have your rain? I could use some more rain.
You're welcome to come borrow some. We have it by the barrel full. We'll need it back by next Tuesday though. The Overcloud won't be best pleased if we deny his tribute too long.
All Hail the Glow OverCloud.
I keep meaning to look into this Night Vale malarkey. Several friends are always liking and sharing facebook statuses. I assume you're a fan?


Here's a full list of the episodes, starting at the bottom and newest at the top. New episodes come out on the 1st and 15th of every month.

They're all between 30-40 minutes long (except for a couple special episodes that run closer to an hour), but 5-10 minutes of that is a musical interlude ("Let's have a look at the weather"). Most of the time the music isn't to my taste so I tend to skip it =)

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3 people marked this as a favorite.

Very sad "ook."

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3 people marked this as a favorite.
Kajehase wrote:
Very sad "ook."

SQUEAK. =( *comforting shoulder pat*


I'm afraid I don't understand the last several posts. Is Night Vale going to close, or...?

(I've yet to start listening to it, so...)

Terry Pratchett died.

Mm. I'm so sorry. :(

Dark Archive

Damn. :(

May he rest peacefully...

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Well, that sucks. I liked his stuff, but one of my friends loved his books.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

goodbye Sir Terence :-(

hi everyone

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boy is tired but refuses to sleep :-/

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