Deep 6 FaWtL

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Sharoth wrote:
Malicious Rumourmonger wrote:
Freehold DM is dressing up as Xander from Buffy for Halloween.
I thought that Freehold DM was going as Buffy herself for Halloween.


Believe it or not, I was hoping the sub machine gun was going to make a clean start after Buffy as a scream queen, but that didn't work.

J1000 Whedonator wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
Malicious Rumourmonger wrote:
Freehold DM is dressing up as Xander from Buffy for Halloween.
I thought that Freehold DM was going as Buffy herself for Halloween.
HOORAY! {does the Numfar "Dance of Joy"}

levels shotgun


I may be naked, but I will shoot you!!!!

Got the new phone yet? Or are you going to be smart and lie about it so I do not pester you? ~grins~

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Psst Sharoth. It doesn't work if you tell him you're going to pester him.

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~shocked look~ It doesn't?

Lantern Lodge


Breakfast at IHOP before the flight to Chicago, but first Salt Lake City.

I think that today I will go to pub for an event dedicated to (computer) games. Or something like that.

Dark Archive

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RWBY tomorrow.

I need to get around to watching that someday.

I spent a few hours sitting in a pub with people completely unknown to me. I thought there will be some of my friends.

On a plus side I played a bit of Injustice, or whatever that console game with DC heroes and villains fighting each other.

And got a gift code for a single GOG game...

I picked Galactic Civilizations 1 because I need some 4x strategy for a change...

Silver Crusade

I had one of those days at work where you come home and immediately hit the scotch.

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What did the poor scotch to you to warrant hitting it?!

Sharoth wrote:
Got the new phone yet? Or are you going to be smart and lie about it so I do not pester you? ~grins~

Unfortunately no, not yet. I hope to hear from them tomorrow.

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Freehold DM wrote:
I do know up here Sears has changed their policy regarding takeaways- I think you get charged for them now, but they also don't automatically take them away either, you have to ask. I know that taking things away is considered a package deal when there's a sale on something- the takeaway of the original item is part of the sale.

Just pissed me off royally. I'm sorry that your company is f+$&ed up and you're in a hurry Mr. Delivery Guy. No I'm not......f*$~ you, and f+&* Sears. Eat a bag of ding dongs; I'm through with you!!!

Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
Just pissed me off royally. I'm sorry that your company is f*+#ed up and you're in a hurry Mr. Delivery Guy. No I'm not......f%%& you, and f&~! Sears. Eat a bag of ding dongs; I'm through with you!!!

Surely there is a better way to express your displeasure than by giving them snack cakes. You could, for instance, try getting Very Cross.

Yeah. I could maybe show them the error of their ways.

Orthos wrote:
I need to get around to watching that someday.

Me too

Freehold DM wrote:
Orthos wrote:
I need to get around to watching that someday.
Me too

I quite enjoy it.

Yet another day? Fast they come.

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Two massive freelance assignments done. I massive and several more medium-sized assignments to go.

I wish my day job would have remembered that this is supposed to be a slow time. :)

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Also, hello everyone!

I hope you are doing well.

So, that recap I was working on...

Varnhold Vanishing:
...the group is near the end of the third book, having reunited at the Ghost Stone and then going into Vordakai's Tomb while pondering whether or not he is in there.

They cleared through the place with relative ease (even though I had upgraded some of the encounters), until they arrived at the room where Charon's altar had been placed. Sage decided to make the proper ritual to undo the traps around it. When they continued looking around, they ran into a Thanadaemon (or perhaps it was Charon), that laughed as it looked at the party and then left with a cryptic message about Sage that upset the group. Half-way clearing the place, they ran into a Crucidaemon after breaking the teleport circle that was attuned to the Oculus of Abaddon. The session ended there, but they managed to rescue Evindra, whom I had as the prisoner instead of Xamanthe.

Don't be stupid, Debbie!

Definitely time to bed.

No more grinding TPs in LOTRO.

Despite a sale that started today and ends next Wednesday with Helm's Deep expansion being at half the usual TP cost... Which is 7 times what I have at the moment because I just unlocked Eregion...

Silver Crusade

I have discovered a new guilty pleasure pizza dipped in sriracha

No Kingmaker game tonight sadly, two players missing. One person we can NPC, two people gets the game postponed =(

Did get some extra statblocking done, but time to take a break from that, gonna play Final Fantasy now.

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Out of money.

I need to go and exchange some pounds into real money.

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~looks at my stomach~ I wish I could exchange a few pounds for some real money.

Sharoth wrote:
~looks at my stomach~ I wish I could exchange a few pounds for some real money.

Like some sort of ghoulish Rumpelstiltskin?

Dark Archive

Afternoon FaWtL folks. Hope everyone is well and is having a good day. May your weekends treat ye well and be full of fun times. A little cloudy here, but the sun and the warmth and the dryness has held out a lot longer than expected / is usual. No complaints from me either way, just hope it holds out until the little one's next visit. He does enjoy the outdoors.

Dark Archive

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Orthos wrote:
For LordSynos

FF VII, A Cappella, and cats? This is just full of win. :D Might just say spoiler warning for FF VII though, it is the

end boss fight
after all.
Dark Archive

Rawr! wrote:

Two massive freelance assignments done. I massive and several more medium-sized assignments to go.

I wish my day job would have remembered that this is supposed to be a slow time. :)

Good luck with the assignments, hope they're all going well. :)

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LordSynos wrote:
Orthos wrote:
For LordSynos
FF VII, A Cappella, and cats? This is just full of win. :D

Smooth McGroove is probably one of my favorite things on YouTube. This is actually the fourth FFVII song he's done - he's also done the battle theme, the victory theme, and J-E-N-O-V-A.

Might just say spoiler warning for FF VII though, it is the ** spoiler omitted ** after all.

As old as the game is, I don't really think there's many people around who haven't already been spoiled ;)

Dark Archive

No games this week. A bit disappointing, but that's the way of things some times. More time to think about backstory, blaster builds, and rereading first steps.

Dark Archive

Orthos wrote:
LordSynos wrote:
Orthos wrote:
For LordSynos
FF VII, A Cappella, and cats? This is just full of win. :D
Smooth McGroove is probably one of my favorite things on YouTube. This is actually the fourth FFVII song he's done - he's also done the battle theme, the victory theme, and J-E-N-O-V-A.

Wait, there's more? O.o I'm so used to being linked on singular videos, I've forgotten channels were a thing. Must check back in again later.

Orthos wrote:
LordSynos wrote:
Might just say spoiler warning for FF VII though, it is the ** spoiler omitted ** after all.
As old as the game is, I don't really think there's many people around who haven't already been spoiled ;)

Probably true. Also the fact that it's so popular, that particular spoiler is well known. I tend to err on the side of caution when it comes to possible spoilers though, no matter how old something is. A trait of my social circle.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
LordSynos wrote:
Orthos wrote:
LordSynos wrote:
Orthos wrote:
For LordSynos
FF VII, A Cappella, and cats? This is just full of win. :D
Smooth McGroove is probably one of my favorite things on YouTube. This is actually the fourth FFVII song he's done - he's also done the battle theme, the victory theme, and J-E-N-O-V-A.
Wait, there's more? O.o I'm so used to being linked on singular videos, I've forgotten channels were a thing. Must check back in again later.

Yup, lots more. He has a pretty wide array - he's done lots of RPG stuff (Final Fantasies, Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana, Golden Sun, a few others), as well as a few other things - mostly your standard Nintendo stuff (Mario, Zelda, Mega Man, etc.), as he tends to focus on the NES/SNES/early PS1 era - I think the only songs he's done for more advanced systems than that is one thing from FFX. (GBA is relatively close to SNES in sound quality so I don't count that.)

He did an interview once where he explained that the older games' music is easier to do because of less sound channels in the older music processors. Previously he was putting out a song a week, barring extenuating circumstances like being away from home or being sick. OWA took about a month and a half, and just from watching the video itself you can easily tell it's the most complex thing he's ever done.

LordSynos wrote:
Rawr! wrote:

Two massive freelance assignments done. I massive and several more medium-sized assignments to go.

I wish my day job would have remembered that this is supposed to be a slow time. :)

Good luck with the assignments, hope they're all going well. :)

Thanks! The freelance assignments have been a lot of fun, as usual.

The day job assignments not so much.

Good morning!

Shadow Lodge

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Rawr! wrote:
Good morning!

Good morning to you as well. My, you are an eager beav- I mean badger this morning.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Mornings are never Good-aligned. Some are Neutral at best, but their statblock rightfully says "usually Evil (any)".

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Pounds to zlotys exchanged. House paid for four months. Tomorrow a technician is supposed to bring me a new modem capable of supporting 60 Mb/s connection that will start tomorrow. Old modem, as fine as it was for the last seven days isn't up to the task. The new one will also have a Wi-Fi so I will be able to use tablet. Will I be able to surf internet in toilet? We'll see...

I also bought a few pounds of books - four parts of Marcus Dido Falco series, one Polish fantasy or maybe sf, I am not sure, and The Crippled God... I wanted to buy Forge Of Darkness but it wasn't in the stock at the moment. I will buy it later.

The first five books were on sale for 9 zloty, 10 for the last one. Real bargain when it comes to books... Crippled God costed 59 zloty, but at least it is cheaper and bigger edition, instead of the older (and nicer one) where it is split in two books, each costing probably around 49-59 in itself...

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:
Mornings are never Good-aligned. Some are Neutral at best, but their statblock rightfully says "usually Evil (any)".

I have actually seen Good-aligned mornings. But that just might be a case of a Neutral or Evil creature acting good to lure someone into a false sense of security.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Speaking of evil (and clumsy segues), here's an evil bunny rabbit!

Silver Crusade

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Rawr! wrote:

Speaking of evil (and clumsy segues), here's an evil bunny rabbit!

I'm naming mine george

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I remember those books from when I was a kid.

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Bunnicula! :D

Silver Crusade

Sharoth wrote:
~looks at my stomach~ I wish I could exchange a few pounds for some real money.

Maybe you could find somebody to sell a kidney to. They have to weigh at least a pound or so.

Silver Crusade

Afternoon, all. What did I miss?

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