Deep 6 FaWtL

Off-Topic Discussions

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Silver Crusade

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Here you go


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Sips a dark and stormy. Kicks a poodle.


David M Mallon wrote:

Dear potential client,

The fact that you're a non-profit organization does not mean that you do not have to pay me to do work for you. I like that you're putting on free concerts for the local alterna-youths, but I can't eat references, and I can't pay my rent with experience. Please come back with money, and then we'll talk.

Very Tired Of Dealing With People Who Do This

They didn't call it volunteering?

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:
I'm so g%~+&#n tired and lonely right now, I don't even know what to do. Everyone I know is leaving town or getting married and having kids. Meanwhile, here I am, creeping up on 30 and still doing the same s#!@ I was doing 10 years ago, minus having a job. This is so f%@!ed.
34 is creeping up on me this December, but I remember...** spoiler omitted **...

For me reaching 30 wasn't anything special. But I lived so long in a sort of limbo of no-life for quite a long time.

Happy belated birthday, badger.

Trying to decide if I am recovered enough from awful sickness to go to renn fair today...

The wise decision is probably to stay home, but I've never been known for my wisdom...

Finally got around to playing Kingmaker with my group yesterday, and the session lasted till late evening. The Varnhold Vanishing is almost over, but I'll have to give the details of the session a bit later today.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
lynora wrote:

Trying to decide if I am recovered enough from awful sickness to go to renn fair today...

The wise decision is probably to stay home, but I've never been known for my wisdom...

If you do go, can't you tell everyone you're cosplaying a plague victim? :) Hope you're feeling better soon, and that kidlet doesn't catch it (or already had it).

Huh? It's nine already?

Well, so far Scotland is looking better than the Brazilians did.

Should I go to shop and check if they have anything edible or not?

I should stay at home tomorrow morning because I am waiting for a package - my things sent from England because sending it that way was cheaper than taking as a baggage on plane...

It was raining and might rain again, though.

Why am I watching a commercial break when I have the movie it's interrupting on DVD?

Went to shop got some bread, jam, radishes, lemon, and a raspberry yoghurt. Also opened a tin with luncheon meat.

Silver Crusade

Afternoon, all. What did I miss?

Silver Crusade

Annoying business trip to Seattle this week. 5 1/2 flights each way for a 1 1/2 hour meeting.

On the plus side, it'd take even longer by train.

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By the sun, it never rains, but it pours...

So, new phone is giving me problems today. It was sluggish charging last night and now it refuses to charge. I did some internet research and it turns out there is a design flaw in the galaxy note 3 where the newfangled usb 3.0 charger port is faulty. I took it down to where I got the phone and it turns out that I'm fully covered under the insurance plan I have. They wont' be replacing the charger port, but they will be replacing my phone without a worry or charge. A step up from the situation I was in with the previous phone, no doubt, but I'm concerned that I've had this phone for not even two months yet and there's already an issue. I've been encouraged by the store staff to not use the USB 3.0 charger at all, and to just use a standard 2.0 charger to avoid this problem in the future, but then phone will be replaced again if it is once more a manufacturer's flaw. I guess I'll miss the rapid charging(from single digit to full in about 2.5 hours, maybe less), but I'd rather charge slowly and have a phone then not have one at all. This is a happy ending, but still...hmm..I'm worried.

Uh? 3.0 should differ from 2.0 in rate of data transfer... Rate of power transfer too?

Meh. Tooth is being especially irritating tonight. Hopefully I will have time to go to dentist this week, but I have bad feelings about this.

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Kajehase wrote:
Why am I watching a commercial break when I have the movie it's interrupting on DVD?

My wife asks me that all the time. My answer. "I am lazy. It is on and I do not have to find the DVD."

Drejk wrote:
Uh? 3.0 should differ from 2.0 in rate of data transfer... Rate of power transfer too?

I've never had a phone charge that fast before.

RE: Ambrosia Slaad

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:

34 is creeping up on me this December, but I remember that leading up to & turning 30 was like riding a street motorcycle high-speed down a hiking trail and then hitting a Wiley Coyote trompe-l'œil stone wall. I could see through all the illusions of false future promise, of unrealized realities and hopes that I'd never opened the door or failed to even spot the door, and crystal-clarity recalled all my past failings, regrets, and broken promises.

I hope you can sail smoothly and blissfully through it, but I think your brain is far too perceptive to let that happen. :( The best advice I can give is to bury yourself in creative endeavors... if you're not making art, consume and soak in it as much as you can. Nourish your soul. Don't let anything hold you back or put up limiting walls. Anything that presents itself as a restraint or wall should be closely scrutinized and then circumvented/circumnavigated. Only you can accomplish and create what is in your head, your talent, your soul; if you don't do it, it won't ever be done by anyone else.

Try to find pleasure in simple everyday diversions and momentary joys. Buy/make a couple really amazing chocolate-chip cookies (or whatever your poison), and slowly thoroughly lose yourself in all the sensations of eating and enjoying it. Sit on a loungechair on a deck with a purring cat and glass of some rarely-enjoyed delicious beverage and watch the sun rise. Or set. Really examine every least little sensation coming in through all your senses. Brief moments where your brain can just shut off/idle and shut up are blissful treasures. Down time/relaxing is never wasted; it is an essential, crucial recharging of your physical brain and emotional/creative batteries.

When the big 30 arrives, I can't tell you not to engage in alcohol or other mind-altering substances--I have only a few sparse memories of that December through early March, and my liver probably still has nightmares of it--but those poisons at best only stall the inevitable. Worse, the body seems to know it's hit 30, and you will feel awful like a 20-yro can barely imagine.

And by God, if there is something about yourself that has been gnawing it you, haunting you, feeding your self-hatred... let it go if you can. 30 is still young, and you can still grow and change in awesome positive ways but also accept that certain parts of you that you don't like are usually there for a reason. Be honest with yourself, and don't dislike your essential elements because someone/society told you that they were "bad" or "wrong." Don't carry anyone else's baggage or garbage. Don't let people f!#~ with your head for malice or lolz or because they're bored or because they're running from what's in their own head. Being true to yourself and honest with yourself is an life-long adventure and a voyage, not a destination.

If you can be creative and create, if you can enjoy the brief bits of happiness between the everyday mundane toil and too-frequent s~@!tiness, if you can accept and love yourself... you will find women. Heck, even if you are only partly down to road to being the more actualized you, you'll find women. And they will find you. Just remind yourself constantly that what you really want/need is often not what you think you want/need. And she/they will be probably be packaged completely differently than what you were expecting. Be open to surprise and trying new things. (And as a tall girl, be sure to give tall girls a chance... most guys can't deal with a girl close to their own height--or worse, taller--and never give them a first chance.)

This is just me leaving a bottle message for younger me, but if you can glean anything useful from this rambling mess, then I've accomplished one tiny sliver of positive for today. I wish you the very best, Dave, because you are a good guy and worth the very best. :)

I've still got a couple of years before I hit 30, but it's starting to feel too close for comfort. I guess it's on my mind because of the tour I went on last week. Two of the other three guys were 19 and the other was 22, and it really started to sink in just how young they were, and how many more things they were doing now than I was at their age. So much potential and so many opportunities that I either wasted or never had. I mean, they're ten years younger than me or less, and they're my friends, but I felt like their dad trying to recapture past glories. It was a lot of fun, but also really depressing at the same time.

There are so many things that I want to make and to do, but all of that costs money I don't have. I've got an album's worth of songs ready to be recorded, but I can't pay for time in the studio because I can't find a f**$ing job. I'm running out of art supplies too, and my computer's on its last legs. If those run out, I have no way to get new ones, and my livelihood is dead in the water. That scares the hell out of me. Being this broke, you just can't do things-- you're just stuck inside in your own head 24/7, just hoping for anything to come along and save you.

I'm not too choosy when it comes to women, either. Don't care overmuch what they look like. As far as height goes, I'm pretty tall, so most girls out there are shorter than me, not that I care much. What matters most is their personality and whether or not they have a functioning brain in their head, and that combination is getting harder and harder to come by. It doesn't help when you have crippling social anxiety-- when I finally manage to talk to a live human, it's almost a certainty that they'll be some sort of vapid college girl or brain-dead hippie. At some point, you start wondering if all of the people who might otherwise have been interested in you are all married at this point. Hell knows, most of my friends my own age are married with houses and kids while I'm single and one bad week away from being homeless.

I feel bad airing my dirty laundry on the forums. This site isn't as personal as it used to be, and none of you need me dumping all of my stupid bullshit in one of the "fun" threads. Still, thanks for taking the time to say something.

Freehold DM wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Uh? 3.0 should differ from 2.0 in rate of data transfer... Rate of power transfer too?
I've never had a phone charge that fast before.

Note 3 might just have more powerful charger... *sigh* I don't remember ever having to send charger for Note 3 to customer, so I don't remember which one is using.

I forgot to give that Kingmaker recap. My mind's been blanking a lot today.

Silver Crusade

Morning, all. What did I miss?

I think that I will go see some friends. They will be gathering to form a new party to Tol Calen, a Polish fanatasy RPG used recently by, eh, a touristic bureau I think, during their summer camps with rpg tours for teenagers where one of my friends were GMing.

Dark Archive

Afternoon all. Hope everyone had a good weekend, and that the day is treating ye well. May all yer endeavors run smoothly and ye remain hale and hearty.

Dark Archive

Happy belated birthdays to Rawr! and Cricket. Hope ye both had lovely birthdays, spent with good company, fine food, and much merriment.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
lynora wrote:

Trying to decide if I am recovered enough from awful sickness to go to renn fair today...

The wise decision is probably to stay home, but I've never been known for my wisdom...

Hope you're feeling better and got to go to the renn fair too.

Wisdom's only for Clerics anyhow...

Dark Archive

Drejk wrote:
LOTRO, Risen 2, NWN 2? Choices, choices...

With choices like those, it's hard to choose wrong. I vote Risen 2.

(Risen is very enjoyable, thank you again)

Shadow Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I just love this web comic. Dungeons & Dragons & Philosophers IV: The Interdisciplinary Disaster

Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Here are the first 3 philosopher dnd strips

Dungeons & Dragons & Philosophers

Dungeons & Dragons & Philosophers II: The Analytic Turn

Dungeons & Dragons & Philosophers III: Ladies' Night at the Dragon's Den

Devils! I forgot to buy laundry detergent and am down to my last pair of clean underwear that doesn't have holes in places they're not meant to have holes.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Here is today's educational minute. How to draw a stick figure.

I'm sure this is how WAR got his start.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Good: I was able to do a simultaneous "one-click" application for every open job position at every Home Depot store within 20 miles.

Bad: the "one-click" application was 12 pages long, included a 72-question self-assessment at the end, and took me over an hour to complete.

Gratz and Ouch all at the same time.

Just found out one of my aunts has two concurrent cancers. =/

Dark Archive

Ouch. It must be Monday, everything's depressing.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
LordSynos wrote:
lynora wrote:

Trying to decide if I am recovered enough from awful sickness to go to renn fair today...

The wise decision is probably to stay home, but I've never been known for my wisdom...

Hope you're feeling better and got to go to the renn fair too.

Wisdom's only for Clerics anyhow...

Lol. Yep, went to renn...had a good time, saw Zoltan the Adequate, enjoyed turkey leg and cinnamon almonds (only two food choices there available to me...not an allergy friendly environment), and bought too much art. I can't seem to resist inexpensive, beautiful prints. And then collapsed from exhaustion after we got home. :)

Orthos wrote:
Just found out one of my aunts has two concurrent cancers. =/

Sympathies. :(

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I saw a few of my friends (and fellow gamers). It was nice to see them after so many months.

LordSynos wrote:
Drejk wrote:
LOTRO, Risen 2, NWN 2? Choices, choices...

With choices like those, it's hard to choose wrong. I vote Risen 2.

(Risen is very enjoyable, thank you again)

I am switching between Risen 2 and LOTRO. NWN 2, and both Witchers need to wait, with the later waiting to be downloaded and installed.

Silver Crusade

David M Mallon wrote:

Good: I was able to do a simultaneous "one-click" application for every open job position at every Home Depot store within 20 miles.

Bad: the "one-click" application was 12 pages long, included a 72-question self-assessment at the end, and took me over an hour to complete.

Ah the self assessment test, is this the one where they ask you the same 5 or 6 questions 10 different ways?

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:
Just found out one of my aunts has two concurrent cancers. =/

That sucks, I lost my aunt to emphesyma about 5 years ago. I hope everything turns out for the best

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:
I'm so g%~+&#n tired and lonely right now, I don't even know what to do. Everyone I know is leaving town or getting married and having kids. Meanwhile, here I am, creeping up on 30 and still doing the same s#!@ I was doing 10 years ago, minus having a job. This is so f%@!ed.
34 is creeping up on me this December, but I remember...** spoiler omitted **...
For me reaching 30 wasn't anything special. But I lived so long in a sort of limbo of no-life for quite a long time.

30 ish was a period of soul crushing, heart ripping loss for me, but 17 years in hindsight and more brutal losses later I still have some joy in my life from my amazing daughter and son in law and 3 (soon to be 4) grand kids. The road has been hard and bitter, but we hope to deliver my grandson this week. I have made awful mistakes, but I have also made a real difference in the lives of friends and family and community.

@Dave: It sucks, but I'm glad I made the trip. I'd love to sit and drink and BS someday.

Freehold DM wrote:

By the sun, it never rains, but it pours...

So, new phone is giving me problems today. It was sluggish charging last night and now it refuses to charge. I did some internet research and it turns out there is a design flaw in the galaxy note 3 where the newfangled usb 3.0 charger port is faulty. I took it down to where I got the phone and it turns out that I'm fully covered under the insurance plan I have. They wont' be replacing the charger port, but they will be replacing my phone without a worry or charge. A step up from the situation I was in with the previous phone, no doubt, but I'm concerned that I've had this phone for not even two months yet and there's already an issue. I've been encouraged by the store staff to not use the USB 3.0 charger at all, and to just use a standard 2.0 charger to avoid this problem in the future, but then phone will be replaced again if it is once more a manufacturer's flaw. I guess I'll miss the rapid charging(from single digit to full in about 2.5 hours, maybe less), but I'd rather charge slowly and have a phone then not have one at all. This is a happy ending, but still...hmm..I'm worried.

I feel your pain. I'm switching desktops, and I am still working issues after 2 days.

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