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Dark Archive

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First post from my new laptop. Happy birthday to me! :)

4 people marked this as a favorite.

We can tell...

Dark Archive


Top of page in Fawtl = naked.

Top of page posts are naked posts.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Cr500cricket wrote:
First post from my new laptop. Happy birthday to me! :)

Well, happy birthday, fellow birthdian!

Shadow Lodge

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Rawr! wrote:
Cr500cricket wrote:
First post from my new laptop. Happy birthday to me! :)

Well, happy birthday, fellow birthdian!

happy birthday Taig! I hope you have a great one!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Cr500cricket wrote:
First post from my new laptop. Happy birthday to me! :)


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Rawr! wrote:
Cr500cricket wrote:
First post from my new laptop. Happy birthday to me! :)

Well, happy birthday, fellow birthdian!


hi everyone,

sorry for the silence, times where crazy

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Happy Birthday, Badger !!!!

Sabines Mum and Grandma where both in (different) hospitals this week

Mum made somebig improvements, looks like this time they hav figured out how to balance the medication for her epilepsy and her very high blood pressure
looks like she could manage her daily routines more on her own now, which is a big improvement for Sabine and a lot of life qualitiy for her mum

Grandma does notlook good (again) blood parameters are bad


Kingmaker Saturday. In that grey area between the fourth and fifth books.

Three more bedbugs sighted and eliminated. They were on the ceiling once again, which lead to some more investigating, which revealed the extent of the water damage that is occurring in the house. We have to call maintenance post haste.

Responding to any and all PMs sent. Thank you for the outpouring of support. We're killing them guys. We're killing them.

aeglos wrote:

hi everyone,

sorry for the silence, times where crazy

I'm sorry to hear, Aeglos. I hope everyone comes out alright.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

this weekend is "backing fest" in my village

the Singing Club once a year heats up the old communal baking oven and make yeats cakes(Streußelkuchen, Mattekuchen, Apfelkuchen, Schmandkuchen, Zwetschekouche) and handmade sourdoug bread
there is beer, Apfelwein and sausages as well, of course

I have not been to village fests in many many years but it was quite fun going with the boy,

my dad was proudly parading through the tent with the boy, presenting himto everyone

and I have found out that some old Soccer teammates have children around the same age

we bought a hugesourdough bread, the boy happily gnawed a crust

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Happy Birthday Heavily Modified Machine Of Death and Destruction. And to you Badger ;)

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Grattis på födelsedagen, Badger.

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Orthos wrote:
My party spent thirty minutes arguing about what to do with a defeated Behemoth that they couldn't wish dead. One party member wanted to keep it and try to train it, since she could communicate with animals and magical beasts. One wanted to offer it as a gift to one of the fey queens in exchange for something. And one just wanted to get rid of it, and ended up plane shifting it to The World's Shadow while the others debated.

If it makes you feel any better the FR group I DM for utterly annihilated the high level party of daemon fey assassins I threw at them in Arabel. It was a complete route.

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Freehold DM wrote:
Cr500cricket wrote:
First post from my new laptop. Happy birthday to me! :)


aeglos wrote:
Happy Birthday, Badger !!!!


Freehold DM wrote:
aeglos wrote:

hi everyone,

sorry for the silence, times where crazy

I'm sorry to hear, Aeglos. I hope everyone comes out alright.


David M Mallon wrote:
I'm so g%!~#*n tired and lonely right now, I don't even know what to do. Everyone I know is leaving town or getting married and having kids. Meanwhile, here I am, creeping up on 30 and still doing the same s*&& I was doing 10 years ago, minus having a job. This is so f+*%ed.

Hang in there man. I wish I knew what to tell you.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
aeglos wrote:

Sabines Mum and Grandma where both in (different) hospitals this week

Mum made somebig improvements, looks like this time they hav figured out how to balance the medication for her epilepsy and her very high blood pressure
looks like she could manage her daily routines more on her own now, which is a big improvement for Sabine and a lot of life qualitiy for her mum

Grandma does notlook good (again) blood parameters are bad

I hope Sabine's mom continues to improve, and Sabine's grandma gets better soon.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Kajehase wrote:
Grattis på födelsedagen, Badger.

Tack så mycket.

Bitter Thorn wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:
I'm so g%!~#*n tired and lonely right now, I don't even know what to do. Everyone I know is leaving town or getting married and having kids. Meanwhile, here I am, creeping up on 30 and still doing the same s*&& I was doing 10 years ago, minus having a job. This is so f+*%ed.
Hang in there man. I wish I knew what to tell you.


Got way too drunk last night...

Just watched a cop run a red light and almost cause a three-car accident. What a cool dude.

David M Mallon wrote:
I'm so g$~!&&n tired and lonely right now, I don't even know what to do. Everyone I know is leaving town or getting married and having kids. Meanwhile, here I am, creeping up on 30 and still doing the same s$!$ I was doing 10 years ago, minus having a job. This is so f~%@ed.

Creeping up on 30ties... I remember that. Those were good times. Sometimes.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I walk alone.

Rawr! wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:
I'm so g%!~#*n tired and lonely right now, I don't even know what to do. Everyone I know is leaving town or getting married and having kids. Meanwhile, here I am, creeping up on 30 and still doing the same s*&& I was doing 10 years ago, minus having a job. This is so f+*%ed.
Hang in there man. I wish I knew what to tell you.


Hang in and don't let depression get to you.

David M Mallon wrote:
Got way too drunk last night...

I am glad you are still here. Having said that, you might have needed that binge.

I should be writing something.
Just to write...


Looks on keyboard...

Looks on screen...

Which LOTRO character should I level now?

Will my parents keep calling every. Damn. Day?!

LOTRO, Risen 2, NWN 2? Choices, choices...

Oooh. First Blood is on TV.

Have I mentioned I haven't write anything since the Monday? And even then it was rushed race against the deadline...

Also, I wrote no blog post for August breaking the rather short chain of post-a-month.


I could just post Xenopi two days later preventing that issue.

If I use trinket as a type of ability that creates items, minion as a type of ability that creates servants, what could I use as a type of ability that creates immobile area effect? Zone?

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Dear potential client,

The fact that you're a non-profit organization does not mean that you do not have to pay me to do work for you. I like that you're putting on free concerts for the local alterna-youths, but I can't eat references, and I can't pay my rent with experience. Please come back with money, and then we'll talk.

Very Tired Of Dealing With People Who Do This

You know, it might just be the Dog Bite Lager talking, but that Star Trek: Enterprise theme song is starting to grow on me...

7 people marked this as a favorite.
David M Mallon wrote:
I'm so g%~+&#n tired and lonely right now, I don't even know what to do. Everyone I know is leaving town or getting married and having kids. Meanwhile, here I am, creeping up on 30 and still doing the same s#!@ I was doing 10 years ago, minus having a job. This is so f%@!ed.

34 is creeping up on me this December, but I remember...

that leading up to & turning 30 was like riding a street motorcycle high-speed down a hiking trail and then hitting a Wiley Coyote trompe-l'œil stone wall. I could see through all the illusions of false future promise, of unrealized realities and hopes that I'd never opened the door or failed to even spot the door, and crystal-clarity recalled all my past failings, regrets, and broken promises.

I hope you can sail smoothly and blissfully through it, but I think your brain is far too perceptive to let that happen. :( The best advice I can give is to bury yourself in creative endeavors... if you're not making art, consume and soak in it as much as you can. Nourish your soul. Don't let anything hold you back or put up limiting walls. Anything that presents itself as a restraint or wall should be closely scrutinized and then circumvented/circumnavigated. Only you can accomplish and create what is in your head, your talent, your soul; if you don't do it, it won't ever be done by anyone else.

Try to find pleasure in simple everyday diversions and momentary joys. Buy/make a couple really amazing chocolate-chip cookies (or whatever your poison), and slowly thoroughly lose yourself in all the sensations of eating and enjoying it. Sit on a loungechair on a deck with a purring cat and glass of some rarely-enjoyed delicious beverage and watch the sun rise. Or set. Really examine every least little sensation coming in through all your senses. Brief moments where your brain can just shut off/idle and shut up are blissful treasures. Down time/relaxing is never wasted; it is an essential, crucial recharging of your physical brain and emotional/creative batteries.

When the big 30 arrives, I can't tell you not to engage in alcohol or other mind-altering substances--I have only a few sparse memories of that December through early March, and my liver probably still has nightmares of it--but those poisons at best only stall the inevitable. Worse, the body seems to know it's hit 30, and you will feel awful like a 20-yro can barely imagine.

And by God, if there is something about yourself that has been gnawing it you, haunting you, feeding your self-hatred... let it go if you can. 30 is still young, and you can still grow and change in awesome positive ways but also accept that certain parts of you that you don't like are usually there for a reason. Be honest with yourself, and don't dislike your essential elements because someone/society told you that they were "bad" or "wrong." Don't carry anyone else's baggage or garbage. Don't let people f#$% with your head for malice or lolz or because they're bored or because they're running from what's in their own head. Being true to yourself and honest with yourself is an life-long adventure and a voyage, not a destination.

If you can be creative and create, if you can enjoy the brief bits of happiness between the everyday mundane toil and too-frequent s%$$tiness, if you can accept and love yourself... you will find women. Heck, even if you are only partly down to road to being the more actualized you, you'll find women. And they will find you. Just remind yourself constantly that what you really want/need is often not what you think you want/need. And she/they will be probably be packaged completely differently than what you were expecting. Be open to surprise and trying new things. (And as a tall girl, be sure to give tall girls a chance... most guys can't deal with a girl close to their own height--or worse, taller--and never give them a first chance.)

This is just me leaving a bottle message for younger me, but if you can glean anything useful from this rambling mess, then I've accomplished one tiny sliver of positive for today. I wish you the very best, Dave, because you are a good guy and worth the very best. :)

David M Mallon wrote:

Dear potential client,

The fact that you're a non-profit organization does not mean that you do not have to pay me to do work for you. I like that you're putting on free concerts for the local alterna-youths, but I can't eat references, and I can't pay my rent with experience. Please come back with money, and then we'll talk.

Very Tired Of Dealing With People Who Do This

Related: Mike Monteiro: "F*ck You, Pay Me" (~39 minutes but worth it)

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Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:
I'm so g%~+&#n tired and lonely right now, I don't even know what to do. Everyone I know is leaving town or getting married and having kids. Meanwhile, here I am, creeping up on 30 and still doing the same s#!@ I was doing 10 years ago, minus having a job. This is so f%@!ed.
34 is creeping up on me this December, but I remember...** spoiler omitted **...

I promise I'll read this when I'm not up doing the Dog Bite Shuffle. Thank you. Seriously.


I'm done. No more logical fallacy nonsense tonight.

We know you're not 100% sure on how to identify begging the question and slippery slope. That's why it's a pretest!

Silver Crusade

David M Mallon wrote:
You know, it might just be the Dog Bite Lager talking, but that Star Trek: Enterprise theme song is starting to grow on me...

IMO Voyager is my favorite

Silver Crusade

If say I install a kegerator in my backyard by the bbq and have one in the spare fridge in the garage, Does this mean I have a drinking problem?...Because It has been done

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What is a kegerator?

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