Deep 6 FaWtL

Off-Topic Discussions

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Scarab Sages

I've been called up for jury duty several times, but never get picked. I think they discriminate against me because I'm a victim of violent crime.

The wife has actually sat on two juries. One of them was a murder trial.

Scarab Sages

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Or maybe they rejected me because of a lack of clothing.....

Liberty's Edge Contributor

Orthos wrote:
Icyshadow wrote:
And now I wonder which style of dress should my Cleric of Pharasma go with, this or this one.
I like the black one better.

No one's going to jump on that? Srsly? Is this FAWTL or isn't it?

Blitzed through Skin Game. Awesome book.

Wow, I clearly pushed a couple of buttons with my post on jury duty, which was definitely not my intention. I would like to take this opportunity to apologize to anyone I offended, angered, annoyed, etc... I was not trying to imply that what I did was good or right, in fact, at the time I knew I was being a piece of s@$@, but I had my reasons for not wanting to serve. They weren't good reasons, but I had them and let them dictate my actions. I wish I could say that if I were called upon again that I wouldn't try to get out, but I can't in all honesty say that. One of the reasons I had then, and still have now, is that I don't think I would be a good juror. In fact, if I were on trial (God forbid), I wouldn't want someone like me in the jury box.

So, once again, I am sorry for any ill feelings I brought up in anyone here, and hope that we can continue on in the spirit of, if not friendship, then at least friendliness.

7 people marked this as a favorite.

On a completely different, and happier, note, I got a raise today.

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Yesterday workday was borrrring... Will today be borrring as much?

Oh, and in the middle of the work I learned that we are staying 30 minutes longer Monday-Thursday and we'll be leaving 2 hours earlier on Friday. Not thrilling but acceptable.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Genuine news headline from Sweden (except I've translated it).

Police shot moose in wood shop classroom.

Scarab Sages

Good morning FAWTLY Folk! Happy Tuesday! With any luck, it'll be a pleasant day. Although I do have a sense of foreboding.

Scarab Sages

In happy news. The shelves we ordered off Amazon arrived yesterday! I've already got them assembled and in place. We first saw the unit on the Lowe's website, but Amazon had it for $50 and change cheaper. Picked up one for each side of the TV stand.

Scarab Sages

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Of course, the wife immediately complained that the colors were slightly off from other furniture. I then reminded her that she actually picked the shelves out.

Scarab Sages

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He wife and I have a microwave a don't use. We bought it when we still lived in Philly, but haven't needed it since we moved down to Houston as both the rental and new house each came with one.

So, since one of the two microwaves here at work crapped out, I brought mine in. This way, I get one more thing out of my house, and I reduce the chances of having to wait to heat my lunch up.


Scarab Sages

Plus, I figure good karma can't hurt.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Paris Crenshaw wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Icyshadow wrote:
And now I wonder which style of dress should my Cleric of Pharasma go with, this or this one.
I like the black one better.
No one's going to jump on that? Srsly? Is this FAWTL or isn't it?

That's what she said.

Freehold DM wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:

I'm off to jury duty.

Take care!

I thought that was something you opposed?

Not at all. I think jury duty is a tremendously important civic duty. I drove ~900 miles from Texas to report.

I was shocked that the defense preemptively excluded me late in the process. I expected to be preempted by the procecution even though I didn't advertise my politics.

If I were on trial I'd want 12 of me on the jury.

Scarab Sages

All right, time to go make the world safe for panda lovers everywhere.

Off to shop. They advertised they will have cheap boots this week. We shall see, we shall judge.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
gran rey de los mono wrote:

Wow, I clearly pushed a couple of buttons with my post on jury duty, which was definitely not my intention. I would like to take this opportunity to apologize to anyone I offended, angered, annoyed, etc... I was not trying to imply that what I did was good or right, in fact, at the time I knew I was being a piece of s#@*, but I had my reasons for not wanting to serve. They weren't good reasons, but I had them and let them dictate my actions. I wish I could say that if I were called upon again that I wouldn't try to get out, but I can't in all honesty say that. One of the reasons I had then, and still have now, is that I don't think I would be a good juror. In fact, if I were on trial (God forbid), I wouldn't want someone like me in the jury box.

So, once again, I am sorry for any ill feelings I brought up in anyone here, and hope that we can continue on in the spirit of, if not friendship, then at least friendliness.

no worries. And congratulations on the raise.

Liberty's Edge Contributor

Aberzombie wrote:
Paris Crenshaw wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Icyshadow wrote:
And now I wonder which style of dress should my Cleric of Pharasma go with, this or this one.
I like the black one better.
No one's going to jump on that? Srsly? Is this FAWTL or isn't it?
That's what she said.

Thank you! Normality restored.

Bitter Thorn wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:

I'm off to jury duty.

Take care!

I thought that was something you opposed?

Not at all. I think jury duty is a tremendously important civic duty. I drove ~900 miles from Texas to report.

I was shocked that the defense preemptively excluded me late in the process. I expected to be preempted by the procecution even though I didn't advertise my politics.

If I were on trial I'd want 12 of me on the jury.

you just want to get off of crimes scott free by appealing to the vanity of the jury...

More seriously, im sorry man-i could have sworn you said you didnt care for some aspect of jury duty, some years ago.

Orthos wrote:
Icyshadow wrote:
And now I wonder which style of dress should my Cleric of Pharasma go with, this or this one.
I like the black one better.


gran rey de los mono wrote:

Wow, I clearly pushed a couple of buttons with my post on jury duty, which was definitely not my intention. I would like to take this opportunity to apologize to anyone I offended, angered, annoyed, etc... I was not trying to imply that what I did was good or right, in fact, at the time I knew I was being a piece of s&~%, but I had my reasons for not wanting to serve. They weren't good reasons, but I had them and let them dictate my actions. I wish I could say that if I were called upon again that I wouldn't try to get out, but I can't in all honesty say that. One of the reasons I had then, and still have now, is that I don't think I would be a good juror. In fact, if I were on trial (God forbid), I wouldn't want someone like me in the jury box.

So, once again, I am sorry for any ill feelings I brought up in anyone here, and hope that we can continue on in the spirit of, if not friendship, then at least friendliness.

no worries man, its cool!

Congrats on the raise, grdlm!

Kajehase wrote:

Genuine news headline from Sweden (except I've translated it).

Police shot moose in wood shop classroom.


the poor, poor moose

Silver Crusade

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Kajehase wrote:

Genuine news headline from Sweden (except I've translated it).

Police shot moose in wood shop classroom.

Must..get..image..of..Boris and Natasha out of head.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I have found a rotisserie cafe. It's like Boston Market for people who have taste buds. This may be my new favorite lunch place.

Scarab Sages

Celestial Healer wrote:
I have found a rotisserie cafe. It's like Boston Market for people who have taste buds. This may be my new favorite lunch place.


Scarab Sages

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Aberzombie's Really Grim Fairy Tales

The Princess and Her Sister

Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful princess named Ellie and her younger sister Mona (who also happened to be a princess). Their parents loved them very much, but were tragically taken from them (along with every single relative and a few friends) in a freak accident involving a wagon, three giants, and the village baker.

Princess Ellie then became Queen. But she had a secret.....

She didn't want to be queen. She wanted to be a circus clown.

Queen Ellie confided her secret to her beloved sister. Princess Mona was so disgusted by what she saw as her sister's weakness, she let her own desire for power lead her to frame Ellie for witch craft.

Ellie was burned at the stake.

Mona became queen. She then tried to engage her kingdom in a war of conquest, but she wasn't much a leader. Her armies were crushed, the citizens put to the sword, and all settlements and castles burned.

For good measure, they salted the earth.

The end.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Damn, that really was grim.

Scarab Sages

You can thank Sebastian for the inspiration .

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Scint and I made a thing


Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Considering how many actual years I've gotten off of people's sentences while I was playing lawyer in prison, and one complete reversal, all due to prosecutors suppressing exculpatory evidence, not actually double checking "facts" their "informants" testified to (one guy was in Hawaii when the rat in Ft. Worth, Texas, said he bought an ounce of ice from him, and the guy;s court appointed attorney couldn't be bothered to check), the only thing I'd do on a drug trial jury is hang it. And, considering the number of false prosecutions in my county alone due to a very unprofessional crime lab (called the worst in America at one point) for a whole passel of offenses, I'd say maybe the juries of America should be instructed they can't trust anything the lawyers say and just concentrate on whatever facts the prosecution and defense (usually exculpatory and usually the prosecution) haven't motioned into oblivion.

Jury duty, at least in Harris County, Texas, isn't a civic responsibility, it's validation of stacking the deck against defendants.

Thank the FSM I am legally barred from participating in that farce.

Ok, so this is pretty good.

Scarab Sages

Good morning FAWTLY Folk! Happy Wednesday! Happy Hump Day!! Where's the camel?

Scarab Sages

Not sure what the day will bring, but hopefully something good.

Scarab Sages

Other than that, I'm good. See y'all later.

sleepingly staggers into the thread and bumps into people and some objects

houstonderek wrote:

Considering how many actual years I've gotten off of people's sentences while I was playing lawyer in prison, and one complete reversal, all due to prosecutors suppressing exculpatory evidence, not actually double checking "facts" their "informants" testified to (one guy was in Hawaii when the rat in Ft. Worth, Texas, said he bought an ounce of ice from him, and the guy;s court appointed attorney couldn't be bothered to check), the only thing I'd do on a drug trial jury is hang it. And, considering the number of false prosecutions in my county alone due to a very unprofessional crime lab (called the worst in America at one point) for a whole passel of offenses, I'd say maybe the juries of America should be instructed they can't trust anything the lawyers say and just concentrate on whatever facts the prosecution and defense (usually exculpatory and usually the prosecution) haven't motioned into oblivion.

Jury duty, at least in Harris County, Texas, isn't a civic responsibility, it's validation of stacking the deck against defendants.

Thank the FSM I am legally barred from participating in that farce.


Thanks for sharing your experiences.

After two borrring days at work I am feeling like it should be Friday already :/

Silver Crusade

Morning, all. What did I miss?

Celestial Healer wrote:
I have found a rotisserie cafe. It's like Boston Market for people who have taste buds. This may be my new favorite lunch place.

But my lack of taste buds like Boston Market...

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:
Scint and I made a thing

Cool! Do you want me to put it up on the Mythopoeic Rambling blog?

gran rey de los mono wrote:
Ok, so this is pretty good.

Hee hee.

Rawr! wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Scint and I made a thing
Cool! Do you want me to put it up on the Mythopoeic Rambling blog?

Sure. =) If it's not obvious, it's based off Bob and similar spirits from The Dresden Files series. Though Bob would be a many-HD-advanced version compared to this little one.

Orthos wrote:
Rawr! wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Scint and I made a thing
Cool! Do you want me to put it up on the Mythopoeic Rambling blog?
Sure. =) If it's not obvious, it's based off Bob and similar spirits from The Dresden Files series. Though Bob would be a many-HD-advanced version compared to this little one.

OK. I'll put it up on Friday early morning (I'll probably put another one up Friday late night).

Yeah, Bob would be much more advanced. :)

Rawr! wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Rawr! wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Scint and I made a thing
Cool! Do you want me to put it up on the Mythopoeic Rambling blog?
Sure. =) If it's not obvious, it's based off Bob and similar spirits from The Dresden Files series. Though Bob would be a many-HD-advanced version compared to this little one.

OK. I'll put it up on Friday early morning (I'll probably put another one up Friday late night).

Yeah, Bob would be much more advanced. :)

If you say so. What I know about statting, he could juggle.

Scintillae wrote:
Rawr! wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Rawr! wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Scint and I made a thing
Cool! Do you want me to put it up on the Mythopoeic Rambling blog?
Sure. =) If it's not obvious, it's based off Bob and similar spirits from The Dresden Files series. Though Bob would be a many-HD-advanced version compared to this little one.

OK. I'll put it up on Friday early morning (I'll probably put another one up Friday late night).

Yeah, Bob would be much more advanced. :)

If you say so. What I know about statting, he could juggle.

Hey there! It's been a while.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Today is Ebon's birthday! Yaaaaay =D Happy Birthday =D I promise not to kill you in Kingmaker tonight.


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