Deep 6 FaWtL

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And it seems that there are two RPG shops close to where I will be living. Assuming they haven't vanished since posts mentioning them where posted (2011). Well, at least one of them has active facebook page...

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Ah, so it's my time to be creepy guy stalking female gamers at gameshop?

Holy. S%&+.

HUGE fire at work. Noone hurt. Lots of damage to boss's office. Did not know this was going to happen when I posted earlier.

Unsure if going home early today or what. Yikes. Just think earlier today I was pissed to discover my bike was in worse shape than I thought and I was late to work again. This puts things in perspective.

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Glad everyone's okay.

Freehold DM wrote:

Holy. S!+!.

HUGE fire at work. Noone hurt. Lots of damage to boss's office. Did not know this was going to happen when I posted earlier.

I hope no one was hurt, FHDM

didn't you already had a fire some month ago?

aeglos wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:

Holy. S!+!.

HUGE fire at work. Noone hurt. Lots of damage to boss's office. Did not know this was going to happen when I posted earlier.

I hope no one was hurt, FHDM

didn't you already had a fire some month ago?

that was just under a year ago, but there was no damage as it was in an adjoining building-this is quite different.

Silver Crusade

Wow. I am glad everyone is okay, FHDM.

Yeah me too...what a day.

Holy cow, Freehold. Stay safe. The way things are going today, watch out for drop bears.

Glad you're alright Freehold DM.

I had two job interviews today. I got a call for a second interview. The first I think will fall through if I don't hear from them in a week.

The second, told me to go get drug tested, which mean my application was approved. I'll pass. I'll hear from them Monday and have an orientation date and change/modify my TA license.

Wheeeeeee. Back at work after a month off.

Keeping them fingers crossed.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Oh geez it's Razor Coast day and I haven't prepared!

So, it's like every other RC day...

yeah, I am running 'Murder on the Throaty Mermaid' Saturday afternoon for a PFS event, then I am also one of the GMs for the season 3 special 'Blood Under Absalom' that same evening, also for the event


my prep time has not been plentiful

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Damn I wish I could be at that table. That looks like a fun scenario.

Guess I'll just have to content myself with Feast of Sigils and The Elven Entanglement. That much closer to Seeker!

Going home early today after all. Counting blessings, things could have been a lot worse

TOZ you will have to let me know how you're feeling about Razor Coast

I have it and am currently reading it to see if I can shoehorn pieces of it into my Skull & Shackles home game campaign, especially if my players go completely off the rails

(and since my players are the most awesome group of horrible pirates ever, it is entirely likely they not only go off the rails, but will try to keelhaul the rails and steal any booty the rails have in the process)

The Exchange

Welcome Back LPM and HD.
Glad everyone is ok FHDM

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Lamontius wrote:
TOZ you will have to let me know how you're feeling about Razor Coast

Amazing adventure full of editing errors. For your uses, it's great, you can pull pieces off of it as necessary.

For me running it all together it's pretty hard work keeping it all together and remembering everything that is going on.

Pick up Heart of the Razor for four self-contained adventures perfect for dropping in any campaign.

*hums* Time is going, stress is growing...

Yea, before I forget.

You've been gone 2-&-a-half and a day. Thank you for introducing me to D&D

Miss ya Lee J. Williams, Aug. 1962 - Oct. 2011

Getting teary-eyed after a day of progress and fun. Have a good everybody.

BluePigeon wrote:

Yea, before I forget.

You've been gone 2-&-a-half and a day. Thank you for introducing me to D&D

Miss ya Lee J. Williams, Aug. 1962 - Oct. 2011

Getting teary-eyed after a day of progress and fun. Have a good everybody.


The last (whole) day here. T -33 hours 5 minutes.

Drejk wrote:
The last (whole) day here. T -33 hours 5 minutes.

At least that means you'll be over here for Guy Fawkes day. Hopefully there should be free fireworks shows near you. :D

Online check finished. Boarding pass waiting for printing... Where I put that damn flashdrive to get it to printing?

Also, it seems to be much shorter (one page) than what I printed ages ago for mother (two or three pages I think).

Scarab Sages


My feelings, exactly.

Well around here in the UK has brightened up considerably since the morning, it must be in anticipation of Drejk!

Aberzombie wrote:

My sentiments exactly.

Lots of work to do - my shelf is mostly empty, but I imagine that's a temporary state, and even if it isn't my coworkers have very full shelves I should probably offer to give them a hand with if I have nothing of my own to do.

Later FAWTLfolk. Cya 'round lunchtime.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Drejk wrote:
*hums* Time is going, stress is growing...

...Madness takes its toll...

Silver Crusade

Morning, all. What did I miss?

Silver Crusade

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Drejk, best wishes. I know you are not too enthusiastic about the move, but I hope it is safe and I hope the change is enough to shake things up and get you on the path to where you want to be.

Fire may have been the high point of the week at work.... *sigh*

Celestial Healer wrote:
Drejk, best wishes. I know you are not too enthusiastic about the move, but I hope it is safe and I hope the change is enough to shake things up and get you on the path to where you want to be.

Plus next interview in Poland, you can tell them you English is great as you've spent time over here.

DSXMachina wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Drejk, best wishes. I know you are not too enthusiastic about the move, but I hope it is safe and I hope the change is enough to shake things up and get you on the path to where you want to be.
Plus next interview in Poland, you can tell them you English is great as you've spent time over here.

And then you can write up your experiences and turn it into a spin-off to Londynczycy. What's Polish for "Dumplings?"

Oh Canada...

Way to ruin a classic design.

Celestial Healer wrote:
... and get you on the path to where you want to be.

*makes sad face* Back at home?

Kryzbyn wrote:
Drejk wrote:
*hums* Time is going, stress is growing...
...Madness takes its toll...

Time is going stress is growing Dragon is out of town!

I am waiting for friend to arrive and get the apartment keys so she can check from time to time if everything is ok. Not that she will be able to do much about it.

Gas will be shut down. Electricity will be shut down. Water will be shut down.

*sigh* I should have repair second lock on the doors but I didn't wanted to disassemble it to avoid leaving a hole in the door in case I would not be able to assemble it back without buying whole lock. One lock must suffice.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Just dont post on the internet you'll be away...

oh, wait...


Or maybe I should post that there are no valuables at home because I am taking the laptop with me, no money because I am traveling after work to pay debts and nothing else worth stealing.

Also, I am more than willing to cast terrible mortal curses on anyone who would violate sanctity of my lair.

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It appears you're trying to perform a vile ritual of terrible mortal curses.

Would you like some help with that?

Meh. I don't use M$ Office. Paper clip has no sway over me.

Sovereign Court

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Have a great trip, Drejk. I hope your plan works out well for you!

Welcome back, HD!

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Did I mentioned that multiple times in the past I have dreamed dreams where someone robs me, steals from me, destroys something that belongs to me or invades my apartment and I curse the offender calling upon dark gods, plagues, death and other unsavory things?

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Houston has become the captial city of FAWTL. We take all comers!

Hee-hee. Conan and Hobbes *giggles ...chuckles manfully*

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Houston Chamber of Gamers wrote:
Houston has become the captial city of FAWTL. We take all comers!

Still too hot for me.

Drejk wrote:
Houston Chamber of Gamers wrote:
Houston has become the captial city of FAWTL. We take all comers!
Still too hot for me.

Wimpiest red dragon I ever seen.


Drejk wrote:
Houston Chamber of Gamers wrote:
Houston has become the captial city of FAWTL. We take all comers!
Still too hot for me.

worry not. I plan to transport houston to houston for the holidays. Then you can come visit.

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