Deep 6 FaWtL

Off-Topic Discussions

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Scintillae wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Scint's Monday night Council of Thieves game may be temporarily replaced by a short-term game run by me. Have to talk to her about it when she gets home, but given she's been working on the next bit for a while and isn't sure when she'll be ready, I'm pretty sure she'll be okay with it.
The next chapter's all set, but given how...well...flying by the seat of my pants has served me, I'd not turn down the extra time to play Pokemon and watch LPs prep the rest of the game.

You're gonna watch LPs... isn't it more fun to listen to them? I mean, just watching them spin is kinda dull. Unless it's one of those novelty ones with coloured vinyl maybe, but even those were more fun listening to.

Naked and old...

Watching Gunbuster movie on hulu. It is so freaking different from the OVA its not funny....

Jess Door wrote:
Kajehase wrote:
Also, it came up blank for "々."

々 is a "ditto" mark. so you look at the character before, 人.

人々 = 人人 = person person = people.

ファトルの人々 is f(u)atoru no hitobito = (my sounding out of FAWTL)'s people = FAWTL folk!

and so, a tattoo was born...

Drejk wrote:

Oh, no another gamer felt that inclusion of homosexual NPCs in APs is forcing gay agenda down his Christian Conservative throat and ragequit his submission!

And had to start a thread to tell everyone about that!

How will Paizo recover from this loss?!

Its a conspiracy!

Wolfthulhu wrote:

Well, technically Derek isn't currently in Houston, but I believe he is due back soon. And of course adding LPM and Solnes in a couple weeks.

Widen that search to Texas overall and there are a few more.

I look forward to reconnecting with him.

Sovereign Court

Freehold DM wrote:
Jess Door wrote:
Kajehase wrote:
Also, it came up blank for "々."

々 is a "ditto" mark. so you look at the character before, 人.

人々 = 人人 = person person = people.

ファトルの人々 is f(u)atoru no hitobito = (my sounding out of FAWTL)'s people = FAWTL folk!

and so, a tattoo was born...


Celestial Healer wrote:


I burned myself on something that wasn't even supposed to be hot!

There is this drawer beneath the oven where we store bakeware, and the pan in there was as hot as if I was pulling it out of the oven itself. Usually those things are insulated. Now I know this one is not.

thats the broiler, dood....

Treppa wrote:
I was burned by spaghetti sauce that erupted from the pot last night, leaving an inch-long welt across my wrist. I will be more careful moving pots around on the ceramic cooktop after this. It's hard to tell just how hot the burners are. Curse the lack of gas stoves! Why would anyone want electric?

electric oven? Whaaaaaa?

I just realized where the dual pilot thing in Pacific rim came from.

I really hope gunbuster is in a super robot wars game.

Woke up in the middle of the dream just as everyone started to run through the tunnels/caves.

good morning FaWtL,

yesterday we went to IKEA to look how to fill the still empty wall in the kitchen - one of the things on my "before baby to do list"

is IKEA furniture as omnipresent in the US as it is in Germany ?
I would guess that 50% of the Furniture in 85% of the dwellings of under 50year olds is IKEA

IKEA is only in big cities here. St. Louis does not have an IKEA store and there wasn't one in Chicago when I was there. So I will soon have my first IKEA visit to the store here in Denver and am looking forward to it.

The only Ikea I know of is out in the middle of nowhere in brooklyn. Maybe I should search and see if others have cropped up.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Freehold DM wrote:
flash_cxxi wrote:
Some days I just don't know why I even bother to be alive... :/
I've been there man. Do you want to talk about it?

Nah, there's no point. Nothing I can do about anything...

Thanks for the offer though. :)

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Hugs, flash. Hope things improve.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

^ +1 ^

Couldn't sleep last night. Most likely due to not paying attention to the clock when exercising and getting my heart rate up too late again.

Spent the hours between 3 and 5 AM reading Discworld and managed to get to sleep after that and sleep until noon, so I made up for lost time. Mom says just being so out of shape and unused to exercise is probably a lot to blame, so now I'm kicking myself again to get onto a more regular exercise routine. I'm bad about keeping up with it.

Silver Crusade

Freehold DM wrote:
The only Ikea I know of is out in the middle of nowhere in brooklyn. Maybe I should search and see if others have cropped up.

There's one in Hicksville, but that's even further for you.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I've got the movers shipping my furniture around this afternoon. Here's hoping all goes well.

Scarab Sages

Mrgh. That is all.

Celestial Healer wrote:
Lamontius wrote:

wait isn't that where the broiler pan goes

so that you can, you know
broil stuff in there



Growing up I always had an electric oven, so that was a storage drawer. It turns out on gas ovens like this one, that is actually the broiler.

So... I should really not store anything in there.

Tee-hee, you don't broil stuff over here in the UK. But it was the focus of my favourite obnoxious American tourist moment.

aeglos wrote:

good morning FaWtL,

yesterday we went to IKEA to look how to fill the still empty wall in the kitchen - one of the things on my "before baby to do list"

is IKEA furniture as omnipresent in the US as it is in Germany ?
I would guess that 50% of the Furniture in 85% of the dwellings of under 50year olds is IKEA

In the UK there are a few, most cities have one. But generally you can get whatever antique furniture you want at an auction. Although there is a brilliant Aladdins' cave of interesting items' nearby, I picked up Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay last time I was there.

Orthos wrote:

Couldn't sleep last night. Most likely due to not paying attention to the clock when exercising and getting my heart rate up too late again.

Spent the hours between 3 and 5 AM reading Discworld and managed to get to sleep after that and sleep until noon, so I made up for lost time. Mom says just being so out of shape and unused to exercise is probably a lot to blame, so now I'm kicking myself again to get onto a more regular exercise routine. I'm bad about keeping up with it.

What I read today... Or was it yesterday?

Heh, I'd go with that if I'd spent the time between 12 and 3 sleeping rather than just tossing and turning in bed.

Had a Kingmaker session today.

Will be giving the summary later on.

Silver Crusade

DSXMachina wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Lamontius wrote:

wait isn't that where the broiler pan goes

so that you can, you know
broil stuff in there



Growing up I always had an electric oven, so that was a storage drawer. It turns out on gas ovens like this one, that is actually the broiler.

So... I should really not store anything in there.

Tee-hee, you don't broil stuff over here in the UK. But it was the focus of my favourite obnoxious American tourist moment.


(It makes me think of the dish "London Broil" but that dish is not actually broiled and is probably not from London either.)

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Celestial Healer wrote:
DSXMachina wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Lamontius wrote:

wait isn't that where the broiler pan goes

so that you can, you know
broil stuff in there



Growing up I always had an electric oven, so that was a storage drawer. It turns out on gas ovens like this one, that is actually the broiler.

So... I should really not store anything in there.

Tee-hee, you don't broil stuff over here in the UK. But it was the focus of my favourite obnoxious American tourist moment.


(It makes me think of the dish "London Broil" but that dish is not actually broiled and is probably not from London either.)

Well*, me & trio of friends (2 UK males & 2 US females) were up in Scotland at the Isle of Skye. We had visited a couple of pubs & found the marvellous Red Cullen Beer & Black Cullen Stout - on our way back to the hotel we stopped at the Cullen Brewery. Getting a selection of beers, we each took a sip and made a face.... there was a strange taste..... pea's!

After this strange brew we realised Red Cullen was brewed by Isle of Skye Brewery & Cullen Brewery brewed pea flavoured beer.

Anyway we headed back across the moors to the mainland and stopped at a basic cafe. We ordered some basic burgers, from the young man - not even out of his teens behind the counter. Enter a US family, the wife had the most monotone, droning, annoying voice, the husband was pale, draw and hen-pecked and they had a couple of kids in tow. The Wife then started to be the most obnoxious tourist possible (outside of Brits abroad). "Honey, you want this fish." "No dear, I'd like..." "Your having the fish!"

So after she had decided what everyone wanted she goes to the counter. Now she ordered the Fish 'n' Chips, which is of course a basic cod/haddock in batter and fried, as are the fries. But no, "What sort of fish is it? I want it broiled" "Boiled?" "Broiled, broil my fish!" "Boiled?" "Broiled!"
The poor young lad had no idea what she was talking about, between the strong accent and the fact that we don't broil or order things that aren't on the menu. He was totally bemused, whilst my US friends were hiding their faces at their fellow countrymen's brash attitude.

*Disclaimer: this isn't a particularly amazing story, hence the padding.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

So my husband has informed me that now with the recent DOMA ruling (no political opinion on the ruling posted), he can now look for jobs in the US as it would allow me to accompany him now, I would be issued a spousal visa, which means he will now look at research jobs in the US. So who knows I may end up moving south.

Scarab Sages

3 people marked this as a favorite.
The Minis Maniac wrote:
So my husband has informed me that now with the recent DOMA ruling (no political opinion on the ruling posted), he can now look for jobs in the US as it would allow me to accompany him now, I would be issued a spousal visa, which means he will now look at research jobs in the US. So who knows I may end up moving south.

If you move anywhere other than Texas, we will find you and drag you here.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Aberzombie wrote:
The Minis Maniac wrote:
So my husband has informed me that now with the recent DOMA ruling (no political opinion on the ruling posted), he can now look for jobs in the US as it would allow me to accompany him now, I would be issued a spousal visa, which means he will now look at research jobs in the US. So who knows I may end up moving south.
If you move anywhere other than Texas, we will find you and drag you here.

Well my husband is a seabird researcher and you guys are on the gulf of Mexico, researchers jobs could definitely crop up especially after the BP disaster in the gulf affecting wildlife. So you never know.


How is going the adding Poland to the list of countries that require no visa to travel to USA?

We're getting right on it!

The Exchange

Hm. No facebook for a day. Guess I'll re-familiarize myself with the forums here... this may be a bad idea. :-P

Wolfthulhu wrote:
Hm. No facebook for a day. Guess I'll re-familiarize myself with the forums here... this may be a bad idea. :-P

Hey hope it wasn't my FAWTL post......

The Exchange

The Minis Maniac wrote:
Wolfthulhu wrote:
Hm. No facebook for a day. Guess I'll re-familiarize myself with the forums here... this may be a bad idea. :-P
Hey hope it wasn't my FAWTL post......

No way, dude. The reasons are/touch heavily on political issues, so I won't post them here, but I'm basically participating in a protest.

ok cool

The Exchange

In the meantime, guess I'll snooze. Too tired for Borderlands and seems slow here. So, tomorrow!!!

good morNing everyone,

cold and rainy today

soon we go to my mum for brunch

we thought about going harvest wild blackberries today (foR making jam) but maybe everything will be to wet out there

That's what wellies are for.

It's trying to rain in Las Vegas. I wish it would.

Hey, I went to college once! But all they found were rats in my head!


The Exchange

aeglos wrote:

good morNing everyone,

cold and rainy today

soon we go to my mum for brunch

we thought about going harvest wild blackberries today (foR making jam) but maybe everything will be to wet out there

Wish it would rain here. It keeps threatening, and then... nothing.

Just stepped out to see Mom watching Hunger Games. Watched it for about two minutes then had to leave - the shaky cam was giving me a headache.

Kajehase wrote:
Scintillae wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Scint's Monday night Council of Thieves game may be temporarily replaced by a short-term game run by me. Have to talk to her about it when she gets home, but given she's been working on the next bit for a while and isn't sure when she'll be ready, I'm pretty sure she'll be okay with it.
The next chapter's all set, but given how...well...flying by the seat of my pants has served me, I'd not turn down the extra time to play Pokemon and watch LPs prep the rest of the game.
You're gonna watch LPs... isn't it more fun to listen to them? I mean, just watching them spin is kinda dull. Unless it's one of those novelty ones with coloured vinyl maybe, but even those were more fun listening to.

LP in this context = Let's Play. Watching someone play through a video game on YouTube, usually with running commentary.

And the finalized list of the Monday Night Modules run:

Devil of Darkwood
The Fall of Fairhaven
Hungry Are the Dead
Dawn of the Scarlet Sun
The Baleful Coven
Under Frozen Stars
Crucible of Chaos
Doom Comes to Dustpawn

If we manage to make it to level 9/10 and finish Doom Comes to Dustpawn before January, I've got a handful of potential candidates for the next section of the plot, but more than likely we won't finish all of these completely.

Orthos wrote:
Kajehase wrote:
Scintillae wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Scint's Monday night Council of Thieves game may be temporarily replaced by a short-term game run by me. Have to talk to her about it when she gets home, but given she's been working on the next bit for a while and isn't sure when she'll be ready, I'm pretty sure she'll be okay with it.
The next chapter's all set, but given how...well...flying by the seat of my pants has served me, I'd not turn down the extra time to play Pokemon and watch LPs prep the rest of the game.
You're gonna watch LPs... isn't it more fun to listen to them? I mean, just watching them spin is kinda dull. Unless it's one of those novelty ones with coloured vinyl maybe, but even those were more fun listening to.
LP in this context = Let's Play. Watching someone play through a video game on YouTube.

Alot cheaper than buying the games yourself. And can be more fun :P

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