Deep 6 FaWtL

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Orthos wrote:
gran rey de los mono wrote:
Orthos wrote:
Chrysanthe Spiros wrote:
My magic is far superior to yours, that I can assure you.
I'll believe that when you can petrify a Will-o-Wisp ;)
While I haven't done that, I have blinded a beholder. Several times actually. The same one. He was something of a recurring villain and the GM kept tanking its saves.
That tends to be what happens to me. Every time the crit deck comes up with "nasty effect (save negates)" I bomb it. Rolled a 1 on the Petrify card.

We didn't have the crit cards at that time. I just kept casting Blindness and the GM would roll like ass on the save.

Nekkid Blindness?

Cheapy wrote:
Hey people!



Silver Crusade

Morning, all. What did I miss?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Jesszilla wrote:
Cheapy wrote:
Hey people!

You are what you eat.

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1 person marked this as a favorite.
Patrick Curtin wrote:

Thank the Lord for small favors!

(Even if it is just another weekend of work for me. That's why it's a small favor.)

But it IS a weekend! :D

hi veryone,

no gameing tonight :-(

aeglos wrote:

hi veryone,

no gameing tonight :-(

That makes sad wizard sad.


2 people marked this as a favorite.
gran rey de los mono wrote:
While I haven't done that, I have [redacted] a beholder. Several times actually. The same one.

Grab an eyestalk and ride 'em cowboy!

So, one of my 9-6pm mailroom employees shows me a class schedule for next semester that requires her to leave at 4:30 M-Th. No other choices apparently. In response to me pointing out the obvious, her response was to ask me to ask (or force) one of the 7-4pm employees to trade shifts with her. /facepalm

I hate the holidays in the world of retail.

Emperor7 wrote:
So, one of my 9-6pm mailroom employees shows me a class schedule for next semester that requires her to leave at 4:30 M-Th. No other choices apparently. In response to me pointing out the obvious, her response was to ask me to ask (or force) one of the 7-4pm employees to trade shifts with her. /facepalm

I don't get it. What is is the obvious choice here? If she has an opportunity to do 7-4 what's wrong with asking?

I think that she asked him to ask for her rather than asking herself?

Maybe she is shy?

I'm off to start my (working) weekend.

Happy Weekend FaWtL-ies!

Freehold DM wrote:
Emperor7 wrote:
So, one of my 9-6pm mailroom employees shows me a class schedule for next semester that requires her to leave at 4:30 M-Th. No other choices apparently. In response to me pointing out the obvious, her response was to ask me to ask (or force) one of the 7-4pm employees to trade shifts with her. /facepalm
I don't get it. What is is the obvious choice here? If she has an opportunity to do 7-4 what's wrong with asking?

2 9-6 peeps, 2 7-4. All attend classes. It's no small thing to assume that someone can rearrange their life easily.

I asked for the deadline to register and she told me she already signed up for the classes. And presumptive. /facepalm

Plus, the one person that might be able to switch schedules is the one that manages and sets up our conference rooms on a regular basis, in addition to mailroom duties. She knows this. With recurring health issues she can't do that job.

I am going to inquire, in the hopes that there might be a win-win, but this struck me wrong. If she hadn't already registered I'd feel differently.

Drejk wrote:
Maybe she is shy?

Nah. Just self-centered.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Scintillae wrote:
I hate the holidays in the world of retail.

I'm pretty sure I could delete the last five words of that sentence. :P

Holidays generally involve family and I find I appreciate my family best from a distance. ;)

Though I am trying to come up with a plan to make the holidays not awful this year. It might work this time, you never know.

This was not a productive day for homework. For other things, just not homework. Sadly the due dates don't change based on my needing a sanity break.

But at least it is a beautiful day outside. Warm (fifty-five degrees) and sunny. And I actually made it outside to enjoy some of it. :)

I don't mind my IMMEDIATE family - my parents, my sister, and my brother, his wife, and my niece. I still end up spending most of my days alone in my room because I'm a loner, but I don't mind them being around. I miss my brother and sister-in-law being in the same state as me though.

But being several states away from both sets of grandparents and the massive mess of cousins and aunts/uncles is a bit of a mixed blessing. Sometimes I miss them. Most of the time I'm glad for the distance.

I also don't mind the big family who usually invite us over for Thanksgiving dinner. I am very okay with them. =)

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Being the black sheep of the family can make family gatherings very uncomfortable. At least it does for me. Although I think someone needs to sit them down and explain that if I'm the worst thing in our family, they're doing pretty damn good. :)

We are kind of the Black Sheep Family in our full collective. Both parents have had a falling out with one of their siblings, with the parents and other sibling(s) taking the other side, resulting in further disagreements, arguments, and noncommunication until demands are met that our family has no intent to knuckle under to.

I'll not go into details, but that's the basics of the situation. It's probably the main reason we don't visit Texas nearly as often as we used to.

Is it just me, or does Lynora look a bit different today?

This sounds weird.

Emperor7 wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Emperor7 wrote:
So, one of my 9-6pm mailroom employees shows me a class schedule for next semester that requires her to leave at 4:30 M-Th. No other choices apparently. In response to me pointing out the obvious, her response was to ask me to ask (or force) one of the 7-4pm employees to trade shifts with her. /facepalm
I don't get it. What is is the obvious choice here? If she has an opportunity to do 7-4 what's wrong with asking?

2 9-6 peeps, 2 7-4. All attend classes. It's no small thing to assume that someone can rearrange their life easily.

I asked for the deadline to register and she told me she already signed up for the classes. And presumptive. /facepalm

Plus, the one person that might be able to switch schedules is the one that manages and sets up our conference rooms on a regular basis, in addition to mailroom duties. She knows this. With recurring health issues she can't do that job.

I am going to inquire, in the hopes that there might be a win-win, but this struck me wrong. If she hadn't already registered I'd feel differently.

Kajehase wrote:
Is it just me, or does Lynora look a bit different today?


It was time for a change. I was trying to wait until there were new avatars to choose from, but I decided to just pick one for now.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Time for bed for me, but first: 25 places that's more or less hard to believe are real.

Or in short: Wow! :O

Will have to look at those when I get home.

Gotta love the varying degrees of exactitude on where the pictures are taken. One is Mare Island Naval Shipyard - Vallejo, California, the next one: Namibia.

Kajehase wrote:

Time for bed for me, but first: 25 places that's more or less hard to believe are real.

Or in short: Wow! :O

Wow, indeed! Those are amazing pictures.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Kajehase wrote:
Is it just me, or does Lynora look a bit different today?

She looks tyg titter tit - like.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Kajehase wrote:
Is it just me, or does Lynora look a bit different today?
She looks tyg titter tit - like.

Hee. That name makes me laugh. This is part of what made me choose this avatar. :)

Freehold DM wrote:
This sounds weird.
Emperor7 wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Emperor7 wrote:
So, one of my 9-6pm mailroom employees shows me a class schedule for next semester that requires her to leave at 4:30 M-Th. No other choices apparently. In response to me pointing out the obvious, her response was to ask me to ask (or force) one of the 7-4pm employees to trade shifts with her. /facepalm
I don't get it. What is is the obvious choice here? If she has an opportunity to do 7-4 what's wrong with asking?

2 9-6 peeps, 2 7-4. All attend classes. It's no small thing to assume that someone can rearrange their life easily.

I asked for the deadline to register and she told me she already signed up for the classes. And presumptive. /facepalm

Plus, the one person that might be able to switch schedules is the one that manages and sets up our conference rooms on a regular basis, in addition to mailroom duties. She knows this. With recurring health issues she can't do that job.

I am going to inquire, in the hopes that there might be a win-win, but this struck me wrong. If she hadn't already registered I'd feel differently.

Weird is right. Pretty usual.

lynora wrote:
Scintillae wrote:
I hate the holidays in the world of retail.

I'm pretty sure I could delete the last five words of that sentence. :P

Holidays generally involve family and I find I appreciate my family best from a distance. ;)

Though I am trying to come up with a plan to make the holidays not awful this year. It might work this time, you never know.

Hey, I'd like 'em just fine if I didn't have to work on Thanksgiving! And Christmas Eve.

Sovereign Court

Hey! red Dawn's finally coming out!

Yay for Windows 8. It managed to crash itself while being installed.

After it crashed while system restore function was used.

Because it broke PS/2 keyboard drivers and refused to reinstall them, either automatically or manually.

Third time.

Ashiel and Ciretose are again arguing. This time in "do the rules serve setting or setting serves the rules" thread... I'd flag them both but it would take half an hour to flag all their posts and those who take sides in that argument.

Will I get cut off internet this weekend or not? 5 minutes to midnight.

I am still here. And the automated system can still cut me tomorrow morning. Or on sunday. Or on monday before payment reaches the provider's acoount...

Good luck, Drejk. Hopefully your internet stays on.

And now it's time for me to make dinner. I haven't been doing a lot of cooking lately, so I'm making my son's favorite for dinner. Chicken strips and fries. But it's all oven baked instead of fried. Except now that I think about it, I'm not sure I have any corn flakes for the breading. Hmm. May have to get creative.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:
Ashiel and Ciretose are again arguing. This time in "do the rules serve setting or setting serves the rules" thread... I'd flag them both but it would take half an hour to flag all their posts and those who take sides in that argument.

Ciretose usually runs out of things to say and just comes up with some asinine accusations to throw Ashiel off the rails. If anyone should be flagged, it's him for not getting that Ashiel is not going to agree with him, and it's rather likely that judging from all the faves Ashiel has gotten, they never will.

EDITED on request.

RPG Superstar 2012

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I hate to be the thread's "dad" (especially considering I was tempted to post something too), but please leave discussion about other posters out of this thread. :)

Believe me, it became a nightmare for a day or two when someone took it as an invitation.

Got it >_>

Hey Taig, you're a pretty frequent submitter of stuff... have any tips for a prospective first-time content writer?

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2012

Cool. Good luck, Orthos!

Let's see...advice...I apologize if I'm telling you stuff you already know. :)

If you're submitting something "cold," my suggestion would be to make sure you know your audience and that what you're submitting fits in with their products. Also, make sure you have someone you trust edit your work before you submit it. Your ability to follow the game's rules and write coherently make your first impression. A cool idea will not get you very far if an editor or developer has to spend a bunch of time rewriting your work.

If you have a deadline, make absolutely sure you turn it in on time. If you know you can't make the deadline, make sure you tell your editor as soon as you know you can't make the deadline.

I'm not sure if that helps any, but generally speaking it's pretty basic stuff.

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