Deep 6 FaWtL

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Liberty's Edge

Ashe Ravenheart wrote:
The Minis Maniac wrote:
What a day!! Donna Summer died today at 63 :( And Wes Schneider got promoted to Editor and Chief of Paizo!!

Yay and Boo!

Wait, flip that.

Nekkid flippin' :D

Sorry to hear about the losses folks.


The Minis Maniac wrote:
What a day!! Donna Summer died today at 63 :( And Wes Schneider got promoted to Editor and Chief of Paizo!!

Talk about correlation w/o causation.

Or is there a conspiracy?

Dark Archive

He had to get her out of the way?

I'm so ashamed of this post I had to use an alias. Apologies to Donna Summers fans...

I lost a old classmate over the weekend.

Positive waves everyone positive waves

Posts here are still really slow.

Scarab Sages

BluePigeon wrote:

I lost a old classmate over the weekend.

Positive waves everyone positive waves

Indeed. Postive waves.

Sorry to hear...I need to make sure everyone is still with me...

Kingmaker confirmed starting next week.

Party confirmed: Human Spellscar Oracle, Human Magus, Druid (race undecided), all hiding behind a (statistically nerfed but still pretty brutal) Centaur Barbarian.

Mom went to France.
Watching her Benji dogs and my black lab/?????/something with a black tounge mix.
This house has gon to the dogz!!!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

My dog came back from the vet happy today.

Orthos wrote:

Kingmaker confirmed starting next week.

Party confirmed: Human Spellscar Oracle, Human Magus, Druid (race undecided), all hiding behind a (statistically nerfed but still pretty brutal) Centaur Barbarian.

DOOD! I played a centaur barbarian in a long running Ptolus game! He was nerfed statistically too!!!!

Wow this is a slow FAWTL day. At least tomorrow will be better MINIS PREVIEW!!!!!

I should do some baconing.


Liberty's Edge

All my friends are getting married and having kids. And where the f%$~ am I? Stinking drunk in my student rent apartment.g

Kajehase wrote:
Sorry to hear, Zombie.

+1, AZ

Aberzombie wrote:
BluePigeon wrote:

I lost a old classmate over the weekend.

Positive waves everyone positive waves

Indeed. Postive waves.

+1, sorry to hear it BP

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
All my friends are getting married and having kids. And where the f#%+ am I? Stinking drunk in my student rent apartment.g

give it time Shiny, you are still young

edit: and many positiv waves to you

yesterday we where at the local cinema (openend 1924, by the Familie Schneevogel, today managed by the 5th generation)

they had a Tarantino night:
Pulp Fiction
1,5h concerct by a really good Rockabilly Band
reservoir Dogs

all to he price you pay for a 3d movie at a modern multiplex cinema but without commercials and with coke and beer in glass bottles not those f*%+ing 1litre papercups, who drinks 1litre during a movie?

and the owner anounced that last week the 6th generation of schneevogels was born, hurray for Fred Schneevogel, future owner of the Park-Lichtspiele

Scarab Sages

Good morning FAWTLY Folk! Happy Friday! I hope everyone has a good day.

Scarab Sages

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
All my friends are getting married and having kids. And where the f&## am I? Stinking drunk in my student rent apartment.g

Take heart Shiny. Things will get better. Sometimes it takes awhile to find your place in the world. I didn't get married until I was 35, and didn't become a father until I was 38.

Scarab Sages

Scarab Sages

Jesszilla wrote:


Scarab Sages

Coffee and animal crackers - what an interesting breakfast combo.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The wife had enough time built up from last week that she didn't have to come into work today. So I was able to get up at 0500, and get out the door by 0530. At work by 0600 and I'm outta here at 1100.


Scarab Sages

Mmmmm....more coffee.

Scarab Sages

7 people marked this as a favorite.

It's interesting. Here at work, sometimes you good folk come up in conversations. You know, stuff like "well this dude I know from the messageboards I frequent...".

And people will aske me "How can you think of people you've never met as friends?"

My usual response is a shrug of my shoulders. The way I see it, I'm not really sure I can explain it. It just is. I like you folk, and think of you as friends.

Scarab Sages

Even Sebastian.

Scarab Sages

Time to pull a Spanky!

Scarab Sages


Scarab Sages

Aberzombie wrote:


Scarab Sages

Aberzombie wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:


Scarab Sages

Aberzombie wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:


Scarab Sages

Aberzombie wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:


Scarab Sages

All right, that's enough. Ending the miniblitz now. Gonna go do stuff.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Aberzombie wrote:
Time to pull a Spanky!


Aberzombie wrote:

It's interesting. Here at work, sometimes you good folk come up in conversations. You know, stuff like "well this dude I know from the messageboards I frequent...".

And people will aske me "How can you think of people you've never met as friends?"

My usual response is a shrug of my shoulders. The way I see it, I'm not really sure I can explain it. It just is. I like you folk, and think of you as friends.

I have this conversation with my parents all the time. It eventually has to end with "I understand you think this way but I simply cannot agree."

Freehold DM wrote:
Orthos wrote:

Kingmaker confirmed starting next week.

Party confirmed: Human Spellscar Oracle, Human Magus, Druid (race undecided), all hiding behind a (statistically nerfed but still pretty brutal) Centaur Barbarian.

DOOD! I played a centaur barbarian in a long running Ptolus game! He was nerfed statistically too!!!!

Hahah. Well you kind of have to, they're pretty busted powerful if you just pull them straight out of the book. I couldn't find PC stats for them in Pathfinder so I ended up butchering some of their 3.5 stuff instead. Cut his STR and DEX bonuses in half, removed his CON bonus and Nat Armor, and removed his racial HD (because let's be frank, racial HD are a pain). He still ended up with some pretty awesome stats, but he's gonna be puny compared to a pure centaur NPC, at least until he gets some levels under his hooves.

We're just considering him the tribe Runt. Which explains why he's out running around with a bunch of two-legs. ;)

Also the Magus is a Half-Elf, my mistake >_>

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Shiny wrote:
All my friends are getting married and having kids. And where the f*#$ am I? Stinking drunk in my student rent apartment.

I remember thinking something similar 20-25 years ago.

Now, some of those people are divorced (most twice), on their second or third career, in jail, dead from drunk driving, and typically found drunk every night after work.
(Others are happy and loving life.)
I've been happily married for 17 years, own my own home, still enjoy my favorite hobbies, and look forward to going to work (maybe not every day, but most days).

Life isn't a competition to reach "happy" or some other goal first.
It's usually better to get something that lasts than something quick.

"Ask not the wise man how to live- he cannot tell you.
Ask not the fool how to live- he does not know.
Ask not how to live- instead proceed to do so."
I'm not admitting where that quote comes from.

Orthos wrote:
We're just considering him the tribe Runt.


Cornielius wrote:
Orthos wrote:
We're just considering him the tribe Runt.


The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
All my friends are getting married and having kids. And where the f%@$ am I? Stinking drunk in my student rent apartment.g

Marriage and kids aren't for everyone. Speaking for myself, I've no interest in either (or romance or sex in general, for that matter). And the worst thing you can do in either case is tying yourself to a spouse and bringing kids into the world when you want neither - it never ends well.

If it's not that, then maybe like Cornelius said it's just not the right time, and you'll (hopefully) meet the right person somewhere along the way.

Don't rush into it for the sake of "it's what you're supposed to do", do it because it's what you want to do and who you want to spend that time with.

Infernal Healer wrote:

He had to get her out of the way?

** spoiler omitted **

Shame on you, Infernal!

I'm still reeling my Beastie Boys lost a boy ... now comes Lady Miss Summer ... wow.

-- Happytime (up in the hiz-house peeps)

Orthos wrote:
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
All my friends are getting married and having kids. And where the f%@$ am I? Stinking drunk in my student rent apartment.g

Marriage and kids aren't for everyone. Speaking for myself, I've no interest in either (or romance or sex in general, for that matter). And the worst thing you can do in either case is tying yourself to a spouse and bringing kids into the world when you want neither - it never ends well.

If it's not that, then maybe like Cornelius said it's just not the right time, and you'll (hopefully) meet the right person somewhere along the way.

Don't rush into it for the sake of "it's what you're supposed to do", do it because it's what you want to do and who you want to spend that time with.


Rushing into a life choice as momentous as marriage at a young age may not be the best choice.

(And even those of us who wait sometimes get it wrong. I wish my 25 y/o self had been clued into this. Would have saved me and my ex a great deal of pain.)

Cornielius wrote:
Orthos wrote:
We're just considering him the tribe Runt.

I saw that, my brain flashed "Brodeo."

Bad, bad ponies.

-- Happytime

Silver Crusade

Morning, all. What did I miss?

Happytime wrote:
Cornielius wrote:
Orthos wrote:
We're just considering him the tribe Runt.

I saw that, my brain flashed "Brodeo."

Bad, bad ponies.

-- Happytime

And your post made my brain flash "Bordello"

Good, good Happytime.

Scarab Sages

Celestial Healer wrote:
Morning, all. What did I miss?

Well, Jeremy made plans to buy some stock in Facebook in order to fund his long awaited dream of building to-scale models of every map from Rise of the Rune Lords for some live action role playing. Meanwhile, Scott, Patrick, and Heath continued their odyessy across America, never realizing they were being pursued by a cadre of their worst enemies. And, across town, Max tried to convince Jess that some creative accounting would help.....No, wait! That's my soap opera.

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