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The Invenusable Flytrap wrote: You know what he's going to say and do to THAT particular scenario.
Todd: "Oh ho, no! No more devil's gifts, not today not ever!"
And to illustrate his point, he'll use a mop and bucket like a lance and shield (and the bucket WILL be full of dirty water, as he'll have just cleaned the floor).
Sorry, but no water, it disagrees with the infernal, unholy avenger mop. I use all-natural molten lava sourced from sustainable abbysal springs.
But other than that, yeah. That about sums it up.
So when he says he uses lava soap he means....
You should see his lava lamps!
You're just jealous 'cause he has proper fur and you don't.
He got a mite close to Todd's lamps. Poor fella.
You know what we need? We need to release a charity single to raise funds to re-piliate Cluny. Cher can be on it, and James Hetfield, and the Vengaboys, and the Singing Nun.
The Game Hamster wrote: Pulg wrote: The Game Hamster wrote: Know the difference between a banjo and a bagpipe? Bagpipes can be played well. Yeah, but you'd look pretty stupid going to Alabama with some bagpipes on your knee.
At some point, I am going to create a quartet consisting of banjo, piano-accordian, bagpipe and oboe, which will set the world on FIRE.
Before the world sets us on FIRE.
And that, freinds, will be my moment of climactic triumph. Pulg - banjo
Weird "Al" Yankovic - accordion
Scottish dragoon - bagpipe.
Duck - oboe Why not use our previously constructed band/quartet?
Good plan!
We'll still need Cher as well, of course.
That figured out, where will we host it? Golarian? Terra?
And which country?
Don't care, just stay away from Venus Island, the flora will kill you the moment anyone but me goes there. And, now that I think about it, GoatToucher Island is also out of the question - only this time it's the fauna that'll get you. It's a miracle I and all my aliases survived THAT particular experience.
The Game Hamster wrote: Naturally.
That figured out, where will we host it? Golarian? Terra?
And which country?
Traditionally, it's whoever last won the InnerSeaVision Song Contest, so Nidal this year, I think.
Ah... Nidal. Excellent choice.
Maybe we could hire an umbral dragon or two to provide some theatrics. Then we could at least double the fee for entrance.
Sure, but we'd have to squeeze it into a pair of glittery hotpants and bleach its hair, or it won't look the part.
Maybe Todd'll do it if we give him a six-pack of Colt 45. How about it, Todd?
Are you a moron?
Answered my own question didn't I?
*returns to mopping.*
I bet Guy would do it, if you paid him enough.
Todd, The Infernal Janitor wrote: Are you a moron?
Answered my own question didn't I?
*returns to mopping.*
Yes, I am.
So, in other words, yes, you will.
Put down that mop and hotpant the dragon already.
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*hovers, and prepares to record what is shaping up to be either a surprisingly good concert or a hilarious disaster. Good showing either way.*
Its mostly just me finally accepting my enabling nature.
That's a nice Win you got there, Game Hamster. Be a shame if you were to lose it somehow...OH WAIT!
That was a bowl of bouillabaisse, IHIYC. You've done it again, I'm afraid.
I'm just going to set up a base of operations in this small patch of land that looks like a tropical section of a very large garden that, according to a sign I saw, belongs to a Grandpa Wonderbra (who ever that is).
Exactly. Now, about those hotpants... who wants to put them on the dragon? I'm pretty sure Todd isn't an option, judging from Pulg's current lack of a head.
I want to wear pants. I need a way to be different from all those nekkid Kileanna's aliases...
Excellent! We have a dragon volunteering?
how well do you dance?
Haven't you heard of A Dance with Dragons? All dragons have an innate talent for dancing.
I am also the creator of the Theatre of the Absurd, a fine place for all performing arts.
Of course I can dance!
That's great to hear! Because every Halloween, in the Haunted Forest section of the Dark Dimension, my friend Doomstone holds the greatest party ever! It's hard to get people to come though, but with your superb dancing skills Mohrlex, that can change! Right now, the only lineup (despite the Dark Dimension being home to every monster spirit, mine included) of consists of the following seven:
1. Doomstone
2. Rhinoblaster
3. Primator
4. Snizzard
5. Pumpkin Rapper
6. Robogoat
7. The Invenusable Flytrap (me!)
What about Wally the Ferocious?
What happened to Damp Gwynneth? When did she leave?
Wally got blacklisted by TFF for eating all the food (and won't be allowed to attend until he apologizes and provides refreshments from now on) and Damp Gwynneth won't come if Witchblade and/or Dischordia will be there (as she doesn't like them) and besides, she is pro Power Rangers.
What about the dancing skeletons from Monster Party? Or the shapeshifting fried food?
Because, you know, you are in fact having a monster party.
Neither of those guys like "The Monster Mash" song which is a must have at this particular shindig.
No, I think it's Muenster Bash - we all get to be cheese snobs!
*breaks out the brandy and crackers*
I do love a good cheese plate...
So what curds do we have today?
I'd say we may have a gouda edam time, if we just stick to some soft, buttery cheeses.
I always knew mice where big on cheese. now I know its also hamsters.
The Game Hamster wrote:
Haven't had any in a while - not usually much call for it, I'm afraid.
The Game Hamster wrote:
I'd ordered some, but apparently the van broke down.
The Game Hamster wrote:
Somebody stole it.
you livin that chester cheeto life IHIYC
Blue cheese? I could have some blue cheese.
Or a smelly rancid manchego cheese. Yummy!
I've never seen rancid and yummy in the same sentence before.
Oh, some cheese is better when it is really really cured. Really old sheep manchego cheese gets a strong rancid taste and it's delicious, believe it or not.
See i'm pretty sure the definition of rancid has old smelly and unpleasant tasting in it.
It's old and smelly... whether it is pleasant or unpleasant is up to you, because the flavor is very strong. To me, a good old cheese is a delicatessen, the older the better. But you have to like strong flavors. And probably to add some bread to avoid the cheese flavor to be too overwhelming.
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Ah, Kileanna, please do tell me you will be attending the party. Because, as I had said previously, Damp Gwynneth won't come if Witchblade and/or Dischordia will be there but she may change her mind if you (her beloved sister) is there, as she will be able to spend the night partying with you.
Just remember everyone, cheese is essentially old milk/butter (but not exactly either of those two, of course), so it's supposed to have a strong "rancid" smell to it as well as being delicious. My personal favourite is red Leicester.
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I will be there of course!!! I was unaware I had a(nother) sister!